Ranking the top 5 moments from “Younger” season 5 episode 1 season premiere: “My Feelings are There and they’re Real”

Happy Saturday TV fans!  So I finally got the chance to binge-watch the first four seasons of TV Land’s Younger on Hulu and I have to admit that I’m absolutely hooked.  If you haven’t gotten a chance to watch the show yet, I absolutely recommend it.  It kind of has a romcom feel, but goes so much further than that.  You will absolutely fall in love with every character on the show and the episodes are a little over 30 minutes each so you can get through full seasons rather quickly.  Sutton Foster is absolutely fabulous as Liza Miller.  You may think you know what the show is about after seeing some of the previews or commercials on Hulu, but I have to say that the show went far beyond my expectations.  While the love triangle between Liza, Josh, and Charles is addicting enough, what sets this show apart is its ability to redefine labels and stereotypes in a world focused on social media and appearances.  It may seem slightly far-fetched that Liza is able to fool almost everyone into thinking that she is 26 years old, even though she looks amazing for her age, but somehow it works.  Her continuation of her new identity allows her to reinvent herself, but not without making mistakes along the way.  Now that I am finally caught up, I was excited to watch the season premiere of season 5 on my DVR.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  In last night’s episode, Liza comes back from Ireland and tries to tell Charles how she feels, but is interrupted by an HR convention on sexual harassment.  Meanwhile, Kelsey and Zane try to balance their feelings for one another, while maintaining an even playing field at work.   My top 5 moments from Younger season 5 episode 1 season premiere are:


“Do you want to say something Liza?  Could destroy the company but we’ll support you.”

When Zane joined Empirical, he brought back one of the top selling authors, Edward L.L. Moore, who is beyond eccentric and extremely creepy when it comes to his advances toward Liza when she is dressed up as “Princess Pampam.”  While this seems like a huge win for Empirical, Moore is accused of inappropriate behavior, which could bring more trouble than he is worth.  Charles tries to speak openly to Liza about Moore’s past behavior toward her and Diana impatiently waits for a response.  Miriam Shor is absolutely hilarious as Diana, as she combines the perfect blend of unaware rudeness with a get-to-the-point attitude.  While she may come across harsh sometimes, she has displayed some wonderful moments with Liza as well, proving that she does care about others after all.  Diana basically says everything that you may be thinking, but shouldn’t really say out loud, but she refuses to apologize for this and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  After watching the previews for upcoming episodes, I’m excited to see that her mystery construction man will be making another appearance, which may finally give Diana a chance at some real adventure and love.  Maybe she’ll even bring back the jeans into her wardrobe.


“I think he’s making a mistake but I’m the last person who could tell him that.”

Liza and Kelsey rehash what happened in Ireland and are shocked by Josh’s impetuous behavior.  After putting his feelings out there for Liza the night before his wedding, Josh ultimately decides to go through with it, crushing my hopes and dreams for these two to get back together.  Even though Josh, played by Nico Tortorella, is charming and absolutely swoon-worthy, his immaturity often gets the best of him, causing him not to always make the best decisions.  While Josh hasn’t returned just yet, I can’t imagine that the drama is over between him and Liza.  We’ll have to stay tuned to see how long he actually stays married to Claire, but I’m going to give it three weeks top.  After all, that will match the actual time they have been together.


“You’re so desperate for my approval.”

So I am absolutely shipping Kelsey and Zane.  I am a big fan of Charles Michael Davis from The Originals and it’s nice to see him put the blood-lust on the back burner while he shows off his immaculate suits and irresistible charm on Younger.  Kelsey has not had the best luck with men.  I am still beyond shocked over her fiancé, Thad getting crushed by construction debris earlier in the series.  I mean I was not a fan of Thad at all or Chad for that matter, but that was not what I had in mind for his exit from the show.  I definitely did not like the hinted vibes between Josh and Kelsey after they became roommates and was thrilled to see the introduction of Zane’s character in season 4 to steer away from this.  Zane is the perfect match for Kelsey and I think that if they ever moved in together, they would have the most amazing wardrobe between the two of them.  While Kelsey seems hesitant about moving forward with Zane, it doesn’t look like he is giving up on her just yet.  But will their competitiveness at work block all possibilities of a stable relationship?


“What happened in this office was incredible.  My feelings are there and they’re real.”

When Liza comes face to face with Charles again, her feelings come rushing to the surface as well.  Josh has moved on and put a “ring between them,” but Liza realizes that a relationship with Charles would be beyond complicated.  Especially since she has gotten so close to his wife, Pauline, which would make things very messy.  When Liza tells Charles how she feels, he awkwardly explains that he is asking Liza about what happened with Edward L.L. Moore and they are then interrupted by Diana before they can discuss their feelings any further.  I have gotten used to the unresolved tension between Liza and Charles and it seems like the timing is never quite right, but it seems like everything is about to change.


Edward L.L. Moore tells Charles the truth about Liza.

At the end of the episode, Charles announces that they are postponing Moore’s books because of the allegations against him.  Moore is not about to go quietly, however; as he pays Charles a visit.  He reveals that he has files on all of the women involved, including Liza.  He tells Charles about Liza’s real age and that she is a divorced housewife from New Jersey.  Charles is beyond shocked, but can’t dispute the evidence in front of him, especially when he sees the marriage certificate.  I have to say that it is about time Charles found out the truth.  We know that Liza’s deception had damaged the relationship between her and Josh and her friendship with Kelsey in the past, but this discovery is something earth shattering.  Charles is Liza’s boss and he also has very real feelings for her.  Even though they haven’t gotten a chance to see their story through, what will happen now that Charles knows the truth?  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on Younger below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments featuring Betty Cooper from “Riverdale” season 2: “You Have No Power Over Me”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  Even though we will have to wait quite some time for season 3 of Riverdale to premiere on the CW, there is still plenty to discuss.  For today, I am going to be recapping and ranking the top 5 moments featuring our very own Nancy Drew, Betty Cooper.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the full season yet.  Betty may seem like the model of bubble gum perfection on the surface with her glossy ponytail and sweater sets, but there is a darkness brewing within her, clawing at the surface.  Betty proves to be intelligent and always one step ahead, even solving mysteries that the local Sheriff has trouble with.  In season 2, the Black Hood reveals that he has a fascination with Betty, calling her over and over and presenting her with new obstacles along the way.  While Betty has the support of Jughead and her friends and family, she ends up internalizing a lot of her feelings, not wanting to trouble them with her own inner demons.  What makes Betty such an amazing character is that she is far from perfect and some of my favorite moments below reflect that.  Ultimately these moments are what shape Betty into the powerful woman she has now become.  Without tapping into her darkness, she would have never found the strength within to conquer it.  When Betty discovers the true identity of the Black Hood, her world begins to fall apart, as she starts to question everything, including her own moral compass.  Betty proves to be even stronger than one could have imagined when she courageously goes to face the Black Hood and find some much needed closure.  While Betty may now be crowned the new Queen of the Serpents with Jughead by her side, she was already proving just how powerful she really is by standing up for herself, her mother, and anyone who threatens the balance of good and evil in Riverdale.  My top 5 moments featuring Betty Cooper from Riverdale season 2 are:



Betty’s Serpent Dance. (Moment from Season 2, episode 8)

 When Betty and Alice Cooper show up to the party, these ladies have their hair down and prove that they are a force to be reckoned with.  Alice’s ensemble is wild and she even pokes fun at Betty’s tame outfit, not realizing that she is about to strip off almost every layer to perform the Serpent dance.  Jughead is not pleased with this, begging her to stay away from him, as the mistakes he made with his father are now bleeding into his relationship with Betty.  Although the dance doesn’t have the impact Betty was hoping for, it does allow her to free her inhibitions and step out of her cookie-cutter mold of perfection.  Archie sees a new side of her when he gazes out the window and he’s not alone.  We salute you Betty!


Betty finds her brother. (Moment from Season 2, episode 10)

Betty is surprised to find Polly in her bedroom, picking up a few things and nonchalantly sharing the news that she had the twins already.  When Polly goes back to the farm without even staying to say hello to their parents, Betty is feeling hurt and abandoned by her sister, causing her to put her Nancy Drew skills to the test once more.  Betty is not good at sitting still, always diving into a new mystery to solve, refusing to take a minute to actually deal with her feelings.  She tracks down the address of her brother, Charles Smith and lets her parents know that she wants to go and meet him.  While Betty’s father wants no part of this, Alice visits Betty later that night and confides to her that she does want to meet her son.  When they walk through the seedy motel to find him, Mrs. Cooper latches onto Betty’s arm, as if the infestation and filth will seep through their bubble of perfection.  After meeting Charles or “Chic” as he likes to be called, Betty and Mrs. Cooper are horrified by his lifestyle and surroundings, feeling somewhat responsible for his current conditions.  After Betty returns to check in on Chic, she finds him being attacked and stabbed.  Betty saves the day with Pepper Spray, proving once again that she is not one to mess with.  After taking Chic home, the Cooper family helps stitch him up and gives him a place to stay, not realizing that they just “let another monster in.” 


