Ranking the top 5 couples from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”

“If my heart could beat, it would break my chest” (Spike).  When you think about epic love, what comes to mind?  Is it that indescribable feeling that you get within your gut?  Is it the tears that pour down your face when you witness a significant moment that will change your outlook on love forever?

I think that epic love can be described in so many different ways and that is what makes it so incredibly powerful.  It can be passionate and fiery or even one-sided, but there is something to be said about the things we do for love.  As I am re-watching one of my all time favorite television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I have realized that Joss Whedon does an incredible job of introducing us to so many great loves on the show.  They don’t end up living happily ever after, but that’s what makes them so real and consuming.

We watch our favorite characters go through heartbreaking moments, as they desperately try to pick up the pieces when it seems impossible to do so.  However, we cannot deny the chemistry and beautiful connections they have shared, touching our hearts and souls in the process.  Please note spoilers are ahead. 

My top five ships from Buffy the Vampire Slayer are:


Giles & Jenny

Giles and jenny collage

Giles:  In my years as watcher, I’ve buried too many people.  But Jenny was the first I loved.(Passion, season 2 episode 17)

The budding romance between Giles and Jenny was absolutely delightful to watch.  Even though they both often spent their time supervising Buffy and the Scoobies, they had some undeniably sweet moments together and real chemistry.  Jenny often teased Giles and he would get baffled in front of her, which was absolutely adorable.  However, a strain was put on their relationship after Jenny was possessed by a demon targeting Giles.

We then later found out that Jenny was sent to Sunnydale to watch Angel, as her ancestors were responsible for the curse of his soul.  Giles supported Buffy here and kept Jenny at a distance, but Buffy eventually let go of her anger and confided to Jenny that Giles did truly miss her.

In the episode, “Passion,” it looked like Giles and Jenny were finally going to get the romantic evening they deserved.  Only Angelus ripped this chance at happiness away from them.  Angelus killed Jenny to prevent her from cursing him again, but took this tragic moment much further when he staged a romantic evening for Giles at his home.  Giles walked in to rose petals and opera music with champagne and a note reading, “upstairs.”  To Giles’s horror, he discovered Jenny’s lifeless body on his bed, as the champagne glasses shattered along with his heart and ours.


Xander & Anya

Xander and anya collage

Xander:  I’ve gotta say something cause I don’t think I’ve made it clear.  I’m in love with you.  Powerfully, painfully in love.  The things you do, the way you think, the way you move…I get excited every time I’m about to see you.  You make me feel like I’ve never felt before in my life.  Like a man.  I just thought you might wanna know. (Into the Woods, season 5 episode 10)

There is something to be truly said about the quirky and adorable love between Xander and Anya.  Anya initially came to Sunnydale as a demon to grant Cordelia’s wish in season 3, but she ended up human when this backfired.  Anya soon found herself attached to Xander and the two started an interesting relationship together.  While it first seemed like a relationship of convenience, Xander began to truly fall in love with Anya.

Even though Anya typically said the wrong thing at the wrong moment, you couldn’t help but adore her.  Anya also started to truly feel for Xander, which really helped her develop as a mortal, as she finally started to understand what it meant to be human.

When Xander and Anya were about to get married, I thought that two of our favorite characters were going to get the happily ever after ending that they deserved.  Only Xander had second thoughts and didn’t go through with the wedding after witnessing how his father treated his mother and seeing something similar in an alternate future for him and Anya.

This moment is truly heartbreaking, as Anya loved Xander so completely.  Xander felt like he was doing the right thing here, but my heart goes out to Anya.


Buffy & Spike

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Spike:  I’m not asking you for anything.  When I say I love you, it’s not because I want you or because I can’t have you.  It has nothing to do with me.  I love what you are, what you do, how you try…I’ve seen your kindness and your strength, I’ve seen the best of you and the worst of you and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are.  You’re a hell of a woman.  You’re the one, Buffy.  (Touched, season 7, episode 20)

I always felt a spark between Buffy and Spike even when they were mortal enemies.  There was just an undeniable sense of desire between them and I often used to wonder about what would happen if they ended up together.

In the episode, “Something Blue,” fans got a chance to see a potential for these two when Willow’s spell went horribly wrong and Buffy and Spike said that they were getting married.  When Spike got the chip in his head, he was no longer able to hurt anyone, but this became even more complicated for him when he became infatuated with Buffy.  Spike’s feelings for Buffy started out somewhat stalker-like, as he would wait outside her window and even steal her panties here and there.

However, Spike revealed true potential and friendship when he sat next to Buffy on her porch after she learned that her mother was very sick.  Buffy and Spike remained here in silence and Spike awkwardly patted her back, letting her know that he was truly there for her.

Later on in the series after Buffy came back from the dead, she was desperately trying to feel something and her and Spike shared an epic kiss at the end of the episode, “Once More, With Feeling,” leaving fans completely shocked.  Buffy started a dark relationship with Spike, as she tapped into her desires, keeping her relationship with him a secret at first.  Later on, their relationship got even more complicated when Spike attacked Buffy sexually, which was extremely difficult to watch.

Spike left town, horrified by his actions, and ended up earning his soul, which gave him a real chance to redeem himself.  Even though Buffy and Spike did not get a chance to truly work out, Buffy did appreciate everything he did for her and Spike truly became a man because of her.

There’s something to be said about true love redeeming someone who started out so evil.  Spike became a hero one could be truly proud of, performing selfless acts because of his unconditional love for Buffy, which sparked the humanity within his vampire soul.


Willow & Tara

Willow and tara 12 2 18

Tara:  Even when I’m at my worst, you make me feel special.  How do you do that?

Willow:  Magic. (Family, season 5, episode 6)

While I always shipped Willow and Oz, I felt so incredibly heartbroken when Oz left town.  I was beginning to wonder if Willow would ever find true love and we were all lucky enough to witness the beautiful love and friendship between Willow and Tara.  Willow and Tara met in Wicca club and quickly discovered that they were the only two members of the group to have any real powers.  Willow was very interested in experimenting with witchcraft and magic and she shared so many intimate things with Tara, as their friendship blossomed into something more.

Willow and Tara have always had such a pure and magical love.  Tara’s heart had always belonged to Willow and she was even willing to let her be happy when Oz returned, but Willow could not deny where her heart belonged now.  When her and Tara blew out the candle together, they were ready to fully explore their feelings for one another.

In a tragic moment later on in the series, Tara was shot and killed in front of Willow.  Her lifeless body collapsed in Willow’s arms, as Willow’s grief escalated into pure darkness and vengeance, as her dark magic consumed her.  Even though Willow got another chance at potential love later on in the series, nothing can compare to her love with Tara, which is something so transcendent and beautiful.

Some honorable mentions before revealing my number one ship are:

  • Willow & Oz
  • Spike & Drusilla
  • Xander & Cordelia
  • Spike & Harmony
  • Buffy & Riley


Buffy & Angel

Buffy and angel 12 2 18

Angel:  Are you still my girl?

