Spoiler-Free Review of “Amp House Massacre” on Demand: The Killer Price of Internet Fame

*This is a spoiler-free review so feel free to read on!*

“I’m your biggest fan…”

Amp House Massacre released on demand on June 25th 2024. The horror slasher film stars Kara Royster, Pedro Correa, Chris O’Neal, and Ana Osorio. It runs for approximately an hour and twenty minutes.

While staying at an exclusive mansion, a group of influencers wind up caught in a deadly game that reveals each of their secrets to the others.

Here is the trailer:

Amp House Massacre has a fantastic premise for a slasher film, but does it translate well on the screen? Let’s find out…

The Pros:

Images courtesy of Mill Creek Entertainment

A premise I was super excited about!

I’ve seen plenty of horror films leaning into the influencer craze lately, but I really thought that this premise was exceptional. It put a Bodies Bodies Bodies spin on things and had the potential to be a bloody fantastic film. I’m always up for a low budget slasher!

Some inventive kills.

I wanted to see more gore and I think a few of the kills could have been dragged out a little more to really make an impact, but there were some creative options used here, which I appreciated as a slasher fan.

The Cons:

Images courtesy of Mill Creek Entertainment

Takes a while to settle in…

This was a shorter film, but I found myself losing interest until the killer started to shake things up. I could have done without some of the excessive fluff personally.

Also, there was some CRAZY over-acting going on in this one. We got some random yelling and crying that was so bad, it was funny. I’ve seen some of these actors in other things so this was confusing. It just felt very amateur.

I started to like everything more as the killer games started, but I thought that the ending was a dud, which was disappointing.

So am I in or out?

Images courtesy of Mill Creek Entertainment

I’m 50/50 on this one…

Amp House Massacre has a really cool premise for a slasher film, but it needed to flesh things out fully to bring the idea to life.

If you enjoy lower budget slashers, this is a quick enough watch with a few sprinkles of killer fun.

I hope you enjoyed the review and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Amp House Massacre in the comments section below. Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Gil


When former friends, Shay and Adriana team up to participate in a Halloween scavenger hunt with a cash prize, they temporarily put their differences aside to outsmart their opponents. However, they soon start to realize that a dangerous threat is playing their own version of the game, stalking them during each hunt.

Winning is now a necessity as their lives are at stake. As old wounds and memories re-surface, Shay and Adriana attempt to unmask the threat before the night is over, but soon learn that Scream Hunt is not done with them just yet…

My young adult horror thriller is out now! I hope you enjoy!

Scream Hunt is available here!

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Published by

Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

I live in Long Island, NY. I am obsessed with TV, movies, reading and writing! My top TV shows are LOST, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Breaking Bad, Veronica Mars, Prison Break, Beverly Hills, 90210, Melrose Place, and Supernatural. My dog, Honey, loves TV too!

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