 Betty embraces the darkness.  (Moment from Season 2, episode 12)

 In the beginning of this episode, Betty is sporting her femme fatale black wig, turning away from the computer with newfound passion and excitement.  While her deception of “webcamming” may initially seem harmless, Betty is not ready to abandon it just yet.  She begins keeping secrets from those she loves without even the slightest hesitation to suggest that she has no guilt or second thoughts about her actions.  While Chic opened the door to the darkness, inviting Betty in, she is making her own decisions.  Later in the episode, Betty and Jughead reunite and share a passionate kiss as Jughead tells her that “he wants all of her,” but what will he do when he finds out that he needs to share Betty with the rest of the cyber world?


“That’s your very own angel of death.” (Moment from season 2, episode 19)

 After finding out that Chic is not really her brother, Betty has a sea of emotions taking over.  With almost perfect timing, the “Lollipop” ringtone begins playing, luring her back to the darkness.  She answers and the Black Hood greets her by saying, “Hello Betty.  You miss me?”  The Black Hood asks for Betty to deliver Chic to him so that he can get what he deserves, explaining that he has murdered before.  At this point, we are not sure if Betty will follow the Black Hood’s orders.  He isn’t threatening her right now, but merely requesting this, so she has every opportunity to keep her moral compass intact.  Betty pulls a gun on Chic and takes him to the cemetery, demanding that he confess.  Chic tells her that he did kill the real Charles after they got in a fight but that he didn’t mean to kill him.  His tears suggest that he is finally telling the truth, but it’s too late.  Betty tells him she will begin counting and give him a head start when the Black Hood shows up at the edge of the cemetery.  Chic begins frantically questioning her, asking her what is going on, but Betty remains unwavering.  Chic finally takes her advice and rushes off, as she nods to the Black Hood.  While we are unsure if Chic was able to make it out alive or not, it doesn’t seem like we will be seeing him again anytime soon.  And as for our sweet and lovable Betty Cooper…well she is playing a dangerous game that makes her role play days seem like a distant dream.


 “I’m not like you.” (Moment from season 2, episode 22)

 While all of the drama with Mr. Lodge is taking center stage in the season finale, Betty and her mother are trying to put the pieces together again after Hal is taken off to jail, who has been confirmed as the real Black Hood.  Betty blames herself for what happened, however; and feels like she should have been a better detective and seen what was right in front of her.  While everyone around her reminds her that this is not her fault, Betty is still having doubts.  She wonders if evil can be passed on and Jughead tells her that she is a good person.  Now it’s up to Betty to believe this.  But can she deny the darkness whirling around within her?  After initially deciding not to visit her father, Betty decides to go see him anyway.  Her strength is admirable and one can’t help but cheer for her in this moment.  After telling her father that she is not like him, he asks her why she is really there.  Betty’s response gave me chills, as she tells him, “To say goodbye Dad.  No more darkness.  No more evil.  It’s over.  You have no power over me.”  In this moment, I was literally standing up and cheering for our girl, Betty Cooper.  While her father seems convinced that she will return, this moment allows her to truly move on and embrace the goodness within her.  I couldn’t be more proud.  All hail Queen Betty!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post some of your own favorite moments featuring Betty Cooper from Riverdale below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments from “The 100” season 5 episode 6: “There is only Wonkru and There is No Place in it for You”

Happy Wednesday TV fans!  After watching the CW’s The 100 season 5 episode 6 last night, I’ve learned that the “girl under the floor” is hiding no longer and is proving to be dangerous and ruthless now that she is out in the open.  While Octavia may refuse to compromise her role as “Blodreina,” she does recognize the many threats around her and decides to keep the greatest threat of all by her side.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  In last night’s episode, “Exit Wounds,” Diyoza attempts to recruit members of Wonkru with Kane’s help, Clarke tries to convince Madi to leave before she is exposed as the true Nightblood, and Bellamy is having trouble recognizing his sister.  Meanwhile, Murphy and Emori finally get the chance to rehash their breakup, while Echo gets a second chance to do the right thing.  My top 5 moments from The 100 season 5 episode 6 are:


“That is not my sister.”

In the beginning of the episode, Octavia is beyond furious that Bellamy has brought the traitor, Echo back with him.  Octavia doesn’t care in the slightest bit that she is with Bellamy and coldly reminds her that “there is only Wonkru and there is no place in it for you.”  Bellamy finally begins to realize that “Blodreina” is not his sister anymore and that she has changed more than anyone could have thought possible in six years.  Bellamy continues to challenge her, however; and suggests that “maybe you should fight someone who’s not afraid of you.”  Bellamy shows off some of his own newly acquired fighting skills, proving that a real fight between the Blake siblings may be evenly matched after all.  While Bellamy has clearly not given up on his sister just yet, he refuses to give in to all of her commands and tries to get her to see reason, but it doesn’t look like he is getting through to her just yet.  It makes me wonder what would happen if Bellamy is called out as a traitor and placed into the ring to fight for his life.  Would Octavia really let her brother die in the name of Wonkru?  While we haven’t escalated to a situation like that just yet, Octavia is clearly making her own decisions without Bellamy’s input.


“This doesn’t mean we’re back together.”

Muprhy and Emori get some much needed screen time in this episode, as they are hiding in the caves of Shadow Valley from McCreary.  Murphy still has the electric collar around his neck and Emori tries to come up with a way to get it off of him, while shocking him unintentionally along the way.  These two finally get the chance to talk about their feelings and what happened in their relationship.  Emori explains that Raven helped her feel important and needed and that Murphy refused to be happy for her, almost expecting her to stay on the sidelines with him.  She explained that his actions broke her heart and this seems to really resonate with him.  After setting a clever trap for McCreary and his men, Murphy and Emori share a brief moment of passion before McCreary comes stumbling out of the caves.  Emori is excited that they have a hostage, but I’m not sure this is the safest plan.  McCreary is definitely playing the role of the dangerous psychopath perfectly, but I’m not sure how much Diyoza truly values him, especially when he continues to openly defy her.  We’ll have to wait and see how this plays out.


“We’re the only thing that can defeat us.”

Diyoza proves once again in this episode that she is a very capable and intelligent leader.  She uses Kane’s Intel to her advantage and has food shipped to Wonkru with an invitation for any of them to join her in Shadow Valley if they abandon Wonkru.  She promises that they will not be harmed if they decide to leave and come to Shadow Valley.  McCreary thinks that Diyoza should have just used two missiles to make her point, but Diyoza explains that there are farmers and engineers in Wonkru who can be extremely useful.  Diyoza is always looking at the big picture and understands that survival can be limited if she doesn’t plan accordingly.  While her people may not be as loyal as Wonkru, she has demonstrated that she is able to look at every situation from all angles and perspectives, which is something that Octavia still needs to learn herself.  Diyoza understands that even if she doesn’t get many followers from Wonkru joining her, this plan will weaken Octavia’s leadership, as the “defectors” show their true intentions, making survival their number one goal.


“Whatever happens, I know we’ll find each other again.”

This is the first episode in season 5 where we really get to see Echo shine.  While there is a steady romance between her and Bellamy, Echo proves that she is fully capable of earning a second chance and making the right decision.  Octavia asks Echo to spy for her and to turn in the “defectors,” but Echo has a change of heart.  After speaking to some of the “defectors,” she learns more about what they have gone through here and she doesn’t want anything to happen to them.  Bellamy strategically suggests that they all defect and explains to Octavia that Echo can plant the flash drive that Monty needs on the ship, which will further their plan.  Echo explains that it will be easy to convince Diyoza of this cover story, especially since Octavia announced she was casting Echo out.  When Echo is running with the other defectors to the ship, Octavia gives the order for the other traitors to be shot.  Bellamy cannot believe that she would do something like this, but Octavia refuses to apologize for her actions.  Echo buries the flash drive in a bullet wound, but is in for a surprise when she and the other defectors are greeted by Diyoza and some electric collars of their own.  This may make it extremely difficult for Echo to carry out the plan, but what’s important is that Echo has grown as a character here.  She understands the importance of survival just like everyone else, but is loyal to Bellamy and is ready to do what is necessary to help.  Perhaps Becho is not such a horrible romance after all, but I have to say I am still rooting for Bellarke all the way.


