Spoiler-Free Review of “Maggie” on Hulu: Absolutely Charming!

**This is a spoiler-free review so feel free to read on!**

“I’m a psychic…”

Maggie released on July 6th 2022 on Hulu. The rom-com series features thirteen episodes, which are all available to stream now. The show stars Rebecca Rittenhouse, Nichole Sachura, Chloe Bridges, David Del Rio, Kerri Kenney-Silver, and Ray Ford. Each episode runs for approximately 22-25 minutes.

Maggie is a psychic who is used to seeing the future for other people, but when she gets a glimpse into her own future, it begins to impact her choices in the present.

Here is the trailer:

Maggie may be the perfect choice for fans of late 90’s rom-coms with its endearing characters and wholesome story. Is it worthy of your next watch? Let’s find out…

The Pros:

Maggie Spoiler Free 1

Images courtesy of Hulu

Characters worth your time!

I absolutely fell in love with these characters. They all have something quirky and fun to bring to the table and Rebecca Rittenhouse absolutely shines as Maggie. It’s very easy to root for her character. Even though we have a lot of tropes going on, I still think these characters are a lot of fun to watch!

Stand-out character: Angel

Cute premise!

If you enjoy shows like Younger, That’s So Raven, and Ghosts, you will feel right at home with this one. There is this wholesome feel to it and it’s so entertaining to watch. The episodes are super short so you can watch as many as you want in a row without overdoing it. 

It also really channeled the rom-coms from the late 90’s and early 2000’s that I absolutely fell in love with. Sure, it was cheesy at times, but it was also cute too and the episodes got better and better throughout the show.

We got a major cliffhanger at the end of the season and I am crossing my fingers that we get a season 2!

The Cons:

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Starts off unsure of itself.

The first few episodes felt a little awkward at times. I think the show was trying to find its way and it eventually got there. Some of the humor didn’t really land for me at first and I wasn’t sure if I was going to stick around, but I’m really glad I did because the episodes got really good and continued to improve. It’s safe to say that I’m addicted now and I wish Maggie could give me a reading!

So am I in or out?

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I’m in!

This show was so delightful to watch! I fell in love with the characters and I thought the episodes were light and a lot of fun. If you enjoy rom-coms, you’ll love this new series. It was so refreshing to watch!

I hope you enjoyed the review and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Maggie in the comments section below. Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


Girl Number Thirteen Lurking Promo

It was only supposed to be temporary…but when Olivia Crewe accepts a new position that seems too good to be true, she soon discovers that twelve other girls previously had the same job as her. Only none of them lasted for more than thirty days. No notice. Nothing…right before they mysteriously disappeared without a trace.

My supernatural thriller Girl Number Thirteen is out now! I hope you enjoy!

Girl Number Thirteen is available here!

**If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!


Spoiler-Free Review of “How I Met Your Father” on Hulu: Hilary Duff is back on TV

*This is a spoiler-free review so feel free to read on!*

“I want to tell you the story of how I met your father…”

How I Met Your Father released on January 18th 2022 on Hulu with the first two episodes. The remaining eight episodes will air weekly. The sitcom is a standalone series in the same world as How I Met Your Mother. It stars Hilary Duff, Chris Lowell, Francia Raisa, Kim Cattrall, Tom Ainsley, and Josh Peck. Each episode runs for approximately 23-25 minutes.

The re-imagining of the series follows Sophie in the year 2022, as she searches for the love of her life and bonds with her group of friends.

Here is the trailer:

How I Met Your Father brings fans of the original series some nostalgia while sprinkling in some welcomed Easter eggs, but does the series do enough to earn a watch? Let’s find out…

The Pros:

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Images courtesy of Hulu

Likeable cast.

Hilary Duff is always magnetic on screen and should thrive in this type of series and I’m a big fan of Chris Lowell from Veronica Mars as well. The other characters all seem nice enough for the most part. It’s too early to tell who my favorites will be, but I think that it’s important for us to care about these characters and so far the show is heading in the right direction with this. 

Heads in a different direction.

Unlike its predecessor, HIMYF decides to shake things up and reveal potential characters who could be the “father” at the very end of the first episode. I think this is a smart approach and it will keep the audience more invested for the most part. It’s not easy steering off from the original, but it’s important for the series not to fall into the trap that so many reboots so often do.

