Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Walking Dead” season 10 episode 4: “Silence the Whisperers”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching AMC’s The Walking Dead season 10 episode 4, Michonne reminded us that sometimes there are bullies that you have to live with and other times you just gotta fight them.  Is it possible to kill them with kindness or do you need to stand your ground every now and again?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.

In last night’s episode, “Silence the Whisperers,” the waves of walkers continue to threaten the group, while Lydia is targeted.  Meanwhile, Negan finally makes an important move, but will he end up facing consequences because of it?  My top 5 moments from The Walking Dead season 10 episode 4 are:


“Never take your enemy by their word…”

Michonne and Judith have some nice mother-daughter bonding moments during this episode.  Judith reminds Michonne that she is always willing to listen and she actually has some pretty good theories about why the walkers are coming in waves.  Are the Whisperers changing the rules or is something else going on here?

I’m still not really sure, but Michonne has been studying her enemy for a while now and she seems ready to put a plan in motion.  Later on in the episode, I loved seeing the side-by-side fighting of Michonne and Judith, but now I’m starting to wonder more and more about how she will exit the show…


“I’ve been here before.”

Michonne notices Ezekiel going off by himself and decides to follow him.  Ezekiel is standing at the edge of a cliff, feeling very defeated, and Michonne is there to support him, but we end up getting this extremely awkward kiss between them.  Michonne later jokes that they never would have worked out anyway and I breathed a sigh of relief, but I thought the actual conversation was an important moment for these two.

Michonne recognizes the pain and defeat within Ezekiel, especially since she has been there before and opens up to him about her own past and how she misses her “partner in crime,” which brought me to tears.  It really makes you think about how far Michonne has come since we first met her and how she is an inspiring leader that Rick would be so proud of.


“Don’t give them a reaction.”

Everyone is clearly on edge because of the waves of walkers and Lydia takes the brunt of it.  Lydia is called a freak and is constantly bullied.  Someone even paints, “Silence the Whispers” on her door, refusing to let her have a safe haven here.  Negan reminds her that they are just looking for a reaction, but Daryl wants Lydia to stay away from him, telling her that “he ain’t your friend.”

It’s clear that both Negan and Daryl care about Lydia and want to protect her.  They both see a lot of themselves in her and want to do what is right, but it doesn’t look like killing the bullies with kindness is going to do the trick here.


“He didn’t do anything wrong!”

After Lydia tries to stand up for herself, she ends up getting jumped later that night.  They claim that they just want to scare her, but they beat her up pretty badly.  Negan steps in to save her, but accidentally kills Margo when he throws her into a wall.

Everyone wants justice for this, but Lydia screams out that he didn’t do anything wrong and tries to tell Daryl that Negan saved her.  Later on, Daryl goes to visit Negan to have a little chat.  Rick isn’t around to save Negan anymore, but Negan reminds him that he doesn’t know what to do with him either.

Negan was not in the wrong here, but his actions have stirred up a lot of drama in Alexandria.


“You don’t belong in a cage.”

Daryl takes some time to talk to Michonne over the radio and Michonne reminds him that they need to protect Lydia, recognizing that Alpha will not attack if she is alive with them.  Michonne and Daryl decide to keep this information to themselves right now, but Michonne is absolutely on to something here.

Michonne asks Daryl to be her proxy for the vote of the council, but it seems like they need some more time to deliberate.  Only someone has freed Negan and he’s gone.  Lydia says it was her, but Daryl kept an eye on her all night.  So who let Negan out?

Daryl has this important moment with Lydia, telling her that she doesn’t belong in a cage and it’s clear that Lydia has been trying so hard to fit in for him.  Lydia misses her father and I think that Daryl can absolutely step into that role for her.  I actually really like Lydia as a character and I love the dynamic between her and Daryl.

While time played an important part last week, the concept of masks comes up in episode 4.  It’s sometimes easier to wear a mask to pretend that everything is all right, but what happens when you reveal your true self?  Will you be accepted as you are or are you safer hiding behind lies and deception?

My main question after the episode is what will happen now that Negan is free?  This is not the first time we have seen Negan escape, but circumstances are different now.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories & thoughts on The Walking Dead below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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