“I know what it’s like to be the girl under the floor.”

Clarke is completely distracted during this episode, as she recognizes the danger that Madi is in here.  When Octavia and others ask how Madi survived, Clarke comes up with a cover story that she injected some of her own bone marrow into her to make synthetic Nightblood.  While this story may hold up for a little while, Gaia recognizes Madi as the true Nightblood and tells Clarke that it is still her destiny to protect her.  Nyla also finds out the truth and Gaia tries to explain to Clarke that Nyla is not her friend and will put Wonkru above her every time.  Clarke’s motherly instincts take over, as her only priority is to get Madi out of there safely.  She briefly tells Bellamy that they need to find her before it’s too late, but it’s clear that there is a lot that Bellamy and her need to discuss.  After all, six years is a long time.  Madi’s naivete convinces her that she can trust Octavia, especially after hearing all of Clarke’s stories about her.  She goes directly to Octavia and tells her everything.  When Clarke interrupts, Octavia is initiating Madi into Wonkru.  Octavia tells Clarke that Madi will be under her protection and that she will keep her secret safe.  But can we trust Octavia?  Even though Madi has no interest in being named the true Commander, Octavia is smart enough to understand that her people will turn on her if they find this out, so keeping Madi as close as possible is a good plan.  However, this makes Clarke’s job that much more difficult now.  While Madi sees everything through the eyes of an innocent child, Clarke has experienced enough to know a dangerous threat when she sees one.

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on The 100 in the comments section below.  Thanks for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments from “Fear the Walking Dead” season 4 episode 7: “Cause I’m a Chick with Layers”

Happy Monday TV fans!  After watching AMC’s Fear the Walking Dead season 4 episode 7, I learned that it’s pretty much impossible to stay on the sidelines for too long, especially when walkers are involved.  While we may have too much pride or feel an obligation to our family and loved ones, sometimes we need to learn when to let go and choose a side.  It might not always be the right decision, but it could be the determining factor of our survival.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the latest episode yet.  In last night’s episode, “The Wrong Side of Where You Are Now,” Naomi and Morgan desperately try to save John Dorie’s life, Charlie tries to say she’s sorry, and Al realizes that she cannot hide behind her camera forever.  Meanwhile, we learn more about the moments leading up to the fate of the stadium, as Madison is conflicted over what to do next.  But will her pride ultimately lead to the death of the people she tried so desperately to protect?  My top 5 moments from Fear the Walking Dead season 4 episode 7 are:


“Why did you save me?”

In the beginning of the episode, Morgan and Naomi try to keep John stable, recognizing that they need to get some medical supplies to give him a chance.  Everyone begins opening fire on each other and Morgan notices Charlie out in the open, who is trying to get to Mel.  Morgan tries to tell her that he is gone and instructs her to come with him.  Morgan is always trying to do what is right and recognizes that he needs to protect her.  Charlie asks Morgan why he saves her, especially since he knows what she did to Nick and Morgan simply replies with, “Because this has to stop some place.”  Again, Morgan is the voice of reason, but he is being drowned out by the deafening chaos surrounding them.  You would think that everyone would want to put their differences aside and focus on surviving, but people end up becoming even more dangerous threats to each other than the dead walking among them.  Charlie clearly feels remorse over what she has done and tries to explain that what happened was her fault.  While Charlie is far from innocent, her confusion is understandable.  Her parents died which was traumatizing enough and she has been living in a very different world, clinging to the only person who has been there for her, Mel.  I’m not sure if we can ever really trust Charlie again, as that familiar saying, “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me,” comes to mind.  However, she is a child and has been burdened with way too much at such a young age.  Either way, she understands regret and feels responsibility for what happened, which proves that she is not a lost cause just yet.


“You know what, it doesn’t matter.”

After Alicia attempts to take out Mel in his truck, he climbs out of it severely injured, barely able to move or talk.  Alicia slowly walks up to him, clutching her gun and asks Mel, “How long was she with you?”  While we don’t know exactly who “she” is, we can only assume she means Naomi, but is it possible that she may be referring to her mother, Madison?  Either way, Alicia doesn’t give much time for Mel to come up with an answer, as she tells him it doesn’t matter and swiftly stabs Mel in the head, ending his life.  There is no remorse in Alicia’s eyes here, who has allowed her quest for vengeance to take over.  This can be extremely dangerous, as Alicia seems to turn off her sense of right and wrong.  Alicia has tried to do the right thing in the past and even went out with Nick to help save Mel’s life, but now realizes that she unleashed a monster in the process.  While I’m not sure that Alicia should be judge, jury, and executioner, her grief has clearly escalated to an entirely new level, as she turns off her emotions to take out anyone who gets in her way.


“Stay with me.”

After John is shot, Naomi tries to do everything possible to save him.  Morgan lets her know that he is his friend and helps as much as he can.  After Mel drives away in the truck, the medical supplies go with him, and her only option is to get to the infirmary at the stadium.  Morgan tells Naomi that John never gave up on her and was looking for her since the moment she left.  In a heartwarming moment, Naomi finds the scrabble pieces that John kept with him, bringing tears to her eyes and mine as well.  It’s absolutely apparent how much Naomi still loves John and she does not want to lose him.  While we are unsure if John will be able to survive, Naomi is ready to do whatever is necessary to try and save him.  I am desperately hoping that she will be able to do so, as I am not ready to close the book on their love story just yet.  After all, doesn’t someone deserve a happy ending here?


“You’re holding on to something that’s gone.”

When we flash back to the past, we see that Madison and the others find Mel and agree to help save him after Charlie asks them to.  While Charlie has burned them in the past, Madison still wants to do what is right and allows Naomi to take care of him.  Mel tries to make a deal with Naomi, recognizing that she is new to the group and gives her something to really consider.  He even tries to tell Madison about Ennis’s plan, but Madison doesn’t want to give in.  Madison is holding on to her pride and her promise to her children.  It’s clear that she has worked extremely hard on making this stadium into a home for them, but it doesn’t seem like this home will last for long.  Madison doesn’t want to admit defeat and suggests that they begin building up the walls surrounding the stadium.  Victor and the others agree to help, not wanting to go against their leader, but it’s clear that not everyone is convinced that this is necessarily the best plan.  Naomi tries to get Madison to see reason as well, but to no avail.  She ultimately sides with Madison and says that she will get the infirmary ready.  Ennis unleashes an overwhelming amount of walkers upon the stadium covered in oil.  Madison prepares to try to get to Nick and Alicia, who are in the truck outside the gates and sees the flames, glowing with intensity.  Later, when Al drives up to the stadium, we see that the Ice Cream Truck has been sitting there for some time, abandoned and burned up, but we still do not know the fate of Madison.  I’m still hopeful that she was able to make it out alive, but we will need to wait and see.  We are also still unsure on what convinced Naomi to join the Vultures, especially since she was still helping Madison in the end.


“I think I know who you are.  I think I’ve seen it.”

In the beginning of the episode, Al is still recording everything on her camera.  Morgan tries to snap her out of this, but she says that this story isn’t hers.  He reminds her that John’s story is about to end and that a good man will die if she continues to hide and she ultimately makes the right decision and gets involved.  Al pulls up in the tank and Alicia temporarily stands down.  Al agrees to take them to the stadium and Morgan tells her that he thinks he knows who she is.  Al says that she is “a chick with layers,” and drives straight into the stadium, proving just how strong and fearless she is.  However, the stadium is completely infested with walkers who immediately surround the tank.  It doesn’t look like it will be easy to get to the infirmary, if it’s even still standing at this point.  Al and the others are faced with a new obstacle, but will they be able to make it out alive?  Stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on Fear the Walking Dead in the comments section below.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!

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Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 villains from “Once Upon a Time”

Happy Saturday TV Fans!  For today, I started to really think about all of the heroes and villains on Once Upon a Time.  One of the reasons why I truly love this show is because it redefines these roles from traditional fairy-tales.  Heroes we root for are far from perfect and villains transform into unlikely heroes, rewriting their own stories in the process.  Who says that villains can’t achieve a happy ending? 

