Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 10 episode 8: “I Cannot Die”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 8 mid-season finale, I thought about how Dante said, “We are selfish, we are brutal,” but can you really say that all kindness is gone from humanity?  Our characters are proof that a glimmer of goodness still exists, but let’s hope that glimmer is enough to get them through what comes next.  Please note MAJOR spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.

In last night’s episode, “The World Before,” Alpha’s plan involving Dante is revealed, as Rosita makes a shocking discovering of her own.  Meanwhile, Carol continues to hunt down leads on Alpha’s horde and Michonne and Judith meet a new stranger.

My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 8 mid-season finale are:


“You have a special place among us.”

After the shocking reveal in last week’s episode, we now learn more about Alpha’s plan involving Dante.  Dante was the one who painted “Silence the Whispers,” he tampered with the drinking water, and even smothered poor Cheryl with a pillow.

Alpha wanted to use paranoia to push the group into bad decisions and Dante apparently wants a public reckoning to be heard now, but I’m not sure that our group is willing to listen to anything he has to say…


“I cannot die!”

Rosita is the one who discovers what Dante has done, as he tries to attack her as well, but our girl Rosita kicks some serious ass and stabs him.  I felt so bad for her when she had to put down undead Siddiq before he began snacking on poor baby Coco and this event clearly traumatized her.  I can’t say that I blame her.

Rosita finally gets some well deserved screen time during this episode.  For a while now, she has appeared in transitional and filler scenes, but she now steps into the spotlight, going beyond the gates to take out some walkers to channel some of this rage brewing inside of her.

Eugene shows up and saves her, as reality strikes her with the possibility that she can die, which now scares her more than anything because she doesn’t want to leave baby Coco behind.  This moment of vulnerability was truly moving, as it developed Rosita’s character even more.

I thought Rosita showed so much strength and emotion in this episode and I would like to see her channel this in future episodes to really embrace the warrior within.  Perhaps this is the wake-up call she needed and romance may not be off the table for her and Eugene after all…


“Do we deserve a second chance?”

Well, apparently Gabriel doesn’t think so.  Gabriel really takes Dante’s betrayal hard and starts studying old video tapes of him, clearing blaming himself for thinking that he was a good person.  This is not the first time we have seen Gabriel face an internal dilemma, but he almost shuts down completely here and even keeps his distance from Rosita, holding on to his guilt.

Gabriel speaks with Dante and decides to go crazy on him, killing him in his cell.  While I understand Gabriel’s actions and motive, I started to wonder if perhaps Alpha’s plan is working, as paranoia and guilt are now conquering the goodness that they have all been working so hard to achieve.

How will this impact Gabriel’s relationship with Rosita?  Will he have doubts about his decision?  We’ll have to wait and see, but it looks like a darkness has emerged within him and I don’t think this is going to be the last time we see him tap into it.


“My mercy prevails over my wrath.”

After a fun library adventure with Michonne, Judith, and Luke, they stumble across a stranger who saves Luke and then runs away.  To quote Luke, “Who does that?!”

When they reach Oceanside, they stumble across the stranger again, as Michonne and Judith make an incredible tag team.  We learn that the stranger’s name is Virgil and he claims he is just trying to go home to his family.

He talks about mercy and this clearly strikes a chord with Michonne, remembering that both Siddiq and Rick used to say something similar.  This sparks something within Michonne and she agrees to help Virgil by taking him on a boat back to the island where he lives, Bloodsworth Island.  Apparently, this is some kind of fortified island and he agrees to give Michonne weapons, which would definitely help them create an advantage against The Whisperers.

Michonne tells Judith that she will see her soon and says she can reach out to her on the Walkie whenever she wants, but you have to wonder if this is the set-up for Michonne’s departure on the show?

Perhaps she will find evidence here that Rick is still alive?  Either way, I’m anxious to find out more about this island.  Let’s hope that we can trust Virgil.


“You want her dead so bad, you don’t even care what happens to you.”

