Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 10 episode 5: “Little Pig, Little Pig!”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 5, Siddiq asked, “What are we here for if not for each other?”  An important question for sure, but what happens when all of your efforts toward redemption are shattered completely?  Do you keep trying or do you take the easy way out and embrace your old ways?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.

In last night’s episode, “What It Always Is,” we catch up with Negan while he is followed by a devoted fan boy named Brandon.  Meanwhile, Connie and Daryl team up to find Kelly and Gamma crosses paths with Aaron.  My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 5 are:


“Now we both know what it means.”

Ezekiel gets some screen time during this episode and Siddiq worries about his developing cough.  He reveals to Siddiq that he knows what it is and explains that Thyroid Cancer runs in his family.  Siddiq explains that they can manage it, but Ezekiel realizes what this means in the world they live in now.

Ezekiel tries to find the courage to tell Carol what is going on, but shuts off the radio before she says anything on the other line.  Will he finally be able to tell her the truth before it is too late?  Is it possible that Siddiq may be able to find a way to help him?

After all, we have seen a lot of miracles on both TWD and Fear TWD, so I wouldn’t rule out the king just yet…



In the beginning of the episode, Kelly ends up in a very dangerous situation when her hearing gets even worse.  Connie worries when she isn’t back yet and Daryl and Dog agree to help her find her.  Luckily, Kelly looks like she is going to be all right, but Magna is forced to reveal a stash of supplies and food they have been stealing in the woods.

Connie is outraged by this and apologizes to Daryl about having to lie about it, but Daryl understands all too well what it means to do things for family.

Connie and Daryl share some really cute moments together and I am always smiling when they are on screen together.

Magna and Yumiko have a lot of tension going on in their relationship; however, as Magna reveals more information about her past crime, which causes a wedge between them.  Will they be able to reconcile?


“You might just have to wear a new mask.”

Gamma reveals some of her frustration during this episode, but we also get this weird Romeo and Juliet vibe between her and Aaron.  Aaron gives her a bandage for the wound on her hand and tries to talk to her, but you have to wonder why?  Gamma tells Alpha about what happened and Alpha suggests that she wear a new mask to try and earn his trust and affection.

We’ll have to see how this plays out, but Gamma is not going to say no to Alpha, especially when she just brutally killed a Whisperer who questioned her methods, suggesting that they attack all at once.

So Alpha is behind the tree and the creek, but why is she changing up her strategy now?  It seems like she is making everything really personal, but will this change once she crosses paths with Lydia?


“I passed, right?  I am NEGAN!”

“Classic Negan!”  Brandon is absolutely thrilled to catch up with his hero, Negan, and he even takes the time to bring him some gifts:  another Lucille and his leather jacket.  Brandon is the son of a Savior and he has been in Alexandria, waiting for his opportunity to help Negan.

Negan allows Brandon to tag along at first, but things go way too far when Brandon murders the mother and son that Negan just saved.  Negan is beyond upset by this and smashes in Brandon’s head before he can finish saying, “I am Negan.”

Negan has tried so hard to follow this new path toward redemption, but everything is shattered in this moment, as Brandon reminds him of who he used to be.  Even though Brandon is beyond disturbed, Negan probably also feels somewhat responsible for him. 

He takes down the monster he helped create, but did he just unleash something inside himself that is even more dangerous?


“Ya’ll scared of the Big Bad Wolf?”

After Negan kills Brandon, he grabs his new Lucille and jacket and takes off.  Bad-ass Negan is back, as he crosses into the Whisperer territory, taking out walkers left and right until he comes face-to-face with Beta.

Now that Negan has made his move, what will Alpha and Beta decide to do with him?  He will be tested, but has Negan truly joined the dark side or is he taking the fight to them?

I actually felt really bad for Negan in this episode because he has been trying so hard to be good and you almost think it can be possible, but his past mistakes are never going to vanish completely and Brandon is a deadly reminder of that.

Negan has always had a strict rule about not killing kids and you could tell that Brandon really pushed his buttons when he talked about Carl Grimes.

Is Negan back to his bad ways or has he just embraced the ruthless strength within him to become the anti-hero we have been waiting for?  I can’t wait to find out!  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories & thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

I live in Long Island, NY. I am obsessed with TV, movies, reading and writing! My top TV shows are LOST, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Breaking Bad, Veronica Mars, Prison Break, Beverly Hills, 90210, Melrose Place, and Supernatural. My dog, Honey, loves TV too!

2 thoughts on “Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 10 episode 5: “Little Pig, Little Pig!””

  1. I’m torn. On the one hand I want Ezekiel and Carol (she’s basically the only reason I still watch) to reconcile and deal with their losses together on the other hand if he dies its even more pain for her not to mention a repetitious story cycle.
    Ugh I fear where they may be going with Carol but I suppose I should wait at least until midseason to rant about that 🙂

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