Buffy:  Always. (Enemies, season 3 episode 17)

My number one ship has to go to Buffy and Angel.  Giles got it right when he said, “A vampire in love with a Slayer.  It’s rather poetic.”  There is something so completely romantic about these two together. It’s almost like we are trapped within a dark fairy-tale, as we witness the emotional roller coaster ride between them.  Ever since Angel first saw Buffy, he loved her and wanted to help her.

Buffy gave Angel a true sense of purpose, as he did not know how to live with his soul previously.  Buffy and Angel’s love has always been complicated, however.  They have some unbelievably romantic moments together and some hot and steamy ones as well.  After Buffy and Angel make love for the first time, the unthinkable happens when Angel experienced a moment of “true happiness” and lost his soul, as the monster, Angelus, returned.  Angelus began tormenting Buffy and her friends, which was so cruel and heartbreaking.

I remember crying along with Buffy so many times after witnessing what she had to go through.  To make matters even worse, Angel’s soul was returned right at the moment that Buffy needed to kill him to prevent a demon from swallowing the world.  Buffy made the ultimate sacrifice when she told Angel to “close his eyes” and kiss her, right before she stabbed him with her sword.  Buffy left town after this, as she could not bear to handle it, but Angel soon returned from hell, as his purpose was not over.

Buffy and Angel tried out being friends, but learned that they could really never be just friends, as Spike pointed out.  They both desperately want to be close to one another, but knew that they could never have a true chance at a real life together.  Angel wanted Buffy to have a normal life, rather than keeping her hidden in the shadows, and ended up leaving town.

Before Angel left, he surprised Buffy at the prom and the dance between them was so beautiful and romantic, as the rest of the world seemed to just fade away, leaving only Buffy and Angel together.  Even though Buffy and Angel do not end up together, their love is so powerful and undeniable.  Buffy and Angel will always love one another and I will always continue to ship them.

Their love is beyond messy, but there is something truly perfect about it as well, reminding us that epic love is never easy, but there is really nothing like it in the world.

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own comments and thoughts about your favorite ships on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!

**I would love it if you would take a moment to check out my Whizbuzz Book page via the link below for everything you need to know about my new book, The Search for Alice, including my author bio page and links to my website and social media sites!  Thank you!

My Whizbuzz Book Page


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

When Kallie Bennett, a jaded teenage girl plagued by her alcoholic mother and her peers molded out of sheer bubble gum perfection, chases after Alice in Wonderland herself, she ends up lost in her own version of Wonderland, which forces her to face her utmost fears and introduces her to familiar characters with a dark twist. Among these characters is Ches, a gorgeous vampire with a conflicted conscience, who becomes Kallie’s guide and blossoming love interest. She also crosses paths with Queen Hartley, a manipulative witch who has the power to strip away one’s memories and imagination, which brings a bone chilling new meaning to “off with their heads.” In The Search for Alice, Kallie starts to realize that her Wonderland is just as frightening as her own reality and that she cannot always run away from her problems. She must figure out a way to defeat Queen Hartley and return home before it is too late, but she soon learns that escaping Wonderland means leaving Ches behind forever.

Want to read more?  You can click the link directly below for a free preview.  Thanks for your support!

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The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice Cover

Ranking the top 5 moments from “Supernatural” season 14 episode 7: “It’s Time Together that Matters”

Happy Friday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s Supernatural season 14 episode 7, I realized that it’s not the big moments that count the most.  It’s the memories we have and the “time together that matters,” as Jack so eloquently pointed out.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “Unhuman Behavior,” Jack’s health takes a turn for the worse, as Sam, Dean, and Castiel desperately try to figure out a way to save him.  Meanwhile, Nick continues to head down a path of darkness, revealing his inner true nature.  My top 5 moments from Supernatural season 14 episode 7 are:


“He was stabbed through the heart and exploded.”

Even though this episode was an emotional roller coaster for me, Castiel provided us with a laugh out loud moment to break the tension.  After Castiel determines that he cannot help Jack, he takes him to the hospital and everyone is beyond stressed about the situation.  After Dean has trouble coming up with details about Jack’s birth date, the family medical history seems like it could be handled, especially since we know that Jack’s biological father, Lucifer, is dead.  However, Castiel bluntly tells the woman at the hospital exactly how Lucifer died, which leads to some strange looks from her and Sam and Dean.


“His body is shutting down.”

After Jack’s hospital tests come back negative, this seems like a good sign, but the doctor explains that Jack’s body is actually shutting down and they can’t figure out why.  It is later determined that Jack needs archangel grace to survive, but it’s not like this is easy to find anymore.  Against the doctor’s recommendation, Sam and Dean take Jack out of the hospital and refuse to give up.  They are ready to use all of their resources to help him.  While they begin discussing what Jack needs, Dean repeatedly zones out during the conversation.  Does this mean that Michael is somehow still linked to Dean?  Could this be the key to helping Jack?  We’ll have to wait to find out, but there is definitely something not quite right with Dean.


“Is this a trick Samuel?”

Our favorite witch is back!  After realizing that they cannot help Jack, Sam calls up Rowena.  Rowena initially thinks she is there to help Dean, but quickly learns that Sam wants her to help Jack.  Rowena is not exactly thrilled about this at first since she does not have the best history with Lucifer, but Jack approaches Rowena and explains, “I’m trying hard not to be like him.”  He tells Rowena that Sam and Dean say such nice things about her as well, revealing his innocent charm.  Rowena agrees to try and help Jack, but quickly realizes that she is in over her head.


“I like doing these things and I don’t want to stop.”

We finally catch up to Nick in this episode and learn that he is continuing to spiral out of control.  Nick is obsessed with finding out what happened to his family, but his journey is leading him down a very dark path.  Nick seems overwhelmed by all of these feelings, but the darkness continues to win, as he brutally murders anyone he determines to be guilty.  The ex-cop reveals to Nick something about the name, Abraxas, which seems familiar to his Lucifer memories, but we don’t have too much to go on here just yet.  Later on, Nick begins to pray and reveals that he actually likes tapping into the darkness and begs Lucifer to return to him.  Nick has clearly stirred something up inside of him, but is it enough for Lucifer to re-surface?  I’m thinking that it’s only a matter of time before he makes himself known.


“It’s time together that matters.”

Jack has accepted his fate, even though his “Dads” refuse to give up.  Jack just wants to have a chance to really experience life and Dean agrees to accompany him.  Dean teaches Jack to drive and hilariously reminds him that, “R is not for race.”  Jack really tries to be like Dean here, which is absolutely adorable and even screams out, “It’s like I’m you!”  This is definitely a heartwarming father-son moment and it looks like Dean needed this just as much as Jack did.  Later on, Jack expresses a desire to go fishing with Dean and tells him that he remembers that it is one of Dean’s fondest memories with his own father.  Jack opens up to Dean here and really gives us all an important lesson about life when he explains that it’s about the time together that truly matters.  After the Serbian Shaman’s “experiment” fails, Jack is in even worse condition and Sam, Dean, and Castiel are completely helpless.  They stay by Jack’s side to support him, but is there any other way to save him?  Let’s hope so because I can’t bear to see Jack go.  He has made such an impact on everyone and they truly think of him as a son.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Supernatural in the comments section below.  Happy viewing!

