Checking in on “The Walking Dead” Season 10: Who are the Reapers?

Happy Wednesday TV Fans! When we last checked in on AMC’s The Walking Dead, the Whisperers were defeated and Maggie returned. But now that she is back, has she brought a new threat along with her?

**Please note spoilers are ahead if you are not caught up on the series.**

A lot has happened in season 10 and with the extended season, we will be getting six bonus episodes before we approach the final season of the show. A lot can happen in six episodes and we have a lot of characters to catch up with.

First up is Maggie. Welcome home! Maggie returns and I am actually very happy to see her. With Michonne’s exit last year, we needed a fan favorite to return and I think that Maggie can help remind us why we started to love this show in the first place.

TWD season 10 Maggie

Images courtesy of AMC

We get a lot of drama in the beginning of the episode and I started seeing polls on Twitter about whether or not Maggie should forgive Negan. Negan brutally killed her husband in front of her. We can’t expect her to forgive him even though he saved the group against the Whisperers with his actions.

Carol tries to explain her reasons for letting Negan out and Maggie appreciates her honesty, but I don’t think that Negan should get too close to her. Alexandria isn’t big enough for the both of them so we’ll have to see how this plays out and we know that Negan tends to form friendships with some of the children in the group so I’m curious to see if he will approach Hershel or not.

Meanwhile, Daryl and Maggie head back to their camp and learn that it is has been burned to the ground and their people are either dead or missing. Maggie is very worried about Hershel and we come face-to-face with a Reaper threat. These scenes were actually pretty chilling and the Reaper they catch decides to blow himself up rather than come clean about who he is and what his people want.

TWD season 10

Images courtesy of AMC

That leaves us with a lot of questions about this new group, but I’m not sure how much we will focus on them in the bonus episodes since there are a lot of other characters to follow up with.

Speaking of that, I am so happy that Kelly got some well deserved screen time in this episode. She and Maggie actually have a nice heart-to-heart talk and Kelly is extremely worried about Connie. Honestly, I am just waiting to see this reunion between her and Connie and I really want to see Daryl’s reaction.

TWD season 10 Kelly

Images courtesy of AMC

Let’s also talk about how adorable Hershel is and how he even wears a baseball cap like his father. It’s clear that he can already take care of himself when Maggie later finds him hiding in a tree when the Reapers were attacking.

TWD season 10 Hershel

Images courtesy of AMC

It looks like in next week’s episode we will focus more on Daryl and we will even get to see Dog. It honestly makes me nervous every time we see Dog because I don’t want anything to happen to him, but I’ll try to stay positive.

I really hope that Daryl can find Connie during these bonus episodes and we don’t have to wait until season 11 but I’m not sure. We also need to check back in with Eugene’s group as well and see what’s going on there with the mysterious Stephanie.

Is there a connection between Stephanie and the Reapers or are these two separate groups?

We’ll have to wait and see what happens. Let’s hope that these bonus episodes provide a lot more than fluff because I need the action to outweigh the drama to keep me invested.

Either way, I’m anxious to find out what happens next!

I hope you enjoyed the review and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on TWD in the comments section below. Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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My performance of the week ending 3/28/20 on TV goes to…

Danai Gurira as Michonne on AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10.

After that epic and revealing episode (season 10 episode 12), we switched gears to catch up with Michonne in episode 13. Her episode was extremely moving and I thought that Danai Gurira was beyond fantastic. She was heart-wrenching perfection.

**Please note MAJOR spoilers are ahead if you are not caught up on the series.**

I talked a lot about Michonne’s character growth and transformation across the seasons in my post on The Walking Dead (season 10 episode 13), but Michonne deserves a post of her very own, celebrating her as an extraordinary character on the series. Even though this episode is considered a farewell for her, her story will continue in a lot of ways and I thought it was the perfect tribute to her.

Michonne AMC 9
Images courtesy of AMC

I thought that season 10 episode 13 was so well done. The alternate path/reality portion really gave us a chance to remember Michonne’s decisions and interactions with characters, reminding us just how important she really is. The decision to save someone in a selfless act is not easy in a post-apocalyptic world, but Michonne learns that she did ultimately make the right decision and was introduced to her family and the love of her life by doing so.

We glimpsed into a world where Michonne made one very different decision, choosing not to save Andrea, which could have led her down a dark and dangerous path.

Michonne AMC 8
Images courtesy of AMC

Becoming a hero is not always clear cut. There are so many different factors that are at play and we often see villains who think that they are doing what is necessary to survive.

Michonne has gone through so much in her life and we could have easily witnessed her stumble along the way and yet she has become even stronger because of her decisions. I think that her connections with other characters helped her tremendously. When we first met Michonne, she was pretty much on her own, but once she started connecting with those around her, she opened the guard around her heart and became a true leader and warrior.

What’s next for Michonne? Well, we know that this was Danai Gurira’s last episode, but her story will certainly not end. After discovering some clues that Rick may be alive, Michonne decides to try and find him with the blessing and encouragement from Judith.

Michonne 5
Images courtesy of AMC

Michonne is a mother and we know that this was not an easy decision for her, but she is going to do everything in her power to find Rick and I’m hoping that we get to see a happy ending for them at some point within TWD universe.

I thought the last scene with Michonne was so fitting and perfect for her character. Michonne finds a man and woman who are in need of assistance and remembers when Rick and Carl took a chance on her, which ultimately changed her life forever. Michonne is on a mission to find Rick, but takes the time to offer her hand to those in need, truly embracing her role as a hero.

