Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” Season 10 Episode 11: “Morning Star”

Happy Monday TV fans! After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 11, The Whisperers reminded us that they are the end of the world, but our group has been training for this very moment…and it’s finally here. “This is gonna be the fight of our lives.”

Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet. 

In last night’s episode, “Morning Star,” Alpha decides to declare war on Hilltop, as our group prepares for battle. Meanwhile, Eugene secures a date, Carol and Ezekiel catch up, and Judith presents Daryl with the perfect gift.

My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 11 are:


“My mother’s coming…”

Not exactly the words you want to hear when Lydia’s mom is coming to visit. Lydia knows what her mother is capable of and she tries to warn the group, but there is initially some disagreement on how to proceed. Some of the Hilltop members want to stay and fight, but others think that they should leave to protect the children.

Images courtesy of AMC

Well, it looks like our group doesn’t have much of a choice since Alpha decides to block all the roads. Hilltop is on their own, but that doesn’t mean that we should count them out just yet.


“Loser with a forlorn heart.”

Eugene gets some screen time in this episode as he continues to talk to his mystery woman over the radio…Stephanie. It’s clear that Eugene has some pretty intense feelings, but things get complicated when Rosita walks in and hears her on the radio.

Eugene is more than upset because he feels that he broke his promise to Stephanie, but this leads to a nice chat between him and Rosita. After turning down a kiss from our girl, he realizes that perhaps he really cares for Stephanie even though he has never met her.

Luckily, Stephanie comes back on the line and agrees to meet up with Eugene for their very first date. Eugene tells her about Rosita and refers to her as his “proverbial bff,” which was adorable.

Let’s hope that Eugene makes it out of the battle alive because I have a lot of questions about who Stephanie is and what her intentions are. I am aware that she is a character in the comics, but I’m trying to leave her mysterious story open for now.


“Never bullshit a bullshitter.”

Fair point, Carol! Everyone begins to have these important and dramatic conversations during this episode, unsure if they will make it out of the war alive. Carol discovers that Ezekiel has cancer and these two finally have a talk…followed by some extracurricular activities.

While this seems like more of an actual goodbye to give them both closure, it’s clear that they will always care for one another.

I was actually really moved by the later conversation between Carol and Lydia. Lydia sits down next to the heart she carved into the wall with Henry, holding on to her own grief and regret as well (Loved that Ezekiel gave her something of Henry’s to wear for the battle).

Carol confides in her and tells her that she had a life, which was really important and moving. Carol has shut down for so long and it looks like she is finally taking the first step toward recognizing her pain and deciding how to deal with it.

As if we didn’t get enough touching Carol moments, Daryl also tells her that he could never hate her, which brought tears to my eyes.

We’re rooting for you Carol!


“You know who you’re fighting for.”

The most heartwarming part of the episode was when Judith presented Daryl with his new angel wing. Judith wants to stay and fight, but Daryl reminds her that she needs to protect her brother and go with Ezekiel, even if she can’t find him.

Daryl is Judith’s family and I thought this moment was so important. We know that Daryl doesn’t always show his emotions, but it’s clear just how much he cares about Judith and he will die for her.

Images courtesy of AMC

The angel wing look perfect on Daryl as he wears it with pride during the battle. Talk about an immortal…



This is the moment we have been waiting for! Hilltop has been training and now they are about to put their skills to the test as they line up to protect their home and fight Alpha’s horde. The last few minutes of the episode were beyond intense as we witness the beginning of the war.

The Whisperers are more than prepared; however, as they begin to shower our group in gasoline, which was not expected. Hilltop is set on fire and our group is left standing out in the open.

We get several interesting interactions between Alpha and Negan (sans nudity, phew) and Negan suggests having the group surrender, which implies that he has something else up his sleeve. Negan seems surprised when Alpha notes that she will have them follow her as part of her horde, but what else does Negan have planned here?

Images courtesy of AMC

We know how much Negan adores Judith and he also has a fondness for Lydia, so I can’t imagine him standing by and letting anything happen to them.

It seems like this may have been one hell of a long con, but I’m anxious to discover the results in next week’s episode.

Overall, this episode was an emotional roller coaster. We got several motivational speeches and glimmers of closure, but the final minutes of the episode had the majority of the action.

I personally cannot wait for next week’s episode and I’m anxious to see who wins the battle once and for all!

Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on TWD in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural? Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery? Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon! Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well. I really hope you enjoy!

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” Season 10 Episode 10: Stalker

Happy Monday TV fans! After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 10, we were reminded that fear can be a powerful motivator. Should we simply let the fear in or do we channel it into something far greater?

Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet. 

