Ranking the top 5 moments from “The 100” season 5 episode 7: “I’d Walk Through Fire for You”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s The 100 season 5 episode 7 last night, I learned that “acceptable losses” are a necessity in war, but how do you know when you have gone too far?  Once you cross that imaginary line between right and wrong, there may be no coming back.  So do we compromise who we are and what we stand for to win or do we make sacrifices and do things the hard way to keep our integrity intact?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  In last night’s episode, “Acceptable Losses,” Marcus is concerned about Abby’s ability to function as a doctor because of her addiction.  Meanwhile, Clarke tells Madi to hold back in training to keep her safe, Raven has second thoughts about a necessary decision, and Monty receives an emotional message from an old friend.  My top 5 moments from The 100 season 5 episode 7 are:


“It’s time for Wonkru to go home.”

Clarke and Bellamy discover that someone in Wonkru has been trying to breed the worms utilizing human hosts.  At first they come across dead bodies, but soon discover that one of the bodies is being kept alive, which is beyond horrifying.  Octavia plans on using the worms in defectors so she can take out everyone in Shadow Valley.  Clarke explains that “desperation has a way of making the unimaginable a necessity,” but this plan seems beyond dangerous.  Clarke and Bellamy inform Indra about what is going on, hoping that she can get through to Octavia, but Octavia explains that she is completely aware and that this was her idea.  Octavia is ready to win the war and give up “acceptable losses,” but it seems like any source of goodness within her has completely evaporated.


“I’ve been meaning to give this to you.”

In this episode, Clarke gives Monty the letter she found from Jasper shortly after Praimfaya occurred.  She explains that she did not open the letter even though she wanted to.  It seems like this note has perfect timing, as it really strikes a nerve with Monty.  He reads several parts aloud and reveals that Jasper thought that human beings were the problem and that there would always be another war.  When Monty sees the measures everyone is willing to take to win the war, he tells his friends that Jasper was right all along and that maybe they do not deserve the last piece of livable earth after all.  While this moment is heartbreaking for Monty, it’s about time he got some screen time.  It seems like he has been fading into the void of forgotten secondary characters for too long and I would like to see him take matters into his own hands and really make an impact, but will anyone heed his warning?


“How could you be loyal to someone who collars people like animals?”

Back in Shadow Valley, Echo tries to work with Raven so that they can get the eye down according to Bellamy’s plan, but Raven is having second thoughts about betraying Shaw.  Echo gets Diyoza’s attention when she has Raven prove that Shaw was the one to take down the missiles while they insert the drive with this sleight of hand.  Later on we see that Shaw is now a prisoner as well, but Raven can barely look him in the eye.  Her guilt is weighing on her conscience, but is it perhaps because there are some other feelings present as well?  Could Shaw be a potential romantic interest for Raven?


“Be the last.”

Clarke and Gaia try to protect Madi by informing her not to try her hardest during training.  While Madi seems initially confused by this, she does as she is told but makes it too obvious.  Gaia shows Madi the flame and tells her that she will never force it on her, but it’s clear that Madi will eventually need to accept her destiny as “The Commander” sooner or later.  When Octavia asks to see her fight, Madi makes the conscious decision to put forth all of her effort, proving to be a strong fighter with a lot of potential.  Octavia asks her to be her “second” and Madi agrees to Clarke’s dismay.  Clarke does not oppose Octavia publicly, but later radios to Diyoza to make a deal and tells Bellamy and the others that they will need to take out Octavia, knowing that she will never agree to any kind of compromise.  Will Bellamy be able to stand by and let this happen to his sister?  Will Clarke be able to get Octavia to surrender without killing her?  We will have to stay tuned, but Clarke is ready to do what is necessary to protect Madi and her friends no matter what.


“I’d walk through fire for you.  I’d die for you…choose.”

After Abby loses a patient who was shot, Marcus is beyond concerned when he sees that Abby is still extremely dependent on her pills.  He reminds Abby that this was supposed to be their second chance and that people are dying.  Abby tells him that she did everything she could, but Marcus feels it wasn’t enough.  Marcus reminds Abby that he would walk through fire for her and die for her, but that he refuses to stand by and watch her kill herself.  He tells her to choose between him and the pills, but they are interrupted by Diyoza before Abby can give him an answer.  Marcus clearly cares about Abby more than anything or anyone, but will he finally be able to get through to her?  Later on, Abby gets ready to examine Diyoza after telling her that the disease is present among 75 percent of her people.  We are all in for a shock and learn that Diyoza is pregnant.  As I think back to the other seasons, I believe Diyoza is the first character that we have seen pregnant on earth.  While there are still many unanswered questions surrounding this revelation, it certainly throws another twist in there that we did not see coming.

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The 100 in the comments section below.  Thanks for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments featuring Betty Cooper from “Riverdale” season 2: “You Have No Power Over Me”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  Even though we will have to wait quite some time for season 3 of Riverdale to premiere on the CW, there is still plenty to discuss.  For today, I am going to be recapping and ranking the top 5 moments featuring our very own Nancy Drew, Betty Cooper.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the full season yet.  Betty may seem like the model of bubble gum perfection on the surface with her glossy ponytail and sweater sets, but there is a darkness brewing within her, clawing at the surface.  Betty proves to be intelligent and always one step ahead, even solving mysteries that the local Sheriff has trouble with.  In season 2, the Black Hood reveals that he has a fascination with Betty, calling her over and over and presenting her with new obstacles along the way.  While Betty has the support of Jughead and her friends and family, she ends up internalizing a lot of her feelings, not wanting to trouble them with her own inner demons.  What makes Betty such an amazing character is that she is far from perfect and some of my favorite moments below reflect that.  Ultimately these moments are what shape Betty into the powerful woman she has now become.  Without tapping into her darkness, she would have never found the strength within to conquer it.  When Betty discovers the true identity of the Black Hood, her world begins to fall apart, as she starts to question everything, including her own moral compass.  Betty proves to be even stronger than one could have imagined when she courageously goes to face the Black Hood and find some much needed closure.  While Betty may now be crowned the new Queen of the Serpents with Jughead by her side, she was already proving just how powerful she really is by standing up for herself, her mother, and anyone who threatens the balance of good and evil in Riverdale.  My top 5 moments featuring Betty Cooper from Riverdale season 2 are:



Betty’s Serpent Dance. (Moment from Season 2, episode 8)

 When Betty and Alice Cooper show up to the party, these ladies have their hair down and prove that they are a force to be reckoned with.  Alice’s ensemble is wild and she even pokes fun at Betty’s tame outfit, not realizing that she is about to strip off almost every layer to perform the Serpent dance.  Jughead is not pleased with this, begging her to stay away from him, as the mistakes he made with his father are now bleeding into his relationship with Betty.  Although the dance doesn’t have the impact Betty was hoping for, it does allow her to free her inhibitions and step out of her cookie-cutter mold of perfection.  Archie sees a new side of her when he gazes out the window and he’s not alone.  We salute you Betty!


Betty finds her brother. (Moment from Season 2, episode 10)

Betty is surprised to find Polly in her bedroom, picking up a few things and nonchalantly sharing the news that she had the twins already.  When Polly goes back to the farm without even staying to say hello to their parents, Betty is feeling hurt and abandoned by her sister, causing her to put her Nancy Drew skills to the test once more.  Betty is not good at sitting still, always diving into a new mystery to solve, refusing to take a minute to actually deal with her feelings.  She tracks down the address of her brother, Charles Smith and lets her parents know that she wants to go and meet him.  While Betty’s father wants no part of this, Alice visits Betty later that night and confides to her that she does want to meet her son.  When they walk through the seedy motel to find him, Mrs. Cooper latches onto Betty’s arm, as if the infestation and filth will seep through their bubble of perfection.  After meeting Charles or “Chic” as he likes to be called, Betty and Mrs. Cooper are horrified by his lifestyle and surroundings, feeling somewhat responsible for his current conditions.  After Betty returns to check in on Chic, she finds him being attacked and stabbed.  Betty saves the day with Pepper Spray, proving once again that she is not one to mess with.  After taking Chic home, the Cooper family helps stitch him up and gives him a place to stay, not realizing that they just “let another monster in.” 


