My Ship of the week ending 8/31/19 on TV goes to…

Justin and Jessica on Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why season 3.  So normally when I do these posts, there is something really swoon-worthy, passionate, or epic between a ship and I fall head-over-heels in love with them, but I am honestly really conflicted about this ship, but I still think it is worth a mention and perhaps a deeper discussion.  Please note major spoilers have been left out for your convenience.

In a lot of ways, Justin and Jessica have a toxic relationship and I didn’t really want to root for them after what was uncovered in season 1.  In season 3, Jessica is really finding her voice as a survivor and she is trying to get others to accept change, but she is also exploring her own sexual identity again, which is not easy to do. 

Jessica knows that it is wrong to be with Justin because she initially wants to keep their relationship a secret.  That being said, these two have some beyond sexy moments in season 3 and it’s hard to ignore the passion that has been sparked between them.

As season 3 continues, Justin even starts to recognize that perhaps Jessica is better off without him.  Justin is an addict and they are both broken so this thought process actually makes sense to me, except perhaps throw in a little open honesty.  Jessica continues to stand by Justin’s side and tells him, “Your shit is my shit.”  Perhaps she could have chosen some other words here, but she gets her point across, reminding Justin that she has his back always and Justin would do anything for Jessica.

At the end of season 3, I was left wondering if this ship truly has the potential to make it and I’m honestly not sure.  I personally think that Justin needs to actually deal with his addiction and recover from that before he can even attempt to be in a relationship.  Jessica is strong and powerful, but she is also still broken in a lot of ways and will she every truly be able to get over the past when she looks at Justin?

What’s next for Justin and Jessica?  I’m honestly not sure what season 4 holds for these two, but I am trying to keep an open mind.  I guess what I actually ship here is the potential for something real in the future rather than the present state of their relationship.

Maybe it will never happen and maybe it’s not meant to, but I can’t ignore the chemistry and friendship between these two and they do have some really adorable moments together.  I just think that they both need to find out who they are apart…and if their paths cross again in the future and they are ready to give it a try, perhaps this can be the start of a beautiful relationship.

What are YOUR thoughts on Justin and Jessica?  Toxic and unstable or charming and sweet?

Stay tuned for a recognized Ship on TV each week!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl

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Have a Ship that you think is absolutely swoon-worthy? Feel free to contact me with your nomination for the week by Friday at midnight! 

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