I will really miss Michonne’s presence on the show, but I thought this was the perfect tribute and farewell episode for her. The story is never really over and I feel honored to have witnessed so many incredible performances by Danai Gurira over the seasons.

We’ll miss you, Michonne!

Stay tuned for a recognized performance on TV each week!

Have a performance on TV that you think is simply outstanding? Feel free to contact me with your nomination for the week by Friday at midnight! 


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” Season 10 Episode 12: “Walk With Us”

Happy Sunday TV fans! After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 12, we were reminded that “things don’t always work out the way you want” and sometimes what you desire most of all can lead to your downfall.

Please note MAJOR spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet. 

In tonight’s episode, “Walk With Us,” the war is here, as we get a few unexpected casualties. Meanwhile, Negan finally gives Alpha what she wants, leading to the epic ending you have been waiting for.

My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 12 are:


“I’ll never walk with her.”

The opening of the episode is beyond intense. There are still flames everywhere as our group defends Hilltop. Lydia refuses to walk with her mother and runs off, but ends up bumping straight into Negan. She is initially relieved to see him, but it looks like he has another agenda up his sleeve. Where does Negan’s loyalty lie? We’re about to find out…


“Her hand just slipped out of mine.”

In the midst of all the chaos, Yumiko actually spots an injured Magna in the crowd.

Images courtesy of AMC

Magna was able to survive the cave-in, but says that she lost track of Connie and couldn’t find her. This doesn’t necessarily mean that Connie is dead and I am remaining positive about one of my favorite characters on the show, but I was glad to see that Magna is all right.

Magna and Yumiko take a break from the war to break up, earning some screen time during the episode.



After Mary finally gets a chance to hold baby Adam, we witness a sweet moment. It’s good to see family back with family except they are being followed by a hungry horde of walkers. Mary sacrifices everything to protect her nephew and leads the walkers away, taking them out one by one.

Images courtesy of AMC

Only Beta is waiting for her and stabs her, waiting for her to turn so that she can walk with Alpha. Mary’s actions were so brave and I was honestly so upset to see her die after showing so much promise and potential.

After being turned, Alden shoots her with an arrow to prevent her from falling victim to such a cruel fate. Beta runs off again and even takes out one of his own followers to protect his identity.


“I can stay here with you.”

Judith has always been so strong and mature, but she certainly grows up a lot after this episode and my heart goes out to her. The plans goes slightly off when Ezekiel is separated from the kids, but Earl gets them to the safe house.

Judith discovers that Earl has been bitten and offers to stay with him so that he does not have to be alone. Earl tells her that he is not alone and tells her not to come out again so that he can stop himself as a threat.

It’s not that easy to stab your own brain as we find out and poor Judith is left to take out undead Earl. Daryl and the others find the kids and they are all safe, but this has clearly taken a toll on Judith and I’m pretty sure that she has gone through more things than any other kid on the planet…ever.

Images courtesy of AMC

Even though this was heartbreaking to watch, I finally felt like Judith got a true moment to shine, channeling Carl quite a bit here.


“Took you long enough.”

Negan informs Alpha that he has found the thing she is looking for, leading her off to where he has Lydia held captive. After an interesting Lion King debate, Negan actually reveals quite a bit about his own feelings after his wife died.

Alpha explains that it is Lydia’s destiny to die because she loves her. Lydia has always been Alpha’s weakness and as Lydia breaks free, we discover that she is in a different shack.

Alpha finds her own shack empty and Negan swiftly slashes her throat. He rolls her undead animated head toward Carol, revealing that these two make quite the team.

This was probably one of the best episodes I have seen on the series and I was very satisfied with this outcome. Welcome back to the team, Negan!

So, now that Alpha is dead, what does this mean for the fate of The Whisperers? Is the threat really over or will they take revenge?

Stay tuned! Next week we finally catch up with Michonne!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on TWD in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural? Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery? Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon! Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well. I really hope you enjoy!

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 10 episode 4: “Silence the Whisperers”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 4, Michonne reminded us that sometimes there are bullies that you have to live with and other times you just gotta fight them.  Is it possible to kill them with kindness or do you need to stand your ground every now and again?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.

In last night’s episode, “Silence the Whisperers,” the waves of walkers continue to threaten the group, while Lydia is targeted.  Meanwhile, Negan finally makes an important move, but will he end up facing consequences because of it?  My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 4 are:


“Never take your enemy by their word…”

Michonne and Judith have some nice mother-daughter bonding moments during this episode.  Judith reminds Michonne that she is always willing to listen and she actually has some pretty good theories about why the walkers are coming in waves.  Are the Whisperers changing the rules or is something else going on here?

I’m still not really sure, but Michonne has been studying her enemy for a while now and she seems ready to put a plan in motion.  Later on in the episode, I loved seeing the side-by-side fighting of Michonne and Judith, but now I’m starting to wonder more and more about how she will exit the show…


“I’ve been here before.”

Michonne notices Ezekiel going off by himself and decides to follow him.  Ezekiel is standing at the edge of a cliff, feeling very defeated, and Michonne is there to support him, but we end up getting this extremely awkward kiss between them.  Michonne later jokes that they never would have worked out anyway and I breathed a sigh of relief, but I thought the actual conversation was an important moment for these two.

Michonne recognizes the pain and defeat within Ezekiel, especially since she has been there before and opens up to him about her own past and how she misses her “partner in crime,” which brought me to tears.  It really makes you think about how far Michonne has come since we first met her and how she is an inspiring leader that Rick would be so proud of.


“Don’t give them a reaction.”