In last night’s episode, “Stalker,” Beta shows off just how terrifying he can be, but there are a few characters waiting to take a stab at him. Meanwhile, Daryl and Alpha face off, Gamma and Judith bond, and Rosita confides in Gabriel.

My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 10 are:


“I’m trying to help…”

After the incident at the cave, Gamma shows up to speak with Gabriel and Rosita, claiming that she is there to help them.

Images courtesy of AMC

She tells them about her sister’s baby and tries to earn their trust, but Rosita is not buying it for one second, as she decides to punch her in the face and throw her into a cell.

I can’t say I really blame her…


“I can feel that Coco is wondering where he is.”

Our girl Rosita gets some well deserved screen time in this episode and takes a minute to confide in Gabriel. While I’m not the biggest fan of Rosita and Gabriel together, it is important for her to talk to someone about her grief.

Rosita realizes that she is not the only one missing Siddiq, wondering how it will impact her child, which just goes to show you how much she has transformed as a character. Rosita has always been such a fierce warrior, but she is now a selfless mother and her fears are becoming all too real, especially when she has a nightmare about Beta trying to hurt Coco.


“You don’t look like a monster to me.”

After Gamma is tossed into a cell, Judith takes some time to get to know her. Gamma or Mary begins to fill her in on her past, but starts to realize that Alpha made her forget quite a lot. Clearly, she forgot to mention her amazing role in Hocus Pocus!

Judith thinks that Mary met the wrong person first, explaining that her mother and father would have helped her. She always has a way of seeing the good in everyone, which really shows you how mature she is. Rick would be proud!


“Step towards me!”

After Gabriel and the others leave, Beta takes this opportunity to begin slaughtering those left behind. He comes for Gamma and tells her that her death will be painless and quick if she simply steps towards him.

Gamma has a real moment of empowerment and reflection here, as she refuses to do so, explaining that Alpha is always lying. She makes a run for it and Judith helps her out.

In one of the most chilling scenes I have witnessed in a while, Beta walks through the house looking for Gamma and Judith. The music stops and all we hear are crickets chirping, really bringing this “stalker” vibe to life.

Images courtesy of AMC

Judith shoots Beta through the door, but he is wearing bullet proof gear and we also get to witness this incredible fight scene between him and Rosita. The girls were on fire in this episode, refusing to back down for one second and Gamma/Mary has now proven herself worthy.

She tells Beta to step towards her, dismissing all of her past fears in the process. Beta manages to get away unharmed, but I thought that this was the most exciting part of the episode.

More of this please!


“Your way is not the only way.”

We also get a fight between Daryl and Alpha during this episode and both of them end up stuck in quite the jam. They are both severely injured, but Daryl takes this time to remind Alpha that she drove Lydia away.

Lydia is still Alpha’s weakness, as she begins to let her true emotions show. Lydia appears and it initially seems like she is hallucinating, but Lydia has truly come back to save Daryl. Yay Lydia!

Images courtesy of AMC

She is unable to kill her mother and somehow Alpha is getting patched up, as we gear up for an epic war between The Whisperers and our group.

Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on TWD in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural? Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery? Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon! Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well. I really hope you enjoy!

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

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My performance of the week ending 11/30/19 on TV goes to…

Christian Serratos as Rosita on AMC’s The Walking Dead.

**Nominated by Luke from QuizUp. Thanks Luke!**

When Christian Serratos was first introduced on TWD as Rosita, I thought she was strong-willed and stubborn with a guarded heart.  She was a bad-ass and someone I was always confident in to save the day.

Over the seasons, Rosita has not always gotten the spotlight she deserves, as her character became entangled in some interesting love triangles that seemed more like plot fluff.

When Rosita became a mother, I was really excited because I thought that this might bring us some new layers to her character.  Rosita has this spark within her and I have been waiting for it to light up the screen and it looks like it has finally happened!

**Please note spoilers are ahead if you are not up-to-date on the series.**

Christian Serratos’s performance in season 10 episode 8 was so real and heartbreaking.  Rosita puts the needs of her baby first, but I cannot possibly imagine what she was going through when she had to take down undead Siddiq.

Rosita has always put up a strong front previously and she channels some of her rage by playing Fight Club with the walkers outside the gates.  Rosita loses her cool a few times and ends up needing to be saved by Eugene, which is a wake-up call for her.

Rosita starts to realize that she may die, which never scared her before, but now she wants to be there for Baby Coco.  Rosita now wants to live more than ever and I could almost see the strength emerge within her eyes.  The grief and the heartbreak will still be present, but Rosita understands that she needs to keep fighting for herself and for her child.