The Cons:

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Images courtesy of Hulu

Tries too hard to make the show relevant with today’s audience…

Tinder dates and Ubers are immediately thrown into the mix as the series tries to be relevant with a new generation. However, I thought this felt a little forced. I also think that Hilary Duff deserves a little more for her character. Sure, it’s really early, but it seems like she is defining her purpose by finding “the one,” and I couldn’t help thinking back to her character on Younger and how she placed love in the background so she could excel in her career. I get that this is a different show, but I think that Sophie could use some more “Kelsey” inspiration because she needs some layers.

So am I in or out?

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Images courtesy of Hulu

I’m in about 75 percent…

If you’re a fan of the original series, I think that you will find plenty of nostalgia with the new one, but I’m not sure that it is doing anything that different or unique this time around. That being said, the cast is really likable and I’m confident that Hilary Duff will shine in whatever project she is working on.

I hope you enjoyed the review and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on How I Met Your Father in the comments section below. Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

This competition is killer…

Scream Hunt Halloween

When former friends, Shay and Adriana team up to participate in a Halloween scavenger hunt with a cash prize, they temporarily put their differences aside to outsmart their opponents. However, they soon start to realize that a dangerous threat is playing their own version of the game, stalking them during each hunt.

Winning is now a necessity as their lives are at stake. As old wounds and memories re-surface, Shay and Adriana attempt to unmask the threat before the night is over, but soon learn that Scream Hunt is not done with them just yet…

My new young adult horror thriller is out now! I hope you enjoy!

Scream Hunt is available here!

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Reaction to the “Younger” Series Finale: The Ending I Dreamed of Came True

**Please note MAJOR spoilers are ahead if you are not caught up with this series.**

I woke up bright and early today to watch the Younger series finale and even though I have had some issues with the final season, I went into it hoping for the best and boy did it deliver!

In last week’s post, I talked about some of my predictions and questions that I had and I think that most of them were answered in the finale, but there were still a few loose ends I had some issues with.

First, let’s talk about Kelsey’s decision.

Images courtesy of Hulu

I was really happy that Kelsey made the right decision about Rob and decided to go out on her own even though she didn’t really have an investor anymore for Inkubator. I thought that her speech at the party was really heartfelt and inspiring and I was rooting for her to find her own way.

Well, she did and thanks to the group behind Reese Witherspoon’s book club, she now has an investor. Kelsey will be moving to California and will be starting a new life, which was bitter sweet since she will be leaving Liza behind.

I have one issue with the Kelsey story and it involves Zane. I don’t like that we are just supposed to assume that Zane couldn’t handle Kelsey’s promotion and left things the way they were. I understand that the pandemic prevented some actors from returning, but Kelsey could have gotten a congratulatory text from Zane, perhaps?

Lauren and Maggie get a chance at love.

Images courtesy of Hulu

While not exactly what I expected for either of them, their choices were far from boring and I think that it suited their characters. I am really happy that we got to spend a lot of time devoted to them this season.

The end of Charliza…

I went into this series finale thinking we were going to get a cheesy Charliza ending and I was glad that the writers went in a different direction. Liza and Charles realize that they are not going to make it and part amicably this time.

Liza is going to be the editor-in-chief at Empirical and I was honestly really excited for her. This show has been a journey of self-discovery for Liza in a lot of ways and I think that this promotion proves that she has made it and then some.

The only thing missing here is that she needs Diana to join her team again…seriously not even a mention in the series finale? That was another missed opportunity.

OK, so let’s talk about that ending!!!!!!

Images courtesy of Hulu

I’ve been complaining that Josh has seemed mostly filler in the final season and deep down in my heart, I have always shipped Liza with Josh. The show ends exactly as it should. Everything comes full circle and Liza ends up at a bar…with Josh.

She points out that she didn’t even know he was there and he reminds her that he always has been.

The implication is there, which is exactly what I was looking for. We don’t get this over-the-top kiss or them walking off into the sunset, but we do leave things open enough to make our conclusions about what will happen between them.

I think that Younger redeemed itself in its final episode and I thought that it nailed the series finale, which is not easy to do.

