Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Affair” season 4 episode 10 Season Finale: “We are just so Lucky to be Alive”

Happy Sunday TV fans!  After watching Showtime’s The Affair, I realized that life can be messy and unpredictable.  Sometimes the big moments all happen at once and sometimes we don’t even see them coming.  We can’t ever truly prepare ourselves for these moments, but it’s important to remember that we are lucky to be alive as Noah said and that each new day can bring a glimmer of hope that things can get better.  It may take time and our pain and grief may never fade away entirely, but it’s important to keep fighting and surviving for those around us.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  In tonight’s episode, “410,” Noah tries to distract himself from his own grief by staying with Anton at Princeton, but he quickly realizes that there is somewhere else he needs to be.  Meanwhile, Cole has an extremely difficult time at Alison’s funeral and Helen tries to juggle her daughter’s return along with some shocking news from Sierra, all while Vik’s illness takes a turn for the worst.  My top 5 moments from The Affair season 4 episode 10 season finale are:


“You shouldn’t be here.”

Part one of the episode is from Noah’s perspective and he is still with Anton at Princeton.  Noah catches up with an old friend from school and he sits in on her writing class.  The students are beyond excited to meet Noah and tell him that he is the reason why they became writers and Noah explains that writing characters is all about listening to people.  Anton has truly perfected this difficult task when he reads his piece about a character that is a contradiction and describes Noah.  He starts out talking about how Noah is an inspiration and someone who truly wants to teach and be there for his students, but things take an unexpected turn when he then says, “He believes in my future…also he’s fucking my mother.”  Noah is upset at Anton and asks him why he would do that after all he has done for him.  Anton has certainly reached his full potential, but we know that Noah has a difficult time taking a good look in the mirror sometimes.  While he was initially upset with Anton’s words, he quickly realizes where Anton is coming from and appreciates when he says that he is sorry about Alison.  Noah is asked a few times what he is doing there and he finally realizes that it’s time to leave and deal with what has happened to Alison.  Anton thanks Noah for everything he has done for him and I have to say that it’s about time Noah has had a true connection with someone.  He may have trouble finding happiness with the women in his life, but he believed in Anton and helped him get on the right path.


“Can you please stop calling me Helen?”

“Surprise!”  Whitney is back with her boyfriend and is ready to stir things up per usual.  Helen is very happy to see her daughter, but she has been dealing with a lot of stress and Vik has been in the hospital because of an infection.  Helen does her best to tell Whitney about everything, but Whitney makes everything about her, proving that she hasn’t really changed very much since we last saw her.  Whitney attacks her mother and says, “I have my shit together, why can’t you?”  As if this moment wasn’t already chaotic enough, Sierra stops by with a “white butterfly,” and tells Helen that she needs to talk to her.  The phone then rings and Vik’s mother tells Helen that Vik is not doing well, as the whirlwind of stress escalates even further.  It’s understandable that Helen is having a difficult time coping with all of this at once and she manages to keep her dry sense of humor through it all, making me cheer for her that much more.


“How could you of all people be gone?”

In part two, we see everything from Cole’s perspective, as he prepares for Alison’s funeral.  We do get to hear Noah’s words about Alison at the service which are very moving and heartbreaking.  Noah says, “You were magic, you were light…you were wild, you were brave.  You made me see the world with new eyes…with wonder.”  Noah’s words were so romantic and moving.  While Cole has a difficult time finding the words, Noah paints a beautiful picture of Alison Bailey.  We see several old characters at the service like Oscar and Jane and even Ben makes a surprise guest appearance.  While this was very unsettling for me, Noah’s words really impacted me and I think he was able to speak for Cole as well, who is more about action rather than words.  We all grieve in our own way, but Alison was truly someone special and she will be missed by everyone.


“I was too late.  I am always too late.”

