My Ship of the week ending 3/2/19 on TV goes to…

Archie and Josie on Riverdale, better known as Archosie!  Archie has been in such a dark place lately and Josie has been such a positive influence on him.  As a friend, she was always there to support him, but they share so many passions, including music, which has now brought them together.  Archie doesn’t always make the right call, but Josie has been acting as his moral compass, guiding him toward self-worth.

While I still love the connection between Archie and Veronica, I can’t help shipping Archie and Josie right now.  Archie doesn’t need drama in his life and Hiram Lodge was such a negative force, constantly getting in the way of Archie and Veronica’s relationship.  After all that Archie has been through, he needs stability and someone who will be there to support him, but also someone not afraid to challenge him either.  Let’s see how this ship progresses, but it has been surprising me so far!

Stay tuned for a recognized Ship on TV each week!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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Have a Ship that you think is absolutely swoon-worthy? Feel free to contact me with your nomination for the week by Friday at midnight! 

**Goodreads Giveaway currently going on for The Search for Alice (100 copies available) from 2/21/19-3/14/19. Enter Goodreads Giveaway Here!

**I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

The Search for Alice Feb 2019

The Search for Alice is available here!

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Published by

Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

I live in Long Island, NY. I am obsessed with TV, movies, reading and writing! My top TV shows are LOST, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Breaking Bad, Veronica Mars, Prison Break, Beverly Hills, 90210, Melrose Place, and Supernatural. My dog, Honey, loves TV too!

2 thoughts on “My Ship of the week ending 3/2/19 on TV goes to…”

  1. Great post!

    I agree, I’m liking this new relationship of Josie and Archie. This has been such a great season so far. I heard there’s going to be a possible spin-off and if that spin-off gets picked up Josie ‘s character is going to be on it. It’s going to be musical themed.

    1. Thanks! I like them too. I wasn’t sure that I would because I really like Veronica, but it seems like he needs someone to keep him on the right track. That would be really interesting if they did a spin-off and I always felt like her character never got enough screen time. Very cool! 🙂

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