 Betty embraces the darkness.  (Moment from Season 2, episode 12)

 In the beginning of this episode, Betty is sporting her femme fatale black wig, turning away from the computer with newfound passion and excitement.  While her deception of “webcamming” may initially seem harmless, Betty is not ready to abandon it just yet.  She begins keeping secrets from those she loves without even the slightest hesitation to suggest that she has no guilt or second thoughts about her actions.  While Chic opened the door to the darkness, inviting Betty in, she is making her own decisions.  Later in the episode, Betty and Jughead reunite and share a passionate kiss as Jughead tells her that “he wants all of her,” but what will he do when he finds out that he needs to share Betty with the rest of the cyber world?


“That’s your very own angel of death.” (Moment from season 2, episode 19)

 After finding out that Chic is not really her brother, Betty has a sea of emotions taking over.  With almost perfect timing, the “Lollipop” ringtone begins playing, luring her back to the darkness.  She answers and the Black Hood greets her by saying, “Hello Betty.  You miss me?”  The Black Hood asks for Betty to deliver Chic to him so that he can get what he deserves, explaining that he has murdered before.  At this point, we are not sure if Betty will follow the Black Hood’s orders.  He isn’t threatening her right now, but merely requesting this, so she has every opportunity to keep her moral compass intact.  Betty pulls a gun on Chic and takes him to the cemetery, demanding that he confess.  Chic tells her that he did kill the real Charles after they got in a fight but that he didn’t mean to kill him.  His tears suggest that he is finally telling the truth, but it’s too late.  Betty tells him she will begin counting and give him a head start when the Black Hood shows up at the edge of the cemetery.  Chic begins frantically questioning her, asking her what is going on, but Betty remains unwavering.  Chic finally takes her advice and rushes off, as she nods to the Black Hood.  While we are unsure if Chic was able to make it out alive or not, it doesn’t seem like we will be seeing him again anytime soon.  And as for our sweet and lovable Betty Cooper…well she is playing a dangerous game that makes her role play days seem like a distant dream.


 “I’m not like you.” (Moment from season 2, episode 22)

 While all of the drama with Mr. Lodge is taking center stage in the season finale, Betty and her mother are trying to put the pieces together again after Hal is taken off to jail, who has been confirmed as the real Black Hood.  Betty blames herself for what happened, however; and feels like she should have been a better detective and seen what was right in front of her.  While everyone around her reminds her that this is not her fault, Betty is still having doubts.  She wonders if evil can be passed on and Jughead tells her that she is a good person.  Now it’s up to Betty to believe this.  But can she deny the darkness whirling around within her?  After initially deciding not to visit her father, Betty decides to go see him anyway.  Her strength is admirable and one can’t help but cheer for her in this moment.  After telling her father that she is not like him, he asks her why she is really there.  Betty’s response gave me chills, as she tells him, “To say goodbye Dad.  No more darkness.  No more evil.  It’s over.  You have no power over me.”  In this moment, I was literally standing up and cheering for our girl, Betty Cooper.  While her father seems convinced that she will return, this moment allows her to truly move on and embrace the goodness within her.  I couldn’t be more proud.  All hail Queen Betty!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post some of your own favorite moments featuring Betty Cooper from Riverdale below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The 100” season 5 episode 6: “There is only Wonkru and There is No Place in it for You”

Happy Wednesday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s The 100 season 5 episode 6 last night, I’ve learned that the “girl under the floor” is hiding no longer and is proving to be dangerous and ruthless now that she is out in the open.  While Octavia may refuse to compromise her role as “Blodreina,” she does recognize the many threats around her and decides to keep the greatest threat of all by her side.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  In last night’s episode, “Exit Wounds,” Diyoza attempts to recruit members of Wonkru with Kane’s help, Clarke tries to convince Madi to leave before she is exposed as the true Nightblood, and Bellamy is having trouble recognizing his sister.  Meanwhile, Murphy and Emori finally get the chance to rehash their breakup, while Echo gets a second chance to do the right thing.  My top 5 moments from The 100 season 5 episode 6 are:


“That is not my sister.”

In the beginning of the episode, Octavia is beyond furious that Bellamy has brought the traitor, Echo back with him.  Octavia doesn’t care in the slightest bit that she is with Bellamy and coldly reminds her that “there is only Wonkru and there is no place in it for you.”  Bellamy finally begins to realize that “Blodreina” is not his sister anymore and that she has changed more than anyone could have thought possible in six years.  Bellamy continues to challenge her, however; and suggests that “maybe you should fight someone who’s not afraid of you.”  Bellamy shows off some of his own newly acquired fighting skills, proving that a real fight between the Blake siblings may be evenly matched after all.  While Bellamy has clearly not given up on his sister just yet, he refuses to give in to all of her commands and tries to get her to see reason, but it doesn’t look like he is getting through to her just yet.  It makes me wonder what would happen if Bellamy is called out as a traitor and placed into the ring to fight for his life.  Would Octavia really let her brother die in the name of Wonkru?  While we haven’t escalated to a situation like that just yet, Octavia is clearly making her own decisions without Bellamy’s input.


“This doesn’t mean we’re back together.”

Muprhy and Emori get some much needed screen time in this episode, as they are hiding in the caves of Shadow Valley from McCreary.  Murphy still has the electric collar around his neck and Emori tries to come up with a way to get it off of him, while shocking him unintentionally along the way.  These two finally get the chance to talk about their feelings and what happened in their relationship.  Emori explains that Raven helped her feel important and needed and that Murphy refused to be happy for her, almost expecting her to stay on the sidelines with him.  She explained that his actions broke her heart and this seems to really resonate with him.  After setting a clever trap for McCreary and his men, Murphy and Emori share a brief moment of passion before McCreary comes stumbling out of the caves.  Emori is excited that they have a hostage, but I’m not sure this is the safest plan.  McCreary is definitely playing the role of the dangerous psychopath perfectly, but I’m not sure how much Diyoza truly values him, especially when he continues to openly defy her.  We’ll have to wait and see how this plays out.


“We’re the only thing that can defeat us.”

Diyoza proves once again in this episode that she is a very capable and intelligent leader.  She uses Kane’s Intel to her advantage and has food shipped to Wonkru with an invitation for any of them to join her in Shadow Valley if they abandon Wonkru.  She promises that they will not be harmed if they decide to leave and come to Shadow Valley.  McCreary thinks that Diyoza should have just used two missiles to make her point, but Diyoza explains that there are farmers and engineers in Wonkru who can be extremely useful.  Diyoza is always looking at the big picture and understands that survival can be limited if she doesn’t plan accordingly.  While her people may not be as loyal as Wonkru, she has demonstrated that she is able to look at every situation from all angles and perspectives, which is something that Octavia still needs to learn herself.  Diyoza understands that even if she doesn’t get many followers from Wonkru joining her, this plan will weaken Octavia’s leadership, as the “defectors” show their true intentions, making survival their number one goal.


“Whatever happens, I know we’ll find each other again.”