During the funeral for Alison, Cole is very upset with Athena, knowing that Alison would truly hate the idea of her ashes being scattered into the ocean.  When it is Cole’s time to speak, he grabs the urn and runs away from everyone and everything.  He ends up at Gabriel’s grave and sits there for quite a while.  Noah goes to speak to him and tries to remind him that he is not the only one who loved her and that this moment was important for Athena.  Later on, Cherry goes to see her son and Cole confides in her that he was coming back for Alison, but that he was too late, which is beyond heartbreaking.  Cherry lost her own husband to suicide and tries to explain that life is very messy and that she understands the desire to want to take control, but that we can’t always do so in every situation.  Cherry explains that it takes time, but the pain may never truly disappear.  However, she talks about Cole being a survivor and a fighter and more importantly, being there for Joanie.  Cole and Luisa recognize that their relationship is over, but Cole wants to keep their marriage intact on paper so that she can get her citizenship and because she is an important person in Joanie’s life.  While I’m not sure if this will go according to plan, Cole takes the time to take Joanie on a road trip away from everything.  When he talks about death, he explains that people believe in different things and Joanie asks him what he believes.  In a touching moment, Cole explains to his daughter that whenever she misses her mother, all she has to do is think about her and she will always be with her.  This moment is truly important, as Cole takes his mother’s advice, understanding that there is no easy fix to this situation, but his purpose now is to be there for his daughter no matter what.


“We are just so lucky to be alive.”

Part three of the episode is from Helen’s perspective.  After being shut out of the hospital room for not having a visitor’s pass, Helen finds out that Sierra is pregnant with Vik’s baby and is beyond shocked.  Helen needs a moment away from everyone and confides in Noah.  Helen tells Noah that she doesn’t know if she truly loves Vik the way she is supposed to; especially since it is not the way she loved Noah.  The two continue to confide in each other about Alison and Vik and how they ended up where they are now.  When Helen explains that she thinks she is broken and that Vik deserves better, Noah refuses to let her say this about herself.  While he starts out telling Helen that she is snobby and overbearing, the compliment soon emerges when he says, “I don’t know anyone who’s tougher than you.”  Helen is touched by this and Noah takes it a step further when he says that if he was dying, he would want Helen by his side.  Helen and Noah have come so far and have had so many ups and downs, but this moment was truly something significant for me.  Through it all, these two are still connected and have a bond and friendship that surpasses everything.  While it may not be right for the two of them to be together romantically anymore, it’s clear that they both still care about one another very much.  Noah’s words to Helen clearly help her, as she goes to see Vik and simply whispers to him over and over again, “I love you.”  Helen knows that this is what Vik needs to hear, especially since he began breaking down that he should have listened to her about treatment and that he is not ready to die.  Helen courageously goes to get Sierra in the waiting room and says, “Tell him now.”  Helen understands that this is something that could truly help Vik, proving to be someone who is selfless and caring.  The end of the episode reveals Helen walking up on the rooftop of the building, staring out at the sun and the city.  While I was initially confused and anxious about this scene, I took it as Helen finally opening her eyes and embracing a new day and a life full of possibilities, truly connecting with the concept that she is lucky to be alive.  There are still so many open doors left to explore in this series and I am beyond excited to see the conclusion in season 5.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The Affair below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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I am so excited to announce that my book, The Search for Alice, is now available!  If you enjoy fairy-tale retellings, paranormal romance, horror, and mystery, then this might be the book for you or someone you know!  Thank you for taking the time to check it out and I appreciate any feedback as well.  I hope you enjoy!

When Kallie Bennett, a jaded teenage girl plagued by her alcoholic mother and her peers molded out of sheer bubble gum perfection, chases after Alice in Wonderland herself, she ends up lost in her own version of Wonderland, which forces her to face her utmost fears and introduces her to familiar characters with a dark twist. Among these characters is Ches, a gorgeous vampire with a conflicted conscience, who becomes Kallie’s guide and blossoming love interest. She also crosses paths with Queen Hartley, a manipulative witch who has the power to strip away one’s memories and imagination, which brings a bone chilling new meaning to “off with their heads.” In The Search for Alice, Kallie starts to realize that her Wonderland is just as frightening as her own reality and that she cannot always run away from her problems. She must figure out a way to defeat Queen Hartley and return home before it is too late, but she soon learns that escaping Wonderland means leaving Ches behind forever.

