Ranking the top 5 moments from “Riverdale” season 2 episode 20: “You’re Playing a very Dangerous Game Betty Cooper”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s Riverdale season 2 episode 20 last night, I learned that everyone is looking for someone to blame, but they have trouble looking in the mirror, fearing that their own guilt might come rushing to the surface, shattering the image they desperately cling to.  But what happens when we stop to take that hard look in the mirror?  Will we own up to our mistakes or continue to take it out on those around us?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “Chapter Thirty-Three:  Shadow of a Doubt,” Fred and Hermione prepare for a mayoral debate that ends with a bang, Fangs Fogarty has a troubling secret that puts the Serpents at risk, and Mr. Lodge continues to be the master manipulator.  Meanwhile, Betty confides in Cheryl about her fears about her father being the Black Hood and puts her Nancy Drew skills to the test once again to find some concrete evidence.  My top 5 moments from Riverdale season 2 episode 20 are:


Veronica practices “courting.”

After Veronica was able to convince Nick St. Clair’s father to hand over a significant amount of money for his safe return, she is beyond thrilled when the families with connections take notice of her.  Veronica is to interview these young men who are all trying to make an impression so that their families can form a type of partnership with the Lodge family.  Her interviews remind me of a round of speed dating, as she looks for anyone with promise and integrity.  Her reading glasses are absolutely adorable, as she really tries to play the part of a powerful business woman.  After finding a suitable candidate, Veronica pitches the idea to her father of partnering with the family on a casino.  Mr. Lodge turns her down very abruptly and also tells his daughter that he put her money in a trust until she is ready to make mature decisions.  Veronica is beyond frustrated with the lack of confidence her father has in her.  While Veronica has made numerous attempts to impress her father, she finally realizes that she may never win his respect or approval.  Veronica announces to Fred and Archie that she will be supporting Fred in the mayoral race now, which will clearly ruffle some feathers once her father finds out.


Betty is feeling guilty about Chic.

After Betty turned Chic over to the Black Hood, it initially seemed like the darkness within her shielded her sense of right and wrong.  However, Betty is starting to feel the guilt take over, as she starts to truly accept that she is an accomplice to murder if anything were to happen to Chic.  Betty hasn’t heard from him at all and when she gets a call from the morgue, she rushes down there, fearing what she may find in the body bag.  While the body is not Chic’s, this doesn’t help Betty’s guilty conscience in the slightest.  Betty says, “all I had to do was look in the mirror…we’re the same.”  Just the thought of her father being the real killer is enough to make her sick, but Betty is not about to give up just yet.


“You’re next sinner.”

As Fred is preparing for the mayoral debate, he receives a disturbing note at his home from the Black Hood that reads, “You’re next sinner.”  The Lodge family and the new sheriff come over to talk about what to do next, but Fred does not want to call off the debate.  He talks about the importance of making everyone in Riverdale feel safe and that having the debate as planned will give them that sense of comfort.  During the debate, Hermione doesn’t hold back at all and plays dirty when she talks about The Dark Circle group and reveals that Archie is the leader of it to make Fred look bad.  While this is a sneaky move for sure, everything is interrupted when the Black Hood shows up and begins shooting.  Betty is shocked when she sees her father, Hal right next to her, making her doubt her discovery for a moment.  While we know that Hal must be the Black Hood, it begs the question, who is the man in the mask at the debate?  It seems like Mr. Lodge will do anything to win and perhaps he is the one who sent the note to Fred to scare him and it wouldn’t be that far-fetched if he hired someone to fire the gun at the debate as well to put everyone on edge.


The Dark Circle vs The Serpents.

Fangs Fogarty, a member of the Serpents, confides in Jughead that he was hooking up with Midge but never revealed this information to the police.  Jughead understands that this puts Fangs in great danger, as it makes him look incredibly guilty.  Fangs is arrested, but Jughead hires Mrs. McCoy as his lawyer to ensure he has a fair shot.  Meanwhile, the Dark Circle vandalizes the Southside, enraging both parties.  Archie finds out that Mr. Lodge has been paying Reggie and that this was his idea, which makes him walk away from this group, focusing more on protecting his father from the Black Hood.  Tempers escalate even further when Fangs is set to be released.  While we know that Fangs is innocent, it’s very easy to point fingers when everyone jumps on the same bandwagon.  Mr. Lodge puts his master manipulator skills to use once again when he talks to Reggie about what it means to take your own form of justice.  It’s really diabolical how far Mr. Lodge will go to set his plan in motion.  He clearly possesses no guilt over manipulating teenagers, continuing to pull the strings from behind the curtain.  When Fangs is released from jail, a riot breaks out and Archie spots Reggie with a gun.  He tries to tackle him to the ground, but the gun goes off anyway and Fangs is shot.  While we don’t know yet if Fangs will be OK, this act of violence has taken a rivalry to an entirely new level, which changes everything.  While Reggie is clearly to blame here, will anyone be able to reveal the true culprit behind the curtain…Mr. Lodge.


“Do you think it’s a serial killer lair and please tell me we’re breaking in?”

After Betty connects the dots and realizes that her father, Hal could very well be the Black Hood, she is determined to get to the truth.  Betty decides to confide in Cheryl because she knows what it is like to discover that her father is a murderer.  While Betty shares her theory, Cheryl is initially skeptical, explaining that Hal “has all the stealth of a marshmallow man.”  Betty tells Cheryl that she has to be sure and that she needs to be the one to confront and stop him.  Cheryl listens and gives some advice, explaining that she will need to get concrete proof.  “You’re playing a very dangerous game Betty Cooper.  Tread carefully cousin.”  Betty agrees with Cheryl’s advice and puts her Nancy Drew skills to the test once again, as the ever so helpful bobby pin comes into play.  She breaks into her father’s desk and cross references all of the Black Hood attacks with his appointments and is shocked to learn that they all match up.  It’s starting to look pretty bad for Hal, but Betty realizes that the planner is not enough proof.  Betty decides to test her father’s reaction and tells her family that she received phone calls from the Black Hood and that she delivered Chic to him.  Hal says, “I experience it too.  The darkness.  It’s why we need each other.”  Betty clings to these words, truly understanding their significance, as the Black Hood has constantly tried to remind her how alike they are.  She takes things even further when she discovers that he is still paying for his motel, even though he has moved back home.  Betty and Cheryl go there to investigate and Betty finds the Nancy Drew secret code book that the Black Hood used to send her a message.  Betty knows that her father is aware of how much she loved this book and it seems like there is no other explanation.  When she confronts Hal, he tries to tell her that the book was a surprise present for her, but Betty is not buying it.  She tells Hal she broke in and mentions Cheryl’s name as well, not realizing that she has just put her cousin into grave danger.  At the end of the episode, Betty asks her father to meet her where this all started, but we are shocked when Cheryl opens the door and finds the Black Hood waiting for her.  Will Cheryl be OK?  What does the Black Hood have in store for her?  Will Betty be able to stop him in time?  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Riverdale in the comments section below.  Happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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