Checking in on “The Walking Dead” Season 10: Who are the Reapers?

Happy Wednesday TV Fans! When we last checked in on AMC’s The Walking Dead, the Whisperers were defeated and Maggie returned. But now that she is back, has she brought a new threat along with her?

**Please note spoilers are ahead if you are not caught up on the series.**

A lot has happened in season 10 and with the extended season, we will be getting six bonus episodes before we approach the final season of the show. A lot can happen in six episodes and we have a lot of characters to catch up with.

First up is Maggie. Welcome home! Maggie returns and I am actually very happy to see her. With Michonne’s exit last year, we needed a fan favorite to return and I think that Maggie can help remind us why we started to love this show in the first place.

TWD season 10 Maggie

Images courtesy of AMC

We get a lot of drama in the beginning of the episode and I started seeing polls on Twitter about whether or not Maggie should forgive Negan. Negan brutally killed her husband in front of her. We can’t expect her to forgive him even though he saved the group against the Whisperers with his actions.

Carol tries to explain her reasons for letting Negan out and Maggie appreciates her honesty, but I don’t think that Negan should get too close to her. Alexandria isn’t big enough for the both of them so we’ll have to see how this plays out and we know that Negan tends to form friendships with some of the children in the group so I’m curious to see if he will approach Hershel or not.

Meanwhile, Daryl and Maggie head back to their camp and learn that it is has been burned to the ground and their people are either dead or missing. Maggie is very worried about Hershel and we come face-to-face with a Reaper threat. These scenes were actually pretty chilling and the Reaper they catch decides to blow himself up rather than come clean about who he is and what his people want.

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Images courtesy of AMC

That leaves us with a lot of questions about this new group, but I’m not sure how much we will focus on them in the bonus episodes since there are a lot of other characters to follow up with.

Speaking of that, I am so happy that Kelly got some well deserved screen time in this episode. She and Maggie actually have a nice heart-to-heart talk and Kelly is extremely worried about Connie. Honestly, I am just waiting to see this reunion between her and Connie and I really want to see Daryl’s reaction.

TWD season 10 Kelly

Images courtesy of AMC

Let’s also talk about how adorable Hershel is and how he even wears a baseball cap like his father. It’s clear that he can already take care of himself when Maggie later finds him hiding in a tree when the Reapers were attacking.

TWD season 10 Hershel

Images courtesy of AMC

It looks like in next week’s episode we will focus more on Daryl and we will even get to see Dog. It honestly makes me nervous every time we see Dog because I don’t want anything to happen to him, but I’ll try to stay positive.

I really hope that Daryl can find Connie during these bonus episodes and we don’t have to wait until season 11 but I’m not sure. We also need to check back in with Eugene’s group as well and see what’s going on there with the mysterious Stephanie.

Is there a connection between Stephanie and the Reapers or are these two separate groups?

We’ll have to wait and see what happens. Let’s hope that these bonus episodes provide a lot more than fluff because I need the action to outweigh the drama to keep me invested.

Either way, I’m anxious to find out what happens next!

I hope you enjoyed the review and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on TWD in the comments section below. Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 10 episode 16: “A Certain Doom”

Happy Friday TV fans! After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 16 season finale, I learned that the way we survive is…together. 

Please note MAJOR spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.

In episode 16, “A Certain Doom,” the group faces off against Beta and The Whisperers while dealing with an overwhelming walker horde. Meanwhile, heroes are made and old friends return.

My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 16 season finale are:


“This is the only way.”

A plan is quickly hatched to get through the horde of walkers, which means that several of our favorite characters will need to camouflage themselves with skins and blood to get through undetected. The plan is to reach the wagon to lead the horde away, but we witnessed some chilling and intense moments during this scene.

Beatrice draws the short straw and ends up brutally eaten by the horde while Carol lets her die.

It was clear from the start that not everyone would make it, but this moment of hesitation within Carol was an interesting one. She made the conscious decision to turn around and keep walking, giving us an every man for himself approach. This decision makes a lot more sense and provides us with some understanding when we get toward the end of the episode, however.


“It’s okay…”

Maggie is back! After seeing her in the very beginning of the episode, I was wondering when she would show up to save the day. After Gabriel and Judith are trapped, it looked like Gabriel was going to hold the line so that his friends could get to safety.

Gabriel put up a valiant effort, but Maggie and her new masked friend burst through the doors with perfect timing to save the day.