It’s never too late to change and embrace the goodness within that has been stifled by past actions and circumstances.  While some villains are never able to redeem themselves, others have surpassed our expectations, sacrificing everything for the greater good.  Over the seven seasons of OUAT, we have witnessed some of our favorite heroes fall from grace and some of the most notorious villains accept their true destiny, saving the day and reminding us that we all have the potential to do the right thing.

Even though some of their roles have been redefined, one cannot forget how truly “wicked” they once were, proving to be formidable foes who threaten to extinguish all of the good in Storybrooke and other realms.

Whether they possess dark magic, a knack for manipulation, or an impressive evil cackle, these villains have paved their way into my top 5, refusing to make it easy for the good guys.  After all, where is the fun in that?  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the series yet. My top 5 villains from Once Upon a Time are:


Captain Hook

While most of us will think of Captain Hook as a hero, we can’t forget how he started out on the show.  Captain Hook was a villain who was purely out for revenge.  The “crocodile” is none other than Rumplestiltskin and is responsible for cutting off Captain’s Hook hand and for killing his love, Milah.  Milah was married to Rumplestiltskin, but we learn that she and Captain Hook were lovers, which only enraged Rumplestiltskin even further.  Captain Hook started off as a pirate looking for adventure.  He may have had selfish tendencies, but he didn’t truly become a villain until he became obsessed with his quest for vengeance.

Captain Hook teams up with Cora, but soon learns that there is more to life than revenge.  While it’s difficult for Hook to let go of this, his growing feelings for Emma show him that perhaps he can go down a different path…or sail down a different coast.  Captain Hook is redeemed by his selfless and pure love for Emma.  He becomes a hero one can be proud of and sheds his treachery in the process.



Otherwise known as “The Wicked Witch of the West,” we learn that Zelena is Regina’s half-sister.  Zelena was abandoned when she was a child and never really found anyone who could truly accept her.  Rumplestiltskin taught her how to channel her rage and magic, which turned her into a powerful witch.

Zelena’s wickedness comes from her jealousy.  When she goes to see the wizard, she sees Rumple stating that Regina is his best student and her jealousy escalates so much that it turns her skin green with envy.  Zelena is a primary villain for most of the show, but she eventually forms a sisterly bond with Regina and learns what love is.

Even though Zelena is able to redeem herself, her side comments and puns still have a “wicked” quality that make fans adore her even more.  Zelena may be fighting on the side of good now, but that doesn’t mean she needs to suppress her opinions and sense of humor in the process.


The Evil Queen

After watching the entire series, it’s difficult to lump Regina Mills with the Evil Queen, especially since her evil half gets separated from her later on.  However, everyone has a past and Regina definitely has done her fair share of evil.  The Evil Queen focused most of her revenge on Snow White and made it a priority to become the most powerful of all.  She is known for ripping out the hearts of her enemies to control them, proving to be ruthless and coldblooded.

In Storybrooke, Regina is the mayor and is not afraid to showcase her “power” for all to see.  However, Regina’s love for her adopted son, Henry, teaches her that unconditional love is possible.  While her romantic love interest, Robin is killed, Regina is still able to hold on to goodness because of her family.

At the end of the series, “The Evil Queen” has transformed into the “The Good Queen,” and is actually elected by everyone in Storybrooke to lead them.  This is a pivotal moment for Regina because she spent most of her past forcing others to follow her commands.  However, she is now fully accepted as a hero and is trusted because of her goodness and courage.


Dark Emma Swan

Emma Swan is known as “The Savior” and the main protagonist on the show.  Even though she had trouble believing, she always tried to do what was right and when she becomes “Dark Emma Swan,” it was completely shocking.  The twist was a role reversal for our favorite hero, which kept us on the edge of our seats.

Emma’s actions were to protect Regina from darkness, as she consumes the magic of “The Dark One.”  Emma’s hair is now an icy white, as the darkness within her corrupts her, turning her into a fear-provoking villain.  Emma is still conflicted, as she clearly cares about her loved ones, but she recognizes how strong the darkness is.  She plans to sacrifice herself, but Hook intervenes and takes her place to save her. 

Some honorable mentions before revealing my number one pick are:

  • Ingrid, the Snow Queen
  • Peter Pan
  • Black Fairy
  • Mother Gothel
  • Maleficent
  • Cruella De Vil
  • Cora Mills
  • Hades
  • Drizella
  • Doctor Facilier



It should be no surprise that my favorite villain has to be Rumplestiltskin.  Insert his classic creepy laugh here “dearie.”  Rumplestiltskin enjoys making deals and gaining power as a result.  He always has something up his sleeve whether you are aware or not.  If we look at a lot of the other villains mentioned, Rumple has played a role with almost all of them in some form or another.  While he is consumed by the power of “The Dark One,” Mr. Gold is no stranger to concocting his own schemes as well to further his agenda.

What makes him a truly great villain is that he often goes unnoticed.  However, he is the master puppeteer in many instances, which proves how powerful and dangerous he can be.  While it initially seemed like Rumple could never be redeemed, his pure love for Belle changes his tune.  Belle sees the good in him even when others see him as a monster or a “beast.”  While Rumple does disappoint Belle along the way by giving in to the darkness, he desperately tries to be the man she wants him to be.  However, Rumple does not fully redeem himself until the end of the series.  Up until this point, we have seen signs of goodness within him, but he has always been too afraid to fully commit.  Even in his past, he was called a coward and it seems like this has always come back to haunt him.

At the end of the series, Wish Rumple threatens everyone and Rumple finally realizes that he may not be able to be with Belle again after all.  He puts aside the one thing he cares about more than anything in order to help his family and friends.  When he sacrifices himself and gives his heart over to Nook, he has finally embraced the goodness that has been trying to surface for so long.

Rumple’s act is out of pure goodness and friendship and he can now finally earn the happy ending he has been searching for.  In the afterlife, Rumple and Belle are together and will never be apart again.

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to share some of your own thoughts and comments on your favorite villains from Once Upon a Time Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 heartbreaking moments from “Charmed”

Happy Friday TV Fans!  For today, I have once again returned to one of my old favorites, Charmed That’s right, the original Charmed.  Have you ever watched a show that just brings you to tears?  This is not always a bad thing, as it means that you are connecting to the show and the characters on a profound level.  Whether it is one of your favorite characters dying, an epic romance coming to end, or a moment of sheer vulnerability, there are some heartbreaking moments on television that still impact us today.  After many re-watches of Charmed, there are still certain moments that I recognize.  I find my heart start to skip faster, anticipating the worst, even hoping that somehow the outcome might be different with a re-watch.  However, the heartbreaking moment replays itself, still bringing tears to our eyes and tugging at our own feelings in the process.

There are so many of these moments in Charmed and it was difficult for me to narrow it down to just five, but there is something to be said about these three, or really four, powerful women who are just trying to find their way.  Sure there are demons and magical forces at play, but the moments of sacrifice and true selflessness remind us that we can all channel the “power of three” in our own lives.  We can’t always stop the tragic moments from happening, but we can do our very best to try to do the right thing and support our family and friends.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the full series yet. 

My top 5 heartbreaking moments from Charmed are:


Andy’s sacrifice.

In the season 1 finale, “Déjà Vu All Over Again,” Tempus creates a time loop that causes the day to repeat itself over and over again.  While the characters are not aware that the day is repeating, Phoebe’s power of premonition allows her to realize what is happening.  Tempus uses Inspector Rodriguez to try and destroy the Charmed Ones.  Each time he fails, the time loop is reset.  When Phoebe first receives her premonition, she sees Andy dying and Prue wants to stop this from happening.  However, with each new attack, Inspector Rodriguez is able to kill one of the sisters.  When Prue is knocked out cold and Andy is killed, he speaks to her in a sort of limbo at their favorite bench.  Andy is Prue’s first real love and she doesn’t want to lose him.  However, Andy realizes that this is his destiny and explains to her that he will always be there for her.  When Prue wakes up, the reality that Andy is gone hits home, but she knows that she must stay strong for her sisters and defeat Inspector Rodriguez and Tempus.  Throughout season 1, Andy had an on-again-off-again romance with Prue, but he finally accepted her for who she was…powers and all.  Andy would do anything to save Prue and her sisters, which makes him a real hero.  He reminded Prue that “everything happens for a reason,” and sometimes things don’t always work out the way we want them to, but that doesn’t mean we stop fighting.  Andy’s sacrifice proves that mortal love is possible and that it’s never too late to stand by the ones we care about.


Piper’s death in season 2.