Everyone is clearly on edge because of the waves of walkers and Lydia takes the brunt of it.  Lydia is called a freak and is constantly bullied.  Someone even paints, “Silence the Whispers” on her door, refusing to let her have a safe haven here.  Negan reminds her that they are just looking for a reaction, but Daryl wants Lydia to stay away from him, telling her that “he ain’t your friend.”

It’s clear that both Negan and Daryl care about Lydia and want to protect her.  They both see a lot of themselves in her and want to do what is right, but it doesn’t look like killing the bullies with kindness is going to do the trick here.


“He didn’t do anything wrong!”

After Lydia tries to stand up for herself, she ends up getting jumped later that night.  They claim that they just want to scare her, but they beat her up pretty badly.  Negan steps in to save her, but accidentally kills Margo when he throws her into a wall.

Everyone wants justice for this, but Lydia screams out that he didn’t do anything wrong and tries to tell Daryl that Negan saved her.  Later on, Daryl goes to visit Negan to have a little chat.  Rick isn’t around to save Negan anymore, but Negan reminds him that he doesn’t know what to do with him either.

Negan was not in the wrong here, but his actions have stirred up a lot of drama in Alexandria.


“You don’t belong in a cage.”

Daryl takes some time to talk to Michonne over the radio and Michonne reminds him that they need to protect Lydia, recognizing that Alpha will not attack if she is alive with them.  Michonne and Daryl decide to keep this information to themselves right now, but Michonne is absolutely on to something here.

Michonne asks Daryl to be her proxy for the vote of the council, but it seems like they need some more time to deliberate.  Only someone has freed Negan and he’s gone.  Lydia says it was her, but Daryl kept an eye on her all night.  So who let Negan out?

Daryl has this important moment with Lydia, telling her that she doesn’t belong in a cage and it’s clear that Lydia has been trying so hard to fit in for him.  Lydia misses her father and I think that Daryl can absolutely step into that role for her.  I actually really like Lydia as a character and I love the dynamic between her and Daryl.

While time played an important part last week, the concept of masks comes up in episode 4.  It’s sometimes easier to wear a mask to pretend that everything is all right, but what happens when you reveal your true self?  Will you be accepted as you are or are you safer hiding behind lies and deception?

My main question after the episode is what will happen now that Negan is free?  This is not the first time we have seen Negan escape, but circumstances are different now.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories & thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 10 episode 3: “Ghosts”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 3, I realized that sometimes our worst fears and nightmares exist within our own minds.  Can we ever truly shake them or will they continue to wreak havoc on our essence until we face our inner demons once and for all?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.

In last night’s episode, “Ghosts,” Alpha requests a meeting with Michonne and the others, reminding us that she is always watching.  Meanwhile, Carol’s lack of sleep begins to catch up with her, Eugene gets a reality check, and Siddiq’s trauma continues to overwhelm him.  My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 3 are:


“We are going to listen.”

In the beginning of the episode, we are presented with several time stamps, throwing us into quite a bit of chaos, as our group begins to hold off constant waves of walkers.  The group thinks that Alpha is behind this, but Lydia explains that this doesn’t seem like her mother, explaining that her mother would send her entire horde to eliminate them at once if she truly wanted to eliminate them.

After some lack of consensus among the group, Michonne puts her leadership skills to the test and gives a motivational speech, reminding everyone that they need to act as one.  Michonne is ready to honor Alpha’s request for a meeting, but are they putting themselves in even more danger here?


“You think our friendship is just nothing?”

Eugene and Rosita get some screen time in this episode and it looks like the sleep deprivation is really allowing the truth to leak out, as Rosita tells Eugene that they are never going to happen.  Eugene is head-over-heels in love with Rosita and while I feel bad for him, I think perhaps he needed to hear this.  Is there someone else out there for Eugene or is it possible that Rosita has repressed some feelings for Eugene?

I’m not sure, but now I have this feeling that Eugene might sacrifice himself to protect Rosita or the baby.  I guess I’ll leave that for a mid-season finale discussion when a main character is typically killed off, but nothing happens by accident on TWD.


“I am trying to make things better.”

Negan recognizes that everyone is on edge and would much prefer to stay in Alexandria in his peaceful garden, but Gabriel doesn’t give him much of a choice, sending him out with Aaron to take out some walkers.  Negan tries to do his part, but Aaron is clearly not a fan, still blaming Negan for what happened to the love of his life.

After some funny moments from Negan, things get a little bit serious when Aaron reminds Negan that he is to blame for the death of his wife and I’m not sure he should be bringing this up, but Negan keeps his cool.  After Aaron is temporarily blinded, Negan actually helps him and you have to wonder why?  Negan claims he is trying to do better, but does he have another reason for keeping Aaron alive?  Either way, it was great to see some well deserved screen time for our favorite anti-hero.


“You need to sleep…”

Carol has not been sleeping and she is also taking some kind of pills, but the ghosts become all too real when Carol begins hallucinating.  She sees Henry and we even get an interesting breakfast table scenario with Daryl, which I kind of loved, bringing us this alternate reality to life.  It was difficult to figure out what was real and what was just a dream, but I thought that worked well, as we almost felt like we were right there with Carol, desperately trying to put the pieces together.

Carol is clearly not over what happened and I can’t say that I blame her, but will her quest for vengeance break her in the end?  We’ll have to see what happens next, but I’m hoping that Daryl can help her before it’s too late.


“I look at you…and I feel nothing!”

The most exciting part of the episode for me was the meeting with Alpha.  Alpha reminds everyone that she is always watching and schools them all on how many times they have actually crossed the border.  Alpha initially seems like she is ready to follow through on some kind of punishment, but decides that there will be no bloodshed today.