Welcome back Maggie!

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Images courtesy of AMC

So, who is this masked stranger and where did he or she pick up those crazy moves? We’ll have to wait to find out, but I’m actually intrigued.


“I ain’t no hero. You could be.”

We’ve been watching the character growth and transformation of Negan over the seasons and it seems like our anti-hero is embracing this new side of him, but it’s not always easy shedding your previously selfish ways.

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Images courtesy of AMC

We get this epic moment where Negan calls Beta out as a “shithead” so that he is distracted enough for Daryl to put him out of his misery after blinding him.

Only we get this weird moment where Beta actually seems elated to be eaten alive…

I think it’s about time he was defeated…


“It has to be me.”

Lydia really stole the show for me. After having a talk with Carol, she opens up and tries to get Carol to welcome a friendship between them. Lydia clearly states that she is not looking for a new mother, but Carol initially brushes her off and tells her to find her own way.

Later on, the group loses the wagon and decide to lead the walkers off a cliff, but it means someone has to jump first to bring them over the edge.

Carol volunteers as tribute and we get this emotional moment where she stands at the very edge, but Lydia grabs her hand at the last second and Carol finally allows her emotions to run free, embracing her.

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Images courtesy of AMC

It looks like Carol finally wants to live and I have to say that it’s about time. Well done, Lydia!


“We still have things to do here.”

Well, right. This is TWD and we know that we have one more season to wrap things up. At the end of the season finale, we finally get to see Connie and learn that she is alive…although she is pretty beaten up for sure.

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Images courtesy of AMC

Connie needs some assistance, but the person to pick her up is…Virgil. Yep, remember him? We’ll have to see how this unfolds, but I’m happy that Connie is all right for now. We need to see a reunion between her and Daryl as soon as possible!

Meanwhile, we circle back with Eugene and the others, but it doesn’t look like Stephanie hung around. Eugene is ready to keep looking for her, but they are then surrounded by strangers in uniforms who tell them to put their weapons down.

Friends or foes? I’m not sure, but it looks like we have our major set-up ready for the final season.

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on TWD in the comments section below.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” Season 10 Episode 14 “Look at the Flowers”

Happy Monday TV fans! After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 14, we were reminded that you should “look forward, not back.” After all, “you don’t know what lies ahead for us…no one does,” which makes the journey that much more important for each and every one of us.

Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet. 

In last night’s episode, “Look at the Flowers,” Carol is haunted by Alpha, causing her to look deeper in her own soul to discover what she truly wants. Meanwhile, Eugene heads off to meet up with Stephanie, a new Alpha is crowned, and Beta looks for signs from the old one.

My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 14 are:


“You’re free now.”

In the beginning of the episode, Carol asks Negan again what took him so long. We flash back to the day she let him out of his cell, offering him a chance to help everyone forget what he has done in the past. Negan recognizes Carol as a “certified bad-ass” and so do we, but the task wasn’t that simple and Negan admits to Daryl later on that maybe he did like being undercover for a while.

Negan reminds Carol during present day that she needs to hold up her end of the bargain and escort him back to Alexandria so that everyone believes that he “silenced the Alpha” to save them, but Carol has other things on her mind and reminds Negan that he’s free and it’s up to him whether he wants to wait around for her or not…


“A fool willing to believe in future friends.”

Meanwhile, Eugene finally tells the group about his conversations with Stephanie, which puts everyone on edge. We don’t know if Stephanie is an ally or a foe, but Yumiko and Ezekiel are willing to escort Eugene on this journey, determined to stay positive.

Only Ezekiel starts to have several meltdowns along the way. We know that he is very ill and unsure of how much time he has left, but perhaps he can still shed some laughter after all.

We haven’t met Stephanie yet, but the group does stumble upon a city staged with walkers. We get to see some of them sitting down for coffee and even a police officer walker handcuffed, suggesting that someone may be having a little too much fun here.

Images courtesy of AMC

A new character pops up at the end of the episode and seems more than thrilled to see the group, but can she be trusted?

I’m intrigued to find out more! Let’s spice up TWD with a pop of color and insanity!