This is the first episode in season 5 where we really get to see Echo shine.  While there is a steady romance between her and Bellamy, Echo proves that she is fully capable of earning a second chance and making the right decision.  Octavia asks Echo to spy for her and to turn in the “defectors,” but Echo has a change of heart.  After speaking to some of the “defectors,” she learns more about what they have gone through here and she doesn’t want anything to happen to them.  Bellamy strategically suggests that they all defect and explains to Octavia that Echo can plant the flash drive that Monty needs on the ship, which will further their plan.  Echo explains that it will be easy to convince Diyoza of this cover story, especially since Octavia announced she was casting Echo out.  When Echo is running with the other defectors to the ship, Octavia gives the order for the other traitors to be shot.  Bellamy cannot believe that she would do something like this, but Octavia refuses to apologize for her actions.  Echo buries the flash drive in a bullet wound, but is in for a surprise when she and the other defectors are greeted by Diyoza and some electric collars of their own.  This may make it extremely difficult for Echo to carry out the plan, but what’s important is that Echo has grown as a character here.  She understands the importance of survival just like everyone else, but is loyal to Bellamy and is ready to do what is necessary to help.  Perhaps Becho is not such a horrible romance after all, but I have to say I am still rooting for Bellarke all the way.


“I know what it’s like to be the girl under the floor.”

Clarke is completely distracted during this episode, as she recognizes the danger that Madi is in here.  When Octavia and others ask how Madi survived, Clarke comes up with a cover story that she injected some of her own bone marrow into her to make synthetic Nightblood.  While this story may hold up for a little while, Gaia recognizes Madi as the true Nightblood and tells Clarke that it is still her destiny to protect her.  Nyla also finds out the truth and Gaia tries to explain to Clarke that Nyla is not her friend and will put Wonkru above her every time.  Clarke’s motherly instincts take over, as her only priority is to get Madi out of there safely.  She briefly tells Bellamy that they need to find her before it’s too late, but it’s clear that there is a lot that Bellamy and her need to discuss.  After all, six years is a long time.  Madi’s naivete convinces her that she can trust Octavia, especially after hearing all of Clarke’s stories about her.  She goes directly to Octavia and tells her everything.  When Clarke interrupts, Octavia is initiating Madi into Wonkru.  Octavia tells Clarke that Madi will be under her protection and that she will keep her secret safe.  But can we trust Octavia?  Even though Madi has no interest in being named the true Commander, Octavia is smart enough to understand that her people will turn on her if they find this out, so keeping Madi as close as possible is a good plan.  However, this makes Clarke’s job that much more difficult now.  While Madi sees everything through the eyes of an innocent child, Clarke has experienced enough to know a dangerous threat when she sees one.

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The 100 in the comments section below.  Thanks for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments featuring Cheryl & Toni from “Riverdale” season 2: “You’re Sensational.”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  Even though we will have to wait quite some time for season 3 of Riverdale to premiere on the CW, there is still plenty to discuss.  While we got a lot of swoon-worthy moments for Bughead and Varchie, it seems like there was an opportunity for other ships to really flourish, such as Cheryl and Toni, FP and Alice, and Kevin and Moose.   For today, I am going to be recapping and ranking the top 5 moments featuring my absolute favorite ship from Riverdale season 2, Cheryl and Toni.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the full season yet.  Cheryl and Toni, also known together as “Choni,” possess something beyond passion and fire.  Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty of fire there, especially with Cheryl threatening to burn her house down every other day.  However, what makes Cheryl and Toni stand out as a true pairing, is their sense of loyalty along with their willingness to fight for the other.  Fans cannot help falling in love with these two, as their friendship and bond grows, leading up to an epic kiss that will have you cheering.  Cheryl has been clearly broken for some time and her mother’s cruel actions never really help with this, especially when her mother tries to stifle her feelings for other women.  Toni is the one person that Cheryl can truly confide in and while we know her as “Cheryl Bombshell,” she finally lets her guard down for Toni and reminds us that there is a scared little girl behind that tough attitude.  Toni reminds her that it’s alright to cry sometimes and that embracing who you are can sometimes be a challenge in itself.  From Toni’s perspective, Cheryl is “sensational,” reminding us that sometimes all we really need is someone to see the good in us, even when we don’t see it ourselves.  My top 5 moments featuring Cheryl and Toni from Riverdale season 2 are:



The Sleepover party.  (Moment from Season 2, episode 16)

 Cheryl has been having nightmares and hallucinations ever since she overheard her mother’s plan to get rid of her and Nana Rose.  She decides to hold a sleepover party with her “inner circle and cousin Betty” to distract herself, but it’s really to confide in them about what’s going on.  Everyone is not really sure what to make of Cheryl’s fears, but Betty steps up and tells her that she feels like strangers are lurking behind every corner at her house too and empathizes with her.  Cheryl is beyond terrified and gets even closer to Toni on this night.  Cheryl even tells her that she may have had the sleepover party just to be able to invite her over, which is an absolutely adorable revelation.  Choni is about to share their first kiss, only they are interrupted suddenly as fate would have it.  Nana Rose has fallen badly and is rushed to the hospital, but Cheryl knows deep down that this cannot be an accident.  She is convinced that Uncle Claudius and her mother pushed Nana down the stairs but doesn’t have any proof.  Her mother intervenes when she tries to talk to the doctor and takes her into the car ominously saying that they will “make her all better.”  Noticing Cheryl’s disappearance, Toni shows up at the Blossom house to find her, but her mother mechanically tells her that she is out of the country at boarding school.  Toni knows this cannot be true, but the door slams in her face before she can get in another word.  The end of the episode reveals Cheryl locked away at the “Sisters of Quiet Mercy” mental institution, her hair done up in pigtails, as if to bring her back to a childhood state away from the rest of the world.  While it seems like Cheryl may be locked away for good, Toni refuses to rest until she finds her, proving to be an amazing friend and someone Cheryl can finally count on.


“Everything looks good on me.” (Moment from Season 2, episode 22)

After the Southsiders receive a memo from the principal that they are going to have to go to “Seaside High” due to sudden overcrowding, no one is ready to just accept this.  All of our favorite characters are wearing Serpent jackets and are ready to walk out, showing their support for the Southside.  Toni tells Cheryl, “that jacket looks good on you” and of course Cheryl replies with, “Everything looks good on me.”  When Toni suggests that they “make it official,” Choni fans everywhere are swooning.  While we know she means becoming a Serpent, perhaps they can finally make their relationship legit.  These two beautiful ladies have definitely earned it and have proven their love for one another over and over.  It’s about time they get some time in the spotlight.  Meanwhile, leadership changes within the Serpents as well, as FP officially retires and passes the torch to Jughead.  Jughead accepts and his first order of business is to give Cheryl her red Serpent jacket, which matches perfectly with the killer red boots she wore to the ceremony.  Is there a Serpent dance in Cheryl’s future?  We’ll have to see, but it’s great to see her become a part of this group, especially since she has been searching to belong for so long.  With Toni by her side, there is no stopping “Cheryl Bombshell.”


 “Untie her you Serpent Hag!”  (Moment from Season 2, episode 21)

 Penny and the Ghoulies are back in this episode and demand that the Serpents give up and leave so that they can take over this town.  Penny takes things a step further when she holds Toni captive, demanding that Jughead pay her a visit.  Luckily, Jughead brings some back-up, which is none other than our favorite archer in town, Cheryl Blossom.  “Untie her you Serpent Hag!” I found myself cheering as Cheryl rescues her “Cherie,” Toni, proving once again that Choni is beyond romantic. These two ladies prove that they don’t need a man to step in and save the day.  Although, having a bow and arrow handy certainly doesn’t hurt.