**I would love it if you would take a moment to check out my Whizbuzz Book page via the link below for everything you need to know about my new book, The Search for Alice, including my author bio page and links to my website and social media sites!  Thank you!

My Whizbuzz Book Page

Stay up to date on upcoming premieres of horror TV series @ 12nightsofhorror.com/horror-series-coming-soon


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

When Kallie Bennett, a jaded teenage girl plagued by her alcoholic mother and her peers molded out of sheer bubble gum perfection, chases after Alice in Wonderland herself, she ends up lost in her own version of Wonderland, which forces her to face her utmost fears and introduces her to familiar characters with a dark twist. Among these characters is Ches, a gorgeous vampire with a conflicted conscience, who becomes Kallie’s guide and blossoming love interest. She also crosses paths with Queen Hartley, a manipulative witch who has the power to strip away one’s memories and imagination, which brings a bone chilling new meaning to “off with their heads.” In The Search for Alice, Kallie starts to realize that her Wonderland is just as frightening as her own reality and that she cannot always run away from her problems. She must figure out a way to defeat Queen Hartley and return home before it is too late, but she soon learns that escaping Wonderland means leaving Ches behind forever.

Want to read more?  You can click the link directly below for a free preview.  Thanks for your support!

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice is available here!

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “Riverdale” season 3 episode 6: “The Gargoyle King Is in the House”

Happy Wednesday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s Riverdale season 3 episode 6, the mystery behind “The Gargoyle King” continued to mystify us, as Betty desperately tried to connect the dots.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In tonight’s episode, “Chapter Forty-One:  Manhunter,” Betty refuses to back down, as she confronts the parents of Riverdale about their past secrets.  Meanwhile, Veronica gets cozy in a jail cell, Josie’s health takes a turn for the worse, and Archie’s guilt is too much to bear.  My top 5 moments from Riverdale season 3 episode 6 are:


“What’s the connection there?”

In the beginning of the episode, Josie begins to feel pressure when questioned about her alibi and is the next one to have a seizure.  Luckily, she will be OK, but why Josie?  We know that Betty, Ethel, and now Josie have had seizures, but is there any connection between these three?  Evelyn Evernever was present in the classroom so I am starting to think that she could be the link here, but there are still so many missing pieces of the puzzle.


“Someone in this room is a murderer.”

There’s just something to be said about Betty Cooper.  She is smart, loyal, and probably the most capable person in Riverdale.  When Betty is on the case, she follows through on every lead, proving to be an amazing detective and our favorite modern day Nancy Drew.  Betty invites all of the parents to a meeting by using an invitation from “The Gargoyle King.”  The parents fall for the bait and Betty wants to get to the bottom of the murder of Principal Featherhead.  Penelope Blossom suggests that Dilton’s father, Darryl Doiley, was the culprit, but things get complicated when Betty discovers that his suicide was actually a covered up murder.  Penelope is straightforward with Betty and I don’t suspect her yet as “The Gargoyle King.”  However, my theory about Hermione is starting to make more sense now.  During the meeting, Hermione told Hiram that they should just get this over with and was also the first one to point fingers at Penelope, which quickly took the spotlight off of her.  Clever Hermione, but what’s your potential motive?


“You’re the Gargoyle King.”

Jughead and the Serpents track down Joaquin, who reveals that Hiram Lodge met with the warden.  Jughead doesn’t need any further evidence to confront Hiram Lodge.  Hiram is not threatened by Jughead at all and dismisses his accusations.  I still think that Hiram is way too obvious here, but he is far from innocent, as he orders for the witnesses at Shadow Lake to be eliminated.  Later on, Jughead discovers Joaquin’s lifeless body with the sacrifice mark on his forehead.  Who is behind Joaquin’s death?  I’m not completely sure, but someone definitely knows that he was over sharing.  Sorry to see you go Joaquin, but also kind of not because you stabbed Archie…


“Because we’re end game.”

After discovering the bodies of the Shadow Lake witnesses, Archie cannot handle anymore blood on his hands.  Even though he is not responsible for this, Archie feels like he needs to leave town, as he is no longer safe from Hiram Lodge.  He calls Veronica from a pay phone to say goodbye to her, but Veronica tries to explain that she found evidence to exonerate him.  Archie tells Veronica, “You were it for me” and proceeds to tell her how much he loves her, but Veronica cannot bear to say goodbye.  After he hangs up the phone, Archie says, “Goodbye Veronica,” which is beyond heartbreaking.  Archie is not alone; however, as Jughead is by his side and the two head out together.  What’s next for Archie?  I’m not sure, but I am hoping that he has a change of heart and returns to Veronica.  Veronica has always been by his side and she deserves the very best, but we know that Archie tends to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.


“The Gargoyle King is in the house.”

In a frightening moment, Betty and Alice are speaking when the power goes out in their house.  “The Gargoyle King” appears before them and they run up the stairs, abandoning the popcorn on the stove.  When they reach a bedroom, there is a message on Darryl Doiley’s grave stone, threatening both Alice and Betty.  With perfect timing, FP comes through the window and stays with them until the threat is over.  I definitely had a little bit of Scream nostalgia here with the burning popcorn and Skeet Ulrich coming through the window, but it’s definitely no longer safe for the Cooper women.  Alice tells Betty that she is heading off to the farm, but in a shocking twist, sends Betty to the “Sisters of Quiet Mercy” against her will.  Betty feels betrayed and confused here and walks into a room, surrounded by disturbing portraits of “The Gargoyle King.”  It doesn’t look like Betty is going to escape this nightmare anytime soon, but why did Alice choose to turn on her now?  I think we are in desperate need of another rescue from Cheryl, Toni, and Veronica, but we’ll have to wait and see.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Riverdale in the comments section below.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!

**I would love it if you would take a moment to check out my Whizbuzz Book page via the link below for everything you need to know about my new book, The Search for Alice, including my author bio page and links to my website and social media sites!  Thank you!

My Whizbuzz Book Page


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

When Kallie Bennett, a jaded teenage girl plagued by her alcoholic mother and her peers molded out of sheer bubble gum perfection, chases after Alice in Wonderland herself, she ends up lost in her own version of Wonderland, which forces her to face her utmost fears and introduces her to familiar characters with a dark twist. Among these characters is Ches, a gorgeous vampire with a conflicted conscience, who becomes Kallie’s guide and blossoming love interest. She also crosses paths with Queen Hartley, a manipulative witch who has the power to strip away one’s memories and imagination, which brings a bone chilling new meaning to “off with their heads.” In The Search for Alice, Kallie starts to realize that her Wonderland is just as frightening as her own reality and that she cannot always run away from her problems. She must figure out a way to defeat Queen Hartley and return home before it is too late, but she soon learns that escaping Wonderland means leaving Ches behind forever.

Want to read more?  You can click the link directly below for a free preview.  Thanks for your support!

