Checking in on “The Walking Dead” Season 10: Who are the Reapers?

Happy Wednesday TV Fans! When we last checked in on AMC’s The Walking Dead, the Whisperers were defeated and Maggie returned. But now that she is back, has she brought a new threat along with her?

**Please note spoilers are ahead if you are not caught up on the series.**

A lot has happened in season 10 and with the extended season, we will be getting six bonus episodes before we approach the final season of the show. A lot can happen in six episodes and we have a lot of characters to catch up with.

First up is Maggie. Welcome home! Maggie returns and I am actually very happy to see her. With Michonne’s exit last year, we needed a fan favorite to return and I think that Maggie can help remind us why we started to love this show in the first place.

TWD season 10 Maggie

Images courtesy of AMC

We get a lot of drama in the beginning of the episode and I started seeing polls on Twitter about whether or not Maggie should forgive Negan. Negan brutally killed her husband in front of her. We can’t expect her to forgive him even though he saved the group against the Whisperers with his actions.

Carol tries to explain her reasons for letting Negan out and Maggie appreciates her honesty, but I don’t think that Negan should get too close to her. Alexandria isn’t big enough for the both of them so we’ll have to see how this plays out and we know that Negan tends to form friendships with some of the children in the group so I’m curious to see if he will approach Hershel or not.

Meanwhile, Daryl and Maggie head back to their camp and learn that it is has been burned to the ground and their people are either dead or missing. Maggie is very worried about Hershel and we come face-to-face with a Reaper threat. These scenes were actually pretty chilling and the Reaper they catch decides to blow himself up rather than come clean about who he is and what his people want.

TWD season 10

Images courtesy of AMC

That leaves us with a lot of questions about this new group, but I’m not sure how much we will focus on them in the bonus episodes since there are a lot of other characters to follow up with.

Speaking of that, I am so happy that Kelly got some well deserved screen time in this episode. She and Maggie actually have a nice heart-to-heart talk and Kelly is extremely worried about Connie. Honestly, I am just waiting to see this reunion between her and Connie and I really want to see Daryl’s reaction.

TWD season 10 Kelly

Images courtesy of AMC

Let’s also talk about how adorable Hershel is and how he even wears a baseball cap like his father. It’s clear that he can already take care of himself when Maggie later finds him hiding in a tree when the Reapers were attacking.

TWD season 10 Hershel

Images courtesy of AMC

It looks like in next week’s episode we will focus more on Daryl and we will even get to see Dog. It honestly makes me nervous every time we see Dog because I don’t want anything to happen to him, but I’ll try to stay positive.

I really hope that Daryl can find Connie during these bonus episodes and we don’t have to wait until season 11 but I’m not sure. We also need to check back in with Eugene’s group as well and see what’s going on there with the mysterious Stephanie.

Is there a connection between Stephanie and the Reapers or are these two separate groups?

We’ll have to wait and see what happens. Let’s hope that these bonus episodes provide a lot more than fluff because I need the action to outweigh the drama to keep me invested.

Either way, I’m anxious to find out what happens next!

I hope you enjoyed the review and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on TWD in the comments section below. Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments from “Shameless” season 10 episode 5: “Hopefully It’s The Last Welcome Home From Prison Party We’ll Ever Throw”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching Showtime’s Shameless season 10 episode 5, Debbie reminded us that “when there’s money involved, a Gallagher’s got nothing but time.” 

Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet. 

In last night’s episode, “Sparky,” Ian returns home from prison, but is slightly confused when he walks into his old home.  Meanwhile, Tami adjusts to motherhood, Kev has a disturbing reunion, and Debbie refuses to back down when it comes to Derek’s death benefit.

My top 5 moments from Shameless season 10 episode 5 are:


“What’s with you and J. Lo?”

Kelly has returned for 48 hours, but she is already attempting to claim her territory, recognizing that Carl may have feelings for Anne.  Anne doesn’t seem too bothered by what is going on, reminding Carl that she is no one’s side piece.

After discovering that Kelly has been with a guy named Mitch and is now in some serious need of Penicillin, Carl has an honest talk with her.  Kelly doesn’t say that she wants to break up with Carl, but it looks like he is free to take some time to see how things go with Anne.

Personally, I think Anne is the better choice, but we’ll have to see how this goes.


“I like your style.”

V has definitely discovered a hidden talent, rocking her power suit with pride when she goes off to her new side job to “deal drugs,” as Kev hilariously says.  V is quite convincing and comes up with one sob story after another to compensate for her lack of knowledge about the medical drugs.

When V meets with the last doctor of the day, she can see right through her bullshit, but tells V that she likes her style and invites her to the cookout, which will be the ultimate place for V to connect with even more doctors.

It looks like V is on her way to fast success and she deserves it!


“Share the joy.”

Ingrid’s ex-husband returns with Frank’s babies and he tries to make a run for it, now finally admitting that the babies are actually Carl’s.  Anne’s family hilariously hangs on to every word, turning this into a real life telenovela, translating that it is “an immaculate conception and the stupid one is the father.”  I’d say that is a fair recap for sure.

After trying to escape this burden, Frank has a change of heart and suddenly sees dollar signs, recognizing that he can sell one of the babies on the black market.

After all, ‘tis the season to share the joy…Gallagher style!


“You’ve been served, bitch!”

Debbie is extremely motivated to obtain Derek’s death benefit, but her lawyer, Patti, who turns out not to be a real lawyer, but she did pass most of her classes, says they are having trouble serving Peppa with the papers.

Debbie attempts to deliver the papers to Peppa, but Peppa continues to outrun her, which forces Debbie to get some backup in Megan and Farhad.  This leads to an eventful high speed chase, where Debbie finally serves Peppa the papers, stuffing them in her mouth.

Only it looks like Peppa is not ready to be fooled, hiring her own military lawyers.  She explains that she will give Franny her portion of the death benefit, but now she wants full custody of her.

Watch out, Debbie.  Money isn’t everything…


“Welcome home Ian!”

When Ian first returns home from prison, he is thrown off by Anne’s family in his home.  After having some interesting adventures as “Sparky” during his new EMT job, it looks like he may have some adjusting to do, but his family comes through for him in the end by throwing him a worthy welcome home party.  They even light a burning van on his cake!

With Fiona’s absence, Ian’s presence is really important here, but it looks like he is in for his fair share of drama, as Mickey may be breaking out in next week’s episode?  After all, love knows no bounds.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts on Shameless below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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