 “You’re sensational.” (Moment from Season 2, episode 14)

 Cheryl is clearly disappointed and feeling left out when she is not invited along to the weekend getaway at Shadow Lake and is desperately trying to avoid her own home that her mother has “turned into a sex playground.”  While Cheryl makes some rash decisions as a result of this, it’s hard not to feel sympathetic towards her.  Cheryl calls Jughead and reveals the truth about Betty’s kiss with Archie that she thought was “like with tongue serious,” desperately trying to spoil their weekend since she is hurt.  Toni walks in on this and calls her out on it, but Cheryl puts her guard up immediately and reminds her exactly who she is:  “Hi I’m Cheryl Blossom, aka Cheryl Bombshell which means I need no reasons.  Feel free to tremble.”  Toni is not scared off by this, however; and continues to reach out to her, recognizing that she is in pain and in need of a friend.  After seeing Cheryl alone at the movies, Toni offers to sit with her.  Cheryl later admits to Toni that she “never cries at movies because real life is tragic enough.”  In this moment, Cheryl finally lets her guard down, revealing her vulnerability and past secrets to Toni.  Toni sympathetically listens to her and a budding friendship or relationship is forming at this point for sure.  In a beautiful moment, Toni simply tells Cheryl:  “you’re not loveless.  You’re not deviant.  You’re sensational.”  Toni’s uncomplicated honesty is getting through to Cheryl and this is the moment where everything changes.  Cheryl’s wall has come down completely and she takes the first step toward becoming her true self.  Toni sees the good in Cheryl and supports her, allowing her own feelings to come to the surface as well.


Cheryl and Toni’s first kiss.  (Moment from Season 2, episode 17)

 Fans were more than disappointed after the interrupted first kiss between Choni at the sleepover party, but fear not, love is still blooming in the air.  Toni enlists the help of Veronica and Josie to help find Cheryl, as she knows that there is no way that she is being held in a boarding school, especially since her social media account has been dead silent.  The girls go and confront Mrs. Blossom who is armed and ready.  She tells them that Cheryl is mentally ill and even shows Josie the picture that Cheryl sketched not too long ago of the two of them, revealing that Cheryl was the one who was threatening and stalking her.  Josie is out, but Veronica and Toni are not about to completely abandon their friend.  Nana Rose makes the right call and tries to help Toni find Cheryl, but is rudely interrupted by Uncle Claudius.  They then learn from Kevin that the “Sisters of Quiet Mercy” practice gay conversion therapy and that there is a secret tunnel that can lead them to Cheryl.  Toni and Veronica put on their fantastic spy-like outfits which have just the right amount of flair and break in.  Cheryl is stunned when she sees Toni and the two share an epic kiss in front of the film screen.  The cheers for Choni should be deafening as this kiss was well worth the wait.  I’m looking forward to see what season 3 brings for Cheryl and Toni.  After all, now that Cheryl is a Serpent too, there are plenty more adventures for them to experience together.  Let’s just hope their relationship gets the chance it deserves.

 I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post some of your own favorite moments featuring Choni from Riverdale below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The 100” season 5 episode 5: “All of Me for All of Us”

Happy Wednesday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s The 100 season 5 episode 5 last night, I have learned that you should never get in the way of “Wonkru,” unless you want to face the wrath of “Blodreina” that is.  You would think that perhaps being the big brother of “The Red Queen” might work in your favor, but perhaps showing off your new girlfriend and former enemy to “Blodreina” is not the smartest idea.  Watch out Bellamy.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  In last night’s episode, “Shifting Sands,” Octavia prepares to lead her people to take back the valley, but Clarke cautions her about the dangers ahead, which include sandstorms and worms that could be right out of the movie “Aliens.”  Meanwhile, Abby is tested as a doctor, Raven is tortured, and Murphy learns that he just isn’t that funny.  My top 5 moments from The 100 season 5 episode 5 are:


“All of me for all of us.  It’s kind of beautiful.”

In the beginning of the episode, Clarke warns Octavia about traveling through the sea route.  She explains that the sandstorms have sort of evolved and now include shards of glass being hurled your way.  Octavia is focused on taking the valley and is ready to fight, but Indra tells Bellamy that his sister needs him.  Indra has a strong love for Octavia and is loyal to her always, but recognizes that sometimes she may need to take a step back and think.  While it seems like Bellamy and Clarke can have a good influence on her, Octavia is not about to change her leadership methods in the slightest.  Clarke comments to Bellamy that they lost 400 people in the bunker and had no idea if they would ever get out of there alive and still they are “strong and unified.”  She says that it’s impressive and Bellamy tells her, “So is surviving alone.”  Clarke is not the only one impressed with Octavia, as Diyoza takes notice of her as well, recognizing that she is a dangerous enemy to have, especially since her people are so loyal.  While it’s clear that Octavia has changed over the years, is she really willing to stand against her family and friends?  The lines have not been blurred just yet, but it’s only a matter of time before she turns her back against them if it means doing the right thing by her people.  Let’s just hope she’s not too far gone.  While it’s important to be a strong leader, Octavia has turned off her compassion and love.  What happens when the threat is over and she has no one left to connect with?  After all, being at the top can be quite lonely.


“We don’t just need a doctor.  We need a good doctor.”

After Abby and Marcus are taken by Diyoza, Abby’s skills are put to the test right away.  She begins examining a prisoner who has developed some kind of black spots or lesions on the brain.  Abby thinks that they may be cancerous and perhaps caused by whatever they were exposed to when mining, but Diyoza explains that it’s not cancer and that thirteen other patients have similar symptoms.  Their last doctor was not able to crack the case, but she is hopeful that with the right motivation Abby will be able to do so.  While we know that Abby is very capable as a doctor, perhaps she should take a moment to examine herself.  Her addiction to pills is getting worse and Marcus is extremely worried about this.  Will Abby be able to kick this bad habit before it’s too late?  Perhaps Clarke will need to get involved as well to intervene.  Later in the episode, McCreary comes to see Abby and we learn that he is one of the patients.  Abby calmly asks him, “Should I save you?”  We know that McCreary is far from a good person, but there is the potential for an unlikely partnership here if all goes well.  After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, or in this case, the right hand man of my enemy is?  Either way, I am looking forward to seeing this story-line progress, as McCreary is not one to take lightly.


“Thought you’d be funnier.  Octavia is my favorite…I mean no offense.”

Raven and Murphy are out of space and immediate danger, but that doesn’t mean they are out of the woods just yet.  They are being held captive by Shaw and McCreary and Raven is tortured over and over again to release the missiles.  Raven tries to explain that she didn’t do it and when Murphy’s life is threatened, she begs them not to hurt him, reminding us Murphen fans that there may be still some hope here for these two to get together.  That is if Emori doesn’t forgive him for being…well John Murphy.  After McCreary leaves, Shaw reveals to Raven that he is the one who locked the missiles, proving that he may be an unlikely ally in all of this.  Raven knows that the prisoners are not his people and that he is being kept alive for his piloting skills and uses this to her advantage.  She tells him, “you’re going to like my plan more,” and sets it in motion.  Murphy is set free and runs into Echo and the others.  In a hilarious moment, Madi comments that she thought he would be funnier, proving that you don’t lose your sense of humor when you are one of the last two people on earth.  Perhaps Murphy can take some notes from her.  Murphy and the others warn Bellamy that the missile attack is about to happen and tell them they need to hide or they will all be killed.


“Wishes are for the weak.”

Diyoza takes a moment to bring Marcus out into the woods and have a drink with him.  He’s never had tequila, but immediately recognizes that Diyoza has him here to make some sort of deal.  Marcus is smart, but realizes that Diyoza is not one to cross.  She proves once again to be a formidable enemy and we learn that she even slashed her own throat.  I mean talk about bad-ass.  Octavia may have met her match just yet and Diyoza is looking for Marcus to provide her with information about her.  Know thy enemy and all of that.  Will Marcus provide her with the Intel she needs?  Octavia has made it clear where she stands with Marcus, but he is also concerned about Abby’s well-being.  Either way, Marcus is very valuable to Diyoza right now, but it’s up to him to determine where his loyalties lie.


“If you ever speak out against Wonkru again then you are an enemy of Wonkru and you are my enemy.”