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice Cover

Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 9 episode 8 Mid-Season Finale: “There’s A Storm Coming”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 9 episode 8 Mid-Season Finale, we were presented with some legitimately creepy scenes that had me on the edge of my seat.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “Evolution,” Daryl, Jesus, Aaron, and Dog go out looking for Eugene, but find a walker herd that is nowhere near normal.  Meanwhile, the new characters try to earn their keep and Negan’s world is about to change.  My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 9 episode 8 Mid-Season Finale are:


“We’re a solid looking group.”

In the beginning of the episode, Michonne continues to escort the new characters to Hilltop, but we know that trust is not so easily earned.  Tara seems willing to give the new characters a shot, but reminds them that they will need to earn their keep.  I have to admit that I am actually looking forward to getting to know the new characters now.  A lot of them seem to have potential and perhaps they can liven things up just a little bit.  I mean anything is more interesting than Henry being peer pressured by the “cool kids” at Hilltop.


“It’s good we’re here.”

After Michonne learns that Carol is at Hilltop too and Daryl is not far away, Tara points out that “it’s like the gang’s back together.”  A lot has clearly changed; however, as Carol initially doesn’t seem that thrilled to see Michonne.  Carol still seems to believe in a better world and building a community, but Michonne reminds her that they are living in a broken world and that they have to take care of their own.  I am still wondering what happened to Michonne to make her so jaded and untrusting of everyone?


“They have no idea what they’re dealing with.”

With almost perfect timing, Rosita wakes up and freaks out when she finds out that Daryl and the others went after Eugene.  Rosita explains that they don’t know what they are dealing with and she’s absolutely right.  After finding Eugene in the barn, he tries to explain his own theories on the potential evolution of the walkers and says that he heard them whispering.  Daryl doesn’t really know what to make of this until he witnesses this behavior on his own, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are all in serious danger right now.


“I loved the shit out of TV when that was a thing.”

I hear you on that Negan!  It initially seemed like we were just going to get some more banter between Negan and another character.  Negan gives Gabriel a hard time about Rosita and even tries to plant some doubt in his head to provide himself with some entertainment that doesn’t involve him throwing a ball at a wall.  After all, “all work and no play makes Negan a dull villain.”  After Gabriel gets upset about Rosita, Negan’s jail cell is carelessly left slightly open and Negan takes his first steps out into the open.  Freedom looks good on you Negan.


“Let’s get em…”

Daryl stands alone to give the others a chance to get Eugene out of there, but he does have Dog by his side, who is starting to be my favorite character.  Seriously do not let anything happen to this dog.  Daryl tries to create a distraction, but the herd of walkers continues to go after Eugene and the others.  It’s almost like they could sense that Daryl’s distraction was a trap and the storm has now arrived, providing us with the perfect ominous soundtrack.  Eugene and the others wind up in a beyond creepy cemetery, which I have to say was kind of brilliant.  I have not been scared on TWD for quite some time and I actually felt a bit nervous during this scene, especially when the characters were surrounded by whispers.  Michonne and some of the new characters show up to help get them out of the cemetery and Jesus tries to hold off the walkers with his impressive ninja skills.  Everything is happening so fast, but we do cut to a scene in slow motion, as one of the walkers stabs Jesus with his knife and whispers, “You are where you do not belong.”  Poor Jesus has drawn the short stick in this shocking moment.  Daryl discovers that the killer was actually a human with a walker mask to make things even more complicated.  “The Whisperers” have arrived and are a new and dangerous threat.  Overall, I thought that the episode delivered in the last fifteen minutes.  However, there was so much fluff surrounding it.  I seriously don’t care about Henry and his teen adventures.  We have several new setups for the second half of the season, which I am looking forward to explore.  So what can we expect from the second half of season 9?  I’m hoping that we abandon the unnecessary fluff and focus on “The Whisperers,” Negan, the “X” marks, and the past of the new characters.  New episodes return in February.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!

**I would love it if you would take a moment to check out my Whizbuzz Book page via the link below for everything you need to know about my new book, The Search for Alice, including my author bio page and links to my website and social media sites!  Thank you!

My Whizbuzz Book Page

Stay up to date on upcoming premieres of horror TV series @ 12nightsofhorror.com/horror-series-coming-soon


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

When Kallie Bennett, a jaded teenage girl plagued by her alcoholic mother and her peers molded out of sheer bubble gum perfection, chases after Alice in Wonderland herself, she ends up lost in her own version of Wonderland, which forces her to face her utmost fears and introduces her to familiar characters with a dark twist. Among these characters is Ches, a gorgeous vampire with a conflicted conscience, who becomes Kallie’s guide and blossoming love interest. She also crosses paths with Queen Hartley, a manipulative witch who has the power to strip away one’s memories and imagination, which brings a bone chilling new meaning to “off with their heads.” In The Search for Alice, Kallie starts to realize that her Wonderland is just as frightening as her own reality and that she cannot always run away from her problems. She must figure out a way to defeat Queen Hartley and return home before it is too late, but she soon learns that escaping Wonderland means leaving Ches behind forever.

Want to read more?  You can click the link directly below for a free preview.  Thanks for your support!

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice Cover

Ranking my top 5 Thanksgiving TV Episodes: “It’s a Ritual Sacrifice with Pie”

Greetings TV Fans!  Thanksgiving is just around the corner and it’s important to take a moment to think about what we are truly thankful for.  It’s a time to share with family and friends and to put that pesky diet aside to make room for some pumpkin pie.

For today, I am going to be ranking my absolute favorite Thanksgiving television episodes.  While there is a lot more material out there for Halloween and Christmas episodes, one should not discount some quality Thanksgiving programming.

So grab some more food and make room for some Thanksgiving TV fun!  Please note that some spoilers are ahead. 

My top 5 Thanksgiving TV episodes are:


“Modern Family” Three Turkeys (TV Episode 2014)

Three turkeys collage

Modern Family does a fantastic job with holiday episodes.  While the Valentine’s Day and Halloween ones take the cake for me, “Three Turkeys” is absolutely hilarious.  During the episode, Phil and Luke work on the turkey together, but Claire worries that Phil may mess it up and has a back-up one ready to go.

Meanwhile, Jay and Gloria are supposed to go away, but end up staying; only they want to just have a nice and quiet Thanksgiving at home.  This doesn’t go exactly according to plan when Phil shows up to use their oven and the chaos continues, as the turkeys continue to multiply.  This is a great episode to watch with family and friends!


“Beverly Hills, 90210” The Kindness of Strangers (TV Episode 1992)

Beverly hills thanksgiving collage

While Thanksgiving is a time for family to come together, it is also a time to give as well.  Brandon crosses paths with a homeless man named Jack, who he previously tried to help over the summer.  Brandon could have just gone on his way, but he decides to bring him home for Thanksgiving dinner.

While Brandon’s father is not at all pleased initially, Jack proves to be worthy and is extremely grateful to be given a chance to spend this holiday with a warm meal and wonderful people.  Brandon always tries to do the right thing, but he really shines here.  This episode is heartwarming and really captures the essence of giving.


