Ranking the top 5 moments from “Supernatural” season 14 episode 16: “Don’t Go in the Woods”

Happy Friday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s Supernatural season 14 episode 16, I remembered that I will never go in the woods pretty much ever.  I’m not a fan of camping or hiking as it is and I’ve seen enough scary movies to convince me to stay far away from the woods after dark and this episode continued to reinforce that fear.  Please note major spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “Don’t Go in the Woods,” Sam and Dean investigate a case at Big Creek State Park in Iowa after a girl is brutally attacked by an “animal.”  Meanwhile, Jack is given a mission of his own and meets up with Max and some of her friends.  My top 5 moments from Supernatural season 14 episode 16 are:


“My mission is shopping.”

Sam and Dean decide that it may not be the best idea to have Jack tag along on their case right now since he has been going through quite a lot and they don’t really know if they can trust his powers just yet.  However, Jack gets his own special mission, as Dean provides him with a very important shopping list for supplies, which includes beer, listed twice.  I mean, it is pretty important, but I started to wonder what Jack would do for ID and it’s funny how this came up later on.


“The Ghostfacers are cool.”

So, I am a Supernatural fan for life and I love any excuse to mention the Ghostfacers.  I was extremely excited to see a fun cameo from them in this episode.  When Jack heads out on his important shopping mission, he runs into Max and some of her friends on the way.  As a reminder, we saw Max and her friends in episode, “Lebanon,” earlier this season.  One of Max’s friends is watching a video on his phone of the Ghostfacers and Jack says he has never heard of them.  We get to see a quick clip of them saying, “Winchesters still suck ass though,” which is absolutely hilarious.  I’d love to get another full Ghostfacer episode for sure and you can’t help loving their catchy theme song, which you can listen to here!

Max and her friends tell Jack that they know about the whole hunting thing and Jack tries to play it off by asking, “What’s a ghost?”  Jack is relieved that they know about everything and it looks like he may get the chance to actually hang out with some kids his own age.  Then again, he is only two…twenty…two.


“I can fix this.”

It initially seems like Jack is fitting in with his new group of friends, as he is extremely excited to invite them into the world of demons and monsters.  Jack even shows off his abilities and is asked:  “Dude, are you like a Jedi or something?”  However, as this started, I began to worry that Jack was not in control of his powers and that the impact on his soul would prevent him from knowing where the line is.  After Jack went a little bit crazy with the angel blade, one of the girls is accidentally stabbed.  Jack is able to heal her, but his new friends tell him to stay away.  Is Jack truly dangerous?  I don’t think that Jack has bad intentions, but losing part of your soul and not understanding right from wrong is not something to be taken lightly, especially since Jack may be the most powerful being in the world right now.


“We hunt these things.”

As Sam and Dean investigate the case further, they realize that they may be dealing with a Kahunta.  It means whistler and the Kahunta can certainly carry a creepy tune, which sort of reminded me of a darker version of Negan’s whistle from TWD.  The sheriff in town seems to know a lot more than he is initially letting on and we find out that the Kahunta was actually made.  It’s a curse and the being would always be starving unless he fed, but if he failed to, he would then be forced to feed on himself.  The Kahunta is definitely not a looker and even has this burning type of ooze that drips from his mouth, which had my stomach turning.  Sam and Dean work with the sheriff to stop him once and for all, but the sheriff tries to ask them why they don’t just tell people that monsters exist.  Sam and Dean explain that knowing about monsters and fighting them are two different things and that people still ultimately die.  I thought this moment was important and relevant, especially since it connected to what Jack is dealing with right now.  Luckily, teamwork ends up panning out here and the Kahunta is taken out once and for all.  “Gesundheit!”


“It was crappy of us not to tell you.”

After the encounter with the sheriff, Sam and Dean realize that they need to be honest with Jack about their concerns.  Sam and Dean come clean with him and tell Jack that he deserves the truth.  Jack says he understands and won’t use his powers without permission.  However, Jack does not tell Sam and Dean about what happened, which is very concerning.  Is Jack trying to protect himself or is there something else going on here?  Either way, it’s not a good sign that he is keeping his family in the dark.  Stay tuned!  New episodes return April 4th

**Supernatural has announced that season 15 will be its last.  15 is a very lucky and significant number to me so although it is bitter sweet, I think it is the right call for the series to end after next season. Carry on my Wayward Son.  SPN never really ends though, as it will continue to live on through its SPN family.

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Supernatural in the comments section below.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!

**I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

The Search for Alice is available here!

The Search for Alice Feb 2019

Free Instant Preview of The Search for Alice is available here!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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