“Just listen…”

After Beta discovers Alpha’s head on a spike, he is less than pleased. Two of the other Whisperers suggest that he is the new Alpha now, but Beta decides to teach them a lesson, pushing one of them close enough to hear what undead Alpha has to say about this while she rips the flesh from his ear…

Images courtesy of AMC

Beta decides to carry Alpha’s head along with him. He cradles her head like a baby, which was beyond disturbing, searching for some kind of a sign. Eventually Beta has apparently found what he is looking for, finally stabbing his former leader’s head.

So, what is Beta planning next? It looks like we may have a split between The Whisperers now that Alpha is gone, but Beta should not be underestimated and I am still looking forward to a rematch between him and Daryl.


“We kneel to the new Alpha.”

After Daryl stumbles upon Negan, he is not entirely convinced about his story, especially when Alpha’s head is missing. Before they can hash this out further, some Whisperers show up and decide to bow down to Negan, which really entertains him.

Daryl is forced to kneel as well, but perhaps Negan has an in to truly save everyone now that they are looking at him as the leader. Let’s just hope the power doesn’t go to his head…

I’m also wondering where Lydia ran off to. Hopefully they can get her back before Beta finds her.

Since we know that Beta is seen as a leader as well, the war is far from over, but this should be interesting…


“They don’t know what you truly want.”

Even though Alpha is dead, Carol is not completely satisfied yet, as Alpha begins to haunt her. Carol goes on a journey of self-discovery, attempting to discover what she really wants, but it’s far from easy.

Images courtesy of AMC

Alpha drags her back down into the darkest parts of her consciousness, reminding her of Henry, Sophia, Ed, Lizzie and Mika. Alpha represents the voice in Carol’s head that tells her that she isn’t good enough as a mother or as a person.

This journey was so important for Carol to snap her back to reality so that she can move on with her life. The threat may be over, but the real enemies are the inner demons swarming around in Carol’s mind, refusing to release their grip on her.

When Alpha tells Carol to “look at the flowers,” it reminds us of season 4 episode 14, “The Grove.” Carol had told Lizzie to simply look at the flowers before she killed her, which is still one of the most emotionally chaotic episodes I have ever seen on the show.

In this moment, Carol refuses to do the same. She doesn’t just accept her fate. She decides to change it and now finally understands what she wants.

She wants to survive. She wants to live. She wants to finally release all of the demons so that she can move forward.

Welcome back, Carol!

Overall, I thought this was another powerful episode. After Michonne’s own spiritual journey, Carol’s was necessary as well. We certainly moved a lot of other pieces of the plot as well and I’m looking forward to next week’s episode.

Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on TWD in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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My performance of the week ending 3/21/20 on TV goes to…

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan on AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10.

Season 10 has been quite the ride, but I may have just watched one of the most epic episodes I have ever seen (Season 10 episode 12) and part of that is because of Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s beyond brilliant performance as our antihero, Negan.

**Please note MAJOR spoilers are ahead if you are not caught up on the series.**

Jeffrey Dean Morgan knows how to play a villain well. He’s ruthless at times, but he also has so much charisma and humor, really making him someone you love to hate and eventually transforming into more of an antihero rather than a villain. While I can’t forgive some of Negan’s actions that shattered TWD, I have been a fan of his for a while and I have enjoyed witnessing his character growth. Negan played the villain well, but he absolutely flourishes as an antihero.

Negan has many layers and he is no stranger to performing some unspeakable acts, but sometimes you need a villain to take down another villain and so our long con was created. Alpha is another villain who has been beyond ruthless, but Negan recognizes a lot of himself in her. Alpha talks about her decisions in terms of survival and destiny, but Negan also recognizes a vulnerability within her that Carol is determined to use to bring her down once and for all.

While many of the other characters on the show keep their moral compass steady, Carol has really lost her way after what happened to Henry and is completely driven by revenge. Carol recognizes that doing things the right way doesn’t always pay off and does what she has to do in order to bring down her enemy.

In season 10 episode 12, everything is revealed, as Negan approaches Alpha and explains that he has Lydia held up in a shack nearby. It has been obvious for quite a while now that Lydia would be Alpha’s ultimate downfall, even though she has been so obsessed with getting rid of her daughter in order to stifle this weakness within her.

Alpha clearly became somewhat intrigued by Negan and their tryst in the woods still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I think in a lot of ways, Negan truly did sympathize with Alpha and probably did connect with her on some level. However, Negan has always had a strict code about not harming children and we have witnessed his interactions with Lydia and Judith, suggesting that he would never let anything actually happen to them.

