Ranking the top 5 moments from “Ash vs Evil Dead” season 3 episode 2: “I need a Por Favor”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching Starz’s Ash vs Evil Dead season 3 episode 2 last night, I think it’s important to remember what’s truly important in terms of fatherhood.  While bonding and swapping stories may seem like the right play, perhaps filtering them for what’s appropriate might come in handy…. unless you are Ash Williams that is.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  In last night’s episode, “Booth Three,” Ash is having some trouble connecting with his daughter, Brandy.  While he desperately tries to be a “cool dad,” it looks like he will have to find something more meaningful to connect to her on.  Meanwhile, Ruby has set her sights on Brandy and is posing as the school’s guidance counselor, Pablo is hearing voices, Dalton reveals he is gluten free, and Ash gets into a sticky predicament at the sperm bank.  My top 5 moments from Ash vs Evil Dead season 3 episode 2 are:


Pablo is hearing voices.

The ancient text from “The Book of the Dead” is back and insists on re-surfacing on Pablo’s body.  While it seems like it is merely causing him some discomfort at first, the side-effects are getting worse.  Pablo begins hearing voices and even hallucinates about a naked woman in a mask.  She warns him that only his uncle’s magic can save him, but will Pablo take her advice?  Kelly refuses to believe that Pablo’s soul is in mortal danger, despite the warning from Dalton.  She knows that Pablo can fight it and is nothing but good, but Dalton thinks he could still go demon.  Either “he kills us or we kill him.”  Perhaps there is a happy medium between all of the killing that Kelly can come up with to save her best friend.


Ash teaches the gang about “Multi-tasking.”

After listening to Dalton provide some history on the “demon woman of fire,” which is clearly Ruby, we learn about his role in protecting the prophesied one.  Ash has heard enough, however; and expresses his gratitude to Dalton:  “thanks for the scoop poindexter.”  Ash has a lot on his mind with dealing with the threat of evil and accepting his new role as a father so he suggests that they “gotta do that thing when you’re driving in a car putting on deodorant…what’s that called?”  Oh right…multi-tasking.  While it seems like a good enough suggestion, will Ash be too distracted to handle the deadites heading his way?


Ruby has a career change.

In the beginning of the episode, we learn that Ash’s daughter, Brandy’s guidance counselor has been trying to reach her, which seems innocent enough.  However, we quickly learn that Mrs. Prevett is Ruby in disguise.  She eagerly comforts Brandy while pressing her for information, but what does she want with Ash’s daughter?  Well after giving birth to a baby from “The Book of the Dead” that will literally eat your face off, she is ready for her child to grow up to be the new prophesied one and must eliminate Ash and his seed, Brandy in order for this to happen.  We learn that her baby was “born from the image of Ash but will be nothing like him,” so it looks like Ash will need to get this fatherhood thing down quickly if he’s going to be ready.


“I’m one of those cool dads like you see in the movies.”

Brandy doesn’t really seem to be buying into Ash’s “cool dad” act too much especially after losing her mother and her best friend in such a violent and horrible way.  Ash decides to try and bond with Brandy, which seems like the right call, until he goes into specific details about his sexcapades with her mom, forcing poor Brandy to tune out Ashy Slashy with the radio.  It is going to take some time for Brandy to accept Ash into her heart, but hopefully she will trust her father enough to protect her from the forces of evil.


“That is a long sad story.”

Ash pays his favorite sperm bank a visit and requests “Booth Three,” but comes to the realization that someone else might be using his sperm and that he could have a whole football team of Williams kids ready to knock down his door and ruin his life.  He requests a “por favor” and asks if anyone has used his sperm which is against the law.  Luckily for Ash, he has brought a 20 percent off coupon to his store.  After compromising on 30 percent off, Ash is in business.  He takes this opportunity to occupy Booth Three with one of his favorite dirty magazines, but things go horribly wrong when evil bursts in and Ash literally gets attacked by the woman in his magazine.  While the deadites are clearly after Ash’s sperm to destroy any future threats, Ash’s fantasy quickly becomes a nightmare.  Right before he shoves the magazine in a drawer the woman screams that “I’m not finished yet,” and Ash teaches her a valuable lesson when he explains “that’s what they all say baby.”  While this all happens before Ash can obtain the information he needs, it’s apparent that Ruby is behind this, clearing the way for her own baby to rule the world and destroy everything and everyone in its path.

