Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 10 episode 1 season premiere: “Lines We Cross”

Happy Monday TV fans!  The wait is over and TWD has finally returned!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 1 season premiere, I started to wonder how someone really determines if they are “the villains to someone else’s story?”  Everyone wants to claim that they are the “good guys,” doing what is best for their people to survive, but where do we draw the line between right and wrong?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.

In last night’s episode, “Lines We Cross,” our walkers go through fire and water to cause the group some trouble, but it looks like their training is quite effective.  Meanwhile, Negan gets promoted to growing vegetables and taking out the trash, and Carol and Daryl contemplate running away from it all.  My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 1 season premiere are:


“Remember your training…”

In the beginning of the episode, I almost felt like I was watching a Pirates of the Caribbean movie…with lots of walkers.  Seriously, it seemed like Jack Sparrow was about to appear to help the group, but the change of scenery was nice and it allowed them to show off their training.  The group has certainly come a long way and I’m sure Tara would be proud, but is training really enough for the threats ahead?


“People like the brave man are never really gone.”

Michonne continues to fight the good fight, but it’s never easy being the leader, especially when everyone is questioning every single one of your calls.  Through it all, Michonne remains strong and explains that, “we have to keep our cool or they win.”  We know that she is referring to The Whisperers, but whenever we get somewhat of a jump in time, I’m always slightly confused, but I’m sure the blanks will be filled in later.

Michonne overhears Judith telling RJ a story about the brave man who blew up a bridge to save everyone.  Judith explains that the brave man (Rick) is never really gone because he lives inside our hearts and I have to say that she is wise beyond her years.  I think that Michonne is doing an excellent job raising these two, but I also know that this is her last season, which makes me worry about their future…


“She’s a baby, not a science experiment.”

I guess we are going to get our fair share of Three Men and a Baby…TWD style.  Rosita’s baby is beyond adorable and everyone seems to be doing their part to take care of her, but Eugene’s studies seem to be a little bit excessive, although his heart is absolutely in the right place.

Siddiq starts to have these hallucinations; however, and begins to replay the moment right before Alpha killed all his friends.  Siddiq has clearly not recovered from this, but let’s hope that it doesn’t get in the way of his responsibilities as a father.  Snap out of it, Siddiq!  We need you!


“What does alert mean?  It means watch your back, kid.”

Even though Negan is still technically a prisoner, he is now responsible for growing vegetables and taking out the trash.  I guess that’s progress, but I’m just ready for Negan to be truly set free already.  Negan overhears the group on high alert after they find out that a skin was recovered in the woods and shares his thoughts with Lydia.

Lydia is an outsider as well and it looks like they both may be getting the side eye for a while, but I’m starting to think that Negan and Lydia might be our best shot at taking Alpha down.  We’ll have to see how this plays out, but I’m just ready for a Negan centric season.


“I need you to stay.”

So, I actually really liked some of the Daryl and Connie moments sprinkled into the mix and I’m starting to really ship these two together, but we also get a great moment between Daryl and Carol.  Maybe we should just let Dog decide who Daryl should end up with, but Daryl learning how to sign is so sweet!

Meanwhile, Carol has been off fishing, clearly trying to get away from it all, but Daryl reminds her that he needs her and tells her that she is his best friend, which was so adorable to watch.  After Carol jokes about friendship bracelets, Daryl actually makes her one, but they do have a serious moment, wondering if “this is all there is?”  Are they simply just surviving one fight to the next or is there something else to live for?

A great question for sure, but luckily we also get some more action toward the end of the season premiere.  After a satellite crashes into the forest, it causes a fire, but that’s not all…because you know this is the zombie apocalypse.  Walkers are clearly drawn to the fire, but our group is ready for them, taking them out one by one.

Eugene takes some time to collect pieces from the satellite and I’m interested to see if there is more to this, but we know that TWD likes to keep us guessing.  I feel like this is something that the mysterious 3-ringed helicopter group would be very interested in…just saying.

At the very end of the episode, Daryl and Carol are looking over a ridge, even though Michonne is anxious to get out of there since they have crossed Alpha’s line and of course, Alpha emerges.  We get to witness this really intense stare down between Alpha and Carol, which makes me wonder if this is the fight I have been waiting for.

Now that our group has crossed the line, what does this mean?  Will Alpha start a war again?  We’ll have to wait and see, but it doesn’t look like she is going to stay quiet for long.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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