Negan’s long con works to perfection as he leads Alpha to an empty shack, immediately slicing her throat to put her down quickly before bringing her reanimated head back to Carol. Even though Negan did what was necessary, he tries to do so with compassion, holding Alpha gently while her life pours out of her, proving that Negan is not the same man anymore.

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Images courtesy of AMC

I thought that Negan’s discussion with Alpha about his own wife and how he shut down after her death was so important for his character growth. We have been witnessing the changes in Negan, but I think this may be the first time he actually sees it for himself and expresses it out loud. Negan certainly still has a long way to go until redemption, but I think taking down Alpha was a huge step in the right direction.

What’s next for Negan? It will be interesting to see how the rest of the group receives him now that he has taken down the other big bad wolf. Will they accept that Carol released him from his cell or will they still be cautious around him? I’m not sure, but I think it’s safe to say that we are done putting Negan behind bars.

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Images courtesy of AMC

I also thoroughly enjoyed the team-up between him and Carol and hope to see this dynamic duo get some more screen time together to take down the rest of their enemies. You have to admit, they make a pretty unstoppable team!

Stay tuned for a recognized performance on TV each week!

Have a performance on TV that you think is simply outstanding? Feel free to contact me with your nomination for the week by Friday at midnight! 


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” Season 10 Episode 12: “Walk With Us”

Happy Sunday TV fans! After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 12, we were reminded that “things don’t always work out the way you want” and sometimes what you desire most of all can lead to your downfall.

Please note MAJOR spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet. 

In tonight’s episode, “Walk With Us,” the war is here, as we get a few unexpected casualties. Meanwhile, Negan finally gives Alpha what she wants, leading to the epic ending you have been waiting for.

My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 12 are:


“I’ll never walk with her.”

The opening of the episode is beyond intense. There are still flames everywhere as our group defends Hilltop. Lydia refuses to walk with her mother and runs off, but ends up bumping straight into Negan. She is initially relieved to see him, but it looks like he has another agenda up his sleeve. Where does Negan’s loyalty lie? We’re about to find out…


“Her hand just slipped out of mine.”

In the midst of all the chaos, Yumiko actually spots an injured Magna in the crowd.

Images courtesy of AMC

Magna was able to survive the cave-in, but says that she lost track of Connie and couldn’t find her. This doesn’t necessarily mean that Connie is dead and I am remaining positive about one of my favorite characters on the show, but I was glad to see that Magna is all right.

Magna and Yumiko take a break from the war to break up, earning some screen time during the episode.



After Mary finally gets a chance to hold baby Adam, we witness a sweet moment. It’s good to see family back with family except they are being followed by a hungry horde of walkers. Mary sacrifices everything to protect her nephew and leads the walkers away, taking them out one by one.

Images courtesy of AMC

Only Beta is waiting for her and stabs her, waiting for her to turn so that she can walk with Alpha. Mary’s actions were so brave and I was honestly so upset to see her die after showing so much promise and potential.

After being turned, Alden shoots her with an arrow to prevent her from falling victim to such a cruel fate. Beta runs off again and even takes out one of his own followers to protect his identity.


“I can stay here with you.”

Judith has always been so strong and mature, but she certainly grows up a lot after this episode and my heart goes out to her. The plans goes slightly off when Ezekiel is separated from the kids, but Earl gets them to the safe house.

Judith discovers that Earl has been bitten and offers to stay with him so that he does not have to be alone. Earl tells her that he is not alone and tells her not to come out again so that he can stop himself as a threat.

It’s not that easy to stab your own brain as we find out and poor Judith is left to take out undead Earl. Daryl and the others find the kids and they are all safe, but this has clearly taken a toll on Judith and I’m pretty sure that she has gone through more things than any other kid on the planet…ever.

Images courtesy of AMC

Even though this was heartbreaking to watch, I finally felt like Judith got a true moment to shine, channeling Carl quite a bit here.


“Took you long enough.”

Negan informs Alpha that he has found the thing she is looking for, leading her off to where he has Lydia held captive. After an interesting Lion King debate, Negan actually reveals quite a bit about his own feelings after his wife died.

Alpha explains that it is Lydia’s destiny to die because she loves her. Lydia has always been Alpha’s weakness and as Lydia breaks free, we discover that she is in a different shack.