In the episode, “Awakened,” Piper is chopping up some smuggled fruit at the club and suddenly collapses.  After she is rushed to the hospital, we learn that she has been infected by a rare disease.  Her condition continues to get worse and Prue and Phoebe decide to use magic to save her.  We experience the consequences of “personal gain” first hand, as the sisters begin to realize that they will need to let their sister go.  They can’t use magic to stop what is happening no matter how much they want to without putting other lives in danger.  When Piper is dying in the hospital, the reactions of Prue, Phoebe, and Dan are absolutely heartbreaking.  Leo is able to intervene and he saves Piper, but this episode really struck home for me.  While it’s easy to root for the sisters to destroy the forces of evil, a disease is something that you can’t always fight and you don’t have control over it, which can make you feel completely helpless.  The acting in this episode is phenomenal and Shannen Doherty’s performance in particular really tugged at my emotions.  Her pain and anger about the situation was beyond tragic, making her that much more sympathetic in this difficult moment.


Piper’s speech to The Elders.

In the season 3 episode, “Once Upon a Time,” Piper has a nightmare and ultimately learns that The Elders are forbidding for her and Leo to be together.  Piper goes outside the club to take a moment to breathe and is attacked by invisible trolls.  She gets knocked to the ground and dusts herself off, but not before she gives The Elders a piece of her mind.  Piper says:

I bet you guys think this is real funny don’t ya? Haven’t you taken enough from me? You have to send trolls to kick me while I’m down. I had a nice normal life once and you took that from me. You took my boyfriend, you took my life, the least you could do is leave me my freakin’ car keys. I am a good person, I am a good witch and damn it I would’ve made a great wife. And how dare you take that from me. I deserve… no, you know what? I demand that you send him back to me. You hear me? Right now. I am going to stand in this very spot until you send Leo back to me.

Source: https://www.quotes.net/mquote/701902

Piper lets her guard down here and refuses to just sit quietly and accept her fate.  She stands up for herself and demands that The Elders do what is right.  While they don’t send Leo back in this scene, this is one of the key moments for Piper and Leo’s relationship.  Piper never stops fighting for Leo and it’s hard not to let your heart break for her here.


Cole’s letter to Phoebe.

 In the season 4 episode, “Long Live the Queen,” Phoebe has accepted her new role as Cole’s queen, but is having second thoughts.  She doesn’t want to lose her sisters and the good in her still exists.  Phoebe is completely torn between the love of her life, Cole, and her family, but she ultimately sacrifices her love for Cole and helps vanquish him.  Even when Phoebe begins saying the spell with her sisters, Cole tells her that he’ll always love her.  Although they try to vanquish Cole “from time and space,” we know that this is not the end just yet for him.  However, this moment feels final and tragic.  Phoebe loves Cole so much but she has to let him go.  At the end of the episode, she is upstairs crying and Piper and Paige get in bed with her to console her.  They don’t say anything in this moment because there really aren’t any words that will make her feel better, but their presence is enough to give Phoebe some sense of comfort, as she knows she is not alone.  In the episode, “Womb Raider,” Paige finds the letter Cole wrote to Phoebe and he narrates it at the end of the episode:

Dear Phoebe, 
If I’m dead right now, 
I know it was at your 
hand. No one else in 
heaven or hell had 
Power over me. Please, 
don’t cry. I was dead 
Before I met you. I was 
Born the day you loved 
me. And my love for you 
will keep me alive… 

Source:  http://charmed.wikia.com/wiki/Cole%27s_Goodbye_Letter_to_Phoebe


Cole’s words to Phoebe are so beautiful and real, reminding her that he did truly love her deep down.  While Cole was not able to stop the evil from corrupting him, his love for Phoebe always remained, even keeping him alive later in limbo.


Piper’s reaction to Prue’s death.

In season 4, we learn that Prue did die in the season 3 finale and Paige is introduced as Piper and Phoebe’s half-sister.  Prue was one of my favorite characters and her death alone was enough to make me cry, but Piper’s reaction to it was something even more tragic.  In the season 4 premiere, Piper is trying every possible spell imaginable to bring Prue back from the dead.  As she gets ready for the funeral, she tells Leo that she doesn’t want to go while she mechanically brushes her hair.  She explains that if she goes, then it means that it’s all real and Prue will not be coming back.  Piper says that she doesn’t know how to live without a big sister and tells Leo that he should have saved Prue because she was the strongest.  In the next episode, “Hell Hath No Fury,” Piper gets turned into a Fury and Leo orbs her and Paige to Prue’s grave.  Piper lets out all of her anger and Paige tells her to tell Prue how she feels.  She tells her it’s alright to hate her.  Piper breaks down screaming and crying, yelling at Prue for abandoning her.  This turns her back into her normal self, but the tears won’t stop falling and all of the emotions hit Piper at once.  Piper finally lets her emotions reach the surface and her reaction is something that really resonates with me.  The show is about family before anything else and Piper can’t imagine a world without her sister in it.  While she will never forget Prue or stop loving her, Piper visits Paige later in the episode and even says, “she’s my sister,” which proves that she can still love Prue and open her heart to Paige as well.

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to share some of your own heartbreaking moments from Charmed in the comments section below.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments featuring Cheryl & Toni from “Riverdale” season 2: “You’re Sensational.”

Happy Thursday TV fans!  Even though we will have to wait quite some time for season 3 of Riverdale to premiere on the CW, there is still plenty to discuss.  While we got a lot of swoon-worthy moments for Bughead and Varchie, it seems like there was an opportunity for other ships to really flourish, such as Cheryl and Toni, FP and Alice, and Kevin and Moose.   For today, I am going to be recapping and ranking the top 5 moments featuring my absolute favorite ship from Riverdale season 2, Cheryl and Toni.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the full season yet.  Cheryl and Toni, also known together as “Choni,” possess something beyond passion and fire.  Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty of fire there, especially with Cheryl threatening to burn her house down every other day.  However, what makes Cheryl and Toni stand out as a true pairing, is their sense of loyalty along with their willingness to fight for the other.  Fans cannot help falling in love with these two, as their friendship and bond grows, leading up to an epic kiss that will have you cheering.  Cheryl has been clearly broken for some time and her mother’s cruel actions never really help with this, especially when her mother tries to stifle her feelings for other women.  Toni is the one person that Cheryl can truly confide in and while we know her as “Cheryl Bombshell,” she finally lets her guard down for Toni and reminds us that there is a scared little girl behind that tough attitude.  Toni reminds her that it’s alright to cry sometimes and that embracing who you are can sometimes be a challenge in itself.  From Toni’s perspective, Cheryl is “sensational,” reminding us that sometimes all we really need is someone to see the good in us, even when we don’t see it ourselves.  My top 5 moments featuring Cheryl and Toni from Riverdale season 2 are:



The Sleepover party.  (Moment from Season 2, episode 16)

 Cheryl has been having nightmares and hallucinations ever since she overheard her mother’s plan to get rid of her and Nana Rose.  She decides to hold a sleepover party with her “inner circle and cousin Betty” to distract herself, but it’s really to confide in them about what’s going on.  Everyone is not really sure what to make of Cheryl’s fears, but Betty steps up and tells her that she feels like strangers are lurking behind every corner at her house too and empathizes with her.  Cheryl is beyond terrified and gets even closer to Toni on this night.  Cheryl even tells her that she may have had the sleepover party just to be able to invite her over, which is an absolutely adorable revelation.  Choni is about to share their first kiss, only they are interrupted suddenly as fate would have it.  Nana Rose has fallen badly and is rushed to the hospital, but Cheryl knows deep down that this cannot be an accident.  She is convinced that Uncle Claudius and her mother pushed Nana down the stairs but doesn’t have any proof.  Her mother intervenes when she tries to talk to the doctor and takes her into the car ominously saying that they will “make her all better.”  Noticing Cheryl’s disappearance, Toni shows up at the Blossom house to find her, but her mother mechanically tells her that she is out of the country at boarding school.  Toni knows this cannot be true, but the door slams in her face before she can get in another word.  The end of the episode reveals Cheryl locked away at the “Sisters of Quiet Mercy” mental institution, her hair done up in pigtails, as if to bring her back to a childhood state away from the rest of the world.  While it seems like Cheryl may be locked away for good, Toni refuses to rest until she finds her, proving to be an amazing friend and someone Cheryl can finally count on.


