Ranking the top 5 moments from “The 100” season 5 episode 11: “She Bore It So That They Didn’t Have To”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s The 100 season 5 episode 11, I learned that things aren’t always how they seem.  You may think you know why someone does what they do, but until all of the pieces of the puzzle come together, it’s impossible for you to put yourself in their shoes.  Would you do any differently?  Would you understand what is at stake for survival?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  In Tuesday night’s episode, “The Dark Year,” Clarke desperately tries to save her mother’s life and learns the truth about what Wonkru had to endure.  Meanwhile, Shaw tries to protect Raven, Marcus discusses next steps with Diyoza, and Madi lectures Clarke on what it means to be a hero.  My top 5 moments from The 100 season 5 episode 11 are:


“I’ll give you 24 hours to get her operating again.”

After Clarke saves Abby’s life, she is horrified to learn that she is addicted to pills and recognizes that if she takes anymore, she could die.  McCreary discovers Clarke and Madi and tells her that she needs to have her mother up and running again or “you both get to watch your daughters die.”  Clarke understands that it’s not just her life being threatened and takes the necessary steps to help her mother, but Madi reminds her that she is fighting on the wrong side of the war.  Clarke forms an unpopular alliance with McCreary, recognizing that they both want the same thing.  She tries to explain this to Madi, but Madi reminds her about what it means to lead and fight with honor.


“I’m not fighting for you.”

Octavia begins to march Wonkru off to war and Bellamy reminds her that she is “marching us into a massacre” and killing her own people.  He talks about the importance of winning the war the right way and making a deal with Diyoza so that they can all share the valley peacefully.  Octavia listens to what Bellamy has to say, but it’s clear that she is only focused on one outcome…winning.  She thanks Bellamy for fighting for her and he harshly reminds her, “I’m not fighting for you.  I’m fighting to get back to my family.”  Octavia has always been Bellamy’s family and these words clearly impact her, but she keeps going, realizing that there is no turning back now.


“I’m not mad at you for saving my life.  I’m mad at you for making me care about yours.”

Shaw refuses to stay behind and is willing to help Raven and her friends no matter what.  Raven reminds him that if he is captured, he can endanger everyone, but Shaw is willing to take that chance to protect her.  Shaw shows up with perfect timing to help save the day and everyone is grateful except for Raven.  When he later confronts her about it, he tells her, “Maybe you should forgive me for saving your life.”  In an impulsive and passionate moment, Raven says, “I’m not mad at you for saving my life.  I’m mad at you for making me care about yours,” and the two share the kiss we have all been waiting for.  The tension between these two has finally been explored and I’m looking forward to see what’s next for them.  However, I still see romantic sparks between Raven and Murphy, but with Emori still in the picture, I’m not sure that we can expect to see anything happen here just yet.


“I won’t let the devil in this garden.”

When Marcus speaks to Diyoza about how this war will end, they both realize that a peaceful resolution seems out of the question now.  McCreary and Octavia are both dangerous leaders, but Marcus tries to figure out which option is potentially better when he asks, “How do you choose between a monster and the devil?”  Later in the episode, Marcus agrees to help McCreary, reminding everyone that he doesn’t want to let Octavia in this garden, revealing that he thinks that she is the greater threat. Marcus has spent years with Octavia and witnessed what her leadership has done to humanity.  He is not about to just stand by and watch this again, hoping that he will have better luck with McCreary.  Is he making the right choice or is there another way out of this?


“She bore it so that they didn’t have to…just like you.

In this episode, we finally get a glimpse into “The Dark Year” and truly learn and understand what Wonkru had to go through to survive.  While the fighting pits seemed brutal and violent, I never realized their true purpose until Tuesday night’s episode and I have to admit that my stomach is still turning.  Abby’s addiction clearly escalated because of her role in all of this, as she reveals to Clarke what they had to do to survive.  “All of me for all of us,” took on a new meaning, as we learned that Wonkru was eating the meat of the people who lost in the arena.  While some recognized that this was necessary to survive, others refused to resort to cannibalism and took a stand, including Marcus.  Even Octavia felt that she could not force her people to do this, but Abby explained to her that it was the only real way to survive and told Octavia that she needed to take away their choice.  In a horrific and heartbreaking moment, Octavia points a gun at a man who refused to eat because his brother died in the arena.  She shoots and kills him to make her point and continues to do so, telling everyone that they must eat or die.  After enough people died, Marcus stood up and said he would eat, swaying everyone else.  After hearing Abby’s part in this and what Octavia had to convince her people to do in order to survive, Clarke is horrified, but Madi reminds her that Octavia did what Clarke did at Mount Weather.  Even though Clarke says she never was a hero, Madi tells her that she is ashamed of her, searching for the Clarke who risked everything over and over again to protect her people.  Will Clarke be able to find the hero within?  Will Abby ever be able to truly redeem herself?  Will Octavia ever be able to live with herself after all she has taken on to protect her people?  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The 100 in the comments section below.  Thanks for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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