Alpha finds her own shack empty and Negan swiftly slashes her throat. He rolls her undead animated head toward Carol, revealing that these two make quite the team.

This was probably one of the best episodes I have seen on the series and I was very satisfied with this outcome. Welcome back to the team, Negan!

So, now that Alpha is dead, what does this mean for the fate of The Whisperers? Is the threat really over or will they take revenge?

Stay tuned! Next week we finally catch up with Michonne!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on TWD in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural? Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery? Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon! Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well. I really hope you enjoy!

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” Season 10 Episode 11: “Morning Star”

Happy Monday TV fans! After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 11, The Whisperers reminded us that they are the end of the world, but our group has been training for this very moment…and it’s finally here. “This is gonna be the fight of our lives.”

Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet. 

In last night’s episode, “Morning Star,” Alpha decides to declare war on Hilltop, as our group prepares for battle. Meanwhile, Eugene secures a date, Carol and Ezekiel catch up, and Judith presents Daryl with the perfect gift.

My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 11 are:


“My mother’s coming…”

Not exactly the words you want to hear when Lydia’s mom is coming to visit. Lydia knows what her mother is capable of and she tries to warn the group, but there is initially some disagreement on how to proceed. Some of the Hilltop members want to stay and fight, but others think that they should leave to protect the children.

Images courtesy of AMC

Well, it looks like our group doesn’t have much of a choice since Alpha decides to block all the roads. Hilltop is on their own, but that doesn’t mean that we should count them out just yet.


“Loser with a forlorn heart.”

Eugene gets some screen time in this episode as he continues to talk to his mystery woman over the radio…Stephanie. It’s clear that Eugene has some pretty intense feelings, but things get complicated when Rosita walks in and hears her on the radio.

Eugene is more than upset because he feels that he broke his promise to Stephanie, but this leads to a nice chat between him and Rosita. After turning down a kiss from our girl, he realizes that perhaps he really cares for Stephanie even though he has never met her.

Luckily, Stephanie comes back on the line and agrees to meet up with Eugene for their very first date. Eugene tells her about Rosita and refers to her as his “proverbial bff,” which was adorable.

Let’s hope that Eugene makes it out of the battle alive because I have a lot of questions about who Stephanie is and what her intentions are. I am aware that she is a character in the comics, but I’m trying to leave her mysterious story open for now.


“Never bullshit a bullshitter.”

Fair point, Carol! Everyone begins to have these important and dramatic conversations during this episode, unsure if they will make it out of the war alive. Carol discovers that Ezekiel has cancer and these two finally have a talk…followed by some extracurricular activities.

While this seems like more of an actual goodbye to give them both closure, it’s clear that they will always care for one another.

I was actually really moved by the later conversation between Carol and Lydia. Lydia sits down next to the heart she carved into the wall with Henry, holding on to her own grief and regret as well (Loved that Ezekiel gave her something of Henry’s to wear for the battle).

Carol confides in her and tells her that she had a life, which was really important and moving. Carol has shut down for so long and it looks like she is finally taking the first step toward recognizing her pain and deciding how to deal with it.

As if we didn’t get enough touching Carol moments, Daryl also tells her that he could never hate her, which brought tears to my eyes.

We’re rooting for you Carol!


“You know who you’re fighting for.”

The most heartwarming part of the episode was when Judith presented Daryl with his new angel wing. Judith wants to stay and fight, but Daryl reminds her that she needs to protect her brother and go with Ezekiel, even if she can’t find him.

Daryl is Judith’s family and I thought this moment was so important. We know that Daryl doesn’t always show his emotions, but it’s clear just how much he cares about Judith and he will die for her.

Images courtesy of AMC

The angel wing look perfect on Daryl as he wears it with pride during the battle. Talk about an immortal…



This is the moment we have been waiting for! Hilltop has been training and now they are about to put their skills to the test as they line up to protect their home and fight Alpha’s horde. The last few minutes of the episode were beyond intense as we witness the beginning of the war.

The Whisperers are more than prepared; however, as they begin to shower our group in gasoline, which was not expected. Hilltop is set on fire and our group is left standing out in the open.

We get several interesting interactions between Alpha and Negan (sans nudity, phew) and Negan suggests having the group surrender, which implies that he has something else up his sleeve. Negan seems surprised when Alpha notes that she will have them follow her as part of her horde, but what else does Negan have planned here?