I have seen a lot of shows fail at this miserably over the years and Younger took a simple and effective approach and it paid off.

I’m a Younger fan for life and I will miss watching the episodes, but there’s always time for a re-watch!

If you haven’t watched Younger yet, you can catch up now on Paramount Plus and Hulu!

Feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Younger in the comments section below. Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


It was only supposed to be temporary…but when Olivia Crewe accepts a new position that seems too good to be true, she soon discovers that twelve other girls previously had the same job as her. Only none of them lasted for more than thirty days. No notice. Nothing…right before they mysteriously disappeared without a trace.

My supernatural thriller Girl Number Thirteen is out now! I hope you enjoy!

Girl Number Thirteen is available here!

**If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

Predictions for the “Younger” Series Finale: What I’m Dying to See and More!

Happy Saturday TV Fans! As we approach the series finale of Younger, there is quite a lot I want to see, but will we have time to address it all in the jam-packed finale?

**Please note spoilers are ahead if you are not caught up with this series.**

Younger is such a fun show and I have honestly fallen in love with it over the years. There is this seamless balance between rom-com perfection and drama to keep you coming back for more. While the love triangle has been done over and over again, it somehow seemed fresh and new on this show. There are also these incredible moments of self-reflection and growth presented and the show really captures the essence of true friendship without becoming too cheesy in the process.

It seems like the right time to end the series, but the final season has had its ups and downs. Will it end things on a high note? I’m remaining positive and I hope we can get back some of the magic from the earlier seasons in the final episode.

So, what can we expect from the series finale?

Images courtesy of Hulu

I really want to see Liza and Kelsey venture out on their own. We know that Charles is finally impressed with what they are creating with Inkubator, but maybe it’s time for them to step away from the company and branch out on their own.

Of course there is now some drama tangled up in this. After Kelsey agrees to let Rob show someone the pitch, it gets forwarded all over the place and eventually winds up with Quinn. We know she is going to make some waves here. 

I think that Charles took too long to really believe in his employees and the beginning of the series started off with Liza having to lie about her age to land a job. Well, she has certainly proven herself and embraced her age and identity, so I think it’s about time for her to make it on her own with Kelsey.

I’m rooting for you ladies!

What about our favorite supporting characters?

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So, I appreciate the amount of time we have been spending on Maggie and Lauren this season. But, what about Diana? We know that Diana and Zane will not be featured that much in the final season, but we have to see Diana in the final episode…right?

We brought back Max into Lauren’s life and Maggie has really found her identity again through her work, but what about Josh?

Now that we have been shoved back into the Charliza direction again, it seems like Josh has been mostly filler this season. There was a part of me that wanted Liza to end up with him, but now what’s next for him?

He’s a great father and he has his work, but I really feel like we mostly used Josh as a prop for other characters and he deserves a lot more than that.

Is Rob right for Kelsey?

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I think Kelsey deserves a lot better and she is making some poor decisions when it comes to Rob. I don’t really agree with what she did to Clare. She should have been honest and upfront with her from the start. After that argument, it seems like she is moving too quickly with Rob.

I spent a lot of time falling in love with her and Zane and I will be extremely disappointed if this is truly the end of their relationship. I am hoping that Zane will also somehow get a hold of the pitch to save the day, but I really don’t know at this point.

I actually really liked the competitive drive between these two and I feel like Kelsey has lost a bit of herself in the final season. Fingers crossed that it will all work out!

Is Charliza end game?

Images courtesy of Hulu

Honestly, I don’t know if I’m sold on this one. Sure, we have built up this epic love between them over the years, but I am really annoyed at Charles for rebounding with Quinn so quickly after Liza. Charles is a smart man and even though his ego was hurt by Liza’s answer, this seems like an annoying plot device thrown into the mix.

Nobody likes Quinn and she has been shady from the start, so why would Charles go to her with open arms? We brought Pauline back to stir things up and I honestly didn’t care. Liza has been so strong on her own and I was sort of hoping that she would end the series without a man, but maybe have it implied that things weren’t off the table for her and Josh in the future.

Now, that has been thrown out the window and we are left with a cheesy Charliza happy ending. It’s not that I don’t like these two together. I just don’t like how they were split apart and I think that we should really question Charles’s character after his relationship with Quinn. 