“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” Pangs (TV Episode 1999)

Buffy thanksgiving collage

So what do you do when you encounter the spirit of a Native American warrior who is looking to take his revenge out just before Thanksgiving dinner?  Well I guess you give Buffy Summers a call.  This episode is jam-packed with action and comedy.  Angel makes a special guest appearance, only he doesn’t inform Buffy that he is there to protect her from a great evil.

What makes this episode stand out is that Buffy is really trying to make her Thanksgiving dinner a success.  While the Scoobies try to figure out a way to stop the spirit of the warrior, Buffy insists on keeping her dinner going no matter what because you know, “It’s a Yam Sham.”

Spike even gets a seat at the table, only he is tied to a chair, which makes this episode even funnier.  If you need a break from the stress of preparing dinner, this is the episode to watch.


“It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” The Gang Squashes Their Beefs (TV Episode 2013)

Sunny thanksgiving collage

After running into the McPoyle brothers at the video store, the gang begins to realize that they need to bury the hatchet and wipe the slate clean with a lot of people…literally.  The gang invites over everyone they have wronged for Thanksgiving dinner and Dennis tries to sort of apologize, but really wants them to sign a treaty so that they no longer feel guilty.  Dennis does love his documentation.

This episode is absolutely hilarious and leads to a food fight that you may have only dreamed about at one of your own Thanksgiving dinners.  After Mac’s room is set on fire, the gang does the only right thing in this situation…they lock their guests inside the apartment and make a run for it.  This episode is laugh out loud funny and is definitely worth a second watch.


“South Park” Helen Keller!  The Musical (TV Episode 2000)

Gobbles collage

It should be no surprise that my favorite Thanksgiving TV episode is from South Park.  This episode is beyond hilarious and I have probably watched it every single Thanksgiving.  During the episode, the kids are putting on an interesting musical for Thanksgiving, but Timmy and his untalented turkey named Gobbles steal the show.

It may sound ridiculous, but you will end up rooting for this poor turkey and cheering for him when he finally goes through the hoop of fire.  “Gobbles!”  Now that’s an impressive finale!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to share some of your own thoughts and comments on your favorite Thanksgiving TV episodes. 

**I just want to take a minute to thank each and every one of you for being so wonderful and supportive.  I hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones!  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing! 


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

Dreaming of Wonderland Holiday 1

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

**If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!





Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 9 episode 7: “What Makes Us Stronger”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 9 episode 7, we were left with more unanswered questions, as we approach the mid-season finale next Sunday.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “Stradivarius,” Rosita is found near Hilltop and is clearly traumatized after dealing with some rather motivated walkers.  Meanwhile, Daryl now has a dog named “Dog” and Michonne eliminates a violin that was looking shifty.  My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 9 episode 7 are:


“You’re just gonna have to trust me.”

In the beginning of the episode, Michonne continues to lead the new characters to Hilltop, but they are a little hesitant about trusting her.  Michonne clearly still has her guard up, even though she is fulfilling her promise to Judith.  The new characters seem like they have good intentions and even show off just how useful they can be when they help take out the surrounding walkers.  We know that trust is not always earned so easily, however.


“I left him.”

Rosita shows up near the Hilltop camp and is injured and traumatized.  She explains that Eugene is still out there and that she left him in some kind of barn.  We know that Eugene had hurt his leg, but we have no idea what is going on where he is.  The walkers are getting smarter, but will they be able to find Eugene in his hiding spot?  We’ll have to wait to find out, but it looks like we will get to witness some more of the evolution of the walkers in next week’s mid-season finale.


“You could at least pretend to be happy.”

Meanwhile, we learn that Jesus is now the leader of Hilltop, but he does receive a letter from Maggie, which means she is safe.  I was a little confused about where she was and thought perhaps I missed something until Michonne also asked about her whereabouts.  We get a vague answer about her taking Hershel with her to help build some other community, but when will we see her again?  We know that Lauren Cohan plans to leave after this season, but is this supposed to be her exit or will we get something more concrete?


“This is the one thing that separates us from the animals.”

As we get to know the new characters more, Michonne demonstrates just how little she trusts them when she eliminates Luke’s violin.  Michonne assumed that Luke had a weapon, but Luke tries to explain the importance of music and art to her.  Luke feels like it’s what separates us from the animals and I have to say that he’s right, as he almost takes a page out of Fear the Walking Dead’s book.  Bringing people together sounds a lot like Rick’s vision, but is Michonne finally ready to get back to that?


“After a while it just got easier to stay out here.”

Carol takes her son to go visit Daryl and we learn that Daryl has a new best friend…named Dog.  I guess Daryl didn’t really see the point of naming him, but I was happy to see that he at least had someone keeping him company.  In a touching moment, Carol gives Daryl a much needed haircut and they talk about how they never found Rick’s body.  Daryl has clearly not given up on Rick, but he found it easier to stay out on his own.  After a close call with some walkers, Daryl and Dog are OK and he agrees to escort Carol to Hilltop.  After finding out about Eugene, Daryl is ready to go out and track him, proving that perhaps he is finally ready to be around people again.  It’s also important to note that Daryl has the same “X” mark as Michonne, which is only increasing my curiosity.  While I’m not sure we will find out about it in next week’s mid-season finale, it’s definitely something that needs to be explored soon.  Overall, this episode felt very much like a place holder for next week’s mid-season finale, but it did have some redeeming moments.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!

**I would love it if you would take a moment to check out my Whizbuzz Book page via the link below for everything you need to know about my new book, The Search for Alice, including my author bio page and links to my website and social media sites!  Thank you!

My Whizbuzz Book Page

Stay up to date on upcoming premieres of horror TV series @ 12nightsofhorror.com/horror-series-coming-soon


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


[twitter-follow screen_name=’TV_Fanatic_Girl’]

If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

When Kallie Bennett, a jaded teenage girl plagued by her alcoholic mother and her peers molded out of sheer bubble gum perfection, chases after Alice in Wonderland herself, she ends up lost in her own version of Wonderland, which forces her to face her utmost fears and introduces her to familiar characters with a dark twist. Among these characters is Ches, a gorgeous vampire with a conflicted conscience, who becomes Kallie’s guide and blossoming love interest. She also crosses paths with Queen Hartley, a manipulative witch who has the power to strip away one’s memories and imagination, which brings a bone chilling new meaning to “off with their heads.” In The Search for Alice, Kallie starts to realize that her Wonderland is just as frightening as her own reality and that she cannot always run away from her problems. She must figure out a way to defeat Queen Hartley and return home before it is too late, but she soon learns that escaping Wonderland means leaving Ches behind forever.

Want to read more?  You can click the link directly below for a free preview.  Thanks for your support!

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice Cover

Ranking the top 5 moments from “Supernatural” season 14 episode 6: “Pie Is Important”

Happy Friday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s Supernatural season 14 episode 6, I learned that it’s really never easy to give “the talk,” but Dean somehow manages to give the Cliff Notes version, while also reminding us about the importance of pie along the way.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “Optimism,” Dean agrees to take Jack out on a case and Jack learns about “courting.”  Meanwhile, Sam and other Charlie work together in Tennessee and Sam tries to help her open up to him.  My top 5 moments from Supernatural season 14 episode 6 are:


“Nobody comes to the library anymore.”