The threats keep coming at Octavia and the others.  One of her men is infected by some type of worm that hatches from the inside and is beyond disgusting.  Octavia gets a worm in her arm and Clarke takes immediate action when she cuts it out of her.  This will make your skin crawl for sure and I suggest not really eating during this episode, but luckily Octavia is alright.  Just as this is happening, they get the heads up that they are about to be attacked by the missiles and have only one option.  Octavia’s people protect her in the middle of the sandstorm, which is the only place to hide at this point.  Octavia loses some people during this act, but needs to continue on in order to protect the rest of them.  While Octavia tells Bellamy that she is happy he is alive, she is not messing around.  She warns him that if he ever speaks out against “Wonkru” again, then he will be the enemy.  Seriously this phrase is like a broken record now, but kind of catchy at the same time.  Is Octavia really putting “Wonkru” above her own brother?  Perhaps now is not the best time for a reunion with his romantic interest, Echo.  Becho fans should seriously talk some sense into them.  Clarke takes notice of this, which puts a pause on our hopes for a Bellarke romance, but Octavia’s reaction reveals that perhaps Bellamy has already become the enemy of “Wonkru.”  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The 100 in the comments section below.  Thanks for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments from “Supernatural” season 13 episode 23 season finale: “Every Day We Can Get Better”

Happy Friday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s Supernatural season 13 episode 23 season finale, Dean got it absolutely right when he says, “But even when we’re strong, man things are going to happen.  We’re going to make mistakes.  Nobody’s perfect but we can get better.  Every day we can get better.”  While Dean’s words are meant for Jack, it seems like everyone can take a moment to pause and really listen here, including Dean.  Mistakes are going to happen and plans are going to go terribly wrong, but what’s important is that the people who support us will stand by us and continue to fight on, even when it seems like all hope is lost.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s season finale, “Let the Good Times Roll,” Michael and Lucifer make their way back into the real world and prove to be a greater threat than we thought possible.  Meanwhile, Jack contemplates leaving earth to spend some quality time with his father, Lucifer, and Dean teams up with Michael in a way you may not expect.  My top 5 moments from Supernatural season 13 episode 23 season finale are:


Dean talks about retirement.

In the beginning of the episode, Dean takes a moment to think about what life would be like once all the evil is gone.  While it seems like a fantasy, you never really know which battle is going to be the ultimate one.  Perhaps thinking about time on a beach with a Hawaiian shirt is the way to go, especially when you are surrounded by chaos constantly.  Sam seems doubtful that Dean will ever truly retire from hunting, but Dean says he will if the world is safe.  While one can only hope that our favorite brothers can finally kick back and relax, the threat is nowhere near over just yet.


Dean gives Jack a pep talk.

We know that the Winchester brothers have a real knack for giving pep talks, but Jack is in desperate need of some guidance.  Dean talks to him about the importance of sticking together even when things happen and tells Jack that he is family and that they look after their own.  Even though Lucifer is Jack’s biological father, Sam, Dean, and Castiel have been the guiding forces in his life and remind him what family is truly about.  Jack has been blaming himself for hurting others and when his friend, Maggie shows up dead, the guilt continues to overwhelm him.  While not everything that happens can be fixed, Jack desperately wants to be able to reverse the evil around him.  However, that starts with Daddy Dearest.


“Like Star Wars?”

Lucifer shows up and Jack does not believe what he sees, as Sam told him that Michael killed him.  Lucifer tries to twist everything yet again and informs Jack that Sam is the one who left him behind.  He manipulates his son by telling him that he’s here for him and suggests that Jack really needs him.  Lucifer further explains that “humans are limited and fragile,” reminding Jack that he will never truly fit in here.  He offers Jack the chance to go somewhere else and start over so that Jack can live his life for himself.  Jack’s comparison of this to Star Wars lightens the mood but is actually pretty accurate, as he thinks about what life could be like “in a galaxy far, far away.”  While the idea is certainly tempting, Jack will soon realize that you can’t just run away and abandon the people you love.


“This is the end of everything.”

While Sam and Dean are attacked by Michael, Sam sends a prayer Jack’s way, hoping that he will be able to hear them.  Jack saves them and turns the tables on Lucifer when he forces him to tell the truth and learns that he is responsible for all of this and was the one who killed Maggie in the first place.  I mean he also did bring her back from the dead, but does anyone really stay dead on this show?  Jack tells Lucifer he is not his father and calls him a monster, finally making the right decision for himself.  Lucifer tells him that he’s too much like his mother and slashes his throat, as he absorbs Jack’s power.  After a blinding light consumes them, they are transported out of there and Sam has accidentally “hitched a ride.”  Michael explains that with Jack’s power, Lucifer is too strong for anyone to stop and that the world will be destroyed.


Dean makes the ultimate sacrifice.

A quick flashback to earlier episodes reminds us that Dean was destined to be Michael’s vessel in the same way that Sam was destined to be Lucifer’s.  Sometimes it’s hard to keep up to date on all of this information so I was happy for the reminder.  Dean offers himself as Michael’s vessel or “sword” so that he can obtain the strength he needs to take down Lucifer.  This is a dangerous option but he doesn’t really have a choice, as he knows that Lucifer will kill Sam and Jack.  He tells Michael that this is a one-time thing and makes a deal, reminding him that “you’re the engine but I’m behind the wheel.”  Just as Jack is about to sacrifice himself to save Sam, Dean/Michael bursts in, showing off his new wings.  They kill Lucifer, but I have to wonder if he is really dead, as we know that our favorite devil has a habit of returning even though he is unwanted.  Plus with Crowley gone, Lucifer has been providing us with some laugh out loud moments so I’m hoping he is not truly gone for good.  Dean is happy that the plan was a success and reemphasizes the teamwork here.  Unfortunately, Michael double crosses him and goes against their deal.  He takes over Dean’s body and leaves Sam and Jack.  At the end of the finale, we see Dean/Michael with glowing eyes, walking the streets.  While we are unsure of where he is or what his plans are, we know that he will not be letting his new vessel go without a fight.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Supernatural in the comments section below.  Thanks for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments from “Riverdale” season 2 episode 22 season finale: “Welcome to New Southside”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s Riverdale season 2 episode 22 season finale last night, we are left with some major cliffhangers that will need to be addressed once season 3 begins.  I’m not sure I can wait that long, but I have to say that the season 2 finale provided us with a lot of content and answers, while sprinkling in some unexpected twists and turns as well.  Do you think you have it all figured out?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “Chapter Thirty-Five:  Brave New World,” the fate of Jughead and Fangs is revealed.  Meanwhile, Kevin finds romance, Cheryl reminds us why everything looks good on her, Fred throws his support to Southsiders in need, and Betty tries to come to terms with what her father has done.  My top 5 moments from Riverdale season 2 episode 22 season finale are:


Jughead and Fangs are alive.

In the beginning of the episode, we cut to the scene fans have been talking about from the preview in the cemetery.  Luckily, it was just a dream and our protagonist, Jughead is alive in the hospital.  We also learn that Fangs is going to be alright too so fans everywhere can take a deep sigh of relief.  While these answers immediately comforted me, the drama is nowhere near over.  Jughead remembers that Mr. Lodge is behind everything, but his father, FP tries to tell him that the Serpents don’t exist anymore.  Betty and the others are beyond thrilled to find out that Jughead is alright, but Archie cuts to the chase when he explains that “there’s another mystery to solve.”  Who is the second black hood?  Theories are running wild, as they know that Mr. Lodge could be behind it since the motives seem to be purely political.  But how are they going to prove it?  While we get an answer to this question later on, it seems a little bit too easy and I’m not sure I’m buying it.


“Conspiring against my parents is proving to be a full time job.”