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We know how much Negan adores Judith and he also has a fondness for Lydia, so I can’t imagine him standing by and letting anything happen to them.

It seems like this may have been one hell of a long con, but I’m anxious to discover the results in next week’s episode.

Overall, this episode was an emotional roller coaster. We got several motivational speeches and glimmers of closure, but the final minutes of the episode had the majority of the action.

I personally cannot wait for next week’s episode and I’m anxious to see who wins the battle once and for all!

Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on TWD in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural? Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery? Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon! Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well. I really hope you enjoy!

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” Season 10 Episode 9: Cave of Wonders

Happy Monday TV fans! The wait is over and TWD is back! After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 9, we were reminded that we should “fight for our future,” but we “don’t fight for revenge.” Makes sense, but what happens when your need for revenge endangers those around you? Is it still possible to make amends or are some actions unforgivable?

Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet. 

In last night’s episode, “Squeeze,” we explore a cave sans wonders with the group, as they get into some dangerous jams along the way. Meanwhile, we witness something even more disturbing between Negan and Alpha that still has my skin crawling.

My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 9 are:


“We got into this mess together and we’re gonna get out of it together…”

Inspiring words, Daryl, but easier said than done. The episode picks up exactly where we left off, as a group of our characters are trapped in a cave filled with walkers. Daryl refuses to give up hope and keeps everyone moving, but there is danger lurking behind every corner.

Images courtesy of AMC


“If I only knew what you told me, I wouldn’t know shit…”

Daryl speaks the truth and that’s why we adore him, but Carol really needs to listen to reason now. I sympathize with everything that Carol is going through, but she ran off by herself and forced everyone into this mess and this should be a wake-up call for her.

Daryl proves just how much he knows Carol, recognizing that she is claustrophobic. He tries to keep her motivated, but there is clearly still a voice in the back of Carol’s head driving her toward revenge.



The group begins to make their way out of the caves using small tunnels and they certainly all have to “squeeze.” Poor Jerry has a close call when he gets stuck, but surprisingly everyone is able to make it out of this one without a scratch. This certainly gave us some much needed action during the episode.


“Your reward…”

Negan gets some screen time during this episode and begins to plant some seeds of doubt within Alpha, suggesting that the traitor may be Gamma. Negan tries to explain that they are the same, but Alpha decides to lead him off away from the rest of the group.

Initially, Negan worries about his fate, but apparently Alpha wants to give him a crass reward. Alpha strips down and instructs Negan to do the same, but keeps her skin mask on.

Images courtesy of AMC

Negan actually kind of digs the mask and I was left with a foul taste in my mouth.

Seriously, gross!


“Please say it…”

Oh Carol, if only you had listened to Daryl. After there is a close call with dynamite, (For all you Losties, we almost had an Arzt situation) it looked like everyone was going to make it out of the caves, but of course Carol goes back to take out some of the horde.

Daryl, Connie, and Magda go after her and Connie and Magda end up getting trapped in a cave in. Carol finally breaks down, watching Daryl digging for them and begs him to finally blame her.

So, has Carol finally learned her lesson now that she has potentially harmed Connie and Magda?

Is there another way out of the cave?

Images courtesy of AMC

Let’s hope so because I actually really like both of their characters and it would break my heart to see Daryl lose Connie.

Overall, not too much happened in the mid-season premiere, so I’m hoping that we can pick up the pace in next week’s episode.

Stay tuned!

What are some of YOUR theories? 

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on TWD in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural? Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery? Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon! Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well. I really hope you enjoy!

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

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Ranking your Favorite Male Performances on Television for 2019

Greetings TV Fans!  As we wrap up 2019 and move on to 2020, let’s take a look at some of our favorite male performances on television from this past year.  Whether it was a moment of heroism, a sacrifice, or even a breaking point, these male actors went above and beyond to fully embrace their characters.

It was difficult for me to narrow down my favorite male performances for 2019 because there were honestly so many and I didn’t think it was possible for me to choose my absolute favorite one, which is where you came in!    

I ran a three round poll (randomized tournament style) on Twitter and asked for fans to cast their votes so that we can all decide who our favorite male performances are for the year.  Thank you so much for your participation and support, as the tournament was so much fun and actually really competitive!