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and comments on Ash vs Evil Dead below.  Thanks for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments from “Ash vs Evil Dead” season 3 episode 1 season premiere: “Evil…we’re coming for you!”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching Starz’s Ash vs Evil Dead season 3 episode 1 season premiere last night, I think it’s important to stick to what you’re good at.  In Ash’s case, this means fighting the good fight against evil while keeping a good sense of humor about it all.  In case you have never watched Ash vs Evil Dead before, you should immediately watch the films: Evil Dead 1 & 2 followed by Army of Darkness.  Actually, you can even skip Evil Dead if in a rush and go straight to Army of Darkness for some campy horror fun with outrageous laugh out loud moments.  Seriously, Bruce Campbell is a genius.  Many years later, Ash is back with his chain-saw arm and is pretty much the only thing standing in the way of “The Book of Dead.”  Now that you are all caught up, please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the season 3 premiere yet.  In last night’s episode, “Family,” Ash is living well in his hometown, Elk Grove, slashing high prices left and right with his new business venture.  He gets an unexpected surprise, however; when he learns that he has a daughter named…wait what was it?  Don’t worry Ash, you’ll get the hang of fatherhood soon enough.  Meanwhile, Ruby is back and is unleashing some sort of hell, Kelly is rocking some serious leather, and Pablo’s not out of the woods just yet when the words of the dead resurface on his body.  My top 5 moments from Ash vs Evil Dead season 3 episode 1 are:


Ashy Slashy’s.

In the beginning of the episode, it seems that Elk Grove has finally settled down and put evil in its rear view mirror.  What’s next for Ash?  I guess the only thing that makes sense is for him to open up a “hardware store/sex toy emporium” named “Ashy Slashy’s.”  I mean he is slashing high prices with his legendary chainsaw arm which really gives it the dramatic effect that proves he means business.  Plus, he’s getting to work with Pablo again and enjoying some well deserved margaritas along the way.  Unfortunately for Ash, “The Book of Dead” has resurfaced and is coming for Elk Grove.


Ruby is back.

Ruby, played by the absolutely gorgeous, Lucy Lawless is back and sporting some fierce platinum blonde hair.  Every time it seems like she may be dead for good, she resurfaces, causing trouble wherever she goes.  While we see her chanting from the “Book of the Dead” and getting ready to give birth to something we can only assume is pure evil, where does she stand with Ash and the gang?  Is Ruby out for revenge or is she scheming something new?  We’ll have to stay tuned to find out, but it’s great to have one of our fan-favorites back for season 3.


Kelly shows up with a new friend.

As the episode went on, a mysterious guy dressed in leather seemed to be hanging around Elk Grove quite a lot, keeping a close eye on Ash and Pablo.  Later, when Ash and the gang are under attack by a deadite, he shows up with Kelly to help fight the good fight.  We learn that his name is Dalton and he is a “Knight of Sumeria,” which according to Kelly means he is a big fan, but it seems like we have a lot to learn about him.  Either way, it looks like he’s on the side of good for now.


Ash has a wife…and a daughter.

When a woman claims to be Ash’s wife, he reminds her that he “never forgets a rack but faces are a little fuzzy.”  Seems like a valid point, until his wife snaps him back to reality reminding him about a drunken night long ago where he met “Candy Bar,” otherwise known as Candace Barr.  While the memories come rushing back, Ash insists that he can’t have a daughter because he was using his “lucky rubber.”   Ash’s daughter, Brandy Barr is in high school and is literally about to be attacked by forces of evil.  As Brandy and her friend, Rachel quickly realize that the Cougar school mascot has moved way past creepy into something full on terrifying, it’s up to Ash and his former wife, Candace to step in and save the day.


“Sorry jailbait my dance card is a little full.”

When Brandy’s friend, Rachel gets possessed by a deadite, she puts on quite the musical performance, even bringing out an old favorite, “Ashy Slashy.”  Ash is not distracted by this in the slightest however, knocking her out with a trombone and telling her to “blow.”  Unfortunately for Ash’s former wife, Candace, she gets decapitated with a cymbal to the horror of her daughter.  After the deadite taunts Ash about destroying him and his seed, he puts her in her place and cleverly uses a harp as an interesting choice of weapon.  After all, his dance card is full.  This now leaves Ash to pick up the pieces and help his daughter; Sandy…wait was it…Mandy?  I’m sure Ash will learn that her name is Brandy in time, but it’s good to have some fresh faces join the cast to add for some more campy horror fun.  Either way, the family is back together again and they’re coming for evil…right after Ash smokes a jay.

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and comments on Ash vs Evil Dead below.  Happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

Ranking the top 5 television series based on movies: “If the apocalypse comes, beep me.”

