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My performance of the week ending 11/2/19 on TV goes to…


Lili Reinhart as Betty Cooper on The CW’s Riverdale

For two weeks in a row, Betty Cooper has been on fire!  She’s strong, fearless, and a bad-ass girl you do not want to mess with!  Even if you’re family, you are not off limits, as Betty has no problem putting you in your place if you deserve it.

There are so many characters on this show and I enjoy the dynamic between all of them, but there just has to be something said for the talent of Lili Reinhart.  She’s in a league of her own and she always steals the show.

It’s interesting how I was more excited for the premiere of the Nancy Drew series and yet I found Nancy’s character needing to channel some more Betty Cooper to truly come alive because Betty has set the bar so high for female amateur sleuths.

She’s not afraid to challenge authority and even the adults listen to her because she’s usually right…about everything!

Please note some spoilers are ahead if you are not caught up on the series.

In season 4 episode 4, we get a fun and spooky Halloween episode and Betty decides to dress up as Laurie Strode, the original scream queen herself.  Betty absolutely has Final Girl potential and she continues to get even stronger when more threats come her way.

That being said, Betty is so strong individually, but there is this wonderful and supportive quality to Bughead (Betty and Jughead together).  With the new mystery unfolding, it doesn’t look good for Jughead’s fate, but how will that impact Betty?

We have seen her deal with the reveal of the Black Hood and her mom’s drama with the Farm, but Jughead has always been Betty’s rock.  I’m slightly worried that she may completely lose it and resort back to dark season 2 Betty, but let’s hope that she can continue to stay strong.

What’s next for Betty?  We’ll have to wait and see, but it looks like we could be revisiting her dark past.  Betty may have this “serial killer darkness” within her because her father was the Black Hood, but I feel like she can tap into it to get an edge over everyone else, but let’s hope it doesn’t consume her completely.

When a mystery emerges in town, I’m always looking for my girl Betty to solve it and I hope that she can figure out a way to somehow save Jughead since we know that this show has presented us with a lot of twists and surprises before.  Either way, I’m always going to root for Betty and I can’t wait to see what she does next!

Stay tuned for a recognized performance on TV each week!

**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

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Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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Have a performance on TV that you think is simply outstanding? Feel free to contact me with your nomination for the week by Friday at midnight! 

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