Ranking the top 5 moments from “Riverdale” Season 5 Episode 10: “The Pincushion Man”

Happy Thursday TV fans! After watching The CW’s Riverdale season 5 episode 10, I learned that when people are dying, you sometimes need to make time for a term paper.

Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet. 

In episode, “Chapter Eighty-Six: The Pincushion Man,” Betty and Alice’s party is crashed by some familiar faces. Meanwhile, Jughead and Tabitha grow closer, but it looks like Betty may be the only one truly on his mind, and Veronica’s ex is determined to make her life a living hell.

My top 5 moments from Riverdale season 5 episode 10 are:


“You follow the order.”

Archie is surprised to hear that his commanding officer wants to present with him with the Silver Eagle award because he doesn’t feel right about what happened on the mission. We later discover that perhaps this was a dirty mission after all and Archie doesn’t feel right about just following orders.

We know that Archie is always going to stand up for what he feels is right, but is he in over his head here?


“You don’t owe him anything.”

Chadwick rears his annoying head and Veronica decides to go out to New York for closure. She talks more about the helicopter crash and tells Archie that she initially wished for Chad to die and feels horrible about what happened. Archie reminds Veronica that she doesn’t owe Chad anything, but she feels like she needs to do this.

Images courtesy of The CW

Meanwhile, Chadwick has a romantic dinner at home planned for her and tries to bring some nostalgia to their final date, which leads to some extremely poor decisions by Veronica. They kiss and more is implied, but what about Archie?

Also, you are the “She-Wolf” of Wall Street, but you couldn’t tell that Chadwick was playing you?

Chadwick reveals later that he made some bad investment decisions that involve Veronica’s company and that if she divorces him, he will sue her. I can’t say that I am surprised by these actions, but now Veronica is stuck staying in New York to handle things.

Chadwick is a mini Hiram, but Veronica needs to step up her game so she can truly move on with her life.

Your move, V.


“There is no curse.”

We get to witness a lovely date between Cheryl and Minerva as she takes her out to the maple groves, but we discover that they are dry and Nana Rose tells her it’s because of the curse.

Cheryl is determined to point out that there is no curse as she is finally taking ownership back of her life. Later on, Reggie and Hiram make amends and Nana Rose sells the groves to them, but apparently this deal is void because Cheryl had her declared senile years ago.

Reggie decides to light the groves on fire, but maybe the curse is real after all…

The Blossom ladies pray for wind and not all of the groves are damaged.

But, why does Hiram want to control them and what is the deal with Reggie?

As much as I like to see Cheryl happy, I also am still rooting for Choni in the end. Let’s just hope it’s not too late for them.


“Let’s just be friends.”

In the beginning of the episode we see Jughead and Tabitha dancing at Pop’s and they actually share a kiss. However, Jughead tells her that his life is complicated and wants to just be friends, which Tabitha actually seems OK with.

Images courtesy of The CW

Meanwhile, Jughead needs to produce some pages and tells her that he needs to do some “Maple Mushrooms” so he can write something brilliant. I’m not making this stuff up…

Tabitha handcuffs Jughead to his desk so he can get some work done and checks in on him periodically, but Jughead’s trippy hallucinations reveal that he is not over Betty just yet as we actually get a steamy and passionate Bughead scene.

Images courtesy of The CW

The hallucinations turn bloody; however, as Jughead then starts seeing the Mothman and Tabitha later finds his bloody handcuffs left on the desk and Jughead has disappeared.

So, what did Jughead see?

Was he truly taken by something or did he wander off on his drug trip?

We’ll have to wait to find out, but this mystery surrounding Jughead is getting weirder and weirder.

At least we had that Bughead scene though and I actually really feel bad for Tabitha. She has a lot of patience!


“Let’s just get through whatever this is.”

Easier said than done, Alice. We find out more about Glen as we discover that he is actually writing his dissertation on serial killers in the Cooper family. Betty is extremely upset and rightfully so and Glen gets a slap in the face.

Images courtesy of The CW

However, that’s not all. After Hiram decides to shake things up with an intentional prison break, we start to remember just how many family members are locked up behind bars. Uncle Frank helps out Archie and Penelope is back in the fold, but Charles and Chic have some serious plans.

They break up the birthday party for the twins and want to be married by Alice and she actually begins the ceremony. You gotta love Alice.

Glen walks in with bad timing and Charles decides that he wants to play “The Pincushion man” and wants one of the twins to stab Glen.

Betty tries to get him to see reason and says that she will do it to spare the innocence of her niece and nephew. Betty actually stabs Glen, but purposely gives him a flesh wound and turns the tables on Chic and Charles.

We know that Glen and Charles both went to the hospital and Betty is still motivated to find out what happened to Polly even though the case has been re-assigned.

Is Polly still alive?

I’m thinking so and I can’t wait to follow Betty on this journey, but we’re going to have to wait a while for a new episode.

This was a jam-packed mid-season finale, but I still have so many questions that will remain unanswered for quite a while.

New episodes return August 11th!

Stay tuned, Riverdale fans!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Riverdale in the comments section below.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


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