“Everything looks good on me.” (Moment from Season 2, episode 22)

After the Southsiders receive a memo from the principal that they are going to have to go to “Seaside High” due to sudden overcrowding, no one is ready to just accept this.  All of our favorite characters are wearing Serpent jackets and are ready to walk out, showing their support for the Southside.  Toni tells Cheryl, “that jacket looks good on you” and of course Cheryl replies with, “Everything looks good on me.”  When Toni suggests that they “make it official,” Choni fans everywhere are swooning.  While we know she means becoming a Serpent, perhaps they can finally make their relationship legit.  These two beautiful ladies have definitely earned it and have proven their love for one another over and over.  It’s about time they get some time in the spotlight.  Meanwhile, leadership changes within the Serpents as well, as FP officially retires and passes the torch to Jughead.  Jughead accepts and his first order of business is to give Cheryl her red Serpent jacket, which matches perfectly with the killer red boots she wore to the ceremony.  Is there a Serpent dance in Cheryl’s future?  We’ll have to see, but it’s great to see her become a part of this group, especially since she has been searching to belong for so long.  With Toni by her side, there is no stopping “Cheryl Bombshell.”


 “Untie her you Serpent Hag!”  (Moment from Season 2, episode 21)

 Penny and the Ghoulies are back in this episode and demand that the Serpents give up and leave so that they can take over this town.  Penny takes things a step further when she holds Toni captive, demanding that Jughead pay her a visit.  Luckily, Jughead brings some back-up, which is none other than our favorite archer in town, Cheryl Blossom.  “Untie her you Serpent Hag!” I found myself cheering as Cheryl rescues her “Cherie,” Toni, proving once again that Choni is beyond romantic. These two ladies prove that they don’t need a man to step in and save the day.  Although, having a bow and arrow handy certainly doesn’t hurt.


 “You’re sensational.” (Moment from Season 2, episode 14)

 Cheryl is clearly disappointed and feeling left out when she is not invited along to the weekend getaway at Shadow Lake and is desperately trying to avoid her own home that her mother has “turned into a sex playground.”  While Cheryl makes some rash decisions as a result of this, it’s hard not to feel sympathetic towards her.  Cheryl calls Jughead and reveals the truth about Betty’s kiss with Archie that she thought was “like with tongue serious,” desperately trying to spoil their weekend since she is hurt.  Toni walks in on this and calls her out on it, but Cheryl puts her guard up immediately and reminds her exactly who she is:  “Hi I’m Cheryl Blossom, aka Cheryl Bombshell which means I need no reasons.  Feel free to tremble.”  Toni is not scared off by this, however; and continues to reach out to her, recognizing that she is in pain and in need of a friend.  After seeing Cheryl alone at the movies, Toni offers to sit with her.  Cheryl later admits to Toni that she “never cries at movies because real life is tragic enough.”  In this moment, Cheryl finally lets her guard down, revealing her vulnerability and past secrets to Toni.  Toni sympathetically listens to her and a budding friendship or relationship is forming at this point for sure.  In a beautiful moment, Toni simply tells Cheryl:  “you’re not loveless.  You’re not deviant.  You’re sensational.”  Toni’s uncomplicated honesty is getting through to Cheryl and this is the moment where everything changes.  Cheryl’s wall has come down completely and she takes the first step toward becoming her true self.  Toni sees the good in Cheryl and supports her, allowing her own feelings to come to the surface as well.


Cheryl and Toni’s first kiss.  (Moment from Season 2, episode 17)

 Fans were more than disappointed after the interrupted first kiss between Choni at the sleepover party, but fear not, love is still blooming in the air.  Toni enlists the help of Veronica and Josie to help find Cheryl, as she knows that there is no way that she is being held in a boarding school, especially since her social media account has been dead silent.  The girls go and confront Mrs. Blossom who is armed and ready.  She tells them that Cheryl is mentally ill and even shows Josie the picture that Cheryl sketched not too long ago of the two of them, revealing that Cheryl was the one who was threatening and stalking her.  Josie is out, but Veronica and Toni are not about to completely abandon their friend.  Nana Rose makes the right call and tries to help Toni find Cheryl, but is rudely interrupted by Uncle Claudius.  They then learn from Kevin that the “Sisters of Quiet Mercy” practice gay conversion therapy and that there is a secret tunnel that can lead them to Cheryl.  Toni and Veronica put on their fantastic spy-like outfits which have just the right amount of flair and break in.  Cheryl is stunned when she sees Toni and the two share an epic kiss in front of the film screen.  The cheers for Choni should be deafening as this kiss was well worth the wait.  I’m looking forward to see what season 3 brings for Cheryl and Toni.  After all, now that Cheryl is a Serpent too, there are plenty more adventures for them to experience together.  Let’s just hope their relationship gets the chance it deserves.

 I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post some of your own favorite moments featuring Choni from Riverdale below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments featuring Svetlana from “Shameless” season 8: “What is the point of smiling?”

Happy Tuesday TV fans!  When looking back on season 8 of Shameless, I have to admit that one of my absolute favorite characters is Svetlana, played by the fabulous and beautiful Isidora Goreshter.  While the main story-lines of season 8 focused around most of the Gallagher family, one cannot discount Svetlana.  Without even trying, she is absolutely hilarious and unapologetic for who she is.  She is smart and powerful, but ultimately she just wants to be able to live the “American Dream.”  While Kev and V initially team up against her, they eventually put their efforts toward helping Svetlana get married.

For today, I am going to be recapping and ranking the top 5 moments featuring Svetlana from season 8.  Whether she was demonstrating basic math skills, kidnapping “bottom feeders,” or hilariously asking about the actual point of smiling, Svetlana steals the spotlight and one can’t help rooting for her.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the full season yet.  My top 5 moments featuring Svetlana from Shameless season 8 are:


Svetlana is ready to teach us basic math. (Moment from Season 8, episode 5)

In episode 5, Svetlana is back and is ready to teach us basic math.  It is great to see Svetlana back in the bar, but she is immediately ready for business and explains to V that profit should be 50/50 even though there are three parties involved.  V is not about to give up so easily, but Svetlana explains that she does the majority of the work and even shows her numbers that prove she makes the majority of the money during her shift.

When V is still not ready to budge, Svetlana decides to get her to sign the contract with her terms another way…with sex of course.  V is no match for Svetlana at this point and ultimately signs the contract.  Kev’s shock about what happened combined with detailed questions is hilarious as Svetlana proudly walks out of the house holding the contract.  50/50 wins after all.  And who said you can’t put your math skills to good use?


Svetlana gets an unexpected visitor.  (Moment from Season 8, episode 9)

V decides that Kev’s newfound dominance could best be used to convince Svetlana to wear a new dress code, which he enforces to her enjoyment.  “Dominance…boom.”  Even though Svetlana is covering up her “tatas,” she still rocks some seriously fashionable glasses.

Svetlana gets an unexpected visit from a woman she had helped smuggle into the country, which she previously referred to as a “bottom feeder,” only to get a slap of reality, realizing that the “bottom feeder” now has the American Dream she so desperately wanted.  Svetlana is horrified at her own circumstances, wondering if she made the right choices for herself.  Svetlana is not about to let anyone step on her, however.


Kev and V try to coach Svetlana on how to secure a rich husband. (Moment from Season 8, episode 10)

After setting up an online profile for Svetlana, Kev and V are horrified by her actions on her first date, which involve an outfit mostly covered in fish-net and ending in a punch in the face.  Kev and V try to “coach” Svetlana on “etiquette” and how to behave on a date, suggesting smiling as an easy first step.  Svetlana asks, “What is the point of smiling?” not falling for the bait.

Kev and V realize that their best hope of finding Svetlana a rich husband is to have her wear a microphone and earpiece so Kev can talk her through what to say.  Svetlana seems reluctant at first, but Kev reminds her that “this is spy shit.  It’s in your DNA!”  After the code words fail and Kev realizes he forgot to test the microphone, he is still confident that his words of wisdom will help Svetlana.  However, Svetlana takes off her ear piece and goes back to what she knows best…grabbing the man’s “goods” and seeing where this will take them.


Svetlana tries to humble herself. (Moment from Season 8, episode 11)

In this episode, Kev and V are still invested in finding Svetlana a millionaire of her own.  Svetlana even writes down all of her skills on a napkin to prove her worth, after taking her friends out to a fancy hotel bar to find a man.  Kev is excited when he gets approached, but learns it is not for Svetlana, but for the “chocolate one.”  After explaining that V is his wife, the man offers to pay him $4000 for an hour with V, which even V is considering at this point.  After all they do have bills to pay.

Security explains that they have a strict “no prostitute policy,” and Svetlana comes to the epiphany that she needs to humble herself and go talk to the Russian “bottom feeder.”  After her rival spits on an expensive gown in front of her and tells her that she would rather throw it out than give it to her, Svetlana realizes that she is getting nowhere.  However, when the billionaire mistakes Svetlana for his bride to be in his old age, she realizes that all may not be lost after all.