That being said, I’m going into the series finale with an open mind. This show has always been really entertaining and I will miss watching it. I hope we get a few surprises during the finale and some much needed guest stars, but we’ll have to wait and see!

If you haven’t watched Younger yet, you can catch up now on Paramount Plus and Hulu!

Feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Younger in the comments section below. Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


It was only supposed to be temporary…but when Olivia Crewe accepts a new position that seems too good to be true, she soon discovers that twelve other girls previously had the same job as her. Only none of them lasted for more than thirty days. No notice. Nothing…right before they mysteriously disappeared without a trace.

My supernatural thriller Girl Number Thirteen is out now! I hope you enjoy!

Girl Number Thirteen is available here!

**If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

Checking in on “Younger” Season 7: How will it End?

“Age is irrelevant…”

Happy Sunday TV Fans! It’s been over a year and a half since we last checked in on TV Land’s Younger and the last season is finally here! There will be twelve episodes in total for the final season. The first four episodes are already streaming on both Paramount Plus and Hulu. The remaining episodes will air weekly on Thursdays and the show will also air later on its original network, TV Land. 

The Team Charles vs. Team Josh rivalry has gone through its ups and downs, but has Liza finally made a decision on where her heart truly lies?

**Please note spoilers are ahead if you are not caught up on the series.**

At the end of season 6, Charles proposes to Liza at Diana’s wedding and of course we don’t get her answer right away, leaving us with a major cliffhanger for all this time. Luckily, the season 7 premiere doesn’t waste any time and we learn that Liza is really happy with the way things are going with Charles, but she doesn’t know if she wants to get married.

Apparently this “technicality” matters a little too much to Charles and he decides to break things off with Liza, leaving us right back where we started in this Charliza web of uncertainty.

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Will they or won’t they?

Let’s pause on that question and discuss what else is going on in the final season.

So I have to say that I was really pleased with more air time for both Lauren and Maggie. Lauren has always been a scene stealer and she has been bringing us some major laughs and it’s about time!

But, we also aren’t seeing Diana or Zane as series regulars which leaves me with a lot of uncertainty. Zane ends things with Kelsey over face time, but I have always seen these two as end game so where does that leave Kelsey?

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And Diana has always been at the very center of the dynamic in the work place and it feels empty without her even though Lauren is putting forth a valiant effort to fill our diva’s shoes.

Josh loves being a father and we have already thrown a potential new love interest his way, but he ends up saying some really deep and meaningful words to Liza. They agree that what they have doesn’t need to be defined and that they will always be there for each other, which was really beautiful.

Josh has matured in so many ways across the series and you can argue that he has grown up even more than Liza, who has basically gone in the opposite direction with this whole age scandal thing.

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But are Josh and Liza truly meant for each other?

I’m not sure about that either and I’m starting to wonder about how the series will actually end.

At this point, I’m not sure how I feel about Charliza anymore especially since Charles seems so quick to move on to Quinn. I mean, really?

Liza is moving on in her own way, but I’m starting to wonder if she will actually end up on her own at the very end of the series. I’m all for a happily ever after ending, but the show has really been more about Liza’s second chance at a life for herself and she has really achieved that in so many ways.

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Sure, she’s had A LOT of missteps along the way, but that’s part of life and maybe this show is really more about self-discovery and awareness than it is about finding that special someone.

I’m already enjoying the final season so much. The fashion has been on point and there has been a lot of humor already, but I hope we don’t spend too much time on the will-they-won’t they aspect because Liza deserves better and I hope she finds what she has been looking for.

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Images courtesy of Hulu

Either way, I’m excited to watch the rest of the final season and I can’t wait to see what happens next!

Stay tuned, Younger fans!

I hope you enjoyed the review and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Younger in the comments section below. Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


Girl Number Thirteen Lurking Promo


It was only supposed to be temporary…but when Olivia Crewe accepts a new position that seems too good to be true, she soon discovers that twelve other girls previously had the same job as her. Only none of them lasted for more than thirty days. No notice. Nothing…right before they mysteriously disappeared without a trace.

My new supernatural thriller Girl Number Thirteen is out now! I hope you enjoy!