Carol continues to act first and think later, but Daryl tries to talk some sense into her.  He tells her that he feels like he is talking to a ghost and reminds her that he is the one she should confide in.  Daryl tells her that she has to try and that Alpha isn’t worth it and that they have a future, which was a heartwarming moment to witness.

It seems like Daryl gets through to Carol, but she immediately shifts gears when she spots Alpha across the tree line, running straight for her without thinking once again.

Carol’s need for revenge now endangers the rest of her group, as they all end up trapped in some kind of cave surrounded by Alpha’s walker horde.

In a previous episode, Lydia reminded Carol that her mother thrives on manipulation and that’s exactly what she did here.

Will our characters be able to make it out of here alive?

They are certainly in a dangerous situation, but it looks like Gamma (formerly known as Mary) might be switching sides to help our group.

Overall, I thought this was a solid mid-season finale, but I would have liked to see some screen time for both Negan and Lydia, but it looks like we will be catching up with them more when new episodes return in February!  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories & thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 10 episode 6: “I’m All In”

Happy Monday TV fans!  During AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 6, Carol reminded Daryl that they seem to “keep paying no matter what side of the line we’re on.”  It looks like both Carol and Negan have decided to take things to the next level and it’s about time!  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.

In last night’s episode, “Bonds,” Carol and Daryl go out on a mission to “watch, learn, and leave,” but Carol has a plan of her own.  Meanwhile, Negan is tested by Beta, Eugene gets a mysterious call over the radio, and a serious illness starts to spread in Alexandria.

My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 6 are:


“It’s not like that…”

I absolutely love the moments between Carol and Daryl and Carol is not afraid to ask Daryl about what is going on with Connie.  Daryl claims that it’s not like that and Carol asks him why not, explaining that Daryl doesn’t have to be alone anymore.

Even though I have always shipped Caryl together, I recognize that their friendship is something even greater than a chance at romance and I actually really like the moments between Daryl and Connie.  I’m glad that Carol said something here because maybe Daryl needs a push in the right direction!


“This is only going to get worse if we’re not ahead of it.”

Everyone seems to be getting really sick in Alexandria, which leads to a “field trip to the infirmary.”  Rosita does not seem to be doing too well and there is definitely a lot of pressure on Siddiq and Dante to figure this all out, but I’m starting to wonder what caused them all to get sick in the first place?

Is this just a really bad bug or is something else causing everyone to get sick here?

This is also leading to some more panic moments for Siddiq and it looks like we might get to fully understand what is happening with him in next week’s episode.

Did Siddiq kill for Alpha?  I can’t wait to find out, but he needs to stop having these episodes when he is holding poor baby Coco!


“Just you and me.”

Is Eugene finally going to get his chance at romance or did he just open the channel to an even greater threat?

I’m not sure, but it’s clear that Eugene and this mysterious woman are forming some kind of connection already.  The woman seems to appreciate Eugene’s quirkiness and we learn that she is from Pennsylvania, but we really don’t know anything else about her.

The woman is worried that Eugene could be a threat, but he tries to convince her that it is safe to talk to him.  She asks him to keep this between the two of them, which was another red flag for me.

Eugene better watch his back because I’m not sure that we can trust who is on the other line just yet…


“Did you plan this?”

After Daryl decides to tag along with Carol on her mission, he quickly discovers that she is not really looking for Negan and is trying to find Alpha’s horde instead.  Daryl and Carol actually have some luck here, but Daryl worries that their actions will have consequences.

Carol reminds him that they have already lost so much and she’s absolutely right, but you have to wonder if Carol is really thinking everything through or if her quest for revenge is blocking out some of her better judgment?

Daryl and Carol end up in a very dangerous situation, but Carol ends up taking back a Whisperer prisoner.  Daryl asks her if this was her plan all along, but it’s clear that Carol has just made a big move here and we’ll  have to see if it was the right call.


“I ain’t going anywhere!”

Even though I adored the moments between Carol and Daryl, once again, Negan stole the show for me.  His interactions with “Beta with benefits” were beyond hilarious.  Beta warns Alpha that Negan cannot be trusted and reminds her that he is too loud.

