Ranking the top 5 moments from “Riverdale” season 2 episode 22 season finale: “Welcome to New Southside”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s Riverdale season 2 episode 22 season finale last night, we are left with some major cliffhangers that will need to be addressed once season 3 begins.  I’m not sure I can wait that long, but I have to say that the season 2 finale provided us with a lot of content and answers, while sprinkling in some unexpected twists and turns as well.  Do you think you have it all figured out?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “Chapter Thirty-Five:  Brave New World,” the fate of Jughead and Fangs is revealed.  Meanwhile, Kevin finds romance, Cheryl reminds us why everything looks good on her, Fred throws his support to Southsiders in need, and Betty tries to come to terms with what her father has done.  My top 5 moments from Riverdale season 2 episode 22 season finale are:


Jughead and Fangs are alive.

In the beginning of the episode, we cut to the scene fans have been talking about from the preview in the cemetery.  Luckily, it was just a dream and our protagonist, Jughead is alive in the hospital.  We also learn that Fangs is going to be alright too so fans everywhere can take a deep sigh of relief.  While these answers immediately comforted me, the drama is nowhere near over.  Jughead remembers that Mr. Lodge is behind everything, but his father, FP tries to tell him that the Serpents don’t exist anymore.  Betty and the others are beyond thrilled to find out that Jughead is alright, but Archie cuts to the chase when he explains that “there’s another mystery to solve.”  Who is the second black hood?  Theories are running wild, as they know that Mr. Lodge could be behind it since the motives seem to be purely political.  But how are they going to prove it?  While we get an answer to this question later on, it seems a little bit too easy and I’m not sure I’m buying it.


“Conspiring against my parents is proving to be a full time job.”

Veronica is still supporting Fred in the mayoral campaign, as she has taken a stand against her family.  She is done letting her father call the shots and it looks like Hermione has finally come around as well.  But can her motives be truly trusted?  We know that Mr. Lodge is a master manipulator and I would like to think that Hermione is trying to do right by her daughter, especially since her husband’s actions nearly got them both killed.  You can never be too careful with a Lodge, however; as we know that every action has intent behind it.  Hermione explains to Veronica that Mr. Lodge needs the Southside bar, “Whyte Wyrm” to further his plan.  Veronica seeks out the help of our favorite lawyer in town, Mrs. McCoy in order to get her money back.  This may be the only chance she has to stop her father, but is she ready to take him on and face the consequences?  Veronica soon realizes that “there’s a better smarter play here.”  She buys the “Whyte Wyrm” and makes a deal with her father.  She offers to trade it for Pop’s Diner.  Veronica realizes that Pop’s Diner is the only safe haven left in town where the people of Riverdale can truly belong and is not about to let it remain in her father’s clutches.  But is this really the right move?  Mr. Lodge tells Veronica that if they make this deal, that’s it.  Her credit cards, her trust fund, and her legacy will all be gone and there will be no turning back.  While we see the hesitation written over Veronica’s face, she accepts the consequences and the deal is done.  After all, “it’s all blood money anyway.”  But is Veronica really ready to take on a simple life where nothing comes easy?  At least she has her new business venture to distract her for now.


“Everything looks good on me.”

Cheryl works with Mrs. McCoy as well and Nana Rose is now officially her legal guardian.  Cheers Cheryl!  You deserve some happiness for sure.  Cheryl is beyond excited to deliver the papers to her mother, but is surprised to discover a secret meeting between her, Claudius, and Mr. Lodge.  Cheryl tells Veronica about what she saw, knowing full well that they were not trading maple syrup recipes.  Later on, Cheryl is getting ready to visit her “Cherie,” which I have to say is an adorable term of endearment for Toni.  Cheryl’s mother warns her not to go to the “Whyte Wyrm” because it is about to be raided by the police.  It seems like Mrs. Blossom has actually shown some concern for her daughter, but why now?  Either way, Cheryl warns everyone and Archie and Jughead get the Serpents out safely.  After the Southsiders receive a memo from the principal that they are going to have to go to “Seaside High” due to sudden overcrowding, no one is ready to just accept this.  All of our favorite characters are wearing Serpent jackets and are ready to walk out, showing their support for the Southside.  Toni tells Cheryl, “that jacket looks good on you” and of course Cheryl replies with, “Everything looks good on me.”  When Toni suggests that they “make it official,” Choni fans everywhere are swooning.  While we know she means becoming a Serpent, perhaps they can finally make their relationship legit.  These two beautiful ladies have definitely earned it and have proven their love for one another over and over.  It’s about time they get some time in the spotlight.  Don’t you agree? 