Carol speaks her mind and calls Alpha out on her “bullshit,” bringing a gun to this showdown.  Alpha continues to test limits, telling Carol that Henry called out her name right before they took his head, which pushes Carol over the edge.

Michonne intervenes before Carol can shoot Alpha and Alpha is actually willing to forgive her “mother to mother,” but this is clearly not the end of this rivalry.  Alpha wants more land and reminds them all of their place, but something tells me that Carol is not going to back down at all.

There was a lot of chilling tension in this showdown and I thought it really complimented Carol’s own mental battle.  Alpha wants Carol to fear her, but Carol doesn’t feel anything when it comes to Alpha, but that doesn’t mean that her fears have vanished completely.  Rather, they exist within her own mind, threatening to suffocate her with painful memories and thoughts, which may be even more terrifying.

I thought that the majority of this episode was so well done.  I could have done without the drama between Rosita and Eugene, but I understand that we need to catch up with other characters, but it almost disrupted the chilling tone I was getting from the first half of the episode, which captivated my undivided attention.

Time played such an interesting component in the episode as well, as we got several time stamps in the beginning, a clock waking Carol up, and a watch with no second or minute hand, reminding us that ghosts exist outside of time and space.  They never rest, but perhaps our group needs to take a serious power nap before they face the next threat of walkers.

My main question after watching the episode is…where are these walkers coming from?  Gamma and Lydia say they are not coming from The Whisperers, so what’s actually causing the groups to head in their direction?  I can’t wait to find out.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories & thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 10 episode 1 season premiere: “Lines We Cross”

Happy Monday TV fans!  The wait is over and TWD has finally returned!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 1 season premiere, I started to wonder how someone really determines if they are “the villains to someone else’s story?”  Everyone wants to claim that they are the “good guys,” doing what is best for their people to survive, but where do we draw the line between right and wrong?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.

In last night’s episode, “Lines We Cross,” our walkers go through fire and water to cause the group some trouble, but it looks like their training is quite effective.  Meanwhile, Negan gets promoted to growing vegetables and taking out the trash, and Carol and Daryl contemplate running away from it all.  My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 1 season premiere are:


“Remember your training…”

In the beginning of the episode, I almost felt like I was watching a Pirates of the Caribbean movie…with lots of walkers.  Seriously, it seemed like Jack Sparrow was about to appear to help the group, but the change of scenery was nice and it allowed them to show off their training.  The group has certainly come a long way and I’m sure Tara would be proud, but is training really enough for the threats ahead?


“People like the brave man are never really gone.”

Michonne continues to fight the good fight, but it’s never easy being the leader, especially when everyone is questioning every single one of your calls.  Through it all, Michonne remains strong and explains that, “we have to keep our cool or they win.”  We know that she is referring to The Whisperers, but whenever we get somewhat of a jump in time, I’m always slightly confused, but I’m sure the blanks will be filled in later.

Michonne overhears Judith telling RJ a story about the brave man who blew up a bridge to save everyone.  Judith explains that the brave man (Rick) is never really gone because he lives inside our hearts and I have to say that she is wise beyond her years.  I think that Michonne is doing an excellent job raising these two, but I also know that this is her last season, which makes me worry about their future…


“She’s a baby, not a science experiment.”

I guess we are going to get our fair share of Three Men and a Baby…TWD style.  Rosita’s baby is beyond adorable and everyone seems to be doing their part to take care of her, but Eugene’s studies seem to be a little bit excessive, although his heart is absolutely in the right place.

Siddiq starts to have these hallucinations; however, and begins to replay the moment right before Alpha killed all his friends.  Siddiq has clearly not recovered from this, but let’s hope that it doesn’t get in the way of his responsibilities as a father.  Snap out of it, Siddiq!  We need you!


“What does alert mean?  It means watch your back, kid.”

Even though Negan is still technically a prisoner, he is now responsible for growing vegetables and taking out the trash.  I guess that’s progress, but I’m just ready for Negan to be truly set free already.  Negan overhears the group on high alert after they find out that a skin was recovered in the woods and shares his thoughts with Lydia.

Lydia is an outsider as well and it looks like they both may be getting the side eye for a while, but I’m starting to think that Negan and Lydia might be our best shot at taking Alpha down.  We’ll have to see how this plays out, but I’m just ready for a Negan centric season.


“I need you to stay.”

So, I actually really liked some of the Daryl and Connie moments sprinkled into the mix and I’m starting to really ship these two together, but we also get a great moment between Daryl and Carol.  Maybe we should just let Dog decide who Daryl should end up with, but Daryl learning how to sign is so sweet!

Meanwhile, Carol has been off fishing, clearly trying to get away from it all, but Daryl reminds her that he needs her and tells her that she is his best friend, which was so adorable to watch.  After Carol jokes about friendship bracelets, Daryl actually makes her one, but they do have a serious moment, wondering if “this is all there is?”  Are they simply just surviving one fight to the next or is there something else to live for?

A great question for sure, but luckily we also get some more action toward the end of the season premiere.  After a satellite crashes into the forest, it causes a fire, but that’s not all…because you know this is the zombie apocalypse.  Walkers are clearly drawn to the fire, but our group is ready for them, taking them out one by one.

Eugene takes some time to collect pieces from the satellite and I’m interested to see if there is more to this, but we know that TWD likes to keep us guessing.  I feel like this is something that the mysterious 3-ringed helicopter group would be very interested in…just saying.

At the very end of the episode, Daryl and Carol are looking over a ridge, even though Michonne is anxious to get out of there since they have crossed Alpha’s line and of course, Alpha emerges.  We get to witness this really intense stare down between Alpha and Carol, which makes me wonder if this is the fight I have been waiting for.