Girl Number Thirteen is available here!

**If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

My performance of the week ending 9/7/19 on TV goes to…

Hilary Duff as Kelsey Peters on TV Land’s Younger.  Even though the show mostly centers around Liza, I was beyond impressed with Hilary Duff’s performance in season 6 and I think that our girl Kelsey is finally showing the world what she is truly made of.  She’s more than a SHero.  She’s an inspiration and she is proving to be a strong woman who can compete with anyone in the business world.  Please note some spoilers are ahead if you are not up-to-date on the series.

Even when it seems like things are not working in her favor, Kelsey manages to turn it around somehow, proving that she is extremely capable and hard-working.  She refuses to let defeat creep over her and she always has another backup plan, preparing for whatever comes next. 

I have always loved the friendship between Liza and Kelsey, along with the budding relationship between Kelsey and Zane, but I really thought that Kelsey finally started to find her own identity separate from these relationships in season 6, which makes her much more than a supporting character.

Kelsey has a lot of responsibility on her shoulders in season 6, taking on the role of publisher of Millennial, but she continues to make impressive decisions.  Even after her social media mistake, she still bounces back and makes the courageous decision to leave the job that she has come to love, taking a huge leap of faith to discover her next path.

Ultimately, it looks like Kelsey’s path will actually lead her right back to Millennial in a different role and I have to say that I am relieved!  Kelsey has worked so hard and she deserves recognition for her efforts and I think that Charles is really trying his best to make her feel like she is part of the Millennial family.

What’s next for Kelsey?  We’ll have to wait and see, but it looks like Kelsey will have a new position at Millennial to tackle and she is also truly opening herself up to Zane, so it will be interesting to see what’s next for one of my favorite ships as well.  I have been a fan of the series for a while now, but sometimes characters with the most potential lose out on screen time.

Each episode is only about 30 minutes, which doesn’t give us a lot of time to play with, but I think that the development and growth of Kelsey’s character has been so important for the series and I am a Kelsey Peters fan for life.  I can’t wait to see what she does next!

Stay tuned for a recognized performance on TV each week!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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Have a performance on TV that you think is simply outstanding? Feel free to contact me with your nomination for the week by Friday at midnight! 

**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

Dreaming of Wonderland Series Blog

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “Younger” season 6 episode 12: “That’s A Lot to Think About!”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  After watching TV Land’s Younger season 6 episode 12 season finale, I realized that “we have to make choices in life,” but it seems like Liza is not having a super easy time with this and things are only going to get more complicated for her.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  

In last night’s episode, “Forever,” Liza’s two worlds collide again, when she is left with an overwhelming choice that may change her life forever.  Meanwhile, Kelsey contemplates her next steps and Diana and Enzo get married.  My top 5 moments from the Younger season 6 episode 12 season finale are:


“I’m taking a leap and the net will appear.”

Well maybe, “but what if the sidewalk appears first,” as Liza points out to her good friend, Kelsey, who decides to move forward with her decision to leave Millennial.  Both Charles and Liza try to convince Kelsey to change her mind, but they do respect her decision.  Kelsey is looking to start her own publishing company and even secures Quinn as an investor, which surprises everyone, but is this really the right move for our girl Kelsey?


“It’s Diana’s day.”

Even though Diana’s wedding mostly serves as the background for this jam-packed episode, Diana looks beyond gorgeous in her gown and I was so happy to see her and Enzo get married without that interesting ice sculpture on display.  Leave it to Maggie and Lauren to stir up just the right amount of trouble!  Either way, it was wonderful to see one of my favorite ships finally get their happily ever after and I can’t wait to see what happens next with them!


“Does this count as me reaching out?”

Kelsey is going through a lot and Zane tries to show his support, but he also gives Kelsey a reality check about starting her own publishing company, especially since he just went through this recently.  Zane tells Kelsey that he thought she was awesome in the way she handled everything, but he also doesn’t like that she bailed on him and reminds her that it will need to be her move if she wants to pursue their relationship in the future.

Luckily, it doesn’t take Kelsey too long to discover where her heart truly lies, as she holds Zane’s hand during Diana and Enzo’s wedding, letting Zane know that she’s ready to give their relationship a true chance.  I ship these two so much and I am really happy that they are going to keep things going!  Yay!