Veronica is still supporting Fred in the mayoral campaign, as she has taken a stand against her family.  She is done letting her father call the shots and it looks like Hermione has finally come around as well.  But can her motives be truly trusted?  We know that Mr. Lodge is a master manipulator and I would like to think that Hermione is trying to do right by her daughter, especially since her husband’s actions nearly got them both killed.  You can never be too careful with a Lodge, however; as we know that every action has intent behind it.  Hermione explains to Veronica that Mr. Lodge needs the Southside bar, “Whyte Wyrm” to further his plan.  Veronica seeks out the help of our favorite lawyer in town, Mrs. McCoy in order to get her money back.  This may be the only chance she has to stop her father, but is she ready to take him on and face the consequences?  Veronica soon realizes that “there’s a better smarter play here.”  She buys the “Whyte Wyrm” and makes a deal with her father.  She offers to trade it for Pop’s Diner.  Veronica realizes that Pop’s Diner is the only safe haven left in town where the people of Riverdale can truly belong and is not about to let it remain in her father’s clutches.  But is this really the right move?  Mr. Lodge tells Veronica that if they make this deal, that’s it.  Her credit cards, her trust fund, and her legacy will all be gone and there will be no turning back.  While we see the hesitation written over Veronica’s face, she accepts the consequences and the deal is done.  After all, “it’s all blood money anyway.”  But is Veronica really ready to take on a simple life where nothing comes easy?  At least she has her new business venture to distract her for now.


“Everything looks good on me.”

Cheryl works with Mrs. McCoy as well and Nana Rose is now officially her legal guardian.  Cheers Cheryl!  You deserve some happiness for sure.  Cheryl is beyond excited to deliver the papers to her mother, but is surprised to discover a secret meeting between her, Claudius, and Mr. Lodge.  Cheryl tells Veronica about what she saw, knowing full well that they were not trading maple syrup recipes.  Later on, Cheryl is getting ready to visit her “Cherie,” which I have to say is an adorable term of endearment for Toni.  Cheryl’s mother warns her not to go to the “Whyte Wyrm” because it is about to be raided by the police.  It seems like Mrs. Blossom has actually shown some concern for her daughter, but why now?  Either way, Cheryl warns everyone and Archie and Jughead get the Serpents out safely.  After the Southsiders receive a memo from the principal that they are going to have to go to “Seaside High” due to sudden overcrowding, no one is ready to just accept this.  All of our favorite characters are wearing Serpent jackets and are ready to walk out, showing their support for the Southside.  Toni tells Cheryl, “that jacket looks good on you” and of course Cheryl replies with, “Everything looks good on me.”  When Toni suggests that they “make it official,” Choni fans everywhere are swooning.  While we know she means becoming a Serpent, perhaps they can finally make their relationship legit.  These two beautiful ladies have definitely earned it and have proven their love for one another over and over.  It’s about time they get some time in the spotlight.  Don’t you agree? 


“I’m not like you.”

While all of the drama with Mr. Lodge is taking center stage, Betty and her mother are trying to put the pieces together again after Hal is taken off to jail.  The paparazzi are surrounding the house and Alice practically has a breakdown when she screams at them and quotes Dante, suggesting that their house is the entrance to hell.  Well darkness certainly resided there for quite some time, but the goodness of Alice and Betty certainly outweighs it.  Betty blames herself for what happened, however; and feels like she should have been a better detective and seen what was right in front of her.  While everyone around her reminds her that this is not her fault, Betty is still having doubts.  She wonders if evil can be passed on and Jughead tells her that she is a good person.  Now it’s up to Betty to believe this.  But can she deny the darkness whirling around within her?  After initially deciding not to visit her father, Betty decides to go see him anyway.  Her strength is admirable and one can’t help but cheer for her in this moment.  After telling her father that she is not like him, he asks her why she is really there.  Betty’s response gave me chills, as she tells him, “To say goodbye Dad.  No more darkness.  No more evil.  It’s over.  You have no power over me.”  In this moment, I was literally standing up and cheering for our girl, Betty Cooper.  While her father seems convinced that she will return, this moment allows her to truly move on and embrace the goodness within her.  I couldn’t be more proud.  Go Betty!  Now Alice on the other hand seems like she may be in need of some serious guidance.  Polly lets her know that she wants her to meet the person who “healed” her, but there is definitely something fishy about this.  The set up is certainly there for next season, but will Betty be able to save her mother from a possible cult?  We’ll have to stay tuned to find out.


“Welcome to new Southside.”

The end of the season finale brings a lot of change, as new leaders step up and heroes are torn down.  Archie is officially announced as the president of the school, which is certainly the right choice.  We also learn that the Southsiders are still welcome at Riverdale High.  Hooray!  Fred, on the other hand, loses the election to Hermione, but not without truly making an impact with the Southsiders.  After all, Fred opened his home to them and reminded us the importance of being a good neighbor to those in need. Hermione shows up at his doorstep and congratulates him, which actually seems sincere, so perhaps Riverdale does still have some good leadership after all.  Leadership changes within the Serpents as well, as FP officially retires and passes the torch to Jughead.  Jughead accepts and his first order of business is to give Cheryl her red Serpent jacket, which matches perfectly with the killer red boots she wore to the ceremony.  Is there a Serpent dance in Cheryl’s future?  We’ll have to see, but it’s great to see her become a part of this group, especially since she has been searching to belong for so long.  Well deserved Jughead and Cheryl!  While all of these new leaders step up, a dangerous group has come to power, however.  Mr. Lodge sits with his inner circle and discusses the plans for the future.  Everyone clearly has their own role to play.  For example, Claudius will handle the drugs and Mrs. Blossom wants a brothel.  Seriously?  Well I guess that’s to be expected.  There is someone who still stands in the way, however; and Mr. Lodge is ready to eliminate the threat once and for all.  Archie sneaks into the Lodge house and threatens Hiram.  He tells him that he knows he is behind everything, which includes Tall Boy supposedly being the second Black Hood and reminds him about the boy, Cassidy who was killed when they went up to the lake.  Archie tells him, “wherever you go, whatever you do, I’m gonna be there watching.”  Archie seems to be channeling his best impression of Liam Neeson here when he slams down the knife on the table to show he means business, but Mr. Lodge is ready to accept the challenge.  Right before Archie is sworn in as the president of the school in the auditorium; Mr. Lodge shows up and nods at him, as if to say he won the battle.  Archie is arrested for the murder of Cassidy up at Shadow Lake.   While Mr. Lodge may have won the battle, he has certainly not won the war just yet.  It looks like Bughead will need to take a break from being King and Queen Serpent to put their detective skills to the test to save their friend.  If anyone can help Archie, it’s his friends and family.  Look out Mr. Lodge because you are absolutely outmatched.  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Riverdale in the comments section below.  Thanks for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The 100” season 5 episode 4: “From the Ashes We Will Rise”

Happy Wednesday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s The 100 season 5 episode 4 last night, I’ve learned that “strength without mercy is nothing.”  While it’s important for Octavia to maintain her role as “Blodreina” or “The Red Queen,” she is unable to take a step back and look at the big picture.  While it’s important to remind her people that “you are wonkru or you’re the enemy of wonkru,” what happens when they are no longer confined to the bunker underground?  We are about to find out.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  In last night’s episode, “Pandora’s Box,” Marcus is fighting for his life in the arena and tries to make a stand against Octavia.  Meanwhile, Bellamy makes a deal with Diyoza and Raven shows off her technical skills.  My top 5 moments from The 100 season 5 episode 4 are:


“All of me for all of us.”

These are the words that are chanted before each fight, as Marcus takes on his opponents and wins the battle.  Only this isn’t enough, as Octavia feels that the people can see Marcus’s weakness and she refuses to clear him of his crime, explaining that he will need to fight again in the arena.  We quickly learn that Abby is locked up and Marcus is taking the blame for stealing the medicine to protect her.  Indra is aware of what is going on but has too much loyalty to publicly go against her leader, Octavia.  After Abby begs her by saying, “please don’t let him die for something I did,” Indra explains that the only way to save them both is for Marcus to win in the arena.  While it seems like the odds are against him, Marcus refuses to fight for a second time.  He speaks to the crowd and lets them know that we have a chance to do better here and that “strength without mercy is nothing.”  Marcus pleads with Octavia and reminds her that it’s not too late, but Octavia has heard enough, as she jumps into the arena herself to remind everyone that she is “Blodreina” and repeats the words about being “wonkru,” refusing to back down or compromise.  Luckily for Marcus, this is interrupted when some familiar faces make their way into the bunker, but it doesn’t look like Marcus is out of the woods just yet.