At the end of the episode, Svetlana drags a body bag into the bar and tells Kev and V that she is not dead yet with a glowing smile of victory.  One should never underestimate Svetlana and I am rooting for her to finally obtain the “American Dream.”


Svetlana gets married.  (Moment from Season 8, episode 12)

Svetlana’s plan seems to be going well when she kidnaps her former Russian friend, Frelania and keeps her held hostage at Kev and V’s home.  After realizing that she has the chance to successfully steal her husband and obtain the American Dream of becoming a rich trophy wife, there is no stopping her.  I mean priorities, right?  Kev and V are on board to help her and Kev fully embraces his new role as the “father of the bride.”  However, when Svetlana explains that if Frelania “tries anything you cut her face,” he is a little hesitant to put the machete to use.

Svetlana explains that the next part of their plan involves keeping Frelania’s mother, Zlata distracted, as she is the only person who will be able to recognize Svetlana at the wedding.  Kev hilariously dresses up as a chauffeur, complete with ripped sleeves underneath the suit jacket, and displays a sign at the airport reading, “Zlata…super long last name” with an arrow.  Zlata is known to have a “taste for human flesh,” so Kev and V decide to try out her appetite for vodka to keep her as far away from the wedding as possible.

Everything seems to be going seamlessly when Svetlana walks down the aisle in a gorgeous wedding gown, only for Kev to find out that there is a Prenup.  Just as he reveals this to V, Svetlana says “I do.”  It looks like Kev and V’s plan was a success, as Svetlana is out of their lives, but hopefully she will find someway around this Prenup.  After all, we know what measures Svetlana is willing to take to get her way.

While Shameless has been renewed for season 9, Isidora has commented that she is not coming back to the show.  The character of Svetlana will be missed for sure.  Isidora is beyond talented, as she was able to turn a minor character into one of the best on Shameless Thanks for all of the laugh out loud moments, Svetlana!

I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own thoughts  and favorite moments on Shameless in the comments section below.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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Ranking the top 5 moments featuring Alice and Robin from “Once Upon a Time” season 7: Mad Archer Always and Forever

Happy Saturday TV fans!  I felt a void not having a new episode of Once Upon a Time to discuss today, however; just because OUAT is over, it doesn’t mean we have to take a break from remembering our favorite moments and characters.  After all, their stories will continue on and I am not about to close the book on them just yet.  For today, I am going to be recapping and ranking the top 5 moments featuring my absolute favorite couple from OUAT season 7, Alice and Robin.  Please note spoilers are ahead if you have not gotten a chance to watch the full season yet.  Alice and Robin, also known as Tilly and Margot, possess a pure and beautiful love.  Fans cannot help falling in love with these two, as they remind us what true love is all about.  I’m talking the over-the-top feelings of butterflies in your stomach and smiling constantly for no reason at all.  Alice/Tilly possesses a unique and quirky personality and Robin/Margot balances her out perfectly with her quick wit and calm nature.  Both Alice and Robin have been searching for something or someone and they find exactly what they are looking for in each other.  When Margot returns to Hyperion Heights, she and Tilly have an immediate chemistry that is not to be ignored.  Their first date in Hyperion Heights is beyond adorable, including everything from a sugary treat almost as sweet as them, to an adventure in the bookstore.  Both Alice and Robin have a strong sense of doing what’s right and supporting family and friends no matter what, which makes their relationship that much more powerful.  As individual characters they are remarkable, but as a team they are truly something special.  My top 5 moments featuring Alice and Robin from Once Upon a Time season 7 are:



“Nobin” and “Tower Girl.” (Moment from Season 7, episode 14)

In this episode, we get a glimpse at Alice and Robin’s very own “meet cute.”  Robin points an arrow at Alice, who is spying on her father, Nook from afar.  After Robin reveals the reasoning behind Nook’s new nickname, Alice playfully suggests that they call her “Nobin.”  “Yea don’t call me that,” Robin says, clearly not a fan of her new nickname.  In return, she calls Alice “Tower Girl,” and the two head off to find the troll that is destroying villages.  Alice tries to defend the troll and explains that he is her friend, but Robin is determined to prove that she can live up to the legend of her father.  The ship name for Alice and Robin is Mad Archer and I have to say that the name fits them perfectly, especially after watching them meet for the first time.  Robin is ready to follow through and execute her plan, but Alice’s good nature and naivete intervenes.  While Alice has pure intentions, her logic is not always spot on, but Robin ends up supporting her decision to protect the troll, even if it means standing up to everyone who gets in their way.  And so their romance begins.


 Alice and Robin are ready to save the day. (Moment from Season 7, episode 21)

 After Wish Rumple begins re-writing the history of fairy-tales, Tilly/Alice gets a pain within her and recognizes immediately that something has gone terribly wrong.  She and Margot/Robin go to Tiana for help.  Tiana’s words to her people are inspiring and a magic bean is turned over to help Tilly and Margot get to their friends to save the day.  Only they need to make a quick stop in Storybrooke first to get some help from some friends.  This moment is important because it reminds us how selfless these two characters are.  They have finally remembered who they are and their love for one another, but they put all of that on hold to go and save their family and friends.  Alice and Robin’s actions may go unnoticed, but they are heroes. 


Tilly/Alice and Margot/Robin go on a first date. (Moment from Season 7, episode 18)

 Undeniable sparks have been flying between Tilly and Margot as soon as Margot arrives in Hyperion Heights.  Margot even tells her mother, Zelena/Kelly that she wants to stay behind because of the potential budding romance.  When Margot asks Tilly to join her for a day on the town, she means business, as she even comments that she is wearing lip gloss for the occasion.  After a sugar-rushed treat, Tilly opens up and decides to show Margot her world.  She brings her to a bookstore and tells her how much she loves it because she can go anywhere in the world without moving from this very spot.  After Tilly has a minor breakdown, Margot reminds her that she is there for it all, including the bad.  She gives Alice a bracelet similar to the ones she collected around the world and tells her, “This felt like an adventure to me.”


 “I told you we’d always know each other.” (Moment from Season 7, episode 20)

 After Tilly courageously joined Gothel’s coven to protect her father’s life, she is now under some type of trance, trapped by the magic she is channeling.  Rogers/Nook tells her that he will come back for her and save her and is ready to finally take a leap of faith.  Rogers and Rumple seek out the help of Margot, desperately hoping that she can get through to Tilly before it is too late.  Margot tries to talk Tilly out of this spell, recognizing that perhaps she is just having a really bad day and “maybe we can turn it into a good one.”  Tilly refuses, however; and flings her in the air, shrinking her enemies into almost non-existence, as she remains trapped by the magic consuming her.  When the curse is ultimately broken, Margot and Tilly remember themselves as Robin and Alice…or “Tower Girl.”  When the words, “I told you we’d always know each other” are spoken, you can’t help feeling an overwhelming sense of warmth and love for these two characters being reunited.  They share a kiss and embrace that is beyond transcendent.  Their love for one another is so pure and good, proving that real love can truly conquer all.


 Mad Archer gets their happy ending. (Moment from Season 7, episode 22)

 Alice and Robin have an undeniable friendship and will do anything to protect the other.  In an absolutely swoon-worthy moment, Robin asks Nook for his blessing to marry Alice and he happily agrees.  Nook’s heart is severely weakened from the curse, but Robin reassures him, “no matter what you are walking Alice down that aisle!”  While we don’t get to see the wedding for these two, I can only imagine how truly romantic it will be.  I feel like they should travel the world and get married in front of a beautiful sunset, as they take on new adventures together.  After all, these two beautiful and courageous women turn browsing a bookstore into an adventure.  Either way, we know that they have earned their happily ever after, but their story is far from over.


I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post some of your own favorite moments featuring Mad Archer from OUAT below in the comments section.  Thanks so much for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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13 Reasons Why you should watch “13 Reasons Why” Season 2

If you’re a devoted television fan like me, then I’m sure you have heard of the Netflix show, 13 Reasons Why.  Last year I spent an entire day binge-watching the first season and I have to say that it had me laughing, crying, and shocked more than I thought possible.  I do recommend that you read the warnings before each episode, as some of the content can be emotionally disturbing.

Having said that, the characters on this show are so real and it’s hard not to connect to their stories and dive into their world.  Our hearts break for some characters and we find ourselves angry at others, but we learn that “everyone affects everyone” in some way or another and it’s up to us to decide how we are going to behave and who we are going to become in the process.  It may be difficult to step out of a label or an expectation, but doing the right thing and supporting the people around us is so much more important.