“I wouldn’t want anyone else to have it…”

After Infinitely 21 wants to use Liza’s tattoo design, Josh explains that he needs to get permission.  Liza initially tells him that it’s fine, but she quickly has a change of heart, flashing back to the day that Josh gave her that tattoo, realizing how unique and special it is to their past relationship.

Liza says, “It’s ours” and Josh seems to be pleased with her answer, recognizing that perhaps Liza has not truly moved on just yet.  A tattoo is forever, but is Liza ready to finally trust her instincts and go with her heart?  Well…it’s about to get even more complicated!


“Will you marry me?”

Charliza finally gets a moment alone during the season finale and it’s a very big moment, as Charles explains that perhaps the family trip was not a great idea and asks Liza to marry him.  Before Liza can answer, Kelsey interrupts and says, “I do” to Charles’s offer to make her a member of the board, giving her a stake in the company.  The bridal party splits these two apart and we are left seeing Liza and Charles looking at one another across the dance floor. 

I mean, talk about a cliffhanger!  What will Liza say?  Is she ready to finally make a choice?  I can’t wait to find out and I’m curious to learn whether Team Charles or Team Josh will be victorious.  Although, perhaps Liza will choose herself during this impossible choice to make things even more dramatic, but we will have to wait until 2020 to find out!!!!!!  Stay tuned Younger fans!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on Younger below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

[twitter-follow screen_name=’TV_Fanatic_Girl’]

**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

Dreaming of Wonderland Series Blog

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

**If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

Ranking the top 5 moments from “Younger” season 6 episode 11: “Dear Josh…”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  After watching TV Land’s Younger season 6 episode 11, I realized that words are extremely important, but the meaning and intention behind them is what truly matters.  Should we merely accept what is written down on the page or should we search for a deeper meaning that perhaps will make us question everything?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  

In last night’s episode, “Holding Out for a SHero,” Liza decides to write Josh a Dear John letter, but things get complicated when Josh confronts her about the true contents of the letter.  Meanwhile, Kelsey deals with the consequences of her social media mistake, Lauren shows off her skills at giving terrifying pep talks, and Diana reminds everyone that she does not want a bachelorette party.  My top 5 moments from Younger season 6 episode 11 are:


“So Josh is your sucker?”

In the beginning of the episode, Liza confides in Maggie about her decision to cut Josh out of her life because she doesn’t trust herself, but is there an undeniable chemistry still lingering?  It seems like Liza’s feelings have not vanished into thin air just yet even though she has Charles in her life, but is she trying to convince Maggie or herself here?  Josh and Charles bring out different qualities in Liza, but where does her heart truly lie?


“Whenever we try, one of us loses.”

Zane attempts to talk to Kelsey about what happened and feels partly to blame, but Kelsey shuts down and tells Zane that they are cursed.  I understand that Kelsey is going through a lot right now, but Zane is trying his best to be there for her.  After they revealed their true feelings for one another, it seemed like we were going to see some happiness for this ship, but is Kelsey denying her feelings again?  I’m really hoping she has a change of heart here because I can’t take the back and forth between these two.


“I get you.”

After Diana drops hints that she doesn’t want a bachelorette party, Liza proves to be a worthy maid of honor and surprises her with one anyway.  Kelsey and Liza seem preoccupied during the festivities, but Diana is having a lot of fun and even contemplates a tattoo.  Luckily, she has second thoughts about this, as I’m not really sure what she would have decided on, but it was fun to see her enjoy herself and I can’t wait to see her and Enzo get married!


“It’s time for me to move on.”

Liza is not the only one making a huge decision in this episode, as Kelsey deals with her recent demotion.  Kelsey seems to be handling everything just fine, but it’s clear that she may not be OK.  After warning some high school girls about the dangers of social media, Kelsey may have gotten her SHero status back, but she realizes that she needs to write a letter of her own and tells Charles that she has decided to move on from the company.

Is this the right move for Kelsey?  We’ll have to wait and see, but Kelsey has always worked so hard and I can’t wait to see what she does next.  It will be interesting to see how Liza takes this news; however, as the two of them make a pretty awesome duo.


“You wrote a letter to the wrong guy.”