Bellarke is reunited.

After Bellamy tells Diyoza how important Clarke is to him, these two are finally reunited.  Clarke whispers, “You’re really here” and the two embrace in a hug that just doesn’t last long enough.  It’s clear that both of them have been clinging to the hope that the other was alive and now that dream has become a reality, but are they going to finally get the chance to be together romantically?  We know that Bellamy has Echo waiting in the wings, but this embrace between Clarke and Bellamy seems epic and moving.  While Bellarke fans might need to wait a little bit longer for these two to finally get together, it’s hard to deny the connection between them.  I’ll take any Bellarke moment we can get, but let’s hope that these two are able to finally explore their true feelings for one another.  Meanwhile, Bellamy makes a deal with Diyoza and she agrees to help open the bunker using their mining skills and in return, they will get to split the valley and co-exist.  Diyoza seems doubtful that they will be able to come to a peaceful understanding, but accepts the terms.  We quickly learn that Diyoza has another agenda, as her primary objective is to take the doctor, Abby.  While we know that a double-cross is inevitable, at least the people from the bunker will finally be freed.  But is everyone truly ready to co-exist in this new world?


Family reunions continued.

When everything is interrupted in the arena, Bellamy is the first one to appear and Octavia is beyond happy to see her brother.  We see a heartwarming reunion between Clarke and her mother as well and Clarke even speaks to Raven and Murphy over the radio.  While everyone is clearly happy to see that they are all alive and well, Diyoza and her people quickly appear to remind them that a new threat has arrived.  While Bellamy convinces Octavia and her people to trust him, we know that everything is about to change once they are all on the ground.  Either way, it’s touching to see our favorite characters take comfort in the fact that their loved ones are still alive.


“Whoever this girl is, she’s good.”

While most of the action is taking place on earth, Raven and Murphy have a difficult task and the threats keep coming their way.  Raven tries to tell Murphy that everything is alright, but Murphy is not buying it when he says, “If it’s handled why do you have that Raven work face on?”  Bellamy reminds Raven that if she does not hear from him every hour on the hour, that she should pull the plug, but Raven is having doubts about taking the lives of so many people.  She looks up Intel on Diyoza and her people and learns that Diyoza was a war hero who became a terrorist.  Once again, Diyoza is not one to be taken lightly and tests Raven over and over again.  Raven immediately recognizes when the enemy is trying to hack in and she is able to stop every attack, proving just how valuable she is.  Murphy furthers his own transformation from our resident bad boy into a redeemable hero when he lets Raven know that he will be the one to pull the plug.  However, it looks like they are not going to get a chance to test this theory.  Diyoza orders for the docks to be opened on the ship, which will kill Raven and Murphy, but her people would be safe in “Cryosleep.”  Raven is ready to make the sacrifice, but Murphy asks her, “I’m not ready to die, are you?”  Raven turns the tables on Diyoza by waking up all of the prisoners.  While the immediate threat is over, they now have to deal with 283 dangerous criminals in a confined space.  As Murphy said earlier, “we’re threatening to kill her people.  What could go wrong?”  We’re about to find out quickly, but will Raven and Murphy be able to survive this new threat?  Is there anyone out there who can rescue them?


“Now we go to war.”

Once everyone is on the ground, Diyoza demands that the doctor go with her and she will not hurt anyone in return.  She also tells everyone that they are taking the valley.  Abby offers to go with her willingly if she agrees to take Marcus too, recognizing that he is not safe near Octavia.  Diyoza agrees and it looks like the prisoner exchange is going smoothly until one of her men begins shooting.  Diyoza knows that they are now at war and tries to take out everyone on the ground, but Raven has outsmarted her once again by jamming the launch code.  Seriously Raven is unstoppable.  One can’t help but root for her.  Diyoza wants to go after Raven, which puts yet another threat in her way.  Back on the ground, Octavia also recognizes that they are now at war, refusing to abandon her role as “Blodreina.”  The stakes are beyond high, as everyone understands the importance of having control over the valley, but have we learned nothing from our mistakes before?  It seems like war is always the immediate answer, but will anyone take a moment to consider an alternative solution?  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The 100 in the comments section below.  Thanks for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments from “Supernatural” season 13 episode 22: “Sometimes Doing the Right Thing can go Wrong”

Happy Sunday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s Supernatural season 13 episode 22, Lucifer is desperately trying to turn over a new leaf to make a good impression on his son, but is anyone really buying it?  While he tries to bond with his son, Jack over forced high-fives and inappropriate discussions about his mother, it does sure seem like he’s trying.  It seems like Jack is willing to give him a chance, but are we?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “Exodus,” Dean is beyond happy to see his brother, Sam alive and well.  However, their mother, Mary is not ready to leave her people behind, which causes the Winchester brothers to come up with a plan to bring everyone through the rift.  Meanwhile, Lucifer tries to bond with Jack and Rowena makes a valiant effort to hold the rift open.  My top 5 moments from Supernatural season 13 episode 22 are:


“VIP pass.  I’m with the band.”

In the beginning of the episode, everyone is shocked to see Lucifer enter the camp.  He tries to lighten the mood with his winning personality and reminds them that he’s here to join the team.  Sam and Dean don’t want Lucifer anywhere near Jack, but Jack is curious about his father and is not ready to turn away from him until he gets some answers.  While Lucifer possesses power that will come in handy in the fight against Michael, no one seems ready to jump on his bandwagon just yet.


Mary punches Lucifer in the face.

Lucifer comically asks Mary if she misses him and she responds with a punch square in his jaw.  I have to admit that this was beyond funny, as Mary proves that she is a Winchester no matter what and is not going to let anyone screw with her, even if they are the devil.  Mary explains to Sam and Dean that she is not going to go back through the rift because she does not want to abandon the people here counting on her.  Dean is not ready to accept going back to a world without her and Sam comes up with a compromise, suggesting that they bring everyone through the rift until they can come up with a plan to stop Michael.  While 25 people seem like quite a lot to bring through the rift in a short amount of time, they are willing to take this chance because they need their mother in their lives.  After all, they did just travel to another dimension to save her.


Castiel vs Castiel.

After reconnecting with Bobby, Dean is concerned about the well-being of Charlie, especially when he learns that Ketch is working with her.  Both Charlie and Ketch are captured and alter-dimension Castiel enters the room, ready to torture with no remorse.  Castiel faces off against himself, ready to take down the threat.  Alter-dimension Castiel reminds him, “we are the same” and our Castiel replies with, “yes we are,” as he takes his life with no hesitation.  While this threat is taken out, we know that Michael is still lurking somewhere in the shadows, ready to make his move.


“Kids.  You just gotta know how to talk to them.”

Lucifer eagerly embraces his new role as a father and puts his best effort forward to connect with Jack.  After taking off to gather his thoughts, Jack explains that he is ready to listen even though Sam, Dean, and Castiel warn him not to talk to Lucifer.  Jack has a lot of questions but starts with the most important one:  “Why does everyone hate you?”  Lucifer tries to spin his own story about why he was cast out of heaven and does mention that he has done some terrible things, but is ready to make amends.  Castiel is not buying it, however; rolling his eyes at Lucifer’s over-simplifications.  When Jack’s mother is mentioned, Lucifer tries to add some input and says, “Awesome lady.  Lost my virginity to her.”  This revelation is completely inappropriate, but Lucifer continues to try to bond with Jack, which leads to a somewhat inspiring pep talk.  Jack tells Sam that he wants to stay behind and fight Michael, but Lucifer steps in and reminds him that “sometimes doing the right thing can go wrong.”  Jack calls Lucifer “father” to his delight, but Sam is clearly worried that Lucifer’s influence will lead Jack down the wrong path, especially since he is so impressionable and naive.