While season 1 focuses primarily on Hannah Baker’s story, season 2 gives us the chance to see what happened from other perspectives, as unlikely heroes emerge and second chances are presented.  Please note major spoilers are ahead.  My top 13 reasons to check out 13 Reasons Why season 2 are: 



Clay gets a tattoo.

In the beginning of season 2, Clay is still with Skye and we learn that it has been 5 months since Hannah committed suicide.  Clay decides to get a semicolon tattoo, but ends up passing out.  As a result, he has a “fucking comma.”  Skye has emotional problems of her own and ends up moving away, but is an important influence on Clay’s life.  At the end of the season, Clay returns to finish the tattoo.  The semicolon symbol is important, representing another way to continue a sentence, rather than end it simply with a period.  This can be true about a sentence, a story, and about one’s life.  Selena Gomez and several of the actors on 13 Reasons Why have gotten the same tattoo and have discussed its message and significance.  The tattoo marks the beginning of Clay’s new journey, as he tries to deal with his life without Hannah.  No one said it would be easy, but Clay is ready to move on.


“There’s always another side to every story.”

Part of what makes season 2 so great is that we get to see what happened from different perspectives.  In season 1, everything we learned was mostly through Hannah’s eyes.  However, season 2 allows us to explore more of that story and understand how her suicide has truly impacted those around her.  For example, we learn that Zach actually had a summer romance with Hannah and had real and true feelings for her.


Clay is still seeing Hannah.

It’s hard not to root for Clay and want the very best for him.  Clay’s world is still falling apart, even though he has tried to move on.  He begins seeing Hannah and even has full conversations with her throughout season 2.  Clay clearly understands that Hannah is gone, but his loneliness is sometimes too much to handle and it seems to bring him some sort of comfort to talk out loud to her.  While this allows us to see more of Hannah Baker, the real emphasis here is on Clay and him trying to make sense of his life and figure out a healthy way to move on and still get justice for Hannah.


“Feeling the pain and facing it.  That takes courage.”

Hannah’s mother, Mrs. Baker is dealing with quite a lot.  Her daughter is gone, her husband is filing for divorce, and she is consumed by the trial against the school.  It’s difficult to sit through the trial as some witnesses tell a truth that is difficult to hear, while others completely lie.  Later on we learn that Hannah was responsible for bullying a girl at her old school.  Hannah wasn’t perfect, but Mrs. Baker’s love for her is unconditional and like Clay, she desperately wants justice for her daughter.  Mrs. Baker does have a second chance to make things right, as she becomes an important influence for both Jessica and Alex.  While Mrs. Baker may not have been able to save Hannah, she has the opportunity here to make a real difference with two kids in pain.


Alex puts the pieces back together.

At the end of season 1, Alex shot himself in the head, but did survive.  It’s difficult for him to walk and he has lost huge chunks of his memory, but he is determined to put the pieces back together.  He even listens to the tapes again, which eventually Clay leaks out to everyone anonymously so that they can learn what truly happened.  In episode 11, a huge fight breaks out and Alex begins to remember things, like Monty’s part in all of this.  He refuses to sit by on the sidelines and becomes a character you can truly relate to.


“Love as infinity.”

In one of my favorite moments of season 2, Clay and Hannah are lying on the floor and looking up at the ceiling.  They discuss the concept of infinity and how to understand it and Hannah suggests that “maybe that’s how we understand it.  Love that goes on forever.”  In this moment, it’s like the entire world has stopped and it’s just Clay and Hannah.  Clay’s love for Hannah is beautiful and transcendent.  This is a memory he can always hold on to forever, suggesting that her words are actually spot on.


Unlikely heroes step forward.

Characters like Mr. Porter, Justin, and Zach all get second chances in season 2.  Mr. Porter breaks down in court and even though he did everything he could according to policy, he feels like he could have done more.  He ultimately loses his job, but his words are important and he tries to make a difference in as many lives as he can.  While he feels like he let Hannah down, he has a second chance to make it right.  Justin has been living on the streets and Clay finds him and lets him stay at his house secretly.  Justin has an addiction to heroin and has been dealing with quite a lot, but he is able to do the right thing and tell the court and the police what he saw Bryce do to Jessica.  While Justin has consequences of his own because of his involvement, he is willing to do the right thing and become someone to be proud of.  When Clay tells Justin that his family wants to adopt him, it looks like he can finally get the second chance he deserves.  Now he just needs to kick that nasty drug habit.  Zach is another character who becomes an unlikely hero.  Even when he was with Hannah, he was a coward and allowed Bryce and the others to make fun of her.  Zach finally breaks out of this and stands against Bryce.  In the huge fight in episode 11, he finally picks a side.  Zach is an important character because he reminds us that sometimes it’s easier to do nothing and stay quiet, but taking a stand takes real courage and can shape us into who we are meant to be.


“Some people will still blame others.”

While many of the characters are trying to pick up the pieces and move on, poor Tyler is having a rough go at it.  While it’s easy to dislike Bryce who refuses to believe that he is wrong, a character like Monty can be even more dangerous.  Monty’s actions are cruel and disturbing.  In a graphic sexual assault, Monty does the unthinkable to Tyler.  The rape scene in the bathroom is extremely difficult to watch.  Tyler is traumatized and is looking to take revenge against his classmates as a result of this.  Even though unlikely heroes have emerged, there are still bullies and villains present, refusing to take a hard look in the mirror to see what they have done.  Bryce and Monty have destroyed lives with their actions.  But will they ever truly try to make amends?


Justice for Jessica.

Jessica is having a very difficult time coping and is unable to name Bryce throughout most of season 2.  After Justin comes forward, Jessica is able to finally file a police report.  Even though Bryce gets off with 3 months probation, she no longer needs to hide from the truth.  Jessica learns how to live her life without being defined by something that happened to her and to step forward for those who can’t.  For example, Chloe has the opportunity to speak out against Bryce and can’t go through with it.  However, Chloe has another problem to deal with, as she confides in Jessica that she is pregnant.  Jessica is also able to get justice for Hannah in this moment as well, who never got the chance to speak out against Bryce.  Even though the trial ends with ruling in favor of the school, what happened to Hannah is not to be forgotten.  Jessica’s justice is also extremely important.


“I can love you and still let you go.”

Earlier in season 2, Skye leaves and says these words to Clay.  They are beautiful and meaningful and later when Clay speaks at Hannah’s service, he applies them to his love for Hannah.  The service allows everyone to finally say goodbye to Hannah and cherish her memory.  Clay’s eulogy is so real and heartbreaking.  While he will never forget Hannah, he is ready to move on with his life.


“The Night we Met.”

In the season 2 finale, Clay and everyone are at the school dance.  “The Night we Met” song comes on again, which is the song he danced with Hannah to.  Clay’s emotions begin overwhelming him and Tony immediately goes to find him when he hears the song.  In a beautiful moment, Tony and all of his friends surround Clay and sway back and forth to the music.  All of these characters have come together to be there for Clay.  He is no longer alone and these characters are now linked forever.  In season 1, they were all brought together by terrible secrets, but in season 2 they are brought together to honor Hannah and to support each other no matter what comes their way.


“What do we do?  Do we look the other way or do we help them?”

When Clay discovers that Tyler is on his way to the school with an assault rifle, everyone suggests that they call the police and get out of there.  Clay refuses to run away, however.  He knows that Hannah would want him to step in and help.  It’s never too late and Clay risks his life trying to tell Tyler this.  Tony gets Tyler out of there in the nick of time, while Clay is left standing outside holding the gun.  In this moment, Clay is beyond courageous, but he has a lot to explain once the police show up.


“But no matter how many reasons there might be why, there are always more why not.”

This is probably the most significant moment for me.  Mrs. Baker finds Hannah’s list of reasons and discovers that she made a list of reasons why not.  Clay and “Helmet” are on there, which reveals how important he truly was to Hannah.  Mrs. Baker tries to tell him that she left so many reasons out and that there are always more reasons why not, reminding us that living is what’s important.  Clay and the other characters are ready to finally start living.  The tragic moments are always going to happen and we can’t always control that, but we can control what we do afterwards.  It’s what makes us who we are; who we can still become.

 I hope you enjoyed the list and feel free to post your own theories and thoughts on 13 Reasons Why in the comments section below.  Thanks for reading and happy viewing!


Amy Koto, TV Fanatic Girl


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