So I’ve noticed that more and more remakes and adaptations from film are making their way to the smaller screen, which got me thinking about some of my favorites and how they compare to the originals.  While some television series go in a completely different direction, others attempt to be closer to the original but sometimes fail to capture the same allure, leaving fans disappointed or searching for more.  To me, what makes a television series truly stand out is if it takes on its own life and branches out into a new world of characters and stories.  Whether it is considered a prequel or another chapter, the series has to capture the interest of the viewer who tuned in and keep it.  Sounds like a difficult task especially when you add in an original film that the series is based on.  Some of the shows below do an excellent job of staying true to the original and respecting where the series comes from in terms of history and context.  At the same time, they are able to continue on with the story or shift into a new one without skipping a beat, keeping the original fans happy and bringing in new ones at the same time.  My top 5 television series based on movies are:

5) Teen Wolf.  Based upon the 1985 film of the same name starring Michael J. Fox, the series was created in 2011 on MTV.  Already this was a risky move, as the audience MTV was targeting might not have necessarily seen the original movie, although I hope so.  While the movie has a cheesy humor-like quality, the series follows the same premise of a teenage-boy realizing that he is transforming into a werewolf, only it embraces more of a horror genre approach.  Both characters are named Scott, only with different last names and have to deal with the consequences of being bitten by a werewolf while dealing with everyday teenage drama.  While the series is based on the movie, it really becomes something completely new and different, advancing the plot into something darker with touches of romance and terror, delving much deeper into the story.

4) Hannibal.  Based upon the films, Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal and Red Dragon, the series is a psychological thriller that dives into the relationship between FBI agent, Will Graham and Dr. Hannibal Lecter who will later become his nemesis.  While the television series had a lot to live up to from the books and films it was based upon, it proves to be a contender with excellent performances and a detailed plot, which keeps the viewer active and involved.  As a result, the audience becomes hooked and drawn to every horrible reveal.  While the films attempt to stay true to the books and showcase a simpler approach, the series is not afraid to break into new developments and jump head first into the darkness and insanity that is at the core of these characters.

3) Ash vs Evil Dead.  Based upon the franchise films, The Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, and Army of Darkness, the series once again stars the very funny and brilliant Bruce Campbell as Ash or “Ashy Slashy” as fans know him by.  What is so great about this series is it is a true continuation of the films.  Bruce Campbell is once again the star bringing fans back to the originals.  Bruce Campbell has a true talent for bringing the campy horror-like genre a life of its own and I would have been disappointed if anyone had been casted in his place.  Once again, Bruce and his chainsaw arm need to fight the forces of evil and he recruits some new and fun characters to help along the way.  Lucy Lawless also joins the cast who did work with Bruce previously on Xena and fits in perfectly.  The series stays true to the campy-horror genre while keeping the comedy going strong.

2) Bates Motel.  Based upon the classic film, Psycho, the prequel follows the life of Norman Bates as a teenager and also introduces his mother, Norma Bates.  The acting in the series is so real and powerful, as each actor reveals to the audience vulnerability blended with insanity, hypnotizing us into wanting to watch more and more.  What’s truly impressive about the series is that the viewer becomes attached and fully invested into both Norman and Norma.  As Norman is losing control, you do feel bad for him and see that there are moments of goodness that do truly exist in him.  His unusual attachment to his mother seems harmless at first, but grows into something more and more dangerous, however.  The series does an excellent job of allowing viewers to see the man behind the monster and to understand that although darkness wins in the end, there is a grey area that exists, making it not so easy to merely write Norman off as a killer without a conscience.

1) Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  Based upon the film of the same name, this television series is at the top of my list because it takes a superficial campy premise and turns it into something epic and memorable.  In the film, Buffy is very superficial and materialistic which creates some laughs and fun along the way, but there is nothing substantial about her character that makes her stand out.  When Joss Whedon decided to turn his movie into a television series, Buffy had now become a character that teenage girls could truly look up to.  She is a strong female who makes some bad decisions along the way, but this shows that she is human and she has to sacrifice a lot in order to save the world, growing up fast as a result.  The humor remains but is more subtle and witty in the series, embracing more of a romantic and darker idea about the world of vampires and truly recognizing that this is a lot of pressure to put on one teenage girl to fight them all and repeatedly save the world.  The series has the perfect blend of drama, action, comedy, and horror with terrific acting and entertaining villains along the way.  It has truly surpassed the film, but it’s fun to take a look back at the movie from time to time.


I hope you enjoyed the list.  Feel free to post your comments below on your favorite television series based on films.  Happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl