My performance of the week ending 3/23/19 on TV goes to…

Danai Gurira as Michonne on The Walking Dead.  In episode, “Scars,” Danai Gurira gave such an incredible performance that truly made an impact on me.  The episode answered a lot of questions for fans, but it stood out so much because of Danai’s performance.  Michonne’s trust issues come to the surface, as we get an important glimpse into her past that is absolutely heartbreaking and horrifying.  Michonne’s love for her daughter, Judith, is so incredible and she reminded us that a mother will do anything to protect her child. 

However, Michonne is far from perfect and has been carrying around physical and emotional scars that have been eating away at her soul.  Her decision to open up to her daughter is not an easy one, as Michonne has a constant guard around her heart.  However, Michonne is one of the strongest characters on the show and has had to endure so much over the seasons.  Danai fully brings her character to life and continues to impress me in every episode.

What’s next for Michonne?  We’ll have to stay tuned to find out, but we know that The Whisperers are anxiously waiting to make their next move.  Will Michonne be the one to take on Alpha?  I’m not so sure, but it looks like she will continue to be tested as a leader and a mother.  It’s far from easy, but Michonne will do anything to protect the people she loves.  We know that Michonne will be exiting the series during season 10 and I’m not really sure how this will occur, but I am treasuring all of the episodes I get with her now because she is truly remarkable.  I can’t wait to see what she does next!

Stay tuned for a recognized performance on TV each week!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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Have a performance on TV that you think is simply outstanding? Feel free to contact me with your nomination for the week by Friday at midnight! 

**I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice Feb 2019

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

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