My performance of the week ending 4/11/20 on TV goes to…

Kennedy McMann as Nancy Drew on The CW’s Nancy Drew.

It’s not easy playing an iconic character like Nancy Drew, especially when so many other actresses have taken a whirl at it. However, Kennedy McMann is starting to make some waves with her portrayal and in a very good way!

**Please note some spoilers are ahead, but major ones have been left out for your convenience.**

When I first heard that we would be getting a new Nancy Drew series, I was beyond excited. The show originally premiered right after Riverdale and I thought it was going to quickly become my new favorite show. However, I had some reservations about it initially and I wasn’t really sure how I felt about the new Nancy.

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Images courtesy of The CW

Sure, there is a maturity to this Nancy and a teenage drama angst that we often find on shows on The CW, but I was really hoping for a spark that would lure me in and I didn’t initially find it. However, I am so happy that I stuck around because the series got better and better as it went on.

The mysteries are so intriguing and they really keep you on the edge of your seat and Nancy has really grown and developed as a character, impressing me so much. Kennedy McMann has been channeling all the right emotions while keeping her sleuth skills up to par.

In the most recent episodes, we got quite a shock about Nancy’s identity and her connection to Lucy Sable, which still has my head spinning. The reveal was quite rewarding and now I am more invested than ever. Part of that is because Kennedy McMann has been beyond fantastic and I can’t stop watching her.

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Images courtesy of The CW

While I initially thought she was moody and self deprecating, she is now using her inner turmoil to become a force of nature herself. It’s going to take Nancy some time to adjust to everything going on, but the supernatural presence in town is not about to let her off that easy.

I’m also much more interested in Nancy’s new relationships, although things may get even more complicated after that major cliffhanger at the end of episode 17. While I originally felt like Nancy’s relationship was forced upon us with Nick, she has been making her own choices now, allowing her to truly discover her sense of self worth.

What’s next for Nancy? Well, she has to deal with the new supernatural threat before it claims her and her friends, but I know that our girl Nancy will not stop until she finds a way to defeat it.

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Images courtesy of The CW

Now that we know Nancy’s true identity, she also has to come to terms with who she is and what kind of relationship she wants with her family and friends.

I’m looking forward to more adventures with Nancy Drew and I am so happy that I decided to stick around and give this show a chance after initially having some doubts.

Sometimes it takes a show a little while to find its identity, especially when it has many predecessors. However, with each new episode, Nancy Drew is finally giving off that spark I was looking for and Kennedy McMann is at the very center of it.

Stay tuned for a recognized performance on TV each week!

Have a performance on TV that you think is simply outstanding? Feel free to contact me with your nomination for the week by Friday at midnight! 


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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