Now that our group has crossed the line, what does this mean?  Will Alpha start a war again?  We’ll have to wait and see, but it doesn’t look like she is going to stay quiet for long.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 9 episode 16: “The Storm”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 9 episode 16, Ezekiel reminded us that “things fall apart.”  However, “it’s knowing when to keep fighting and knowing when it’s over.”  But is it ever really over?  The threats continue to pour in and our characters are tested again and again, but somehow they continue to survive even when it feels like the entire world is against them.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “The Storm,” winter is the real enemy, but the walkers are not really up for a snow ball fight either.  Meanwhile, Lydia gets up close and personal with a walker, Dog goes missing, Carol tries to cope with her loss, and Negan is finally let out of the cage.  My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 9 episode 16 season finale are:


“You don’t have to protect me.”

In the beginning of the episode, the characters start to flee or prepare for the brutal winter storm that is headed their way.  We get to listen in on some chatter on the way and find out that apparently we need to send a raven in order to get a response from Maggie, but I appreciate that they are trying to keep that story-line open.  Lydia is not really a welcomed guest, but Daryl refuses to let anyone talk to her with disrespect.  Lydia feels extremely guilty and tells Daryl that he doesn’t have to protect her, but Daryl reminds her that “it’s their problem, not yours.”  I love that Daryl is looking after Lydia here because he obviously wants to do something nice for Henry, but I think Daryl also sees a lot of himself in Lydia as well.  Daryl believes that she is a good kid and is willing to help her, but Carol is having a tough time, as she explains, “Every time I look at her, all I see is him.”


“It’s like Christmas to me.”

Back in Alexandria, the characters realize that they need to find a suitable place to get warm, but Gabriel recognizes that they have to let Negan out or he will freeze to death.  Finally!  Negan does not disappoint, as he hilariously comments on the “hot little quadrangle” we have to entertain us, which doesn’t really amuse Rosita and her suitors.  Negan takes it one step further and tells Gabriel, “Your girl’s doc is also your girl’s baby daddy,” but refuses to have his comments be called predictable.  He later says, “Father…not the Father” to keep the laughs coming for us, which reminded me why I love Negan’s character so much.  He may not have too many fans in Alexandria, but he absolutely kept me entertained.


“You’re not weak.”

Lydia’s guilt is overwhelming her and she ends up getting up close and personal with a walker stuck in the snow.  Lydia closes her eyes and starts bringing her arm toward its mouth, but Carol interrupts this before anything can happen.  Later on, Lydia tells Carol that her son is dead because of her.  In a heartbreaking moment, she says, “Henry said I was a good person, but he was wrong.”  She asks Carol to kill her, hoping to fix everything.  Carol’s grief has been consuming her and it was beyond heartbreaking to watch her go through Henry’s box of things.  However, Carol knows that Henry truly cared about Lydia and is still a good person.  Carol doesn’t grant Lydia her request and simply tells her, “You’re not weak,” which I thought was a really important moment between these two.  Carol and Lydia may never really form a close bond, but they both have a shared love for Henry, which is a link that will never be severed.


“I feel like I’m losing myself again.”

Carol continues to lean on Daryl’s shoulder, but Ezekiel is not exactly pleased.  He later approaches Daryl and asks him not to continue on to Hilltop with them once they are out of the storm.  Ezekiel explains that he is not trying to be the bad guy, but that he wants to give Carol and him a fresh start after everything they have been through.  Daryl doesn’t give him an answer, but he does later ask Carol what she wants him to do.  The bond and friendship between Daryl and Carol is so strong, but Daryl is willing to walk away if that’s what Carol needs.  Daryl and Carol have been through a lot together so it’s understandable why Carol is leaning on him so much, but it doesn’t make it any easier for Ezekiel.  At the end of the episode, Carol decides to go to Alexandria and gives Ezekiel back his ring.  Ezekiel tells Carol that he’ll never stop loving her and Carol says, “I’ll never regret the fairy-tale,” which broke my heart.  Carol has been through unimaginable horrors and I just want her to have something good, but I think it will take a very long time before she is able to open up her heart again.  Carol needs to heal, but she has to do this on her own so that she doesn’t lose herself again.


“Thank you for saving her.”

We get some action during the episode, as the walkers begin popping out of the snow while Daryl and the others cross into Alpha’s territory to get to safety.  Daryl even cleverly uses an icicle as an interesting choice of weapon.  Meanwhile, Judith also gets herself into trouble when she runs after Dog in the middle of the storm.  Negan rushes after her and tells her, “You’re just trying to get a little extra Negan time.”  I mean, we’ll take all the Negan screen time we can get.  Negan saves Judith and Dog, but has injured his leg severely.  Luckily, they make it out OK and Michonne later approaches Negan to thank him for saving his daughter.  This is a very big moment, revealing that perhaps Negan can make a difference after all, even though Michonne has had a hard time accepting this.  Does this mean that Negan will be out in the open from now on?  I really hope so because I think that he can truly prove his worth in Alexandria.  Negan also leaves us with a very important observation.  Michonne risked a lot by cutting into Alpha’s territory, but will there be consequences?  Negan explains that “no one ever thinks that they’re the evil one” and he’s spot on.  We cut to Alpha briefly who says, “I’ll need to be stronger for what comes next,” as Beta begins whipping her arm.  No wonder Lydia has so many issues.