Negan claims that he can spill all of the secrets he has collected from their enemy, which would definitely come in handy, but it seems like Beta is more threatened by Negan than Alpha is.

After being tested and surrounded by walkers, Negan survives and I can’t say that I’m really surprised.  The big bad wolf is not going anywhere and he does take a knee to pledge himself to Alpha, claiming that he is all in. 

I still think this is one hell of a long con and I feel like Negan and Carol are about to turn the tables on The Whisperers without them even realizing it, but you never know what’s up Negan’s sleeve.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories & thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 10 episode 1 season premiere: “Lines We Cross”

Happy Monday TV fans!  The wait is over and TWD has finally returned!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 1 season premiere, I started to wonder how someone really determines if they are “the villains to someone else’s story?”  Everyone wants to claim that they are the “good guys,” doing what is best for their people to survive, but where do we draw the line between right and wrong?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.

In last night’s episode, “Lines We Cross,” our walkers go through fire and water to cause the group some trouble, but it looks like their training is quite effective.  Meanwhile, Negan gets promoted to growing vegetables and taking out the trash, and Carol and Daryl contemplate running away from it all.  My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 1 season premiere are:


“Remember your training…”

In the beginning of the episode, I almost felt like I was watching a Pirates of the Caribbean movie…with lots of walkers.  Seriously, it seemed like Jack Sparrow was about to appear to help the group, but the change of scenery was nice and it allowed them to show off their training.  The group has certainly come a long way and I’m sure Tara would be proud, but is training really enough for the threats ahead?


“People like the brave man are never really gone.”

Michonne continues to fight the good fight, but it’s never easy being the leader, especially when everyone is questioning every single one of your calls.  Through it all, Michonne remains strong and explains that, “we have to keep our cool or they win.”  We know that she is referring to The Whisperers, but whenever we get somewhat of a jump in time, I’m always slightly confused, but I’m sure the blanks will be filled in later.

Michonne overhears Judith telling RJ a story about the brave man who blew up a bridge to save everyone.  Judith explains that the brave man (Rick) is never really gone because he lives inside our hearts and I have to say that she is wise beyond her years.  I think that Michonne is doing an excellent job raising these two, but I also know that this is her last season, which makes me worry about their future…


“She’s a baby, not a science experiment.”

I guess we are going to get our fair share of Three Men and a Baby…TWD style.  Rosita’s baby is beyond adorable and everyone seems to be doing their part to take care of her, but Eugene’s studies seem to be a little bit excessive, although his heart is absolutely in the right place.

Siddiq starts to have these hallucinations; however, and begins to replay the moment right before Alpha killed all his friends.  Siddiq has clearly not recovered from this, but let’s hope that it doesn’t get in the way of his responsibilities as a father.  Snap out of it, Siddiq!  We need you!


“What does alert mean?  It means watch your back, kid.”

Even though Negan is still technically a prisoner, he is now responsible for growing vegetables and taking out the trash.  I guess that’s progress, but I’m just ready for Negan to be truly set free already.  Negan overhears the group on high alert after they find out that a skin was recovered in the woods and shares his thoughts with Lydia.

Lydia is an outsider as well and it looks like they both may be getting the side eye for a while, but I’m starting to think that Negan and Lydia might be our best shot at taking Alpha down.  We’ll have to see how this plays out, but I’m just ready for a Negan centric season.


“I need you to stay.”

So, I actually really liked some of the Daryl and Connie moments sprinkled into the mix and I’m starting to really ship these two together, but we also get a great moment between Daryl and Carol.  Maybe we should just let Dog decide who Daryl should end up with, but Daryl learning how to sign is so sweet!

Meanwhile, Carol has been off fishing, clearly trying to get away from it all, but Daryl reminds her that he needs her and tells her that she is his best friend, which was so adorable to watch.  After Carol jokes about friendship bracelets, Daryl actually makes her one, but they do have a serious moment, wondering if “this is all there is?”  Are they simply just surviving one fight to the next or is there something else to live for?

A great question for sure, but luckily we also get some more action toward the end of the season premiere.  After a satellite crashes into the forest, it causes a fire, but that’s not all…because you know this is the zombie apocalypse.  Walkers are clearly drawn to the fire, but our group is ready for them, taking them out one by one.