Round One featured the following Male Performances on TV from 2019:

  • Misha Collins as Castiel from Supernatural
  • Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan from The Walking Dead
  • Kit Harington as Jon Snow from Game of Thrones
  • Zachary Quinto as Charlie Manx from NOS4A2
  • Cole Sprouse as Jughead Jones from Riverdale
  • Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher
  • Penn Badgley as Joe Goldberg from You
  • Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester from Supernatural
  • Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester from Supernatural
  • Richard Harmon as John Murphy from The 100
  • Lennie James as Morgan Jones from Fear the Walking Dead
  • Henry Ian Cusick as Dr. Jonas Lear from The Passage

After your votes, the following male actors moved on to Round Two:

  • Cole Sprouse
  • Penn Badgley
  • Jeffrey Dean Morgan
  • Jared Padalecki
  • Henry Cavill
  • Kit Harington

After your votes in Round Two, the following male actors moved on to the FINALS:

  • Jeffrey Dean Morgan
  • Jared Padalecki
  • Kit Harington

Honorable Mention:  Let’s not forget the captivating and ever so handsome, Henry Cavill, who just came up short of the final round.  Even in Henry Cavill’s monotone Geralt of Rivia voice, he still manages to capture our full attention while fighting off magical beasts with charisma.

Henry Cavill
GIF courtesy of Netflix

After your votes in Round Three, the FINAL results are:

3rd place: Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan from The Walking Dead

Gif courtesy of @thewalkingdead

We’re all in too, Negan!  Whether he’s making a sarcastic remark, being a complete bad-ass, or manipulating with the best of them, Negan is a scene stealer.  I can’t wait to see what he does next!

2nd place: Kit Harington as Jon Snow from Game of Thrones

Jon Snow 8
GIF courtesy of Media Paradise

Jon Snow will always be one of my favorite characters on a television series.  What’s beyond the wall for Jon?  Endless possibilities, but at least he will have Ghost by his side!

Drum roll please…

1st place:  Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester from Supernatural

Credit goes to @_itsokaysammy_ on Twitter for this amazing GIF

Jared Padalecki WINS as your favorite male performance on TV for 2019!  Congratulations on your win for two years in a row!  I am looking forward to more courageous and heartbreaking moments from Sam Winchester in 2020 and I can’t wait to see how Supernatural ends!

Thanks to all the fans who voted!  I wish you all the best for 2020!

View Final Poll Results Here!

I hope you enjoyed the list and please feel free to post your thoughts and comments below on some of your favorite male performances on TV from 2019.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 10 episode 6: “I’m All In”

Happy Monday TV fans!  During AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 6, Carol reminded Daryl that they seem to “keep paying no matter what side of the line we’re on.”  It looks like both Carol and Negan have decided to take things to the next level and it’s about time!  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.

In last night’s episode, “Bonds,” Carol and Daryl go out on a mission to “watch, learn, and leave,” but Carol has a plan of her own.  Meanwhile, Negan is tested by Beta, Eugene gets a mysterious call over the radio, and a serious illness starts to spread in Alexandria.

My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 6 are:


“It’s not like that…”

I absolutely love the moments between Carol and Daryl and Carol is not afraid to ask Daryl about what is going on with Connie.  Daryl claims that it’s not like that and Carol asks him why not, explaining that Daryl doesn’t have to be alone anymore.

Even though I have always shipped Caryl together, I recognize that their friendship is something even greater than a chance at romance and I actually really like the moments between Daryl and Connie.  I’m glad that Carol said something here because maybe Daryl needs a push in the right direction!


“This is only going to get worse if we’re not ahead of it.”

Everyone seems to be getting really sick in Alexandria, which leads to a “field trip to the infirmary.”  Rosita does not seem to be doing too well and there is definitely a lot of pressure on Siddiq and Dante to figure this all out, but I’m starting to wonder what caused them all to get sick in the first place?

Is this just a really bad bug or is something else causing everyone to get sick here?

This is also leading to some more panic moments for Siddiq and it looks like we might get to fully understand what is happening with him in next week’s episode.

Did Siddiq kill for Alpha?  I can’t wait to find out, but he needs to stop having these episodes when he is holding poor baby Coco!


“Just you and me.”

Is Eugene finally going to get his chance at romance or did he just open the channel to an even greater threat?

I’m not sure, but it’s clear that Eugene and this mysterious woman are forming some kind of connection already.  The woman seems to appreciate Eugene’s quirkiness and we learn that she is from Pennsylvania, but we really don’t know anything else about her.