So what exactly is coming next?  It certainly gives us some setup for season 10, but we’ll have to wait to find out.  We are also left with a mysterious voice coming over the radio at the very end.  So who is on the other end?  Is it an old friend or a new potential ally?  It sounded like a female.  Is it possible that this is a crossover from Fear the Walking Dead? Maggie? Someone connected to Rick?  I’m not sure, but it definitely keeps my interest invested, as I am looking forward to finding out more.  Overall, the episode provided us with a nice balance of setup and action.  Nothing was going to compare to the shock of episode 15, but I still thought that the season finale had a lot of important moments and it really gave us a chance to connect with some of our favorite characters even more.  Stay tuned for season 10 and don’t forget that Fear the Walking Dead begins June 2nd!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!

**I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice Feb 2019

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Do you love horror series?  Of course you do!  Please also check out 12 Nights of Horror Series Coming Soon.  It’s your home for everything you need to know about new and returning horror television series including new trailers, premiere dates, reviews, recaps, and renewals! 

Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 9 episode 15: “The Calm Before”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 9 episode 15, I remembered that if you witness a happily ever after moment on TWD, it’s probably too good to be true and it means that something is coming.  Something shocking, horrifying, and heartbreaking.  While you may think you’re ready, it’s amazing how much a certain reveal can impact you.  However, it’s important to keep going and to remember the good.  There is always still a glimmer of hope remaining and sometimes it appears in the most unexpected places.  Please note MAJOR SPOILERS are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “The Calm Before,” the fair is underway, as everyone tries to participate in the fun.  Meanwhile, Daryl takes a group out and is surrounded by threats and Alpha is ready to make a deal, but not before proving just how ruthless she can be.  My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 9 episode 15 are:


“Let the fair of new beginning begin!”

In the beginning of the episode, Ezekiel addresses the fair and tells everyone, “We’ve always been bound to each other…we always will be.”  Ezekiel mentions sacrifice and specifically brings up Rick, Carl, and Jesus, while also having a replica of his tiger next to him, which was truly touching to see.  Jerry’s title for the fair is shot down and we are welcomed into the fair of the new beginning.  It looks like everyone is ready to join in on the fun and come together to celebrate, but we know that the Whisperers are still lurking around, waiting to make their next move.  I’m not sure that anyone was truly ready for what was about to come next, however.


“I have just the thing.”

Carol is ready to go off after Henry, but with perfect timing, Daryl and the others return to The Kingdom.  Carol tells Henry that he can never run away from her again and we also get to see Michonne reunited with her old friends.  Everyone is very receptive to Michonne even though she has been gone for quite some time.  Carol asks Judith if she remembers her and Judith explains that she has been drawing pictures of them since she was little.  Tara breaks up the party; however, when she spots Lydia, recognizing the danger here.  After some discussion, a pact is made between all four communities, as Ezekiel is more than eager to whip out the treaty he has been holding on to for all this time.  Although, I kind of liked Tara’s idea to “spit and shake” on it or to have a blood oath.  All of the communities have now come together, as Rick’s vision for the future is not completely lost, but can the communities still stay strong after tragedy?


“You guys are adorable.”

The fair is underway and it seems like love is in the air on TWD.  Carol and Ezekiel get to meet Lydia and Ezekiel says, “Our son is taking a girl on a date to the movies tonight.”  I guess it would be a step up from dining on bugs together.  Henry’s annoying friends try to mess with Lydia and make her jealous, but Henry tells Lydia that he really likes her, which is genuine and somewhat sweet.  We also get to see Enid and Alden confirm their relationship status, Rosita and Eugene have a heart-to-heart talk and we witness a kiss between Magna and Yumiko.  However, perhaps the sweetest moment for me was when Daryl asks Connie to feed Dog while he is gone, which I thought was adorable.  But why are we taking all this time during the episode before the season finale to devote to us shipping these characters together?  While all of this was going on, I knew that it meant that something big was about to happen.  Someone is definitely going to die and seeing them happy and together will only make us that much more heartbroken later.  I almost wish I wasn’t right here, but we aren’t watching a Rom-Com.


“I don’t know if there’s a happy ending here.”

You’re absolutely right, Carol, as Daryl takes out the A team to investigate things further.  Daryl is with Carol, Michonne, and Yumiko, but they are quickly surrounded by walkers and then come face to face with an overwhelmingly large group of the Whisperers.  They fight valiantly, but they are outnumbered here.  Daryl sees Beta again, who tells him, “You just had to give me the girl…now that deal is done.”  After watching a lot of setup and Rom-Com moments, I thought that this was the major plot point before the storm hits in the season finale, but nothing could prepare me for what came next.


“I want to tell you a different story.”

So, we are now at my top moment and I want to remind you again that major spoilers are ahead.  While the fair is going on, Alpha uses her freshly made skin mask to fit in and walk around.  She ends up even conversing with Ezekiel and is quite convincing and later sits down next to Lydia at the movies, motioning for her to be quiet.  We then go back to Alpha approaching Daryl and the others, as she tells Daryl to come with her.  Alpha recognizes what it means to talk to someone leader-to-leader and she sees that within Daryl.  Alpha shows Daryl a huge horde of walkers beyond the cliff and tells him that she has let his people live all this time.  Daryl asks Alpha if she killed Lydia, but Alpha doesn’t directly answer this.  She tells Daryl that she wants his people to stay on his side of the border and that he will know it when he sees it.  Ominous, right?  Alpha also tells Daryl that she doesn’t think he can protect her daughter, but she hopes that she is wrong, which reveals the tiniest sliver of humanity within Alpha.  When we see Alpha crying after Lydia has told her to leave, Alpha kills the Whisperer who witnesses her displaying human emotion.  Even if humanity exists within Alpha, she is not about to compromise her position as the leader.

