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Ranking the top 5 moments from “Riverdale” season 3 episode 9: “No Exit”


Happy Thursday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s Riverdale season 3 episode 9, we were reminded that “in unity there is strength,” but is that truly enough to handle all of the evil and corruption going on in our favorite bubble gum pop town?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “Chapter Forty-Four:  No Exit,” Archie is attacked by a bear and begins to have some vivid dreams that could be quite meaningful.  Meanwhile, Veronica plays “deal or no deal” with her father, and Betty realizes that being a queen is actually hard work.  My top 5 moments from Riverdale season 3 episode 9 mid-season premiere are:


“I’m their Griffin Queen.”

Well sure, maybe you are Betty, but are you really able to continue housing all of these girls you valiantly rescued from the Sisters of Quiet Mercy?  Betty quickly begins to realize that this is a very difficult task.  It’s one thing to swoop in for a rescue, but what comes next is always that much more challenging.  Betty looks for help from some of the more reliable parents in town and it seems like she may have a temporary solution, but it’s only a matter of time before her reign may end.  Either way, we support you, Betty!


“We’ll go, but we’re keeping our jackets.”

So this episode finally gave our favorite couple, Cheryl and Toni, some much needed screen time.  While Choni is told to “break it up” at school, they turn on the heat and decide to break into Hiram Lodge’s residence to leave their mark…so to speak.  The plan backfires when Jughead asks them to return the valuable egg they stole and they are asked to turn in their jackets and go.  Cheryl doesn’t go quietly; however, as she reminds Jughead that Fangs should also be punished for his actions.  While Cheryl and Toni exit begrudgingly from the Serpents, Cheryl is not about to lose her latest fashion statement and reminds Jughead that they will be keeping their jackets.  Although I’m not sure that Cheryl and Toni will stay gone for long, it makes me wonder if Jughead is truly ready to be a leader and handle all that comes with it?


“You are not the villain you think you are.”

Archie is still off handling his own inner demons and is brutally attacked by a bear.  While Archie calls for help, he begins hallucinating or having vivid dreams that had me wondering if I was hallucinating along with him.  While it’s clear that Archie is focusing on his enemy, Hiram Lodge, perhaps the bigger villain is his own guilt.  I have to say that I was right there with dream Fred Andrews when he told Archie to just come home already.  Although, that may be a little bit difficult for our main character right now.


“Has anyone ever told you, you’re a bad-ass?”

During the episode, Veronica continues to struggle to maintain power over her father, as he stirs up some more trouble.  Hiram is all about making Faustian deals, but is he able to truly tame his daughter?  Veronica ends up securing protection from the Serpents, which seems like a great solution, but it’s only a matter of time before Hiram comes up with a new plan.  Will Veronica be ready?  Perhaps, but it seems like her attention has drifted elsewhere, as Veggie fans celebrated when she and Reggie shared their first kiss.  Is Veronica truly ready to move on from Archie, however?


“We go to join thee.”

At the end of the episode, we are left with a lot of setup for what’s to come.  Alice sends the girls from Sisters of Quiet Mercy off to the farm and informs Betty that she only missed Edgar by “like five minutes,” but it looks like the second half of the season will finally give us some concrete answers about the farm.  Jughead also decides to send Fangs under cover, which may be more than he is able to handle, but it looks like he is up for the challenge.  The Sisters of Quiet Mercy are bailed out and leave behind the cryptic message:  “We go to join thee,” which Betty eventually figures out, as the Sisters go to join their “Gargoyle King” with their sacrifice.  Was this by choice or was someone else pulling the strings here to keep them quiet forever?  Finally, Archie is non-responsive when help arrives, which begs the question:  is Riverdale really about to kill off the main character of the show?  This is not the first time that Archie has faced a life or death situation, but something tells me that he’s going to be all right.  Overall, I was slightly disappointed with the episode, as it felt more like a filler or transition one.  It did provide us with a lot of setup for what’s to come, but I would like to see more content highlighted, especially since one of the teaser trailers suggested that Betty is going to be reunited with her father, Hal, very soon.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Riverdale in the comments section below.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!

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Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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When Kallie Bennett, a jaded teenage girl plagued by her alcoholic mother and her peers molded out of sheer bubble gum perfection, chases after Alice in Wonderland herself, she ends up lost in her own version of Wonderland, which forces her to face her utmost fears and introduces her to familiar characters with a dark twist. Among these characters is Ches, a gorgeous vampire with a conflicted conscience, who becomes Kallie’s guide and blossoming love interest. She also crosses paths with Queen Hartley, a manipulative witch who has the power to strip away one’s memories and imagination, which brings a bone chilling new meaning to “off with their heads.” In The Search for Alice, Kallie starts to realize that her Wonderland is just as frightening as her own reality and that she cannot always run away from her problems. She must figure out a way to defeat Queen Hartley and return home before it is too late, but she soon learns that escaping Wonderland means leaving Ches behind forever.

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