So sad, right?  In the beginning of the episode, we meet a young woman named Harper.  Harper seems to have a natural glow of positivism around her and she absolutely adores surrounding herself with books.  A girl after my own heart.  Only this is Supernatural and we know that something is about to go horribly wrong.  After agreeing to dinner, her future date named Winston is brutally attacked outside the library.  It looks like someone will be on the case soon, but I have to say that I was immediately drawn in to this mystery.


“Maybe I’m allergic to sitting around doing nothing.”

Jack stumbles across this case and is eager to check it out.  Even though Sam has expressed some concern about Jack going out on cases, Dean agrees to let him tag along.  Jack is more than excited and explains that they can be “hunting buddies,” but clearly he has a lot to learn, as Dean reminds him not to call it that.  It looks like there is a new dynamic duo on the case!


“So we got creative…cool.”

While Dean and Jack go off to check out the case, Sam is in Tennessee with other Charlie and they get into a sticky situation.  During the episode, Sam tries to get other Charlie to open up to him, who doesn’t seem particularly thrilled to be out hunting, even though she is quite good at it.  Charlie doesn’t seem like she wants to talk about anything initially, but does end up opening up to Sam about the love of her life.  While it’s great to have Charlie back, I’m still having some issues connecting with her and other Bobby.  It doesn’t seem like anyone on this show really stays dead unless they end up on another show like Jeffrey Dean Morgan, but I almost wish they would bring back someone like Crowley instead.  Fast forward to Sam and other Charlie fighting some kind of bug creature and other Charlie gets some serious goo all over her, which lightens the mood a little bit.


“It’s a little game we play.”

After Dean and Jack try to help Harper, we learn that Harper actually comes from a line of Necromancers.  Harper has raised her high school boyfriend from the dead and they get off on playing twisted games with innocent suitors.  Unfortunately, Jack has just stepped into that role, but luckily he has Dean by his side to back him up.


“Pie is important.”

If you are looking to take away any lesson from this episode, it’s that “pie is important.”  Just kidding.  Jack has his first real encounter with love and panics when he realizes that he doesn’t know too much about “courting” or sex.  Dean hilariously tells him that he will give him “the talk” later, but is upset when Jack refers to him as an old man.  At the end of the episode, they are able to stop Harper’s dead boyfriend, but Harper makes it out and writes a stalker-like love letter to Jack.  Only Jack has bigger things to worry about, as Dean discovers that Jack is coughing blood and ends up unconscious.  What’s wrong with Jack?  Will the Winchester brothers be able to save him?  Also, are we going to eventually circle back to Nick?  Either way, I enjoyed this episode more than episode 5 and I appreciated the unlikely partnership between Dean and Jack.  Let’s hope that they can help him before it’s too late.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Supernatural in the comments section below.  Happy viewing!

**I would love it if you would take a moment to check out my Whizbuzz Book page via the link below for everything you need to know about my new book, The Search for Alice, including my author bio page and links to my website and social media sites!  Thank you!

My Whizbuzz Book Page

Stay up to date on upcoming premieres of horror TV series @ 12nightsofhorror.com/horror-series-coming-soon


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


[twitter-follow screen_name=’TV_Fanatic_Girl’]

If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

When Kallie Bennett, a jaded teenage girl plagued by her alcoholic mother and her peers molded out of sheer bubble gum perfection, chases after Alice in Wonderland herself, she ends up lost in her own version of Wonderland, which forces her to face her utmost fears and introduces her to familiar characters with a dark twist. Among these characters is Ches, a gorgeous vampire with a conflicted conscience, who becomes Kallie’s guide and blossoming love interest. She also crosses paths with Queen Hartley, a manipulative witch who has the power to strip away one’s memories and imagination, which brings a bone chilling new meaning to “off with their heads.” In The Search for Alice, Kallie starts to realize that her Wonderland is just as frightening as her own reality and that she cannot always run away from her problems. She must figure out a way to defeat Queen Hartley and return home before it is too late, but she soon learns that escaping Wonderland means leaving Ches behind forever.

Want to read more?  You can click the link directly below for a free preview.  Thanks for your support!

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice Cover


Ranking the top 5 moments from “American Horror Story: Apocalypse” season 8 episode 10 Season Finale: “But my Sisters are a Legion Motherf*cker”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  After watching the FX network’s American Horror Story:  Apocalypse season 8 episode 10 season finale last night, the final battle we have all been waiting for is finally here.  Only it may not be the showdown that you were initially predicting.  Please note major spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  In last night’s episode, “Apocalypse Then,” the past finally meets the present, as the witches of coven face Michael Langdon.  Sacrifices are made and betrayals are finally dealt with in this jam-packed finale.  My top 5 moments from American Horror Story:  Apocalypse season 8 episode 10 season finale are:


“So this is goodbye.”

In the beginning of the episode, we witness Myrtle Snow paying a visit to Jeff and Mutt.  This further explains how the witches were able to successfully book Coco and Mallory a reservation at Outpost 3.  Myrtle puts Ms. Venable in her place and reminds her that purple is for royalty.  Later on, Cordelia explains to the girls that they will forget everything they know about themselves.  Coco’s new personality is actually modeled after Madison, which explains a lot and Madison hilariously tells her to “consider it an upgrade.”  Coco is meant to be mean to Mallory, as Cordelia needs to ensure that Mallory doubts herself so that her powers are not detected, revealing that she really has thought of every detail here.  She further explains that her “powers will emerge when they are ready.”  We also get to see Cordelia, Myrtle, and Madison waking up after the apocalypse, proving our theory that they would use the healing powers of the Louisiana swamps.  After all, “it’s time.”


“There is no way that bitch could get a show on television without selling her soul to the devil.”

After Madison shows off her less than impressive skills as an Uber driver, she drops off Coco and Mallory, who are now under the identity spell.  Madison notices Dinah’s billboard on a bus and quickly realizes that she is the one who sold them out.  Madison wants to do something about it, but Cordelia explains that Dinah must stay safe until they are ready to “make her pay.”  In present day, Dinah refuses to get caught in the middle of the battle between the witches and Michael, but we are all in for a surprise when Marie Laveau walks in, played by the wonderful Angela Bassett, and says, “She needed the help of a voodoo queen but that ain’t you.”  Cordelia made a deal with Papa and gave him Dinah’s soul, freeing Marie in exchange.  Marie takes out Dinah and tells her to give Papa her regards.  All hail the real voodoo queen!


“It’s payback bitch.”