Daryl heads off with Michonne, Carol, and Yumiko, and they stumble across Siddiq, who has clearly been taken or attacked.  As they begin to approach the border, you can see stakes lined up from far away.  The stakes are decorated with the decapitated re-animated heads of ten victims, but of course, we need to get a little bit closer and zoom in on each and every one of them, to truly feel the impact here.  So who didn’t make it?  Here is the complete list for your reference:

The Highwaymen’s Ozzy and Alek:  I was just starting to like them too.

D.J. and Frankie:  Former saviors that I almost forgot about.  I’m still glad that you were able to at least try and protect members of the community.

Tammy Rose:  I found it interesting that Tammy Rose was up here, only because we watch Alpha take a moment to look at her and the former Whisperer baby, which had me thinking that perhaps this selection wasn’t random?  Either way, I feel really bad for her husband.

Rodney and Addy:   I almost forgot about these characters, but they were Henry’s annoying friends and they did converse with Lydia, so is that why they are up here?  I also think it’s important to note that Alpha is not above selecting children to die.  Did she determine who was weak or was this just the luck of the draw?

Enid:  So here come some of the bigger characters.  We get a glimpse of Alden looking for Enid while he is performing and my heart sank.  Enid has not really had too much screen time lately, but this was still awful to see.

Tara:  I was not prepared to see Tara up here and I immediately started crying.  I have a soft spot for Tara because she is goofy and just true to herself, reminding me a lot of myself sometimes.  Tara was also the first LGBTQ character on the show and she has grown so much as a leader and a friend.  In the comic series, it was Ezekiel up here, but a major leader from a community needs to go.  I’m just really sad that it was my girl, Tara, who deserved better.

Henry:  As much as I have complained that Henry is such a pointless and annoying character, he didn’t deserve this fate.  However, Lydia kind of sealed this outcome for him by defying her mother.  You really didn’t think that Alpha would let Lydia live and keep her new boo, right?  What really got me here was Daryl trying to protect Carol from seeing this, as he repeats, “No, just look at me.”  My heart truly went out to Carol in this moment.

Siddiq is left alive and explains that Alpha told him to talk about what happened, mostly to drive them apart and scare them, but Siddiq stands before everyone to tell them a different story to inspire them.  Siddiq tells them about their friends and family coming together one last time to fight for their lives with honor.  They became real heroes and Siddiq explains, “We have to keep going for them and for all of us…we need to honor them and remember these friends…our family, died as heroes.  That’s the story that I want to tell you and for us to remember.”  This moment was truly powerful and it proved that hope can still exist even in the worst of times.  In the beginning of the episode, the couple traveling to the fair are murdered, but are carrying H necklaces, which represent Hilltop or Home, but they also represent hope.  Daryl takes Lydia out to the spot where Henry died and she leaves one for him and I don’t think that she will ever forget what Henry did for her. 

Overall, this episode initially gave us a lot of setup for what’s to come, but it also provided us with one of the most shocking moments of the entire series here.  After the episode, I could not stop thinking about what happened and that image of all ten re-animated heads on the stakes, marking the border.  It was beyond disturbing and so heart wrenching, but we know that no one is every really safe on this show.  That doesn’t mean that it makes these moments any less tragic; however, as we connect so much with these characters and continue to root for them to prevail.  Winter is coming in true GOT fashion, but our favorite characters will need to keep fighting.  Will this tragedy inspire strength and community?  Let’s hope so, but I also think we need Negan at this point.  Maybe let him out of the cage already, Michonne?  Stay tuned for the season finale!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!

**I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice Feb 2019

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Do you love horror series?  Of course you do!  Please also check out 12 Nights of Horror Series Coming Soon.  It’s your home for everything you need to know about new and returning horror television series including new trailers, premiere dates, reviews, recaps, and renewals! 

My performance of the week ending 3/23/19 on TV goes to…

Danai Gurira as Michonne on The Walking Dead.  In episode, “Scars,” Danai Gurira gave such an incredible performance that truly made an impact on me.  The episode answered a lot of questions for fans, but it stood out so much because of Danai’s performance.  Michonne’s trust issues come to the surface, as we get an important glimpse into her past that is absolutely heartbreaking and horrifying.  Michonne’s love for her daughter, Judith, is so incredible and she reminded us that a mother will do anything to protect her child. 

However, Michonne is far from perfect and has been carrying around physical and emotional scars that have been eating away at her soul.  Her decision to open up to her daughter is not an easy one, as Michonne has a constant guard around her heart.  However, Michonne is one of the strongest characters on the show and has had to endure so much over the seasons.  Danai fully brings her character to life and continues to impress me in every episode.

What’s next for Michonne?  We’ll have to stay tuned to find out, but we know that The Whisperers are anxiously waiting to make their next move.  Will Michonne be the one to take on Alpha?  I’m not so sure, but it looks like she will continue to be tested as a leader and a mother.  It’s far from easy, but Michonne will do anything to protect the people she loves.  We know that Michonne will be exiting the series during season 10 and I’m not really sure how this will occur, but I am treasuring all of the episodes I get with her now because she is truly remarkable.  I can’t wait to see what she does next!

Stay tuned for a recognized performance on TV each week!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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Have a performance on TV that you think is simply outstanding? Feel free to contact me with your nomination for the week by Friday at midnight! 