Eugene takes some time to collect pieces from the satellite and I’m interested to see if there is more to this, but we know that TWD likes to keep us guessing.  I feel like this is something that the mysterious 3-ringed helicopter group would be very interested in…just saying.

At the very end of the episode, Daryl and Carol are looking over a ridge, even though Michonne is anxious to get out of there since they have crossed Alpha’s line and of course, Alpha emerges.  We get to witness this really intense stare down between Alpha and Carol, which makes me wonder if this is the fight I have been waiting for.

Now that our group has crossed the line, what does this mean?  Will Alpha start a war again?  We’ll have to wait and see, but it doesn’t look like she is going to stay quiet for long.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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**Do you love television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Once Upon a Time, Lost, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural?  Do you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery?  Then you may like my book series, Dreaming of Wonderland…available on Amazon!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I really hope you enjoy!

The Dreaming of Wonderland Book Series is available here!

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 9 episode 1 season premiere: “The Famous Rick Grimes”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 9 episode 1 season premiere, I learned that a new beginning doesn’t necessarily mean that the past is left behind entirely.  Even though change is possible, there is always something or someone threatening to bring the old ways back.  So what do we do when that happens?  Do we erase the warning signs and pretend like it doesn’t exist or do we stand up and make a point to show that we mean business?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “A New Beginning,” the group heads out on a field trip to the state capital.  Meanwhile, Maggie quickly begins to realize that being the leader is not easy, Daryl wants a change in scenery, and Rick finally feels happy and lucky to have Michonne by his side.  My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 9 episode 1 season premiere are:


“Put that thing away.”

Well Carol definitely deserves a king of sorts, especially since her former husband, Ed, was one of the worst people on the planet.  During the episode, we learn that Carol and Ezekiel are together romantically, but this was almost put on hold when Ezekiel was skating on thin ice at the capital museum.  Luckily he made it out OK and will live to see another day.  Ezekiel asks Carol to marry him and she is beyond shocked.  She hilariously tells him to put the ring away and further explains that “this is not happening on a horse.”  Ezekiel is fully supportive of Carol and tells her that he will keep it until she is ready.  While I’m not necessarily on board for these two just yet, I do think that Carol absolutely deserves a chance at happiness, but there is someone else I am rooting for instead.  Team “Caryl” anyone?


“We are still Negan.”

During the episode, we learn that Daryl is in charge of leading The Sanctuary and that Rick has made quite an impression on everyone there.  Rick has been showing up with food and supplies and is trying to keep everyone happy, which is a difficult job to do.  Even though everyone seems happy and one man even says, “Bless you Rick Grimes,” a resistance may still be brewing within the factory walls.  Rick notices that someone wrote, “We are still Negan” on the wall and they want it painted over.  While I understand that they want to keep this type of messaging out of here, I’m not sure that painting over it like it doesn’t exist will make the threat go away.  Daryl further tells Rick that he doesn’t want to be the one leading these people anymore and feels that he is better out in the open.  Rick reminds Daryl of his importance there, but Daryl is not buying it any longer.  Daryl tells Rick that “everyone’s everywhere” and that there is “no us anymore” and maybe he’s right.  Daryl much prefers the idea of a small group and says it’s what he knows, but that’s also what Daryl understands as his family and purpose.  While this disagreement between Rick and Daryl definitely foreshadows a possible divide, one cannot ignore the threat that “The Saviors” might be waiting in the wings to take advantage of any sign of weakness from Rick’s group.


“If anyone deserves to be happy, it’s you.”

Swoon!  I have been missing these absolutely beautiful moments between Daryl and Carol and this was a great one for sure.  Daryl truly cares for Carol and just wants her to be happy, but he does say that he doesn’t like not seeing her.  Carol agrees to take over for Daryl for a little while even though that means leaving Ezekiel behind, but she recognizes that it is something she needs to do for her great friend and to support the group.  Carol opens up to Daryl and explains that even though Ezekiel is corny, “Corny is nice after Ed.”  Daryl is someone that Carol can always trust and count on, but I have to admit that I am still shipping these two together and hope that they can make it work somehow.  No offense your majesty.