Liza decides to write Josh a Dear John letter and surprisingly, she doesn’t hesitate too long to actually send it.  Josh is beyond heartbroken when he receives the letter and he confronts Liza later on in the night, asking her why she is doing this.  Josh thinks that Liza is scared of what they were and what they still are, desperately trying to get her to admit her true feelings.  Liza tells Josh that they were a moment in time, but Josh doesn’t accept this and says, “Say you love him more than you love me.” 

Liza reveals to Josh that she does love Charles more, but Josh reminds her that he knows her and he knows when she is lying, explaining that she wrote a letter to the wrong guy.  Liza is clearly stunned and thrown by this and starts to contemplate everything when she gets home.

Is Charles simply the safe and age appropriate choice or are her feelings truly real for him?  Team Charles vs. Team Josh has certainly emerged once again, but what will Liza decide? What side are YOU on?  Stay tuned for the season finale next week!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on Younger below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “Younger” season 6 episode 10: “It’s All About the Money, Honey!”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  After watching TV Land’s Younger season 6 episode 10, I realized that we don’t always know what the future holds and we all have a past.  But as Charles pointed out, “in order to have a future, you move on from it,” but what if your past is way more complicated than that?  And if we can’t move on from the past, is it time to revisit it?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  

In last night’s episode, “It’s All About the Money, Honey,” Liza spots the intimate advertisement for Infinitely 21 on display and worries what Charles will think.  Meanwhile, Josh contemplates the future and Kelsey and Charles head off to secure a new business partner.  Things seem to be going well until Kelsey’s private video is accidentally added to her Insta story.  My top 5 moments from Younger season 6 episode 10 are:


“Oh my god…”

The advertisement is up for Infinitely 21 and Liza and Josh look fantastic, but Liza is beyond shocked when she sees it.  Liza and Josh look extremely happy and cozy in the picture and Liza worries about what Charles may think.  She reaches out to Kelsey for help, trying to keep Charles from seeing the advertisement before she talks to him about it first and Kelsey hilariously does her best to distract Charles.

Our girl Kelsey certainly knows how to improvise and she even tells Charles that she hates escalators because they are weird just to keep him away.  Talk about a good friend!  It’s only a matter of time before Charles sees the advertisement; however, as Liza finds out that it is now going national.  Liza decides to get on a plane to talk to Charles about it before it’s too late, but will this plan backfire?


“I left a voicemail for you.”

Lauren and Diana get a little bit of screen time during this episode and Lauren does her best to play publicist for Liza.  After all, she did leave a voicemail!  Even though Lauren’s efforts don’t work, she keeps the laughs coming and I have to say that I am really happy that Diana is going to select a wedding dress that truly makes her feel special because she deserves it.  I can’t wait to see her in it!


“It’s literally a sign.”

Josh is in for a surprise when he finds out that Clare has gotten a job opportunity in L.A. and plans to move there with Gemma.  Clare wants what is best for their daughter and so does Josh, but he seems so perfect for fatherhood and I can’t bear to see him separated from his daughter.  Josh has a heart-to-heart talk with Maggie and tells her, “No matter how much you love someone, it doesn’t mean you’re what’s best for them,” thinking of Liza here as well.

Maggie helps spark something in Josh; however, as he decides to approach Infinitely 21 about a partnership with Inkburg, which could bring in some big bucks for Josh.  Let’s hope this is enough to keep baby Gemma in town, but is it possible that a flame will be rekindled between Liza and Josh as well?  We’ll have to wait and see, but it looks like some big questions are going to be answered in next week’s episode.


“Guess who got the money, honey?!”

Kelsey is quite impressive at her meeting with the business partners and it looks like she has sealed the deal with Charles’s help.  After celebrating with perhaps too many drinks, Kelsey decides to send a private DM to Zane to show off her…assets.  Only Kelsey’s sexy private video gets posted to her Insta story by mistake and she wakes up to a social media disaster.  Kelsey takes down the video, but it comes up in search engines and she knows that she will now need to explain herself to their new potential partners.


“This is the right move for Millennial.”

After speaking with the new potential business partners, they explain that they are still willing to invest in Millennial, but only if Charles is now the publisher.  Charles stands up for Kelsey and talks about how dedicated and hard-working she has been, but Kelsey accepts this and understands that it’s what is best for the company.