**I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice Feb 2019

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

**If you enjoyed this blog, I would love it if you would click the follow button on your way out to subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 9 episode 14: “We Have To Protect The People We Love”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 9 episode 14, I remembered that scars are not always on the outside.  Sometimes the scars we can’t forget run past our flesh, screaming on the inside, refusing to be tamed.  They are a constant reminder of something, but they can also be a badge of courage, pushing us forward and giving us strength.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “Scars,” we get an important glimpse into Michonne’s past and finally learn the truth about the “X” marks.  Meanwhile, Lydia continues to make a great impression wherever she goes and Negan sheds some light on his unconventional friendship with Judith.  My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 9 episode 14 are:


“What about her?”

Daryl arrives at Alexandria’s gates, looking for some help from Michonne, as Henry is badly injured.  However, Lydia’s presence does not make things easy, as Michonne and the others do not trust outsiders.  Daryl vouches for Lydia and says that she is with them, but can they really trust her?  Michonne explains that she does trust Daryl and allows them to pass through, but she’s definitely keeping her guard up.


“Think about that.”

The gross ship between Henry and Lydia continues, as Lydia tells Henry that she will never forget what he did and starts touching his scar, explaining that she likes it.  Michonne interrupts this stomach-turning love connection to have a talk with Lydia.  She sits next to her on the stairs and says, “To save my people, I’ve had to risk others…it’s what I had to do.”  Lydia listens intently, as Michonne further says, “If I could just walk away and take all the risk with me…think about that.”  Michonne walks away without letting Lydia respond to this, but her message is pretty clear and to the point.  Is Lydia strong enough to do the right thing here and walk away?  Lydia cares about Henry, but she is constantly putting her new friends in danger by being with them.


“So now you’re curious.”

I love how Negan is now the constant voice of reason, as Michonne confronts him when Judith goes missing.  Michonne wants to know more about their friendship and thinks that Negan is feeding Judith bullshit to earn her trust.  However, Negan gently reminds Michonne that Judith can “smoke out the bullshit.”  He tells Michonne that Judith likes hearing stories about her father and brother, as Negan tells her about some bad-ass moments featuring them, which brings her closer to her family.  Negan says that he shoots it straight with Judith and Michonne asks him if he told her about what he did to Glenn and Abraham.  Negan surprises her by saying that she has heard those stories too, but Michonne has heard enough and tells him, “You don’t get to talk to me about Carl…she is my daughter!” 

Judith is Michonne’s daughter and Negan reminds her that she acts a lot like her mother sometimes, which is actually really great advice and ultimately points Michonne in the right direction so that she can find Judith before anything happens to her.  Michonne has been trying to protect Judith’s innocence for so long, but perhaps it is time for her to start treating her like the strong young woman she is becoming.


“Children are capable of anything.”

During the episode, we flash back to Michonne’s past when she was pregnant with R.J.  Michonne gets a blast from her past, as she crosses paths with her old friend, Jocelyn, played by True Blood’s Rutina Wesley.  Michonne is so happy to see her and welcomes her, agreeing to help her save her group of children.  Jocelyn explains that none of the adults in her group made it, but that children can be capable of anything, as she has become a den mother of sorts to them.  However, everything is not as it seems, as Michonne discovers that they have raided their supplies and left Alexandria, taking Judith and some of the other kids with them. 

Michonne and Daryl rush off after them and are caught, as we watch the horrifying act of the children branding both Michonne and Daryl with the “X” marks under Jocelyn’s instruction.  Michonne manages to break free and refuses to leave her daughter behind, as she shows just how far a mother will go to protect her child.  Michonne kills Jocelyn and tries to get through to the children, but they are too far gone to know what is right and wrong at this point.  Michonne’s stomach is slashed by one of the children, which was horrifying to watch.  I seriously could not believe that Jocelyn and the children could be this cruel and merciless, but we are living in different times now.  Judith’s life is threatened and Michonne does what she must do to protect her daughter.  She kills the children in her way and saves her daughter and she’s had to live with this choice for all this time.  No wonder she does not trust anyone at this point.


“We have to protect the people we love and we will.”

Negan is not the only one to give Michonne some advice, as Daryl suggests that Michonne tells Judith about that day as well.  After tracking Judith down and stopping the walkers in her way, Michonne tells Judith that she has to tell her something.  Judith actually remembers that day and explains that she initially did not recognize her mother because she was covered in blood.  She didn’t talk after it happened because she thought it made her mother sad, which furthers this loving bond between Michonne and Judith.  Michonne chose to be Judith’s mother, but it has not been easy, especially since Rick is gone.  However, Michonne does the best she can to protect her family, but she recognizes that it is time to finally confide in her daughter and tell her the truth.  Michonne takes Judith to the spot she buried, which is where Michonne made the promise to never bury another child again.  Judith understands where her mother is coming from and this is a really important moment for these two.  Michonne agrees to help Judith track down Daryl and the others, as they approach the Kingdom together, but we learn that the Whisperers are lurking in the bushes, ready to inform Alpha about this place.

Overall, this episode provided us with some really important information and shocked us with horrible truths and realities.  The dead have not been the main threat on this show for quite some time, as we witness how dangerous humanity can be.  We don’t always see betrayal coming, but sometimes we have to take a risk and trust someone to protect the ones we love.  I was impressed with the performances and even though it was more of a transition episode, I thought that it was necessary and important, revealing so much about Michonne’s character and reminding us that each decision can have a consequence, which makes leading extremely difficult.  Is Michonne ready to take on Alpha?  We’ll have to see, but it looks the Whisperers are done waiting in the shadows.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!

**I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice Feb 2019

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Do you love horror series?  Of course you do!  Please also check out 12 Nights of Horror Series Coming Soon.  It’s your home for everything you need to know about new and returning horror television series including new trailers, premiere dates, reviews, recaps, and renewals!