“I’m not like you.”

While all of the drama with Mr. Lodge is taking center stage, Betty and her mother are trying to put the pieces together again after Hal is taken off to jail.  The paparazzi are surrounding the house and Alice practically has a breakdown when she screams at them and quotes Dante, suggesting that their house is the entrance to hell.  Well darkness certainly resided there for quite some time, but the goodness of Alice and Betty certainly outweighs it.  Betty blames herself for what happened, however; and feels like she should have been a better detective and seen what was right in front of her.  While everyone around her reminds her that this is not her fault, Betty is still having doubts.  She wonders if evil can be passed on and Jughead tells her that she is a good person.  Now it’s up to Betty to believe this.  But can she deny the darkness whirling around within her?  After initially deciding not to visit her father, Betty decides to go see him anyway.  Her strength is admirable and one can’t help but cheer for her in this moment.  After telling her father that she is not like him, he asks her why she is really there.  Betty’s response gave me chills, as she tells him, “To say goodbye Dad.  No more darkness.  No more evil.  It’s over.  You have no power over me.”  In this moment, I was literally standing up and cheering for our girl, Betty Cooper.  While her father seems convinced that she will return, this moment allows her to truly move on and embrace the goodness within her.  I couldn’t be more proud.  Go Betty!  Now Alice on the other hand seems like she may be in need of some serious guidance.  Polly lets her know that she wants her to meet the person who “healed” her, but there is definitely something fishy about this.  The set up is certainly there for next season, but will Betty be able to save her mother from a possible cult?  We’ll have to stay tuned to find out.


“Welcome to new Southside.”

The end of the season finale brings a lot of change, as new leaders step up and heroes are torn down.  Archie is officially announced as the president of the school, which is certainly the right choice.  We also learn that the Southsiders are still welcome at Riverdale High.  Hooray!  Fred, on the other hand, loses the election to Hermione, but not without truly making an impact with the Southsiders.  After all, Fred opened his home to them and reminded us the importance of being a good neighbor to those in need. Hermione shows up at his doorstep and congratulates him, which actually seems sincere, so perhaps Riverdale does still have some good leadership after all.  Leadership changes within the Serpents as well, as FP officially retires and passes the torch to Jughead.  Jughead accepts and his first order of business is to give Cheryl her red Serpent jacket, which matches perfectly with the killer red boots she wore to the ceremony.  Is there a Serpent dance in Cheryl’s future?  We’ll have to see, but it’s great to see her become a part of this group, especially since she has been searching to belong for so long.  Well deserved Jughead and Cheryl!  While all of these new leaders step up, a dangerous group has come to power, however.  Mr. Lodge sits with his inner circle and discusses the plans for the future.  Everyone clearly has their own role to play.  For example, Claudius will handle the drugs and Mrs. Blossom wants a brothel.  Seriously?  Well I guess that’s to be expected.  There is someone who still stands in the way, however; and Mr. Lodge is ready to eliminate the threat once and for all.  Archie sneaks into the Lodge house and threatens Hiram.  He tells him that he knows he is behind everything, which includes Tall Boy supposedly being the second Black Hood and reminds him about the boy, Cassidy who was killed when they went up to the lake.  Archie tells him, “wherever you go, whatever you do, I’m gonna be there watching.”  Archie seems to be channeling his best impression of Liam Neeson here when he slams down the knife on the table to show he means business, but Mr. Lodge is ready to accept the challenge.  Right before Archie is sworn in as the president of the school in the auditorium; Mr. Lodge shows up and nods at him, as if to say he won the battle.  Archie is arrested for the murder of Cassidy up at Shadow Lake.   While Mr. Lodge may have won the battle, he has certainly not won the war just yet.  It looks like Bughead will need to take a break from being King and Queen Serpent to put their detective skills to the test to save their friend.  If anyone can help Archie, it’s his friends and family.  Look out Mr. Lodge because you are absolutely outmatched.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Riverdale in the comments section below.  Thanks for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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