Now that all of our players are in place, the battle we have all been waiting for quickly begins.  Ms. Mead is eliminated and Madison channels her inner Tony Montana from Scarface, as she opens fire on Michael with Ms. Mead’s arm.  Madison agrees to hold off Michael as long as she can, but is quickly eliminated.  “I guess it’s back to retail.”  Marie and Coco also team up to take Michael down, but he kills them both and reminds us, “I’m nothing like normal.”  Brock also finally shows up again and brutally stabs Mallory for not taking him on the plane, but Myrtle takes him out.  As Mallory’s life force begins pouring out of her, Cordelia knows what she must do to protect her sisters and the world.  It seems like all hope is lost, but Cordelia faces Michael with her head held high and reminds him that he may be the only son of Satan, but “my sisters are a legion motherf*cker!”  Cordelia stabs herself so that Mallory can rise as the next Supreme and complete her time travel spell, which is the ultimate sacrifice. 


“I’m scared.”

It’s 2015 and Michael is just a boy again, living with Constance Langdon.  As Michael heads out into the street, Mallory runs him over with a car several times to eliminate the threat once and for all.  Constance stands over him and Michael begs her to take him back into Murder House so that they can be together forever, but Constance refuses to grant his last wish and tells him to go to hell.  The ultimate battle we have all been waiting for is over, but it’s not the showdown we were predicting.  Mallory has changed the timeline to save her sisters and also the world, but what does this mean for the rest of the AHS universe?  After all, changing the past can have unforeseen consequences for the future.


“The battle between good and evil never ends.”

Now that the threat is eliminated, Mallory returns to her coven and remembers everything.  She is so excited to see Cordelia again and Cordelia even asks her if they have met before.  Myrtle is not back because Cordelia no longer saw the threat of the end of the world and Madison will have to “sweat it out a little longer” in her retail hell.  Mallory was able to get some “blazing street cred” with creatures of the underworld since she took down the Antichrist and Misty and Nan are safely returned.  Only Nan would prefer to return to her Papa.  I guess as long as she is happy.  Mallory reminds us that the battle between good and evil never ends and we know that there needs to always be a balance in the world.  Avoiding the apocalypse does explain how we are able to see the year 2020 in AHS Hotel, which successfully fills in some gaps for us.  Timothy and Emily are able to cross paths again in this new world, which initially seems sweet and romantic.  Remember them?  Only we know that they were saved because of their DNA and that they were worthy of potentially repopulating the earth.  Emily gives birth to the new Antichrist, as they are horrified when they find his babysitter brutally murdered.  Ms. Mead and the Black Pope knock on their door, recognizing the power and potential in their son, proving that evil has indeed found its loophole.  Stay tuned for season 9!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on American Horror Story:  Apocalypse below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!

**I would love it if you would take a moment to check out my Whizbuzz Book page via the link below for everything you need to know about my new book, The Search for Alice, including my author bio page and links to my website and social media sites!  Thank you!

My Whizbuzz Book Page

Stay up to date on upcoming premieres of horror TV series @ 12nightsofhorror.com/horror-series-coming-soon


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


[twitter-follow screen_name=’TV_Fanatic_Girl’]

If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

When Kallie Bennett, a jaded teenage girl plagued by her alcoholic mother and her peers molded out of sheer bubble gum perfection, chases after Alice in Wonderland herself, she ends up lost in her own version of Wonderland, which forces her to face her utmost fears and introduces her to familiar characters with a dark twist. Among these characters is Ches, a gorgeous vampire with a conflicted conscience, who becomes Kallie’s guide and blossoming love interest. She also crosses paths with Queen Hartley, a manipulative witch who has the power to strip away one’s memories and imagination, which brings a bone chilling new meaning to “off with their heads.” In The Search for Alice, Kallie starts to realize that her Wonderland is just as frightening as her own reality and that she cannot always run away from her problems. She must figure out a way to defeat Queen Hartley and return home before it is too late, but she soon learns that escaping Wonderland means leaving Ches behind forever.

Want to read more?  You can click the link directly below for a free preview.  Thanks for your support!

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice Cover



Ranking the top 5 moments from “Riverdale” season 3 episode 5: “Let the Game Begin”

Happy Wednesday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s Riverdale season 3 episode 5, we learned that the apple really doesn’t fall that far from the tree, as some of our favorite characters repeated the same mistakes as their parents.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In tonight’s episode, “Chapter Forty:  The Great Escape,” Jughead continues to immerse himself into “Griffins and Gargoyles” and is finally ready to bring the game “off board.”  Meanwhile, Veronica works on a plan of her very own to help Archie break out of prison and Cheryl shows off her impressive archery skills.  My top 5 moments from Riverdale season 3 episode 5 are:


“There’s something we should discuss.”

After realizing Jughead’s involvement in the game, Betty decides to continue investigating on her own and looks to her friends for help.  Betty is convinced that one of their parents could be responsible for the murder of Principal Featherhead and suggests that they each try and talk to their parents to see what they know.  While Reggie’s father responds with unnecessary violence, Kevin and Josie get more information than they bargained for when they find out that their parents are getting married.  Congrats?


“You can’t fight your destiny.”

In the beginning of the episode, Archie and the others try to execute their escape plan, but fail.  Archie is branded by the warden, which is beyond brutal, but is also rewarded with a last supper of sorts.  Archie recognizes that the warden no longer needs him and realizes that something big is about to go down.  He asks the warden how Hiram Lodge framed him and learns that Hiram paid the witnesses $10,000 each to lie while under oath.  Archie’s life is worth $30,000 according to the warden, but we know that Veronica and his friends see his true value and will stop at nothing to help him.


“I’m a Lodge.  I know how this goes.”

Veronica continues to clash with her father, but refuses to just sit on the sidelines.  She enlists the help of Elio and his mob connections to get into the prison.  Veronica sports a blonde wig and some classy sunglasses, but Hiram quickly spots her.  Veronica and her friends are ready to help Archie break out of prison, as they follow her plan and instructions.  Only we quickly learn that Jughead’s game of “Griffins and Gargoyles” is directly connected to the plan, but how far does this link go?


“I’m Game Master!”

Jughead tries to explain that “we have been playing this game for a lot longer than we know.”  The game apparently relates to everything and every decision has a direct consequence in real life.  We also learn that the game only takes place in Riverdale, which is why no one else has ever heard of it.  Betty desperately tries to get Jughead to snap out of it, but his obsession has elevated to a new level.  Jughead may be the “Game Master,” but it’s only a matter of time before this game turns deadly, but for whom?


“To the grave.”

In a confusing moment, Joaquin kisses Archie and then stabs him.  Archie does not understand this betrayal and Joaquin says, “The warden said if I’d do this, I’d ascend.”  Joaquin is somehow directly involved in the game along with the warden, which has us all wondering who is the Gargoyle King?  Archie is able to successfully break out of prison with the help of Mad Dog and his friends and he will remain in the bunker until it is safe.  Veronica tells everyone in the room that they are all in a pact and that they will need to take this to the grave, as history now repeats itself for our favorite characters.  When Betty detects Archie’s brand, we learn that the symbol is from the game, which is not surprising.  After seeing the preview for the upcoming episode on November 28th, we know that it means sacrifice.  At the end of the episode, the warden ends his own game by taking the cyanide after failing to bring down the “Red Paladin.”  While Jughead initially suspects that the warden may be the Gargoyle King, I am now wondering if it is Hiram Lodge.  Perhaps this is too obvious; however, but we know that Hiram is sort of like the king of Riverdale and is performing evil acts left and right.  Part of me also thinks that it could be Hermione Lodge, which would be an interesting twist.  Hermione was on her way to see the warden right before he killed himself so is it possible that our Gargoyle King is really a queen?  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Riverdale in the comments section below.  Happy viewing!