“How’d I get so lucky finding you?”

“The famous Rick Grimes” is back, but we know that it is only a matter of time before we say goodbye to him forever.  I’m not ready to cry just yet; however, and I love the fact that Rick is finally embracing the people around him even after losing Carl.  There is a beautiful moment when Rick is watching his daughter, Judith, painting a picture of her and Carl while Michonne helps.  Rick, Michonne, and Judith have really become a watercolor painting of a beautiful family and it seems like everything is almost too perfect to be true.  Rick recognizes how lucky he is and Michonne tells him that it’s time they both won a little and I couldn’t agree more.  However, we know that happiness is often short-lived on TWD and I am not looking forward to seeing this happy family separated forever.  I guess ignorance is bliss for now.


“I made this decision but this is not the beginning of something.”

During the episode, we learn that Maggie was voted the leader of Hilltop over Gregory and we meet her beautiful son, Hershel.  It seems like everything is going well, but Maggie quickly realizes that being a leader is no easy task and she has to deal with the consequences that come her way.  During their run, Maggie loses Ken and his parents are absolutely devastated.  Maggie clearly feels awful, but understands that this is probably not the last time that something like this will happen.  Gregory takes this opportunity to plant a seed and tries to manipulate Ken’s father by bribing this sober man with alcohol.  If that wasn’t bad enough, Gregory tells Maggie that he saw someone defacing Glenn’s grave to catch her off guard.  Maggie is attacked by a man in a hood and I was horrified when the baby carriage turned over and her son was on the ground screaming.  Seriously this was absolutely horrible to watch.  With the help of some of her people, Maggie is able to get away OK and we learn that the hooded man was Ken’s father, but Maggie quickly realizes that the man behind the curtain is Gregory.  Maggie confronts Gregory and tells him “you tried to have me killed because you’re too chicken shit to do it yourself.”  Gregory tries to attack Maggie, but when she turns the tables on him, there is fear written all over his face.  Rick later goes to see Maggie and clearly feels bad about what happened, but asks if she will consider giving more food to The Sanctuary.  Maggie wants something in return and reminds Rick, “I survived worse but it has to stop.”  Maggie makes the decision to have Gregory hung for his betrayal in front of the group.  She takes complete ownership of her decision, but also tells her people that she doesn’t want this to continue.  Maggie has given Gregory so many chances and he continued to try and betray her and I think that some sort of punishment is fitting, although I’m not sure that we want to resort back to the days of public hangings.  Especially when some of the children witness what is going on, it really puts things into perspective.

While the group needs to start over, that doesn’t mean that they get to decide who lives and who dies and even Michonne recognizes that they all need to have some rules and agreements put in place before all hell breaks loose and she is absolutely right.  That being said, Maggie is a pillar of strength and is one to watch for sure.  She could have been broken and defeated after being attacked, but she chose to stay strong and make a point to her people.  Whether it was the right call or not, I’m not sad to see Gregory go.  It will be interesting to see how these three groups work together and how long it will take before they are divided again when they don’t agree on something.  Either way, I’m looking forward to see how it all unfolds.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!

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Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

When Kallie Bennett, a jaded teenage girl plagued by her alcoholic mother and her peers molded out of sheer bubble gum perfection, chases after Alice in Wonderland herself, she ends up lost in her own version of Wonderland, which forces her to face her utmost fears and introduces her to familiar characters with a dark twist. Among these characters is Ches, a gorgeous vampire with a conflicted conscience, who becomes Kallie’s guide and blossoming love interest. She also crosses paths with Queen Hartley, a manipulative witch who has the power to strip away one’s memories and imagination, which brings a bone chilling new meaning to “off with their heads.” In The Search for Alice, Kallie starts to realize that her Wonderland is just as frightening as her own reality and that she cannot always run away from her problems. She must figure out a way to defeat Queen Hartley and return home before it is too late, but she soon learns that escaping Wonderland means leaving Ches behind forever.

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