We are finally seeing a lot of character development for Rosita, so I hope that this doesn’t mean that we may lose her.  TWD has a tendency to give us these brilliant moments only to brutally rip these characters away from us, but I’m going to continue rooting for Rosita.

She’s strong and resilient, but she is also now finally lifting the guard around her heart to let others in and to truly be there for her child.

What’s next for Rosita?  We’ll have to wait and see, but it looks like a potential romance with fan-favorite, Eugene, may not be too far off anymore.  While I kind of just want Rosita to get away from all of this romantic drama, I know that Eugene selflessly cares for both her and Baby Coco so I’m willing to give this a chance, but I want to see Rosita continue to fight and transform into the warrior I know she can be.

Either way, I am really happy with season 10 so far and part of that is because we are finally getting some worthy character development from characters who have previously taken a back seat in other seasons.

I can’t wait to find out what happens next in the second half of the season and I am beyond excited to witness Rosita’s journey even more!

Stay tuned for a recognized performance on TV each week!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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Dreaming of Wonderland Holiday 1

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 10 episode 6: “I’m All In”

Happy Monday TV fans!  During AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 6, Carol reminded Daryl that they seem to “keep paying no matter what side of the line we’re on.”  It looks like both Carol and Negan have decided to take things to the next level and it’s about time!  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.

In last night’s episode, “Bonds,” Carol and Daryl go out on a mission to “watch, learn, and leave,” but Carol has a plan of her own.  Meanwhile, Negan is tested by Beta, Eugene gets a mysterious call over the radio, and a serious illness starts to spread in Alexandria.

My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 6 are:


“It’s not like that…”

I absolutely love the moments between Carol and Daryl and Carol is not afraid to ask Daryl about what is going on with Connie.  Daryl claims that it’s not like that and Carol asks him why not, explaining that Daryl doesn’t have to be alone anymore.

Even though I have always shipped Caryl together, I recognize that their friendship is something even greater than a chance at romance and I actually really like the moments between Daryl and Connie.  I’m glad that Carol said something here because maybe Daryl needs a push in the right direction!


“This is only going to get worse if we’re not ahead of it.”

Everyone seems to be getting really sick in Alexandria, which leads to a “field trip to the infirmary.”  Rosita does not seem to be doing too well and there is definitely a lot of pressure on Siddiq and Dante to figure this all out, but I’m starting to wonder what caused them all to get sick in the first place?

Is this just a really bad bug or is something else causing everyone to get sick here?

This is also leading to some more panic moments for Siddiq and it looks like we might get to fully understand what is happening with him in next week’s episode.

Did Siddiq kill for Alpha?  I can’t wait to find out, but he needs to stop having these episodes when he is holding poor baby Coco!


“Just you and me.”

Is Eugene finally going to get his chance at romance or did he just open the channel to an even greater threat?

I’m not sure, but it’s clear that Eugene and this mysterious woman are forming some kind of connection already.  The woman seems to appreciate Eugene’s quirkiness and we learn that she is from Pennsylvania, but we really don’t know anything else about her.

The woman is worried that Eugene could be a threat, but he tries to convince her that it is safe to talk to him.  She asks him to keep this between the two of them, which was another red flag for me.

Eugene better watch his back because I’m not sure that we can trust who is on the other line just yet…


“Did you plan this?”

After Daryl decides to tag along with Carol on her mission, he quickly discovers that she is not really looking for Negan and is trying to find Alpha’s horde instead.  Daryl and Carol actually have some luck here, but Daryl worries that their actions will have consequences.

Carol reminds him that they have already lost so much and she’s absolutely right, but you have to wonder if Carol is really thinking everything through or if her quest for revenge is blocking out some of her better judgment?

Daryl and Carol end up in a very dangerous situation, but Carol ends up taking back a Whisperer prisoner.  Daryl asks her if this was her plan all along, but it’s clear that Carol has just made a big move here and we’ll  have to see if it was the right call.


“I ain’t going anywhere!”

Even though I adored the moments between Carol and Daryl, once again, Negan stole the show for me.  His interactions with “Beta with benefits” were beyond hilarious.  Beta warns Alpha that Negan cannot be trusted and reminds her that he is too loud.

Negan claims that he can spill all of the secrets he has collected from their enemy, which would definitely come in handy, but it seems like Beta is more threatened by Negan than Alpha is.

After being tested and surrounded by walkers, Negan survives and I can’t say that I’m really surprised.  The big bad wolf is not going anywhere and he does take a knee to pledge himself to Alpha, claiming that he is all in. 

I still think this is one hell of a long con and I feel like Negan and Carol are about to turn the tables on The Whisperers without them even realizing it, but you never know what’s up Negan’s sleeve.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories & thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

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