**I would love it if you would take a moment to check out my Whizbuzz Book page via the link below for everything you need to know about my new book, The Search for Alice, including my author bio page and links to my website and social media sites!  Thank you!

My Whizbuzz Book Page


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


[twitter-follow screen_name=’TV_Fanatic_Girl’]

If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

When Kallie Bennett, a jaded teenage girl plagued by her alcoholic mother and her peers molded out of sheer bubble gum perfection, chases after Alice in Wonderland herself, she ends up lost in her own version of Wonderland, which forces her to face her utmost fears and introduces her to familiar characters with a dark twist. Among these characters is Ches, a gorgeous vampire with a conflicted conscience, who becomes Kallie’s guide and blossoming love interest. She also crosses paths with Queen Hartley, a manipulative witch who has the power to strip away one’s memories and imagination, which brings a bone chilling new meaning to “off with their heads.” In The Search for Alice, Kallie starts to realize that her Wonderland is just as frightening as her own reality and that she cannot always run away from her problems. She must figure out a way to defeat Queen Hartley and return home before it is too late, but she soon learns that escaping Wonderland means leaving Ches behind forever.

Want to read more?  You can click the link directly below for a free preview.  Thanks for your support!

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice Cover

Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 9 episode 6: “I Haven’t Given Up”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 9 episode 6, Michonne reminded us that “the path ahead has only grown darker.”  That may be more accurate than she realizes, as we are now faced with a world in the future without our beloved Rick Grimes.  But even though there is darkness, there is still hope present or “flashes of light.”  While these flashes are enough to keep Michonne going, are they enough to continue to capture our undivided attention?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “Who Are You Now?” Judith rescues several strangers and wants to bring them back to Alexandria.  Meanwhile, Michonne tries to cope with life without Rick, Carol sports a new hairdo, and Gabriel has somehow become the new Rico Suave of the community.  My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 9 episode 6 are:


“We owe our lives to Miss Grimes here.”

In the beginning of the episode, Judith rescues several strangers from a group of walkers, but she wants to help them even further because it is the right thing to do.  Even though some of the others feel hesitant about bringing the strangers back to Alexandria, Judith is quite convincing and has become worthy of wearing Carl’s hat for sure.  That being said, she is still just a child so I’m wondering why she has so much influence over the others, but her heart does seem to be in the right place.  Let’s just hope these people don’t take advantage of her good nature.


“Give me a question from right here right now.”

Even though Judith is growing up in a very different world, Michonne still tries to provide her with structure.  After she trains her to fight, Judith is expected to do homework.  She goes to Negan for help with her math assignment, which is beyond strange.  Negan is still held in the cell, but he definitely has a soft spot for her.  We know that Negan was very fond of Carl as well and it seems like Judith may be his last chance at possible redemption, as he sort of takes on that weird Uncle vibe.  Judith does not seem afraid of him and even tries to put him in his place.  I guess he does need to brush up on his math skills.  What’s next for Negan?  I’m not sure, but I’m looking for some further development of his character especially since Rick is gone now.


“Don’t make this weird.”

Gabriel gets some more screen time and we learn that he is now romantically involved with Rosita.  As much as I like Rosita, I am not really feeling these two together.  What’s with Gabriel having the most awkward relationships possible?  First, Anne/Jadis and now Rosita.  There is still plenty of time for me to try and like these two together, but I am not seeing the chemistry just yet.  Later on, Rosita goes out with Eugene and they wind up in trouble.  Rosita hilariously tells Eugene, “Don’t make this weird” and I was pretty much thinking the same thing when I saw her kissing Gabriel.  I guess I still need to get used to that.  Rosita and Eugene have a close call with a horde of walkers and camouflage themselves with mud to remain unseen.  They manage to stay undetected, but we hear the walkers talking?  One of them says, “Don’t let them get away” so I guess this is the start of some kind of evolution for the walkers, but we’ll have to stay tuned to find out more about that.


“I remember.”

In the beginning of the episode, we witness Michonne narrating and she finds a small action figure that reminds her of Rick.  This moment is touching and it seems like Michonne is trying to keep going for Judith and for her son.  Wait…what?  Well this doesn’t come as a surprise because we know that Rick and Michonne talked about having a baby, but now we know that the legacy of Rick Grimes will continue on.  Michonne has clearly been through a lot after Rick and is even sporting some kind of “X” scar on her back.  What does this mark mean and how did she get it?  I will say that this is somewhat holding my attention more than Michonne putting the new strangers on a sort of trial to determine if they can stay in Alexandria.  Michonne clearly has trust issues, but I’d like to find out more about that.


“Hey there boss lady.”

During the episode, we also learn that Carol and Ezekiel are married and Henry is their adopted son.  While I want Carol to be happy, I have to admit that I was slightly disappointed because I still ultimately want her to be with Daryl.  That being said, Carol does look great with her flowing long hair, but that does not mean that she has lost her edge.  Carol and Henry take the horses out and run into trouble when they come across a group of former Saviors.  Carol gives up their supplies and even parts with her wedding ring, but Henry is upset by this.  Carol tries to explain to him that he’ll understand someday, as Carol’s priorities have changed now that she has a son to take care of.  That being said, Carol decides to show the Saviors who the real “boss lady” is when she later returns to them and sets them on fire.  I have to say that this was definitely the best part of the episode for me.  While there is still a lot of focus on change and bringing communities together, Carol reminded us that she is a force to be reckoned with.  More of this please!  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!

**I would love it if you would take a moment to check out my Whizbuzz Book page via the link below for everything you need to know about my new book, The Search for Alice, including my author bio page and links to my website and social media sites!  Thank you!

My Whizbuzz Book Page

Stay up to date on upcoming premieres of horror TV series @ 12nightsofhorror.com/horror-series-coming-soon


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

When Kallie Bennett, a jaded teenage girl plagued by her alcoholic mother and her peers molded out of sheer bubble gum perfection, chases after Alice in Wonderland herself, she ends up lost in her own version of Wonderland, which forces her to face her utmost fears and introduces her to familiar characters with a dark twist. Among these characters is Ches, a gorgeous vampire with a conflicted conscience, who becomes Kallie’s guide and blossoming love interest. She also crosses paths with Queen Hartley, a manipulative witch who has the power to strip away one’s memories and imagination, which brings a bone chilling new meaning to “off with their heads.” In The Search for Alice, Kallie starts to realize that her Wonderland is just as frightening as her own reality and that she cannot always run away from her problems. She must figure out a way to defeat Queen Hartley and return home before it is too late, but she soon learns that escaping Wonderland means leaving Ches behind forever.

Want to read more?  You can click the link directly below for a free preview.  Thanks for your support!

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice Cover