The woman is worried that Eugene could be a threat, but he tries to convince her that it is safe to talk to him.  She asks him to keep this between the two of them, which was another red flag for me.

Eugene better watch his back because I’m not sure that we can trust who is on the other line just yet…


“Did you plan this?”

After Daryl decides to tag along with Carol on her mission, he quickly discovers that she is not really looking for Negan and is trying to find Alpha’s horde instead.  Daryl and Carol actually have some luck here, but Daryl worries that their actions will have consequences.

Carol reminds him that they have already lost so much and she’s absolutely right, but you have to wonder if Carol is really thinking everything through or if her quest for revenge is blocking out some of her better judgment?

Daryl and Carol end up in a very dangerous situation, but Carol ends up taking back a Whisperer prisoner.  Daryl asks her if this was her plan all along, but it’s clear that Carol has just made a big move here and we’ll  have to see if it was the right call.


“I ain’t going anywhere!”

Even though I adored the moments between Carol and Daryl, once again, Negan stole the show for me.  His interactions with “Beta with benefits” were beyond hilarious.  Beta warns Alpha that Negan cannot be trusted and reminds her that he is too loud.

Negan claims that he can spill all of the secrets he has collected from their enemy, which would definitely come in handy, but it seems like Beta is more threatened by Negan than Alpha is.

After being tested and surrounded by walkers, Negan survives and I can’t say that I’m really surprised.  The big bad wolf is not going anywhere and he does take a knee to pledge himself to Alpha, claiming that he is all in. 

I still think this is one hell of a long con and I feel like Negan and Carol are about to turn the tables on The Whisperers without them even realizing it, but you never know what’s up Negan’s sleeve.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories & thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

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My performance of the week ending 11/9/19 on TV goes to…

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan on AMC’s The Walking Dead

I’ve been waiting so long for Negan to do something earth-shattering and it looks like he has finally returned.

Whether you love him or love to hate him, Negan is one of the best villains I have ever witnessed on any television show.  His actions are ruthless and he has killed some of our beloved characters and yet he still manages to find a way to be charismatic, thought-provoking, and absolutely hilarious.

Over the seasons, Negan has been on this journey toward redemption and the dynamic between him and the Grimes family is a major part of that.  Negan is not completely bad and he has proven that there is this potential within him to do good, but it can’t completely wipe his slate clean either.

In the previous episodes, Negan really bonded with Lydia and I think it’s because he knows all too well what it means to be looked at as an outsider and the enemy.  No matter how hard you try to do the right thing to fit in, you will always be the first one blamed for anything that goes wrong.

Negan’s past actions are beyond forgivable, but I also can’t ignore the anti-hero emerging within him either.  I think that’s why I was so captivated by his performance in season 10, episode 5.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you are not up-to-date on the series.

In this episode, Negan’s chance at goodness is brutally ripped away from him when his number one fan, Brandon, decides to murder an innocent family.  Negan kills Brandon and the big bad wolf returns, as he grabs his new Lucille and leather jacket, ready to cross into The Whisperer territory with nothing to lose.

Except he did lose something, suddenly realizing that he isn’t going to get the chance to be a hero and that the darkness from his past actions will always follow him.

Is Negan going to be working with the enemy or is this his opportunity to truly make a difference and stop Alpha once and for all?  I can’t ignore the setup here, but I also know that Negan has been broken after this moment with Brandon.

He can’t really blame Brandon because he is the cause of his actions in a way, but does that mean that he can only be a villain in the end or is there another way?

While I love Negan as a villain, I feel like he has grown so much over the seasons and I would like to see him thrive as a bad-ass anti-hero.  That doesn’t mean that he needs to always do or say the right thing, but I think that Alpha is a worthy foe and only Negan or Carol really have the potential, or the motivation, to take her down.

What’s next for Negan?  We’ll have to wait and see, but it looks like he will be tested by Alpha and Beta.  I’m interested to see how he does and what their conversations will look like, especially since we know that Negan is no stranger to manipulation.

Either way, I’m excited to see some well deserved screen time for Negan’s character and I can’t wait to see what he does next.  I’ve been very impressed with season 10 so far and Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s performance is a major part of that!

Stay tuned for a recognized performance on TV each week!

**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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Have a performance on TV that you think is simply outstanding? Feel free to contact me with your nomination for the week by Friday at midnight! 

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