Showdown at the rift.

Time is running out and everyone needs to make it out of the rift before it closes for good.  Rowena is back in our world, using all of her strength and magic to keep it open as long as possible.  As everyone starts going through the rift, Michael shows up with perfect timing.  Gabriel tells Sam and Dean to leave and is no longer running away.  He faces off against Michael and is tragically killed to the horror of Sam and Dean.  Gabriel sacrificed himself for them, proving that he did have goodness within him.  Lucifer tries to hold off Michael as well as everyone gets through the rift.  Just before Sam enters the rift, he says to Lucifer, “how did you think this was going to end?”  Sam rushes through the rift and leaves Lucifer behind.  Lucifer is now done being a team player and strikes up a deal with Michael.  He agrees to help him pass through the rift and destroy whatever he wants as long as he can be with his son.  While this is not shocking in the slightest, as we know that Lucifer’s first priority is always Lucifer, he and Michael together may be impossible to defeat.  Stay tuned for the season finale next week!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Supernatural in the comments section below.  Happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments from “Riverdale” season 2 episode 21: “Judgment Night”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s Riverdale season 2 episode 21 last night, secrets are revealed, unlikely heroes are born, and a sacrifice has left us on the edge of our seats.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch yet.  In last night’s episode, “Chapter Thirty-Four:  Judgment Night,” Fangs is rushed to the hospital and his real attacker is revealed.  Hermione Lodge announces a bounty award for the Black Hood and Veronica finds a file that causes her to lose faith in her father.  Meanwhile, Cheryl fends off the Black Hood, Betty attempts to protect her mother, and Jughead is faced with his old enemy, Penny Peabody.  My top 5 moments from Riverdale season 2 episode 21 are:


“I only miss when I mean to.”

In the beginning of the episode, Cheryl opens her door and finds the Black Hood waiting for her.  She doesn’t waste any time and rushes up to her bedroom.  Cheryl is able to get out the window to her bow and arrow set and shows off her impressive archery skills.  Cheryl’s got a crimson hood of her own and takes on the Black Hood without revealing the slightest bit of fear.  Cheryl is not a scared little girl anymore, embracing the hero within her and defending herself.  She calls Betty to warn her that the Black Hood is wounded and heading through the woods.  Betty’s initial reaction is to run to her father, but soon learns that she may not be able to reason with him anymore, as the darkness and madness within him have fully consumed his actions at this point.


“What the hell do you boys think you’re doing to my school?”

After Fangs is shot, the Serpents are looking for vengeance and decide to destroy school property to make their point.  Archie attempts to get them to stop and reveals the new information that Midge’s mother is responsible for shooting Fangs, unable to process her grief and looking for someone to blame.  While one can be sympathetic toward Midge’s mother, the Serpents do not back down, as they explain that this is further proof why they need to destroy everything on the Northside.  Archie is ready to defend, but there is no need to do so when Principal Weatherbee proves to be someone you do not want to mess with, especially when he has a baseball bat.  Let’s hear it for the adults of Riverdale!  Later on, the Ghoulies show up at Pop’s Diner and surround the place, leaving poor Archie alone again to try and stop them.  Luckily, it’s “Riverdale Dads to the rescue,” as Kevin so eloquently put it, when Sheriff Keller, Fred, and FP show up to defend their town.  I mean seriously Archie cannot take on every single threat, but it’s great to see some teamwork here even when Riverdale is being threatened left and right.


“Chaos is good for us.”

As things get worse in Riverdale, Mr. Lodge sees this as an opportunity, proving to once again be the most dangerous player in town.  Hermione has her suspicions and asks if he is keeping anything from her, but he assures her that everything he is doing is for her and Veronica.  Hermione announces a one million dollar bounty for whoever can deliver the Black Hood and Betty hilariously asks if that is even legal.  Veronica takes it a step further when she asks, “Are you and Daddy trying to turn Riverdale into Gotham City?”  Her suspicions cause her to take action and she discovers the hidden file her father is keeping on Fred, which includes a story he is about to leak, revealing the affair between Hermione and Fred.  Veronica is appalled that her father could do this to his own wife’s reputation, but Mr. Lodge will stop at nothing to damage Fred’s campaign.  As if this wasn’t enough drama for the Lodge family to deal with, Poppa Poutine’s son shows up looking for someone to blame for his father’s death and knocks on the Lodge door.  He takes out Andre and attacks Veronica and Hermione, looking to take away the people that Mr. Lodge cares about the most to even the score.  Another unlikely hero emerges when Hermione tells her daughter to run and she gets to her gun in time to stop this man, protecting her family.  When Mr. Lodge shows up, he tries to tell them both how sorry he is, but Veronica doesn’t want to hear it.  She backs away from her father as if he is a stranger and tells him, “It’s your mess daddy.  You clean it up.”


“I always knew you were a mama’s boy.”

While fans everywhere have accepted that Hal Cooper is the real Black Hood, we have been waiting for some solid evidence.  Well it’s finally arrived as Hal is no longer hiding his identity.  After Cheryl wounds him, he leaves the hospital, but not before killing a doctor in his way.  Betty realizes that the monster within Hal is no longer thinking rationally and worries for her mother’s safety when he threatens her.  Betty rushes home and Hal tells his daughter and wife that he wants to show them a home movie.  Alice is immediately confused, as Betty’s suspicions have now become a reality.  A killer is born during the film, as we see Hal as a young boy speaking to his mother about why he has to lie about his father killing the Conway family.  His mother tells him that “sinners have to die” and that Hal “must do better.”  Hal wants the conversation recorded so he can tell his story.  He admits that he is the Black Hood and takes credit for all the attacks and murders he is responsible for.  When asked about Fred, he mentions his adultery, focusing purely on cleaning up the sin in this town.  Hal does not take credit for the shooting at the debate, however; which makes Mr. Lodge our prime suspect once again behind this crime and perhaps in the second attack against Archie and his father.  When Alice and Betty realize the immediate danger they are in, Alice becomes a hero we can root for.  She tries to provoke Hal to distract him and it works like a charm.  After Hal tries to choke Alice, Betty knocks him out, proving once again that team Betty and Alice is a force to be reckoned with.  They call the police and Hal is arrested, ending the threat that has been tearing Betty’s life apart for now.  But something tells me that this is not the last we will see or hear of Hal Cooper, the Black Hood.


Jughead makes the ultimate sacrifice.

Penny and the Ghoulies are back and demand that the Serpents give up and leave so that they can take over this town.  Penny takes things a step further when she holds Toni captive, demanding that Jughead pay her a visit.  Luckily, Jughead brings some back-up, which is none other than our favorite archer in town, Cheryl Blossom.  “Untie her you Serpent Hag!”  I found myself cheering as Cheryl rescues her love, Toni, proving once again that Choni is absolutely swoon-worthy.  Jughead realizes that the Serpents are no match for the Ghoulies and calls up the devil himself, Mr. Lodge.  Jughead has put together all the pieces and knows that Mr. Lodge is pulling the strings here.  He makes a counter offer and shows up alone to see Penny, but not before he calls Betty to tell her how much he loves her.  Betty immediately knows something is wrong and calls FP who rushes off to help Jughead.  The end of the episode leaves fans with a cliff-hanger that perhaps no one saw coming.  FP emerges with Jughead’s lifeless body in his arms, covered in blood with his tattoo burned off.  Is our main protagonist really dead?  What happens now?  The questions are unending, as we need to wait a very long week to get to our season finale and finally learn the fate of our beloved Jughead Jones.  Let’s try to stay positive Bughead fans, but it looks like we need a miracle in Riverdale.

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts and theories on Riverdale in the comments section below.  Happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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