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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The Affair” season 4 episode 7: “I Wish I Had Your Life”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching Showtime’s The Affair last night, I realized that sometimes you have to just let the fear in and embrace it.  You may want to maintain control over your emotions or keep your feelings locked away, but sometimes facing what scares us the most and saying it out loud can make a world of difference.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  In last night’s episode, “407,” Helen decides to go to Joshua Tree with Sierra to attend a moon circle.  Meanwhile, Noah continues to involve himself in Janelle’s family affairs and then receives an unexpected phone call from an old friend.  My top 5 moments from The Affair season 4 episode 7 are:


“Eventually you get old enough and start to figure shit out.”

Part one of the episode is from Helen’s perspective and she impulsively decides to go to Joshua Tree with her neighbor, Sierra, even though she initially dismissed the previous invitation.  Helen’s reaction to the idea of the moon circle is hilarious, but she does get the opportunity to step away from her life for one night.  After the women at the circle write down their fears, the Guru begins reading them out loud and Helen provides each of them with really great advice.  Helen has experienced a lot of what they are going through now and her wisdom is very much appreciated.  The Guru passes the baton to Helen for the night, as she touches each and every one of them with her advice.  Maybe Helen has another calling she has yet to tap into just yet.  Either way, it was great to see Helen finally let her guard down for just a moment to really make an impact with these women.


“I’m not doing it for him.”

In part two of the episode, we see everything from Noah’s perspective and he is surprised when Anton shows up at his home to ask for his advice on whether or not to join the Marines.  Noah stays neutral and suggests that he at least go and see Princeton for himself before making a rash decision.  Noah also explains the importance of involving Janelle in this decision.  Janelle’s ex-husband, Carl, is not happy to see Noah back at his home again and asks him, “don’t you have your own family?”  Noah believes in Anton and does not want to see his potential go to waste.  Later in the episode, Janelle shows up at Noah’s home late and thanks him for what he did.  Noah agrees to take Anton to Princeton so that Janelle can focus on the board meeting and she is happy to see him standing up for her son.  The moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived, as Noah and Janelle enjoy a passionate night together without interruption.  While I’m not sure where they will pick up now that Alison is missing, it seems like this might be the first stable relationship Noah has had in a very long time.


“Control is really hot.”

In part one, Helen and Sierra continue bonding in their tent.  Sierra clearly feels guilty about sleeping with Vik, but decides to act on her growing feelings for Helen.  She passionately kisses Helen and the two share an intimate moment together.  While I had seen hints and implications at this earlier in the season, it’s nice to see Helen finally enjoy a moment for herself, as she is always so busy being needed by everyone in her life.  Sierra makes her feel wanted and free, as she is able to take a moment to truly relax and give in to what she wants.  She deserves it!


“I don’t want you to die.”

After Helen goes into the deprivation tank, she begins to panic in the small space.  Sierra opens the tank and asks her if she is all right, but Helen just needs to get out of there, as she takes off quickly in the car.  When Helen returns home, she immediately rushes over to Vik and reveals her own fear out loud.  Helen finally had the epiphany she was searching for and doesn’t want to waste another second.  She tells Vik that she doesn’t want him to die and Vik promises her that he won’t.  This moment was truly something significant and special for Helen and Vik.  Ever since his diagnosis, Vik has been focused on the statistics and the reality of his situation, but in this moment with Helen, he finally allows his heart and emotions to take over.  Whether he believes that he will not die or not, Vik understands the importance of holding on to the belief that he could be OK, giving Helen the glimmer of hope she so desperately needed.  We know that Helen has been speaking about starting menopause, but perhaps a baby is not so far off now.


“So who’s coming to get us?”

After Noah and Anton miss their connecting flight to New York, Noah notices that he has several missed calls from Cole.  He is finally able to answer and is shocked to hear what Cole has to say.  All of the pieces have now come together, as we finally catch up to the present day timeline, understanding how Cole, Noah, and Anton all end up together in the same car.  When Cole picks them up, Noah tries to stay positive, but Cole is clearly beyond worried that something terrible has happened to Alison.  Will they be able to find out what happened to Alison before it’s too late?  Stay tuned! 

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The Affair below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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