My performance of the week ending 3/7/20 on TV goes to…

Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison on Showtime’s Homeland season 8.

As I continue to watch the final season of Homeland, it’s important to recognize and celebrate Claire Danes for her brilliant performances week after week. She has done so much more than merely becoming Carrie Mathison…she IS Carrie Mathison and she will forever be a legend because of it.

**Please note some spoilers are ahead if you are not caught up on the series.**

Homeland is always jam-packed with quite a lot each episode and you really have to be in the right frame of mind to watch the show, but it continues to captivate my undivided attention and if I start to drift off for even a moment, Carrie Mathison brings me right back. 

Homeland Showtime 2
Images courtesy of Showtime

While Carrie has displayed a million emotions over the seasons, I really prefer the Carrie who wants to get to the truth. Her board of theories and her drive to analyze every angle is beyond inspiring. She risks it all for her country, but she also has quite a few layers and blocks in her memory that make her even more of a dynamic character.

Sometimes Carrie is unsure if she can trust herself, but we know that her intentions are typically good. Does she get carried away sometimes? Absolutely, but I think it is a constant struggle for her to balance all of her intense emotions. She uses that intensity to be a major asset at her job, but it also takes a toll on her, as the rest of her emotions spiral out of control…especially when she is off her meds.

Each episode in season 8 has been absolutely fantastic so far. In season 8, episode 4, Carrie risks it all to help a woman in trouble. She doesn’t stress about following protocol or getting approval. She simply makes a decision based on her gut, understanding that doing the right thing doesn’t always follow the rule book.

What’s next for Carrie? Well, I imagine quite a lot after that major cliffhanger at the end of episode 4. It looks like she is going to have to put her theories to work to find out what is really happening and I’m assuming we will also start piecing together her missing memories to unlock those secrets.

Homeland Showtime 1
Images courtesy of Showtime

I’m intrigued to find out how it all ends. As much as I want a happy ending for Carrie so that she can be reunited with Franny, it’s somewhat unlikely that both she and Saul will make it out of this alive. A sacrifice will most likely be made and I’m not sure that I am prepared for it just yet, but I’m confident that Claire Danes will continue to deliver extraordinary performances for the remainder of the season.

I can’t wait to find out how it all ends!

What are some of YOUR theories?

Stay tuned for a recognized performance on TV each week!

Have a performance on TV that you think is simply outstanding? Feel free to contact me with your nomination for the week by Friday at midnight! 


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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