I felt so bad for Kelsey in this moment, but I also think it shows how much she has grown too.  She made a mistake and she owns it and I’m hoping she will bounce back from this, but I thought it was truly impressive that she put the company first.

Sometimes we need to make tough decisions for the good of others and at the end of the episode, Liza tells Charles that she will not see Josh anymore, but is this a promise she can truly keep?  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on Younger below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

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Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “Younger” season 6 episode 9: “Millennial isn’t an age. It’s an attitude!”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  After watching TV Land’s Younger season 6 episode 9, I realized that maintaining a positive spin on everything isn’t necessarily a bad thing to do, but when you say “there’s no place to go but up,” are you really just asking for trouble?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.

In last night’s episode, “Millennial’s Next Top Model,” Liza deals with the consequences surrounding her recent age reveal, but is she ready to be in the spotlight?  Meanwhile, Kelsey and Zane finally discuss their feelings for one another and Maggie samples a “talent crush.”  My top 5 moments from Younger season 6 episode 9 are:


“Guess what…I’m a flipper too!”

Maggie deserves some screen time and she definitely gets her fair share in this episode, keeping us laughing hysterically.  During an art exhibition, Maggie meets a “talent crush,” who is a man and decides to change things up.  Is she truly just sampling the opposite sex or is there something more here?

Well, we don’t have to wait too long for an answer, as Maggie agrees to a date with her talent crush and learns that he is actually a “flipper,” taking a little too much satisfaction in trying to convince lesbians to sleep with him.  Well he’s in for a surprise since Maggie is somewhat of a flipper too, deciding to flip the table before she makes her exit.  Go Maggie!


“We want YOU to be the face and legs of Infinitely 21.”

After Liza’s true age is revealed, it seems like the business is in big trouble, but Liza continues to stand up for herself, which is impressive.  After Infinitely 21 initially wants to freeze their partnership with Millennial, they have second thoughts when Liza reminds them, “Millennial isn’t an age…it’s an attitude!”  Go Liza!  It looks like Liza has sparked something even greater here, as Infinitely 21 decides to make her their new model.  Age really is just a number and Liza continues to break boundaries, reminding us that she is strong, beautiful, and capable.


“What did you really think when I said I love you?”

Finally!  A real and true moment for Kelsey and Zane.  I have been waiting for something like this for two seasons!  Zane is clearly hurt after he discovers that Kelsey knew about Liza’s age and kept it from him.  Kelsey decides to head over to Zane’s place for a peace offering and offers to cook him dinner and Zane hilariously asks her, “Do you know what a peace offering is?” 

Kelsey’s cooking skills may leave a lot to be desired, but this does allow one of my favorite ships to finally have a real heart-to-heart talk, discussing their feelings for one another.  Kelsey and Zane realize that honesty is the best policy and it looks like their love is out in the open now.  Swoon!


“I would have believed anything she said.”

Josh decides to visit Liza during her photo shoot and starts talking about his first impressions of Liza, which were beyond adorable and sweet.  Josh says, “She was smart and sexy.  I would have believed anything she said.  I just wanted to keep talking to her.”  Liza is clearly touched here and so is the head of Infinitely 21, who decides to have her cameraman take some natural shots of Josh and Liza without them realizing.

I have to admit that the photo chosen was pretty amazing, but I think I would have preferred a Charliza photo!  Either way, once everyone sees this billboard, it’s safe to say that there may be a lot of drama headed in Charliza’s direction.  After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.


“Fire her!”

Quinn returns and acts like she is perfectly OK with the revelation of Liza’s age and decides to use it to make herself look good for her own political campaign. Only the plan backfires when Liza tells the reporter that Quinn knew about the lie previously off the record, which later blows up in Quinn’s face on camera.

Quinn is far from pleased and tells Kelsey to fire Liza, but Kelsey stands her ground.  Go Kelsey!  Quinn means business; however, as she pulls her funding and checks immediately start bouncing.  Charles is working on getting some new investors, but will the company be able to survive the fallout from Liza’s lie? Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on Younger below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

Dreaming of Wonderland Series Blog

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

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